]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - Demo/ARM7_LPC2368_Eclipse/RTOSDemo/Makefile
Update to use the latest Yagarto and change the C handler part of the interrupt routi...
[freertos] / Demo / ARM7_LPC2368_Eclipse / RTOSDemo / Makefile
1 #/*\r
2 #       FreeRTOS V5.4.2 - Copyright (C) 2009 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
3 #\r
4 #       This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
5 #\r
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14 #       license details.\r
15 #\r
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24 #\r
25 #\r
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32 #\r
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34 #\r
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40 #\r
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46 #*/\r
47 \r
48 \r
49 RTOS_SOURCE_DIR=../../../Source\r
50 DEMO_COMMON_DIR=../../Common/Minimal\r
51 DEMO_INCLUDE_DIR=../../Common/include\r
52 UIP_COMMON_DIR=../../Common/ethernet/uIP/uip-1.0/uip\r
53 \r
54 CC=arm-elf-gcc\r
55 OBJCOPY=arm-elf-objcopy\r
56 LDSCRIPT=lpc2368.ld\r
57 \r
58 LINKER_FLAGS=-mthumb -nostartfiles -Xlinker -oRTOSDemo.elf -Xlinker -M -Xlinker -Map=rtosdemo.map\r
59 \r
60 DEBUG=-g\r
61 OPTIM=-O1\r
62 \r
63 \r
64 CFLAGS= $(DEBUG) \\r
65                 $(OPTIM) \\r
66                 -T$(LDSCRIPT) \\r
67                 -I . \\r
68                 -I $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/include \\r
69                 -I $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx \\r
70                 -I $(DEMO_INCLUDE_DIR) \\r
71                 -I ./webserver \\r
72                 -I $(UIP_COMMON_DIR) \\r
73                 -D ROWLEY_LPC23xx \\r
74                 -D THUMB_INTERWORK \\r
75                 -mcpu=arm7tdmi \\r
76                 -D PACK_STRUCT_END=__attribute\(\(packed\)\) \\r
77                 -D ALIGN_STRUCT_END=__attribute\(\(aligned\(4\)\)\) \\r
78                 -fomit-frame-pointer \\r
79                 -mthumb-interwork\r
80                 \r
82                 main.c \\r
83                 ./ParTest/ParTest.c \\r
84                 ./LCD/portlcd.c \\r
85                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/BlockQ.c \\r
86                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/blocktim.c \\r
87                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/flash.c \\r
88                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/integer.c \\r
89                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/GenQTest.c \\r
90                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/QPeek.c \\r
91                 $(DEMO_COMMON_DIR)/dynamic.c \\r
92                 ./webserver/uIP_Task.c \\r
93                 ./webserver/emac.c \\r
94                 ./webserver/httpd.c \\r
95                 ./webserver/httpd-cgi.c \\r
96                 ./webserver/httpd-fs.c \\r
97                 ./webserver/http-strings.c \\r
98                 $(UIP_COMMON_DIR)/uip_arp.c \\r
99                 $(UIP_COMMON_DIR)/psock.c \\r
100                 $(UIP_COMMON_DIR)/timer.c \\r
101                 $(UIP_COMMON_DIR)/uip.c \\r
102                 $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/list.c \\r
103                 $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/queue.c \\r
104                 $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/tasks.c \\r
105                 $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/port.c \\r
106                 $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c \\r
107                 syscalls.c\r
108 \r
109 ARM_SOURCE= \\r
110                 $(RTOS_SOURCE_DIR)/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portISR.c \\r
111                 ./webserver/EMAC_ISR.c\r
112 \r
113 THUMB_OBJS = $(THUMB_SOURCE:.c=.o)\r
114 ARM_OBJS = $(ARM_SOURCE:.c=.o)\r
115 \r
116 \r
117 all: RTOSDemo.bin\r
118 \r
119 RTOSDemo.bin : RTOSDemo.hex\r
120         $(OBJCOPY) RTOSDemo.elf -O binary RTOSDemo.bin\r
121          \r
122 RTOSDemo.hex : RTOSDemo.elf\r
123         $(OBJCOPY) RTOSDemo.elf -O ihex RTOSDemo.hex\r
124 \r
125 RTOSDemo.elf : $(THUMB_OBJS) $(ARM_OBJS) boot.s Makefile\r
126         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ARM_OBJS) $(THUMB_OBJS) $(LIBS) boot.s $(LINKER_FLAGS) \r
127 \r
128 $(THUMB_OBJS) : %.o : %.c Makefile FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
129         $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -mthumb $< -o $@\r
130 \r
131 $(ARM_OBJS) : %.o : %.c Makefile FreeRTOSConfig.h\r
132         $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@\r
133 \r
134 clean :\r
135         rm $(THUMB_OBJS)\r
136         rm $(ARM_OBJS)\r
137         touch Makefile\r
138         rm RTOSDemo.elf\r
139         rm RTOSDemo.hex\r
140         \r
141         \r
142         \r
143 \r
144 \r
145 \r
146 \r