]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - FreeRTOS/Demo/RX100-RSK_GCC_e2studio/RTOSDemo/main_full.c
[freertos] / FreeRTOS / Demo / RX100-RSK_GCC_e2studio / RTOSDemo / main_full.c
1 /*\r
2     FreeRTOS V8.2.2 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
3     All rights reserved\r
4 \r
6 \r
7     This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
8 \r
9     FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
10     the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
11     Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.\r
12 \r
13     ***************************************************************************\r
14     >>!   NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to     !<<\r
15     >>!   distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being   !<<\r
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18     ***************************************************************************\r
19 \r
20     FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY\r
21     WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\r
22     FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Full license text is available on the following\r
23     link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html\r
24 \r
25     ***************************************************************************\r
26      *                                                                       *\r
27      *    FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed,    *\r
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31      *                                                                       *\r
32      *    Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping     *\r
33      *    to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS           *\r
34      *    tutorial book, reference manual, or both:                          *\r
35      *    http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation                              *\r
36      *                                                                       *\r
37     ***************************************************************************\r
38 \r
39     http://www.FreeRTOS.org/FAQHelp.html - Having a problem?  Start by reading\r
40     the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?".  Have you\r
41     defined configASSERT()?\r
42 \r
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66 \r
67     1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
68 */\r
69 \r
70 /* ****************************************************************************\r
71  * This project includes a lot of tasks and tests and is therefore complex.\r
72  * If you would prefer a much simpler project to get started with then select\r
73  * the 'low power' demo by setting configCREATE_LOW_POWER_DEMO to 1 in\r
74  * FreeRTOSConfig.h.  When configCREATE_LOW_POWER_DEMO is set to 1 main() will\r
75  * call main_low_power() instead of main_full().\r
76  * ****************************************************************************\r
77  *\r
78  * Creates all the demo application tasks, then starts the scheduler.  The web\r
79  * documentation provides more details of the standard demo application tasks,\r
80  * which provide no particular functionality but do provide a good example of\r
81  * how to use the FreeRTOS API.\r
82  *\r
83  * In addition to the standard demo tasks, the following tasks and tests are\r
84  * defined and/or created within this file:\r
85  *\r
86  * "Reg test" tasks - These fill the registers with known values, then\r
87  * repeatedly check that each register still contains its expected value for\r
88  * the lifetime of the tasks.  Each task uses different values.  The tasks run\r
89  * with very low priority so get preempted very frequently.  A check variable\r
90  * is incremented on each iteration of the test loop.  A register containing an\r
91  * unexpected value is indicative of an error in the context switching\r
92  * mechanism and will result in a branch to a null loop - which in turn will\r
93  * prevent the check variable from incrementing any further and allow the check\r
94  * timer (described below) to determine that an error has occurred.  The nature\r
95  * of the reg test tasks necessitates that they are written in assembly code.\r
96  *\r
97  * "Check Timer" and Callback Function - The check timer period is initially\r
98  * set to three seconds.  The check timer callback function checks that all the\r
99  * standard demo tasks are not only still executing, but are executing without\r
100  * reporting any errors.  If the check timer discovers that a task has either\r
101  * stalled, or reported an error, then it changes its own period from the\r
102  * initial three seconds, to just 200ms.  The check timer callback function\r
103  * also toggles LED 0 each time it is called.  This provides a visual\r
104  * indication of the system status:  If the LED toggles every three seconds,\r
105  * then no issues have been discovered.  If the LED toggles every 200ms, then\r
106  * an issue has been discovered with at least one task.\r
107  *\r
108  * *NOTE 1* The CPU must be in Supervisor mode when the scheduler is started.\r
109  * The PowerON_Reset_PC() supplied in resetprg.c with this demo has\r
110  * Change_PSW_PM_to_UserMode() commented out to ensure this is the case.\r
111 */\r
112 \r
113 /* Standard includes. */\r
114 #include <string.h>\r
115 \r
116 /* Hardware specific includes. */\r
117 #include "iodefine.h"\r
118 \r
119 /* Kernel includes. */\r
120 #include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
121 #include "task.h"\r
122 #include "timers.h"\r
123 #include "semphr.h"\r
124 \r
125 /* Standard demo includes. */\r
126 #include "partest.h"\r
127 #include "death.h"\r
128 #include "blocktim.h"\r
129 #include "GenQTest.h"\r
130 #include "recmutex.h"\r
131 \r
132 /* The code in this file is only built when configCREATE_LOW_POWER_DEMO is set\r
133 to 0, otherwise the code in main_low_power.c is used. */\r
134 #if configCREATE_LOW_POWER_DEMO == 0\r
135 \r
136 \r
137 /* Values that are passed into the reg test tasks using the task parameter.\r
138 The tasks check that the values are passed in correctly. */\r
139 #define mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER        ( 0x12121212UL )\r
140 #define mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER        ( 0x12345678UL )\r
141 \r
142 /* Priorities at which the standard demo tasks are created. */\r
143 #define mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY     ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY )\r
144 #define mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY   ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 )\r
145 \r
146 /* The LED toggled by the check timer. */\r
147 #define mainCHECK_LED                           ( 0 )\r
148 \r
149 /* The period at which the check timer will expire, in ms, provided no errors\r
150 have been reported by any of the standard demo tasks.  ms are converted to the\r
151 equivalent in ticks using the portTICK_PERIOD_MS constant. */\r
152 #define mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS                       ( 3000UL / portTICK_PERIOD_MS )\r
153 \r
154 /* The period at which the check timer will expire, in ms, if an error has been\r
155 reported in one of the standard demo tasks.  ms are converted to the equivalent\r
156 in ticks using the portTICK_PERIOD_MS constant. */\r
157 #define mainERROR_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS         ( 200UL / portTICK_PERIOD_MS )\r
158 \r
159 /* A block time of zero simple means "Don't Block". */\r
160 #define mainDONT_BLOCK                          ( 0UL )\r
161 \r
162 /*\r
163  * The reg test tasks as described at the top of this file.\r
164  */\r
165 static void prvRegTest1Task( void *pvParameters );\r
166 static void prvRegTest2Task( void *pvParameters );\r
167 \r
168 /*\r
169  * The actual implementation of the reg test functionality, which, because of\r
170  * the direct register access, have to be in assembly.\r
171  */\r
172 static void prvRegTest1Implementation( void ) __attribute__(( naked ));\r
173 static void prvRegTest2Implementation( void ) __attribute__(( naked ));\r
174 \r
175 /*\r
176  * The check timer callback function, as described at the top of this file.\r
177  */\r
178 static void prvCheckTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t xTimer );\r
179 \r
180 \r
181 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
182 \r
183 /* Variables that are incremented on each iteration of the reg test tasks -\r
184 provided the tasks have not reported any errors.  The check timer inspects these\r
185 variables to ensure they are still incrementing as expected.  If a variable\r
186 stops incrementing then it is likely that its associated task has stalled. */\r
187 unsigned long ulRegTest1CycleCount = 0UL, ulRegTest2CycleCount = 0UL;\r
188 \r
189 /* The check timer.  This uses prvCheckTimerCallback() as its callback\r
190 function. */\r
191 static TimerHandle_t xCheckTimer = NULL;\r
192 \r
193 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
194 \r
195 void main_full( void )\r
196 {\r
197         /* Start the reg test tasks which test the context switching mechanism. */\r
198         xTaskCreate( prvRegTest1Task, "RegTst1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
199         xTaskCreate( prvRegTest2Task, "RegTst2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
200 \r
201         /* Create the standard demo tasks. */\r
202         vCreateBlockTimeTasks();\r
203         vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );\r
204         vStartRecursiveMutexTasks();\r
205 \r
206         /* The suicide tasks must be created last as they need to know how many\r
207         tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether\r
208         or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given time. */\r
209         vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );\r
210 \r
211         /* Create the software timer that performs the 'check' functionality,\r
212         as described at the top of this file. */\r
213         xCheckTimer = xTimerCreate( "CheckTimer",/* A text name, purely to help debugging. */\r
214                                                                 ( mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ),          /* The timer period, in this case 5000ms (5s). */\r
215                                                                 pdTRUE,                                                         /* This is an auto-reload timer, so xAutoReload is set to pdTRUE. */\r
216                                                                 ( void * ) 0,                                           /* The ID is not used, so can be set to anything. */\r
217                                                                 prvCheckTimerCallback                           /* The callback function that inspects the status of all the other tasks. */\r
218                                                           );\r
219 \r
220         configASSERT( xCheckTimer );\r
221 \r
222         /* Start the check timer.  It will actually start when the scheduler is\r
223         started. */\r
224         xTimerStart( xCheckTimer, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
225 \r
226         /* Start the tasks running. */\r
227         vTaskStartScheduler();\r
228 \r
229         /* If all is well execution will never reach here as the scheduler will be\r
230         running.  If this null loop is reached then it is likely there was\r
231         insufficient FreeRTOS heap available for the idle task and/or timer task to\r
232         be created.  See http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html. */\r
233         for( ;; );\r
234 }\r
235 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
236 \r
237 static void prvCheckTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t xTimer )\r
238 {\r
239 static long lChangedTimerPeriodAlready = pdFALSE, lErrorStatus = pdPASS;\r
240 static volatile unsigned long ulLastRegTest1CycleCount = 0UL, ulLastRegTest2CycleCount = 0UL;\r
241 \r
242         /* Remove compiler warnings about unused parameters. */\r
243         ( void ) xTimer;\r
244 \r
245         /* Check the standard demo tasks are running without error. */\r
246         if( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
247         {\r
248                 lErrorStatus = pdFAIL;\r
249         }\r
250         else if( xIsCreateTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
251         {\r
252                 lErrorStatus = pdFAIL;\r
253         }\r
254         else if( xAreBlockTimeTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
255         {\r
256                 lErrorStatus = pdFAIL;\r
257         }\r
258         else if( xAreRecursiveMutexTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
259         {\r
260                 lErrorStatus = pdFAIL;\r
261         }\r
262 \r
263         /* Check the reg test tasks are still cycling.  They will stop incrementing\r
264         their loop counters if they encounter an error. */\r
265         if( ulRegTest1CycleCount == ulLastRegTest1CycleCount )\r
266         {\r
267                 lErrorStatus = pdFAIL;\r
268         }\r
269 \r
270         if( ulRegTest2CycleCount == ulLastRegTest2CycleCount )\r
271         {\r
272                 lErrorStatus = pdFAIL;\r
273         }\r
274 \r
275         /* Remember the loop counter values this time around so they can be checked\r
276         again the next time this callback function executes. */\r
277         ulLastRegTest1CycleCount = ulRegTest1CycleCount;\r
278         ulLastRegTest2CycleCount = ulRegTest2CycleCount;\r
279 \r
280         /* Toggle the check LED to give an indication of the system status.  If\r
281         the LED toggles every three seconds then everything is ok.  A faster toggle\r
282         indicates an error. */\r
283         vParTestToggleLED( mainCHECK_LED );\r
284 \r
285         /* Was an error detected this time through the callback execution? */\r
286         if( lErrorStatus != pdPASS )\r
287         {\r
288                 if( lChangedTimerPeriodAlready == pdFALSE )\r
289                 {\r
290                         lChangedTimerPeriodAlready = pdTRUE;\r
291 \r
292                         /* This call to xTimerChangePeriod() uses a zero block time.\r
293                         Functions called from inside of a timer callback function must\r
294                         *never* attempt to block. */\r
295                         xTimerChangePeriod( xCheckTimer, ( mainERROR_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ), mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
296                 }\r
297         }\r
298 }\r
299 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
300 \r
301 /* This function is explained in the comments at the top of this file. */\r
302 static void prvRegTest1Task( void *pvParameters )\r
303 {\r
304         if( ( ( unsigned long ) pvParameters ) != mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER )\r
305         {\r
306                 /* The parameter did not contain the expected value. */\r
307                 for( ;; )\r
308                 {\r
309                         /* Stop the tick interrupt so its obvious something has gone wrong. */\r
310                         taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();\r
311                 }\r
312         }\r
313 \r
314         /* This is an inline asm function that never returns. */\r
315         prvRegTest1Implementation();\r
316 }\r
317 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
318 \r
319 /* This function is explained in the comments at the top of this file. */\r
320 static void prvRegTest2Task( void *pvParameters )\r
321 {\r
322         if( ( ( unsigned long ) pvParameters ) != mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER )\r
323         {\r
324                 /* The parameter did not contain the expected value. */\r
325                 for( ;; )\r
326                 {\r
327                         /* Stop the tick interrupt so its obvious something has gone wrong. */\r
328                         taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();\r
329                 }\r
330         }\r
331 \r
332         /* This is an inline asm function that never returns. */\r
333         prvRegTest2Implementation();\r
334 }\r
335 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
336 \r
337 /* This function is explained in the comments at the top of this file. */\r
338 static void prvRegTest1Implementation( void )\r
339 {\r
340         __asm volatile\r
341         (\r
342                 /* Set each register to a known value. */\r
343                 "       MOV.L   #0x33333333, R15                        \n\t"\r
344                 "       MVTACHI R15                                                     \n\t"\r
345                 "       MOV.L   #0x44444444, R15                        \n\t"\r
346                 "       MVTACLO R15                                                     \n\t"\r
347                 "       MOV.L   #1, R1                                          \n\t"\r
348                 "       MOV.L   #2, R2                                          \n\t"\r
349                 "       MOV.L   #3, R3                                          \n\t"\r
350                 "       MOV.L   #4, R4                                          \n\t"\r
351                 "       MOV.L   #5, R5                                          \n\t"\r
352                 "       MOV.L   #6, R6                                          \n\t"\r
353                 "       MOV.L   #7, R7                                          \n\t"\r
354                 "       MOV.L   #8, R8                                          \n\t"\r
355                 "       MOV.L   #9, R9                                          \n\t"\r
356                 "       MOV.L   #10, R10                                        \n\t"\r
357                 "       MOV.L   #11, R11                                        \n\t"\r
358                 "       MOV.L   #12, R12                                        \n\t"\r
359                 "       MOV.L   #13, R13                                        \n\t"\r
360                 "       MOV.L   #14, R14                                        \n\t"\r
361                 "       MOV.L   #15, R15                                        \n\t"\r
362                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
363                 /* Loop, checking each iteration that each register still contains the\r
364                 expected value. */\r
365                 "TestLoop1:                                                             \n\t"\r
366                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
367                 /* Push the registers that are going to get clobbered. */\r
368                 "       PUSHM   R14-R15                                         \n\t"\r
369                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
370                 /* Increment the loop counter to show this task is still getting CPU\r
371                 time. */\r
372                 "       MOV.L   #_ulRegTest1CycleCount, R14     \n\t"\r
373                 "       MOV.L   [ R14 ], R15                            \n\t"\r
374                 "       ADD             #1, R15                                         \n\t"\r
375                 "       MOV.L   R15, [ R14 ]                            \n\t"\r
376                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
377                 /* Yield to extend the text coverage.  Set the bit in the ITU SWINTR\r
378                 register. */\r
379                 "       MOV.L   #1, R14                                         \n\t"\r
380                 "       MOV.L   #0872E0H, R15                           \n\t"\r
381                 "       MOV.B   R14, [R15]                                      \n\t"\r
382                 "       NOP                                                                     \n\t"\r
383                 "       NOP                                                                     \n\t"\r
384                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
385                 /* Check the accumulator value. */\r
386                 "       MVFACHI R15                                                     \n\t"\r
387                 "       CMP             #0x33333333, R15                        \n\t"\r
388                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
389                 "       MVFACMI R15                                                     \n\t"\r
390                 "       CMP             #0x33334444, R15                        \n\t"\r
391                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
392                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
393                 /* Restore the clobbered registers. */\r
394                 "       POPM    R14-R15                                         \n\t"\r
395                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
396                 /* Now compare each register to ensure it still contains the value that\r
397                 was set before this loop was entered. */\r
398                 "       CMP             #1, R1                                          \n\t"\r
399                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
400                 "       CMP             #2, R2                                          \n\t"\r
401                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
402                 "       CMP             #3, R3                                          \n\t"\r
403                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
404                 "       CMP             #4, R4                                          \n\t"\r
405                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
406                 "       CMP             #5, R5                                          \n\t"\r
407                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
408                 "       CMP             #6, R6                                          \n\t"\r
409                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
410                 "       CMP             #7, R7                                          \n\t"\r
411                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
412                 "       CMP             #8, R8                                          \n\t"\r
413                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
414                 "       CMP             #9, R9                                          \n\t"\r
415                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
416                 "       CMP             #10, R10                                        \n\t"\r
417                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
418                 "       CMP             #11, R11                                        \n\t"\r
419                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
420                 "       CMP             #12, R12                                        \n\t"\r
421                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
422                 "       CMP             #13, R13                                        \n\t"\r
423                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
424                 "       CMP             #14, R14                                        \n\t"\r
425                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
426                 "       CMP             #15, R15                                        \n\t"\r
427                 "       BNE             RegTest1Error                           \n\t"\r
428                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
429                 /* All comparisons passed, start a new iteration of this loop. */\r
430                 "       BRA             TestLoop1                                       \n\t"\r
431                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
432                 /* A compare failed, just loop here so the loop counter stops\r
433                 incrementing causing the check timer to indicate the error. */\r
434                 "RegTest1Error:                                                 \n\t"\r
435                 "       BRA RegTest1Error                                       "\r
436         );\r
437 }\r
438 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
439 \r
440 /* This function is explained in the comments at the top of this file. */\r
441 static void prvRegTest2Implementation( void )\r
442 {\r
443         __asm volatile\r
444         (\r
445                 /* Set each register to a known value. */\r
446                 "       MOV.L   #0x11111111, R15                        \n\t"\r
447                 "       MVTACHI R15                                                     \n\t"\r
448                 "       MOV.L   #0x22222222, R15                        \n\t"\r
449                 "       MVTACLO R15                                                     \n\t"\r
450                 "       MOV.L   #100, R1                                        \n\t"\r
451                 "       MOV.L   #200, R2                                        \n\t"\r
452                 "       MOV.L   #300, R3                                        \n\t"\r
453                 "       MOV.L   #400, R4                                        \n\t"\r
454                 "       MOV.L   #500, R5                                        \n\t"\r
455                 "       MOV.L   #600, R6                                        \n\t"\r
456                 "       MOV.L   #700, R7                                        \n\t"\r
457                 "       MOV.L   #800, R8                                        \n\t"\r
458                 "       MOV.L   #900, R9                                        \n\t"\r
459                 "       MOV.L   #1000, R10                                      \n\t"\r
460                 "       MOV.L   #1001, R11                                      \n\t"\r
461                 "       MOV.L   #1002, R12                                      \n\t"\r
462                 "       MOV.L   #1003, R13                                      \n\t"\r
463                 "       MOV.L   #1004, R14                                      \n\t"\r
464                 "       MOV.L   #1005, R15                                      \n\t"\r
465                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
466                 /* Loop, checking each iteration that each register still contains the\r
467                 expected value. */\r
468                 "TestLoop2:                                                             \n\t"\r
469                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
470                 /* Push the registers that are going to get clobbered. */\r
471                 "       PUSHM   R14-R15                                         \n\t"\r
472                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
473                 /* Increment the loop counter to show this task is still getting CPU\r
474                 time. */\r
475                 "       MOV.L   #_ulRegTest2CycleCount, R14     \n\t"\r
476                 "       MOV.L   [ R14 ], R15                            \n\t"\r
477                 "       ADD             #1, R15                                         \n\t"\r
478                 "       MOV.L   R15, [ R14 ]                            \n\t"\r
479                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
480                 /* Check the accumulator value. */\r
481                 "       MVFACHI R15                                                     \n\t"\r
482                 "       CMP             #0x11111111, R15                        \n\t"\r
483                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
484                 "       MVFACMI R15                                                     \n\t"\r
485                 "       CMP             #0x11112222, R15                        \n\t"\r
486                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
487                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
488                 /* Restore the clobbered registers. */\r
489                 "       POPM    R14-R15                                         \n\t"\r
490                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
491                 /* Now compare each register to ensure it still contains the value that\r
492                 was set before this loop was entered. */\r
493                 "       CMP             #100, R1                                        \n\t"\r
494                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
495                 "       CMP             #200, R2                                        \n\t"\r
496                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
497                 "       CMP             #300, R3                                        \n\t"\r
498                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
499                 "       CMP             #400, R4                                        \n\t"\r
500                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
501                 "       CMP             #500, R5                                        \n\t"\r
502                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
503                 "       CMP             #600, R6                                        \n\t"\r
504                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
505                 "       CMP             #700, R7                                        \n\t"\r
506                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
507                 "       CMP             #800, R8                                        \n\t"\r
508                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
509                 "       CMP             #900, R9                                        \n\t"\r
510                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
511                 "       CMP             #1000, R10                                      \n\t"\r
512                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
513                 "       CMP             #1001, R11                                      \n\t"\r
514                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
515                 "       CMP             #1002, R12                                      \n\t"\r
516                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
517                 "       CMP             #1003, R13                                      \n\t"\r
518                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
519                 "       CMP             #1004, R14                                      \n\t"\r
520                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
521                 "       CMP             #1005, R15                                      \n\t"\r
522                 "       BNE             RegTest2Error                           \n\t"\r
523                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
524                 /* All comparisons passed, start a new iteration of this loop. */\r
525                 "       BRA             TestLoop2                                       \n\t"\r
526                 "                                                                               \n\t"\r
527                 /* A compare failed, just loop here so the loop counter stops\r
528                 incrementing causing the check timer to indicate the error. */\r
529                 "RegTest2Error:                                                 \n\t"\r
530                 "       BRA RegTest2Error                                       "\r
531         );\r
532 }\r
533 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
534 \r
535 #endif /* configCREATE_LOW_POWER_DEMO */\r