]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - FreeRTOS/Demo/RX200_RX210-RSK_Renesas/RTOSDemo/ButtonAndLCD.c
[freertos] / FreeRTOS / Demo / RX200_RX210-RSK_Renesas / RTOSDemo / ButtonAndLCD.c
1 /*\r
2     FreeRTOS V8.0.0:rc1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd. \r
3     All rights reserved\r
4 \r
6 \r
7     ***************************************************************************\r
8      *                                                                       *\r
9      *    FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed,    *\r
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17      *    Thank you!                                                         *\r
18      *                                                                       *\r
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20 \r
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22 \r
23     FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
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26 \r
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31 \r
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36 \r
37     1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
38 \r
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59     http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety\r
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62 \r
63     1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
64 */\r
65 \r
66 /* Scheduler includes. */\r
67 #include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
68 #include "task.h"\r
69 #include "queue.h"\r
70 #include "semphr.h"\r
71 \r
72 /* Hardware specifics. */\r
73 #include "iodefine.h"\r
74 #include "lcd.h"\r
75 \r
76 /* States used by the LCD tasks. */\r
77 #define lcdRIGHT_TO_LEFT        0U\r
78 #define lcdLEFT_TO_RIGHT        1U\r
79 #define lcdRUNNING                      0U\r
80 \r
81 /* Characters on each line. */\r
82 #define lcdSTRING_LEN           8 \r
83 \r
84 /* Commands sent from the IRQ to the task controlling the second line of the\r
85 display. */\r
86 #define lcdSHIFT_BACK_COMMAND           0x01U\r
87 #define lcdSTART_STOP_COMMAND           0x02U\r
88 #define lcdSHIFT_FORWARD_COMMAND        0x03U\r
89 \r
90 /* The length of the queue used to send commands from the ISRs. */\r
91 #define lcdCOMMAND_QUEUE_LENGTH         32U\r
92 \r
93 /* Defines the minimum time that must pass between consecutive button presses\r
94 to accept a button press as a unique press rather than just a bounce. */\r
96 \r
97 /* Button interrupt handlers. */\r
98 #pragma interrupt ( prvIRQ1_Handler( vect = 65, enable ) )\r
99 static void prvIRQ1_Handler( void );\r
100 \r
101 #pragma interrupt ( prvIRQ3_Handler( vect = 67, enable ) )\r
102 static void prvIRQ3_Handler( void );\r
103 \r
104 #pragma interrupt ( prvIRQ4_Handler(vect = 68, enable ) )\r
105 static void prvIRQ4_Handler( void );\r
106 \r
107 /* \r
108  * Setup the IO needed for the buttons to generate interrupts. \r
109  */\r
110 static void prvSetupButtonIOAndInterrupts( void );\r
111 \r
112 /*\r
113  * A task that simply scrolls a string from left to right, then back from the\r
114  * right to the left.  This is done on the first line of the display.\r
115  */\r
116 static void prvLCDTaskLine1( void *pvParameters );\r
117 \r
118 /*\r
119  * If no buttons are pushed, then this task acts as per prvLCDTaskLine1(), but\r
120  * using the second line of the display.\r
121  *\r
122  * Using the buttons, it is possible to start and stop the scrolling of the \r
123  * text.  Once the scrolling has been stopped, other buttons can be used to\r
124  * manually scroll the text either left or right.\r
125  */ \r
126 static void prvLCDTaskLine2( void *pvParameters );\r
127 \r
128 /*\r
129  * Looks at the direction the string is currently being scrolled in, and moves\r
130  * the index into the portion of the string that can be seen on the display\r
131  * either forward or backward as appropriate. \r
132  */\r
133 static prvScrollString( unsigned char *pucDirection, unsigned short *pusPosition, size_t xStringLength );\r
134 \r
135 /* \r
136  * Displays lcdSTRING_LEN characters starting from pcString on the line of the\r
137  * display requested by ucLine.\r
138  */\r
139 static void prvDisplayNextString( unsigned char ucLine, char *pcString );\r
140 \r
141 /*\r
142  * Called from the IRQ interrupts, which are generated on button pushes.  Send\r
143  * ucCommand to the task on the button command queue if \r
144  * lcdMIN_TIME_BETWEEN_INTERRUPTS_MS milliseconds have passed since the button\r
145  * was last pushed (for debouncing). \r
146  */\r
147 static portBASE_TYPE prvSendCommandOnDebouncedInput( TickType_t *pxTimeLastInterrupt, unsigned char ucCommand );\r
148 \r
149 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
150 \r
151 /* The queue used to pass commands from the button interrupt handlers to the\r
152 prvLCDTaskLine2() task. */\r
153 static QueueHandle_t xButtonCommandQueue = NULL;\r
154 \r
155 /* The mutex used to ensure only one task writes to the display at any one\r
156 time. */\r
157 static SemaphoreHandle_t xLCDMutex = NULL;\r
158 \r
159 /* The string that is scrolled up and down the first line of the display. */\r
160 static const char cDataString1[] = "        http://www.FreeRTOS.org        ";\r
161 \r
162 /* The string that is scrolled/nudged up and down the second line of the \r
163 display. */\r
164 static const char cDataString2[] = "........Rx210 Highlights....1.56 DMips/MHz....DSP functions....1.62V-5.5V operation....200 uA/MHz....Up to 512 kBytes Flash....up to 64 kbytes SRAM....EE Dataflash with 100k w/e....1.3 uA in Real Time Clock Mode....Powerful Motor control timer....4 x 16-bit timers....4 x 8-bit timers....Full Real Time Clock calendar with calibration and alarm functions....Up to 16 channels 1 uS 12-bit ADC, with Dual group programmable SCAN, 3 sample and holds, sample accumulate function....DMA controller....Data Transfer Controller....Up to 9 serial Channels....Up to 6 USARTs ( with Simple I2C / SPI )....USART ( with unique Frame based protocol support )....Multimaster IIC....RSPI....Temperature Sensor....Event Link Controller....Comparators....Safety features include CRC....March X....Dual watchdog Timers with window and independent oscillator....ADC self test....I/O Pin Test....Supported with E1 on chip debugger and RSK210 evaluation system....Rx210 Highlights........";\r
165 \r
166 /* Structures passed into the two tasks to inform them which line to use on the\r
167 display, how long to delay for, and which string to use. */\r
168 struct _LCD_Params xLCDLine1 = \r
169 {\r
170         LCD_LINE1, 215, ( char * ) cDataString1 \r
171 };\r
172 \r
173 struct _LCD_Params xLCDLine2 = \r
174 {\r
175         LCD_LINE2, 350, ( char * ) cDataString2\r
176 };\r
177 \r
178 \r
179 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
180 \r
181 void vStartButtonAndLCDDemo( void )\r
182 {\r
183         prvSetupButtonIOAndInterrupts();\r
184         InitialiseDisplay();\r
185 \r
186         /* Create the mutex used to guard the LCD. */\r
187         xLCDMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();\r
188         configASSERT( xLCDMutex );\r
189         \r
190         /* Create the queue used to pass commands from the IRQ interrupts to the\r
191         prvLCDTaskLine2() task. */\r
192         xButtonCommandQueue = xQueueCreate( lcdCOMMAND_QUEUE_LENGTH, sizeof( unsigned char ) );\r
193         configASSERT( xButtonCommandQueue );\r
194 \r
195         /* Start the two tasks as described at the top of this file. */\r
196         xTaskCreate( prvLCDTaskLine1, "LCD1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 3, ( void * ) &xLCDLine1, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL );\r
197         xTaskCreate( prvLCDTaskLine2, "LCD2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 3, ( void * ) &xLCDLine2, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL );\r
198 }\r
199 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
200 \r
201 static void prvLCDTaskLine1( void *pvParameters )\r
202 {\r
203 struct _LCD_Params *pxLCDParamaters = ( struct _LCD_Params * ) pvParameters;\r
204 unsigned short usPosition = 0U;\r
205 unsigned char ucDirection = lcdRIGHT_TO_LEFT;\r
206         \r
207         for( ;; )\r
208         {\r
209                 vTaskDelay( pxLCDParamaters->Speed / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );              \r
210 \r
211                 /* Write the string. */\r
212                 prvDisplayNextString( pxLCDParamaters->Line, &( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str[ usPosition ] ) );\r
213 \r
214                 /* Move the string in whichever direction the scroll is currently going\r
215                 in. */\r
216                 prvScrollString( &ucDirection, &usPosition, strlen( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str ) );\r
217         }\r
218 }\r
219 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
220 \r
221 static void prvLCDTaskLine2( void *pvParameters )\r
222 {\r
223 struct _LCD_Params *pxLCDParamaters = ( struct _LCD_Params * ) pvParameters;\r
224 unsigned short usPosition = 0U;\r
225 unsigned char ucDirection = lcdRIGHT_TO_LEFT, ucStatus = lcdRUNNING, ucQueueData;\r
226 TickType_t xDelayTicks = ( pxLCDParamaters->Speed / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );\r
227         \r
228         for(;;)\r
229         {\r
230                 /* Wait for a message from an IRQ handler. */\r
231                 if( xQueueReceive( xButtonCommandQueue, &ucQueueData, xDelayTicks ) != pdPASS )\r
232                 {\r
233                         /* A message was not received before xDelayTicks ticks passed, so\r
234                         generate the next string to display and display it. */\r
235                         prvDisplayNextString( pxLCDParamaters->Line, &( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str[ usPosition ] ) );\r
236                         \r
237                         /* Move the string in whichever direction the scroll is currently \r
238                         going in. */\r
239                         prvScrollString( &ucDirection, &usPosition, strlen( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str ) );                       \r
240                 }\r
241                 else\r
242                 {\r
243                         /* A command was received.  Process it. */\r
244                         switch( ucQueueData )\r
245                         {\r
246                                 case lcdSTART_STOP_COMMAND :\r
247 \r
248                                         /* If the LCD is running, top it.  If the LCD is stopped, start\r
249                                         it. */\r
250                                         ucStatus = !ucStatus;\r
251                                         \r
252                                         if( ucStatus == lcdRUNNING )\r
253                                         {\r
254                                                 xDelayTicks = ( pxLCDParamaters->Speed / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );\r
255                                         }\r
256                                         else\r
257                                         {\r
258                                                 xDelayTicks = portMAX_DELAY;\r
259                                         }\r
260                                         break;\r
261 \r
262                                         \r
263                                 case lcdSHIFT_BACK_COMMAND :\r
264 \r
265                                         if( ucStatus != lcdRUNNING )\r
266                                         {\r
267                                                 /* If not already at the start of the display.... */\r
268                                                 if( usPosition != 0U )\r
269                                                 {\r
270                                                         /* ....move the display position back by one char. */\r
271                                                         usPosition--;                                                                                           \r
272                                                         prvDisplayNextString( pxLCDParamaters->Line, &( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str[ usPosition ] ) );\r
273                                                 }\r
274                                         }\r
275                                         break;\r
276                                 \r
277                                 \r
278                                 case lcdSHIFT_FORWARD_COMMAND :\r
279 \r
280                                         if( ucStatus != lcdRUNNING )\r
281                                         {\r
282                                                 /* If not already at the end of the display.... */\r
283                                                 if( usPosition != ( strlen( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str ) - ( lcdSTRING_LEN - 1 ) ) )\r
284                                                 {\r
285                                                         /* ....move the display position forward by one \r
286                                                         char. */\r
287                                                         usPosition++;\r
288                                                         prvDisplayNextString( pxLCDParamaters->Line, &( pxLCDParamaters->ptr_str[ usPosition ] ) );\r
289                                                 }\r
290                                         }\r
291                                         break;\r
292                         }\r
293                 }\r
294         }\r
295 }\r
296 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
297 \r
298 void prvSetupButtonIOAndInterrupts( void )\r
299 {\r
300         /* Configure SW 1-3 pin settings */\r
301         PORT3.PDR.BIT.B1 = 0;           /* Switch 1 - Port 3.1 - IRQ1 */\r
302         PORT3.PDR.BIT.B3 = 0;           /* Switch 2 - Port 3.3 - IRQ3 */\r
303         PORT3.PDR.BIT.B4 = 0;           /* Switch 3 - Port 3.4 - IRQ4 */\r
304 \r
305         PORT3.PMR.BIT.B1 = 1;\r
306         PORT3.PMR.BIT.B3 = 1;\r
307         PORT3.PMR.BIT.B4 = 1;\r
308 \r
309         MPC.PWPR.BIT.B0WI = 0;          /* Writing to the PFSWE bit is enabled */\r
310         MPC.PWPR.BIT.PFSWE = 1;         /* Writing to the PFS register is enabled */\r
311         MPC.P31PFS.BIT.ISEL = 1;\r
312         MPC.P33PFS.BIT.ISEL = 1;\r
313         MPC.P34PFS.BIT.ISEL = 1;\r
314 \r
315         /* IRQ1 */\r
316         ICU.IER[ 0x08 ].BIT.IEN1 = 1;   \r
317         ICU.IPR[ 65 ].BIT.IPR = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - 1;\r
318         ICU.IR[ 65 ].BIT.IR = 0;\r
319         ICU.IRQCR[ 1 ].BIT.IRQMD = 2;   /* Rising edge */\r
320 \r
321         /* IRQ3 */\r
322         ICU.IER[ 0x08 ].BIT.IEN3 = 1;   \r
323         ICU.IPR[ 67 ].BIT.IPR = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - 1;\r
324         ICU.IR[ 67 ].BIT.IR = 0;\r
325         ICU.IRQCR[ 3 ].BIT.IRQMD = 2;   /* Rising edge */\r
326 \r
327         /* IRQ4 */\r
328         ICU.IER[ 0x08 ].BIT.IEN4 = 1;   \r
329         ICU.IPR[ 68 ].BIT.IPR = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - 1;\r
330         ICU.IR[ 68 ].BIT.IR = 0;\r
331         ICU.IRQCR[ 4 ].BIT.IRQMD = 2;   /* Rising edge */\r
332 }\r
333 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
334 \r
335 static prvScrollString( unsigned char *pucDirection, unsigned short *pusPosition, size_t xStringLength )\r
336 {\r
337         /* Check which way to scroll. */\r
338         if( *pucDirection == lcdRIGHT_TO_LEFT )\r
339         {\r
340                 /* Move to the next character. */\r
341                 ( *pusPosition )++;\r
342                 \r
343                 /* Has the end of the string been reached? */\r
344                 if( ( *pusPosition ) == ( xStringLength - ( lcdSTRING_LEN - 1 ) ) )\r
345                 {\r
346                         /* Switch direction. */\r
347                         *pucDirection = lcdLEFT_TO_RIGHT;\r
348                         ( *pusPosition )--;                             \r
349                 }\r
350         }\r
351         else\r
352         {\r
353                 /* Move (backward) to the next character. */\r
354                 ( *pusPosition )--;\r
355                 if( *pusPosition == 0U )\r
356                 {\r
357                         /* Switch Direction. */\r
358                         *pucDirection = lcdRIGHT_TO_LEFT;                               \r
359                 }\r
360         }\r
361 }\r
362 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
363 \r
364 static void prvDisplayNextString( unsigned char ucLine, char *pcString )\r
365 {\r
366 static char cSingleLine[ lcdSTRING_LEN + 1 ];\r
367 \r
368         xSemaphoreTake( xLCDMutex, portMAX_DELAY );\r
369         strncpy( cSingleLine, pcString, lcdSTRING_LEN );\r
370         DisplayString( ucLine, cSingleLine );\r
371         xSemaphoreGive( xLCDMutex );\r
372 }\r
373 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
374 \r
375 static portBASE_TYPE prvSendCommandOnDebouncedInput( TickType_t *pxTimeLastInterrupt, unsigned char ucCommand )\r
376 {\r
377 portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;\r
378 TickType_t xCurrentTickCount;\r
379         \r
380         /* Check the time now for debouncing purposes. */\r
381         xCurrentTickCount = xTaskGetTickCountFromISR();\r
382         \r
383         /* Has enough time passed since the button was last push to accept it as a\r
384         unique press? */\r
385         if( ( xCurrentTickCount - *pxTimeLastInterrupt ) > lcdMIN_TIME_BETWEEN_INTERRUPTS_MS )\r
386         {\r
387                 xQueueSendToBackFromISR( xButtonCommandQueue, &ucCommand, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
388         }\r
389 \r
390         /* Remember the time now, so debounce can be performed again on the next\r
391         interrupt. */   \r
392         *pxTimeLastInterrupt = xCurrentTickCount;\r
393         \r
394         return xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;\r
395 }\r
396 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
397 \r
398 static void prvIRQ1_Handler( void )\r
399 {\r
400 static TickType_t xTimeLastInterrupt = 0UL;\r
401 static const unsigned char ucCommand = lcdSHIFT_BACK_COMMAND;\r
402 portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;\r
403 \r
404         xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = prvSendCommandOnDebouncedInput( &xTimeLastInterrupt, ucCommand );\r
405         portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
406 }\r
407 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
408 \r
409 static void prvIRQ3_Handler(void)\r
410 {\r
411 static TickType_t xTimeLastInterrupt = 0UL;\r
412 static const unsigned char ucCommand = lcdSTART_STOP_COMMAND;\r
413 portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;\r
414 \r
415         xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = prvSendCommandOnDebouncedInput( &xTimeLastInterrupt, ucCommand );\r
416         portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
417 }\r
418 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
419 \r
420 static void prvIRQ4_Handler(void)\r
421 {\r
422 static TickType_t xTimeLastInterrupt = 0UL;\r
423 static const unsigned char ucCommand = lcdSHIFT_FORWARD_COMMAND;\r
424 portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;\r
425 \r
426         xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = prvSendCommandOnDebouncedInput( &xTimeLastInterrupt, ucCommand );\r
427         portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
428 }\r
429 \r