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[freertos] / FreeRTOS / Source / portable / GCC / ARM7_LPC2000 / portmacro.h
1 /*\r
2     FreeRTOS V8.1.0 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
3     All rights reserved\r
4 \r
6 \r
7     ***************************************************************************\r
8      *                                                                       *\r
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17      *    Thank you!                                                         *\r
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20 \r
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22 \r
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36 \r
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38 \r
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62 \r
63     1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
64 */\r
65 \r
66 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H\r
67 #define PORTMACRO_H\r
68 \r
69 #ifdef __cplusplus\r
70 extern "C" {\r
71 #endif\r
72 \r
73 /*-----------------------------------------------------------\r
74  * Port specific definitions.\r
75  *\r
76  * The settings in this file configure FreeRTOS correctly for the\r
77  * given hardware and compiler.\r
78  *\r
79  * These settings should not be altered.\r
80  *-----------------------------------------------------------\r
81  */\r
82 \r
83 /* Type definitions. */\r
84 #define portCHAR                char\r
85 #define portFLOAT               float\r
86 #define portDOUBLE              double\r
87 #define portLONG                long\r
88 #define portSHORT               short\r
89 #define portSTACK_TYPE  uint32_t\r
90 #define portBASE_TYPE   portLONG\r
91 \r
92 typedef portSTACK_TYPE StackType_t;\r
93 typedef long BaseType_t;\r
94 typedef unsigned long UBaseType_t;\r
95 \r
96 #if( configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS == 1 )\r
97         typedef uint16_t TickType_t;\r
98         #define portMAX_DELAY ( TickType_t ) 0xffff\r
99 #else\r
100         typedef uint32_t TickType_t;\r
101         #define portMAX_DELAY ( TickType_t ) 0xffffffffUL\r
102 #endif\r
103 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
104 \r
105 /* Architecture specifics. */\r
106 #define portSTACK_GROWTH                        ( -1 )\r
107 #define portTICK_PERIOD_MS                      ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )\r
108 #define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT                      8\r
109 #define portNOP()                                       __asm volatile ( "NOP" );\r
110 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
111 \r
112 \r
113 /* Scheduler utilities. */\r
114 \r
115 /*\r
117  * and portEXIT_SWITCHING_ISR can only be called from ARM mode, but\r
118  * are included here for efficiency.  An attempt to call one from\r
119  * THUMB mode code will result in a compile time error.\r
120  */\r
121 \r
122 #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                                                                   \\r
123 {                                                                                                                                               \\r
124 extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                   \\r
125 extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                     \\r
126                                                                                                                                                 \\r
127         /* Set the LR to the task stack. */                                                                     \\r
128         __asm volatile (                                                                                                        \\r
129         "LDR            R0, =pxCurrentTCB                                                               \n\t"   \\r
130         "LDR            R0, [R0]                                                                                \n\t"   \\r
131         "LDR            LR, [R0]                                                                                \n\t"   \\r
132                                                                                                                                                 \\r
133         /* The critical nesting depth is the first item on the stack. */        \\r
134         /* Load it into the ulCriticalNesting variable. */                                      \\r
135         "LDR            R0, =ulCriticalNesting                                                  \n\t"   \\r
136         "LDMFD  LR!, {R1}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
137         "STR            R1, [R0]                                                                                \n\t"   \\r
138                                                                                                                                                 \\r
139         /* Get the SPSR from the stack. */                                                                      \\r
140         "LDMFD  LR!, {R0}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
141         "MSR            SPSR, R0                                                                                \n\t"   \\r
142                                                                                                                                                 \\r
143         /* Restore all system mode registers for the task. */                           \\r
144         "LDMFD  LR, {R0-R14}^                                                                           \n\t"   \\r
145         "NOP                                                                                                            \n\t"   \\r
146                                                                                                                                                 \\r
147         /* Restore the return address. */                                                                       \\r
148         "LDR            LR, [LR, #+60]                                                                  \n\t"   \\r
149                                                                                                                                                 \\r
150         /* And return - correcting the offset in the LR to obtain the */        \\r
151         /* correct address. */                                                                                          \\r
152         "SUBS   PC, LR, #4                                                                                      \n\t"   \\r
153         );                                                                                                                                      \\r
154         ( void ) ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                     \\r
155         ( void ) pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                          \\r
156 }\r
157 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
158 \r
159 #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                                                                                              \\r
160 {                                                                                                                                               \\r
161 extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                   \\r
162 extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                     \\r
163                                                                                                                                                 \\r
164         /* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */                                      \\r
165         __asm volatile (                                                                                                        \\r
166         "STMDB  SP!, {R0}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
167                                                                                                                                                 \\r
168         /* Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer. */                                        \\r
169         "STMDB  SP,{SP}^                                                                                        \n\t"   \\r
170         "NOP                                                                                                            \n\t"   \\r
171         "SUB    SP, SP, #4                                                                                      \n\t"   \\r
172         "LDMIA  SP!,{R0}                                                                                        \n\t"   \\r
173                                                                                                                                                 \\r
174         /* Push the return address onto the stack. */                                           \\r
175         "STMDB  R0!, {LR}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
176                                                                                                                                                 \\r
177         /* Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0. */                         \\r
178         "MOV    LR, R0                                                                                          \n\t"   \\r
179                                                                                                                                                 \\r
180         /* Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack. */                      \\r
181         "LDMIA  SP!, {R0}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
182                                                                                                                                                 \\r
183         /* Push all the system mode registers onto the task stack. */           \\r
184         "STMDB  LR,{R0-LR}^                                                                                     \n\t"   \\r
185         "NOP                                                                                                            \n\t"   \\r
186         "SUB    LR, LR, #60                                                                                     \n\t"   \\r
187                                                                                                                                                 \\r
188         /* Push the SPSR onto the task stack. */                                                        \\r
189         "MRS    R0, SPSR                                                                                        \n\t"   \\r
190         "STMDB  LR!, {R0}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
191                                                                                                                                                 \\r
192         "LDR    R0, =ulCriticalNesting                                                          \n\t"   \\r
193         "LDR    R0, [R0]                                                                                        \n\t"   \\r
194         "STMDB  LR!, {R0}                                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
195                                                                                                                                                 \\r
196         /* Store the new top of stack for the task. */                                          \\r
197         "LDR    R0, =pxCurrentTCB                                                                       \n\t"   \\r
198         "LDR    R0, [R0]                                                                                        \n\t"   \\r
199         "STR    LR, [R0]                                                                                        \n\t"   \\r
200         );                                                                                                                                      \\r
201         ( void ) ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                     \\r
202         ( void ) pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                          \\r
203 }\r
204 \r
205 extern void vTaskSwitchContext( void );\r
206 #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR()            vTaskSwitchContext()\r
207 #define portYIELD()                                     __asm volatile ( "SWI 0" )\r
208 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
209 \r
210 \r
211 /* Critical section management. */\r
212 \r
213 /*\r
214  * The interrupt management utilities can only be called from ARM mode.  When\r
215  * THUMB_INTERWORK is defined the utilities are defined as functions in\r
216  * portISR.c to ensure a switch to ARM mode.  When THUMB_INTERWORK is not\r
217  * defined then the utilities are defined as macros here - as per other ports.\r
218  */\r
219 \r
220 #ifdef THUMB_INTERWORK\r
221 \r
222         extern void vPortDisableInterruptsFromThumb( void ) __attribute__ ((naked));\r
223         extern void vPortEnableInterruptsFromThumb( void ) __attribute__ ((naked));\r
224 \r
225         #define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()        vPortDisableInterruptsFromThumb()\r
226         #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()         vPortEnableInterruptsFromThumb()\r
227 \r
228 #else\r
229 \r
230         #define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()                                                                                        \\r
231                 __asm volatile (                                                                                                                \\r
232                         "STMDB  SP!, {R0}               \n\t"   /* Push R0.                                             */      \\r
233                         "MRS    R0, CPSR                \n\t"   /* Get CPSR.                                    */      \\r
234                         "ORR    R0, R0, #0xC0   \n\t"   /* Disable IRQ, FIQ.                    */      \\r
235                         "MSR    CPSR, R0                \n\t"   /* Write back modified value.   */      \\r
236                         "LDMIA  SP!, {R0}                       " )     /* Pop R0.                                              */\r
237 \r
238         #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()                                                                                         \\r
239                 __asm volatile (                                                                                                                \\r
240                         "STMDB  SP!, {R0}               \n\t"   /* Push R0.                                             */      \\r
241                         "MRS    R0, CPSR                \n\t"   /* Get CPSR.                                    */      \\r
242                         "BIC    R0, R0, #0xC0   \n\t"   /* Enable IRQ, FIQ.                             */      \\r
243                         "MSR    CPSR, R0                \n\t"   /* Write back modified value.   */      \\r
244                         "LDMIA  SP!, {R0}                       " )     /* Pop R0.                                              */\r
245 \r
246 #endif /* THUMB_INTERWORK */\r
247 \r
248 extern void vPortEnterCritical( void );\r
249 extern void vPortExitCritical( void );\r
250 \r
251 #define portENTER_CRITICAL()            vPortEnterCritical();\r
252 #define portEXIT_CRITICAL()                     vPortExitCritical();\r
253 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
254 \r
255 /* Task function macros as described on the FreeRTOS.org WEB site. */\r
256 #define portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )\r
257 #define portTASK_FUNCTION( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )\r
258 \r
259 #ifdef __cplusplus\r
260 }\r
261 #endif\r
262 \r
263 #endif /* PORTMACRO_H */\r
264 \r