]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
[freertos] / FreeRTOS / Source / portable / GCC / ARM_CM3_MPU / port.c
1 /*\r
2     FreeRTOS V9.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2017 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
3     All rights reserved\r
4 \r
6 \r
7     This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
8 \r
9     FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
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12 \r
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19 \r
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66 \r
67     1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
68 */\r
69 \r
70 /*-----------------------------------------------------------\r
71  * Implementation of functions defined in portable.h for the ARM CM3 port.\r
72  *----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
73 \r
74 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining\r
75 all the API functions to use the MPU wrappers.  That should only be done when\r
76 task.h is included from an application file. */\r
78 \r
79 /* Scheduler includes. */\r
80 #include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
81 #include "task.h"\r
82 #include "queue.h"\r
83 #include "timers.h"\r
84 #include "event_groups.h"\r
85 #include "mpu_prototypes.h"\r
86 \r
88 \r
89 #ifndef configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ\r
90         #define configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ configCPU_CLOCK_HZ\r
91         /* Ensure the SysTick is clocked at the same frequency as the core. */\r
92         #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK    ( 1UL << 2UL )\r
93 #else\r
94         /* The way the SysTick is clocked is not modified in case it is not the same\r
95         as the core. */\r
96         #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK    ( 0 )\r
97 #endif\r
98 \r
99 /* Constants required to access and manipulate the NVIC. */\r
100 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG                               ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e010 ) )\r
101 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG                               ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e014 ) )\r
102 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG              ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e018 ) )\r
103 #define portNVIC_SYSPRI2_REG                                    ( *     ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed20 ) )\r
104 #define portNVIC_SYSPRI1_REG                                    ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed1c ) )\r
105 #define portNVIC_SYS_CTRL_STATE_REG                             ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed24 ) )\r
106 #define portNVIC_MEM_FAULT_ENABLE                               ( 1UL << 16UL )\r
107 \r
108 /* Constants required to access and manipulate the MPU. */\r
109 #define portMPU_TYPE_REG                                                ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed90 ) )\r
110 #define portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG                 ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed9C ) )\r
111 #define portMPU_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_REG                    ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000edA0 ) )\r
112 #define portMPU_CTRL_REG                                                ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed94 ) )\r
113 #define portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE                             ( 8UL << 8UL ) /* 8 regions, unified. */\r
114 #define portMPU_ENABLE                                                  ( 0x01UL )\r
115 #define portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE                               ( 1UL << 2UL )\r
117 #define portMPU_REGION_VALID                                    ( 0x10UL )\r
118 #define portMPU_REGION_ENABLE                                   ( 0x01UL )\r
119 #define portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS                   0x40000000UL\r
120 #define portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS                             0x5FFFFFFFUL\r
121 \r
122 /* Constants required to access and manipulate the SysTick. */\r
123 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT                                    ( 0x00000002UL )\r
124 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE                                 ( 0x00000001UL )\r
125 #define portNVIC_PENDSV_PRI                                             ( ( ( uint32_t ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 16UL )\r
126 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI                                    ( ( ( uint32_t ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24UL )\r
127 #define portNVIC_SVC_PRI                                                ( ( ( uint32_t ) configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - 1UL ) << 24UL )\r
128 \r
129 /* Constants required to set up the initial stack. */\r
130 #define portINITIAL_XPSR                                                ( 0x01000000 )\r
131 #define portINITIAL_CONTROL_IF_UNPRIVILEGED             ( 0x03 )\r
132 #define portINITIAL_CONTROL_IF_PRIVILEGED               ( 0x02 )\r
133 \r
134 /* Constants required to check the validity of an interrupt priority. */\r
135 #define portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER         ( 16 )\r
136 #define portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16         ( 0xE000E3F0 )\r
137 #define portAIRCR_REG                                           ( * ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xE000ED0C ) )\r
138 #define portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE                                     ( ( uint8_t ) 0xff )\r
139 #define portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE                                     ( ( uint8_t ) 0x80 )\r
140 #define portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS                           ( ( uint8_t ) 7 )\r
141 #define portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK                         ( 0x07UL << 8UL )\r
142 #define portPRIGROUP_SHIFT                                      ( 8UL )\r
143 \r
144 /* Offsets in the stack to the parameters when inside the SVC handler. */\r
145 #define portOFFSET_TO_PC                                                ( 6 )\r
146 \r
147 /* For strict compliance with the Cortex-M spec the task start address should\r
148 have bit-0 clear, as it is loaded into the PC on exit from an ISR. */\r
149 #define portSTART_ADDRESS_MASK                          ( ( StackType_t ) 0xfffffffeUL )\r
150 \r
151 /*\r
152  * Configure a number of standard MPU regions that are used by all tasks.\r
153  */\r
154 static void prvSetupMPU( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
155 \r
156 /*\r
157  * Return the smallest MPU region size that a given number of bytes will fit\r
158  * into.  The region size is returned as the value that should be programmed\r
159  * into the region attribute register for that region.\r
160  */\r
161 static uint32_t prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( uint32_t ulActualSizeInBytes ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
162 \r
163 /*\r
164  * Checks to see if being called from the context of an unprivileged task, and\r
165  * if so raises the privilege level and returns false - otherwise does nothing\r
166  * other than return true.\r
167  */\r
168 BaseType_t xPortRaisePrivilege( void ) __attribute__(( naked ));\r
169 \r
170 /*\r
171  * Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.  The implementation in this\r
172  * file is weak to allow application writers to change the timer used to\r
173  * generate the tick interrupt.\r
174  */\r
175 void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void );\r
176 \r
177 /*\r
178  * Standard FreeRTOS exception handlers.\r
179  */\r
180 void xPortPendSVHandler( void ) __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
181 void xPortSysTickHandler( void )  __attribute__ ((optimize("3"))) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
182 void vPortSVCHandler( void ) __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
183 \r
184 /*\r
185  * Starts the scheduler by restoring the context of the first task to run.\r
186  */\r
187 static void prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void ) __attribute__(( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
188 \r
189 /*\r
190  * C portion of the SVC handler.  The SVC handler is split between an asm entry\r
191  * and a C wrapper for simplicity of coding and maintenance.\r
192  */\r
193 static void prvSVCHandler( uint32_t *pulRegisters ) __attribute__(( noinline )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
194 \r
195 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
196 \r
197 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting\r
198 variable.  Note this is not saved as part of the task context as context\r
199 switches can only occur when uxCriticalNesting is zero. */\r
200 static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;\r
201 \r
202 /*\r
203  * Used by the portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() macro to ensure\r
204  * FreeRTOS API functions are not called from interrupts that have been assigned\r
205  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.\r
206  */\r
207 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )\r
208          static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;\r
209          static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;\r
210          static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;\r
211 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */\r
212 \r
213 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
214 \r
215 /*\r
216  * See header file for description.\r
217  */\r
218 StackType_t *pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t *pxTopOfStack, TaskFunction_t pxCode, void *pvParameters, BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )\r
219 {\r
220         /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch\r
221         interrupt. */\r
222         pxTopOfStack--; /* Offset added to account for the way the MCU uses the stack on entry/exit of interrupts. */\r
223         *pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_XPSR;       /* xPSR */\r
224         pxTopOfStack--;\r
225         *pxTopOfStack = ( ( StackType_t ) pxCode ) & portSTART_ADDRESS_MASK;    /* PC */\r
226         pxTopOfStack--;\r
227         *pxTopOfStack = 0;      /* LR */\r
228         pxTopOfStack -= 5;      /* R12, R3, R2 and R1. */\r
229         *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;   /* R0 */\r
230         pxTopOfStack -= 9;      /* R11, R10, R9, R8, R7, R6, R5 and R4. */\r
231 \r
232         if( xRunPrivileged == pdTRUE )\r
233         {\r
234                 *pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_CONTROL_IF_PRIVILEGED;\r
235         }\r
236         else\r
237         {\r
238                 *pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_CONTROL_IF_UNPRIVILEGED;\r
239         }\r
240 \r
241         return pxTopOfStack;\r
242 }\r
243 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
244 \r
245 void vPortSVCHandler( void )\r
246 {\r
247         /* Assumes psp was in use. */\r
248         __asm volatile\r
249         (\r
250                 #ifndef USE_PROCESS_STACK       /* Code should not be required if a main() is using the process stack. */\r
251                         "       tst lr, #4                                              \n"\r
252                         "       ite eq                                                  \n"\r
253                         "       mrseq r0, msp                                   \n"\r
254                         "       mrsne r0, psp                                   \n"\r
255                 #else\r
256                         "       mrs r0, psp                                             \n"\r
257                 #endif\r
258                         "       b %0                                                    \n"\r
259                         ::"i"(prvSVCHandler):"r0", "memory"\r
260         );\r
261 }\r
262 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
263 \r
264 static void prvSVCHandler(      uint32_t *pulParam )\r
265 {\r
266 uint8_t ucSVCNumber;\r
267 \r
268         /* The stack contains: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, r14, the return address and\r
269         xPSR.  The first argument (r0) is pulParam[ 0 ]. */\r
270         ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ] )[ -2 ];\r
271         switch( ucSVCNumber )\r
272         {\r
273                 case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER    :       portNVIC_SYSPRI1_REG |= portNVIC_SVC_PRI;\r
274                                                                                         prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask();\r
275                                                                                         break;\r
276 \r
277                 case portSVC_YIELD                              :       portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT;\r
278                                                                                         /* Barriers are normally not required\r
279                                                                                         but do ensure the code is completely\r
280                                                                                         within the specified behaviour for the\r
281                                                                                         architecture. */\r
282                                                                                         __asm volatile( "dsb" ::: "memory" );\r
283                                                                                         __asm volatile( "isb" );\r
284 \r
285                                                                                         break;\r
286 \r
287                 case portSVC_RAISE_PRIVILEGE    :       __asm volatile\r
288                                                                                         (\r
289                                                                                                 "       mrs r1, control         \n" /* Obtain current control value. */\r
290                                                                                                 "       bic r1, #1                      \n" /* Set privilege bit. */\r
291                                                                                                 "       msr control, r1         \n" /* Write back new control value. */\r
292                                                                                                 ::: "r1", "memory"\r
293                                                                                         );\r
294                                                                                         break;\r
295 \r
296                 default                                                 :       /* Unknown SVC call. */\r
297                                                                                         break;\r
298         }\r
299 }\r
300 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
301 \r
302 static void prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void )\r
303 {\r
304         __asm volatile\r
305         (\r
306                 "       ldr r0, =0xE000ED08                             \n" /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */\r
307                 "       ldr r0, [r0]                                    \n"\r
308                 "       ldr r0, [r0]                                    \n"\r
309                 "       msr msp, r0                                             \n" /* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */\r
310                 "       ldr     r3, pxCurrentTCBConst2          \n" /* Restore the context. */\r
311                 "       ldr r1, [r3]                                    \n"\r
312                 "       ldr r0, [r1]                                    \n" /* The first item in the TCB is the task top of stack. */\r
313                 "       add r1, r1, #4                                  \n" /* Move onto the second item in the TCB... */\r
314                 "       ldr r2, =0xe000ed9c                             \n" /* Region Base Address register. */\r
315                 "       ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}                             \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers. */\r
316                 "       stmia r2!, {r4-r11}                             \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. */\r
317                 "       ldmia r0!, {r3, r4-r11}                 \n" /* Pop the registers that are not automatically saved on exception entry. */\r
318                 "       msr control, r3                                 \n"\r
319                 "       msr psp, r0                                             \n" /* Restore the task stack pointer. */\r
320                 "       mov r0, #0                                              \n"\r
321                 "       msr     basepri, r0                                     \n"\r
322                 "       ldr r14, =0xfffffffd                    \n" /* Load exec return code. */\r
323                 "       bx r14                                                  \n"\r
324                 "                                                                       \n"\r
325                 "       .align 4                                                \n"\r
326                 "pxCurrentTCBConst2: .word pxCurrentTCB \n"\r
327         );\r
328 }\r
329 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
330 \r
331 /*\r
332  * See header file for description.\r
333  */\r
334 BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )\r
335 {\r
336         /* configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY must not be set to 0.  See\r
337         http://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html */\r
338         configASSERT( ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) );\r
339 \r
340         #if( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )\r
341         {\r
342                 volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;\r
343                 volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );\r
344                 volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;\r
345 \r
346                 /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API\r
347                 functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in\r
348                 "FromISR".  FreeRTOS maintains separate thread and ISR API functions to\r
349                 ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.\r
350 \r
351                 Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */\r
352                 ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;\r
353 \r
354                 /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all\r
355                 possible bits. */\r
356                 *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;\r
357 \r
358                 /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */\r
359                 ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;\r
360 \r
361                 /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */\r
362                 ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;\r
363 \r
364                 /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number\r
365                 of bits read back. */\r
366                 ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;\r
367                 while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )\r
368                 {\r
369                         ulMaxPRIGROUPValue--;\r
370                         ucMaxPriorityValue <<= ( uint8_t ) 0x01;\r
371                 }\r
372 \r
373                 #ifdef __NVIC_PRIO_BITS\r
374                 {\r
375                         /* Check the CMSIS configuration that defines the number of\r
376                         priority bits matches the number of priority bits actually queried\r
377                         from the hardware. */\r
378                         configASSERT( ( portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS - ulMaxPRIGROUPValue ) == __NVIC_PRIO_BITS );\r
379                 }\r
380                 #endif\r
381 \r
382                 #ifdef configPRIO_BITS\r
383                 {\r
384                         /* Check the FreeRTOS configuration that defines the number of\r
385                         priority bits matches the number of priority bits actually queried\r
386                         from the hardware. */\r
387                         configASSERT( ( portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS - ulMaxPRIGROUPValue ) == configPRIO_BITS );\r
388                 }\r
389                 #endif\r
390 \r
391                 /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR\r
392                 register. */\r
393                 ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;\r
394                 ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;\r
395 \r
396                 /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original\r
397                 value. */\r
398                 *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ulOriginalPriority;\r
399         }\r
400         #endif /* conifgASSERT_DEFINED */\r
401 \r
402         /* Make PendSV and SysTick the same priority as the kernel, and the SVC\r
403         handler higher priority so it can be used to exit a critical section (where\r
404         lower priorities are masked). */\r
405         portNVIC_SYSPRI2_REG |= portNVIC_PENDSV_PRI;\r
406         portNVIC_SYSPRI2_REG |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI;\r
407 \r
408         /* Configure the regions in the MPU that are common to all tasks. */\r
409         prvSetupMPU();\r
410 \r
411         /* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR.  Interrupts are disabled\r
412         here already. */\r
413         vPortSetupTimerInterrupt();\r
414 \r
415         /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */\r
416         uxCriticalNesting = 0;\r
417 \r
418         /* Start the first task. */\r
419         __asm volatile(\r
420                                         " ldr r0, =0xE000ED08   \n" /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */\r
421                                         " ldr r0, [r0]                  \n"\r
422                                         " ldr r0, [r0]                  \n"\r
423                                         " msr msp, r0                   \n" /* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */\r
424                                         " cpsie i                               \n" /* Globally enable interrupts. */\r
425                                         " cpsie f                               \n"\r
426                                         " dsb                                   \n"\r
427                                         " isb                                   \n"\r
428                                         " svc %0                                \n" /* System call to start first task. */\r
429                                         " nop                                   \n"\r
430                                         :: "i" (portSVC_START_SCHEDULER) : "memory" );\r
431 \r
432         /* Should not get here! */\r
433         return 0;\r
434 }\r
435 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
436 \r
437 void vPortEndScheduler( void )\r
438 {\r
439         /* Not implemented in ports where there is nothing to return to.\r
440         Artificially force an assert. */\r
441         configASSERT( uxCriticalNesting == 1000UL );\r
442 }\r
443 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
444 \r
445 void vPortEnterCritical( void )\r
446 {\r
447 BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
448 \r
449         portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();\r
450         uxCriticalNesting++;\r
451 \r
452         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
453 }\r
454 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
455 \r
456 void vPortExitCritical( void )\r
457 {\r
458 BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
459 \r
460         configASSERT( uxCriticalNesting );\r
461         uxCriticalNesting--;\r
462         if( uxCriticalNesting == 0 )\r
463         {\r
464                 portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();\r
465         }\r
466         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
467 }\r
468 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
469 \r
470 void xPortPendSVHandler( void )\r
471 {\r
472         /* This is a naked function. */\r
473 \r
474         __asm volatile\r
475         (\r
476                 "       mrs r0, psp                                                     \n"\r
477                 "                                                                               \n"\r
478                 "       ldr     r3, pxCurrentTCBConst                   \n" /* Get the location of the current TCB. */\r
479                 "       ldr     r2, [r3]                                                \n"\r
480                 "                                                                               \n"\r
481                 "       mrs r1, control                                         \n"\r
482                 "       stmdb r0!, {r1, r4-r11}                         \n" /* Save the remaining registers. */\r
483                 "       str r0, [r2]                                            \n" /* Save the new top of stack into the first member of the TCB. */\r
484                 "                                                                               \n"\r
485                 "       stmdb sp!, {r3, r14}                            \n"\r
486                 "       mov r0, %0                                                      \n"\r
487                 "       msr basepri, r0                                         \n"\r
488                 "       dsb                                                                     \n"\r
489                 "       isb                                                                     \n"\r
490                 "       bl vTaskSwitchContext                           \n"\r
491                 "       mov r0, #0                                                      \n"\r
492                 "       msr basepri, r0                                         \n"\r
493                 "       ldmia sp!, {r3, r14}                            \n"\r
494                 "                                                                               \n"     /* Restore the context. */\r
495                 "       ldr r1, [r3]                                            \n"\r
496                 "       ldr r0, [r1]                                            \n" /* The first item in the TCB is the task top of stack. */\r
497                 "       add r1, r1, #4                                          \n" /* Move onto the second item in the TCB... */\r
498                 "       ldr r2, =0xe000ed9c                                     \n" /* Region Base Address register. */\r
499                 "       ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}                                     \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers. */\r
500                 "       stmia r2!, {r4-r11}                                     \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. */\r
501                 "       ldmia r0!, {r3, r4-r11}                         \n" /* Pop the registers that are not automatically saved on exception entry. */\r
502                 "       msr control, r3                                         \n"\r
503                 "                                                                               \n"\r
504                 "       msr psp, r0                                                     \n"\r
505                 "       bx r14                                                          \n"\r
506                 "                                                                               \n"\r
507                 "       .align 4                                                        \n"\r
508                 "pxCurrentTCBConst: .word pxCurrentTCB  \n"\r
509                 ::"i"(configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY)\r
510         );\r
511 }\r
512 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
513 \r
514 void xPortSysTickHandler( void )\r
515 {\r
516 uint32_t ulDummy;\r
517 \r
518         ulDummy = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();\r
519         {\r
520                 /* Increment the RTOS tick. */\r
521                 if( xTaskIncrementTick() != pdFALSE )\r
522                 {\r
523                         /* Pend a context switch. */\r
524                         portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT;\r
525                 }\r
526         }\r
527         portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR( ulDummy );\r
528 }\r
529 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
530 \r
531 /*\r
532  * Setup the systick timer to generate the tick interrupts at the required\r
533  * frequency.\r
534  */\r
535 __attribute__(( weak )) void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )\r
536 {\r
537         /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */\r
538         portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG = 0UL;\r
540 \r
541         /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */\r
542         portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;\r
544 }\r
545 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
546 \r
547 static void prvSetupMPU( void )\r
548 {\r
549 extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];\r
550 extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_start__[];\r
551 extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_end__[];\r
552 extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];\r
553 extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];\r
554 \r
555         /* Check the expected MPU is present. */\r
556         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )\r
557         {\r
558                 /* First setup the entire flash for unprivileged read only access. */\r
559                 portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG =       ( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) | /* Base address. */\r
560                                                                                         ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
561                                                                                         ( portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );\r
562 \r
563                 portMPU_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_REG =  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY ) |\r
564                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |\r
565                                                                                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |\r
566                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
567 \r
568                 /* Setup the first 16K for privileged only access (even though less\r
569                 than 10K is actually being used).  This is where the kernel code is\r
570                 placed. */\r
571                 portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG =       ( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) | /* Base address. */\r
572                                                                                         ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
573                                                                                         ( portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );\r
574 \r
576                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |\r
577                                                                                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |\r
578                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
579 \r
580                 /* Setup the privileged data RAM region.  This is where the kernel data\r
581                 is placed. */\r
582                 portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG =       ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) | /* Base address. */\r
583                                                                                         ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
584                                                                                         ( portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION );\r
585 \r
587                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |\r
588                                                                                 prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |\r
589                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
590 \r
591                 /* By default allow everything to access the general peripherals.  The\r
592                 system peripherals and registers are protected. */\r
593                 portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG =       ( portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) |\r
594                                                                                         ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
595                                                                                         ( portGENERAL_PERIPHERALS_REGION );\r
596 \r
598                                                                                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |\r
599                                                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
600 \r
601                 /* Enable the memory fault exception. */\r
602                 portNVIC_SYS_CTRL_STATE_REG |= portNVIC_MEM_FAULT_ENABLE;\r
603 \r
604                 /* Enable the MPU with the background region configured. */\r
605                 portMPU_CTRL_REG |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );\r
606         }\r
607 }\r
608 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
609 \r
610 static uint32_t prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( uint32_t ulActualSizeInBytes )\r
611 {\r
612 uint32_t ulRegionSize, ulReturnValue = 4;\r
613 \r
614         /* 32 is the smallest region size, 31 is the largest valid value for\r
615         ulReturnValue. */\r
616         for( ulRegionSize = 32UL; ulReturnValue < 31UL; ( ulRegionSize <<= 1UL ) )\r
617         {\r
618                 if( ulActualSizeInBytes <= ulRegionSize )\r
619                 {\r
620                         break;\r
621                 }\r
622                 else\r
623                 {\r
624                         ulReturnValue++;\r
625                 }\r
626         }\r
627 \r
628         /* Shift the code by one before returning so it can be written directly\r
629         into the the correct bit position of the attribute register. */\r
630         return ( ulReturnValue << 1UL );\r
631 }\r
632 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
633 \r
634 BaseType_t xPortRaisePrivilege( void )\r
635 {\r
636         __asm volatile\r
637         (\r
638                 "       mrs r0, control                                         \n"\r
639                 "       tst r0, #1                                                      \n" /* Is the task running privileged? */\r
640                 "       itte ne                                                         \n"\r
641                 "       movne r0, #0                                            \n" /* CONTROL[0]!=0, return false. */\r
642                 "       svcne %0                                                        \n" /* Switch to privileged. */\r
643                 "       moveq r0, #1                                            \n" /* CONTROL[0]==0, return true. */\r
644                 "       bx lr                                                           \n"\r
645                 :: "i" (portSVC_RAISE_PRIVILEGE) : "r0", "memory"\r
646         );\r
647 \r
648         return 0;\r
649 }\r
650 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
651 \r
652 void vPortStoreTaskMPUSettings( xMPU_SETTINGS *xMPUSettings, const struct xMEMORY_REGION * const xRegions, StackType_t *pxBottomOfStack, uint32_t ulStackDepth )\r
653 {\r
654 extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_start__[];\r
655 extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_end__[];\r
656 extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];\r
657 extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];\r
658 int32_t lIndex;\r
659 uint32_t ul;\r
660 \r
661         if( xRegions == NULL )\r
662         {\r
663                 /* No MPU regions are specified so allow access to all RAM. */\r
664                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionBaseAddress =\r
665                                 ( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) | /* Base address. */\r
666                                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
667                                 ( portSTACK_REGION );\r
668 \r
669                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =\r
670                                 ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) |\r
671                                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |\r
672                                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) ) |\r
673                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
674 \r
675                 /* Re-instate the privileged only RAM region as xRegion[ 0 ] will have\r
676                 just removed the privileged only parameters. */\r
677                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionBaseAddress =\r
678                                 ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) | /* Base address. */\r
679                                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
680                                 ( portSTACK_REGION + 1 );\r
681 \r
682                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute =\r
683                                 ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |\r
684                                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |\r
685                                 prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |\r
686                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
687 \r
688                 /* Invalidate all other regions. */\r
689                 for( ul = 2; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )\r
690                 {\r
691                         xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;\r
692                         xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;\r
693                 }\r
694         }\r
695         else\r
696         {\r
697                 /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in\r
698                 which case the stack region parameters will be valid.  At all other\r
699                 times the stack parameters will not be valid and it is assumed that the\r
700                 stack region has already been configured. */\r
701                 if( ulStackDepth > 0 )\r
702                 {\r
703                         /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */\r
704                         xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionBaseAddress =\r
705                                         ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) |\r
706                                         ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
707                                         ( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */\r
708 \r
709                         xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =\r
710                                         ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) | /* Read and write. */\r
711                                         ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) ) |\r
712                                         ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |\r
713                                         ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
714                 }\r
715 \r
716                 lIndex = 0;\r
717 \r
718                 for( ul = 1; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )\r
719                 {\r
720                         if( ( xRegions[ lIndex ] ).ulLengthInBytes > 0UL )\r
721                         {\r
722                                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in\r
723                                 xRegions into the CM3 specific MPU settings that are then\r
724                                 stored in xMPUSettings. */\r
725                                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress =\r
726                                                 ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) |\r
727                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |\r
728                                                 ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ); /* Region number. */\r
729 \r
730                                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute =\r
731                                                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes ) ) |\r
732                                                 ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters ) |\r
733                                                 ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );\r
734                         }\r
735                         else\r
736                         {\r
737                                 /* Invalidate the region. */\r
738                                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;\r
739                                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;\r
740                         }\r
741 \r
742                         lIndex++;\r
743                 }\r
744         }\r
745 }\r
746 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
747 \r
748 #if( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )\r
749 \r
750         void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )\r
751         {\r
752         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;\r
753         uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;\r
754 \r
755                 /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */\r
756                 __asm volatile( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r"( ulCurrentInterrupt ) :: "memory" );\r
757 \r
758                 /* Is the interrupt number a user defined interrupt? */\r
759                 if( ulCurrentInterrupt >= portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER )\r
760                 {\r
761                         /* Look up the interrupt's priority. */\r
762                         ucCurrentPriority = pcInterruptPriorityRegisters[ ulCurrentInterrupt ];\r
763 \r
764                         /* The following assertion will fail if a service routine (ISR) for\r
765                         an interrupt that has been assigned a priority above\r
766                         configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY calls an ISR safe FreeRTOS API\r
767                         function.  ISR safe FreeRTOS API functions must *only* be called\r
768                         from interrupts that have been assigned a priority at or below\r
769                         configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.\r
770 \r
771                         Numerically low interrupt priority numbers represent logically high\r
772                         interrupt priorities, therefore the priority of the interrupt must\r
773                         be set to a value equal to or numerically *higher* than\r
774                         configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.\r
775 \r
776                         Interrupts that use the FreeRTOS API must not be left at their\r
777                         default priority of     zero as that is the highest possible priority,\r
778                         which is guaranteed to be above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY,\r
779                         and     therefore also guaranteed to be invalid.\r
780 \r
781                         FreeRTOS maintains separate thread and ISR API functions to ensure\r
782                         interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.\r
783 \r
784                         The following links provide detailed information:\r
785                         http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html\r
786                         http://www.freertos.org/FAQHelp.html */\r
787                         configASSERT( ucCurrentPriority >= ucMaxSysCallPriority );\r
788                 }\r
789 \r
790                 /* Priority grouping:  The interrupt controller (NVIC) allows the bits\r
791                 that define each interrupt's priority to be split between bits that\r
792                 define the interrupt's pre-emption priority bits and bits that define\r
793                 the interrupt's sub-priority.  For simplicity all bits must be defined\r
794                 to be pre-emption priority bits.  The following assertion will fail if\r
795                 this is not the case (if some bits represent a sub-priority).\r
796 \r
797                 If the application only uses CMSIS libraries for interrupt\r
798                 configuration then the correct setting can be achieved on all Cortex-M\r
799                 devices by calling NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping( 0 ); before starting the\r
800                 scheduler.  Note however that some vendor specific peripheral libraries\r
801                 assume a non-zero priority group setting, in which cases using a value\r
802                 of zero will result in unpredicable behaviour. */\r
803                 configASSERT( ( portAIRCR_REG & portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK ) <= ulMaxPRIGROUPValue );\r
804         }\r
805 \r
806 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */\r
807 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
808 \r
809 \r