2 FreeRTOS V8.2.2 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
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78 #if !defined(_SERIES) || _SERIES != 18
79 #error "WizC supports FreeRTOS on the Microchip PIC18-series only"
82 #if !defined(QUICKCALL) || QUICKCALL != 1
83 #error "QuickCall must be enabled (see ProjectOptions/Optimisations)"
89 #define portCHAR char
90 #define portFLOAT float
91 #define portDOUBLE portFLOAT
92 #define portLONG long
93 #define portSHORT short
94 #define portSTACK_TYPE uint8_t
95 #define portBASE_TYPE char
97 typedef portSTACK_TYPE StackType_t;
98 typedef signed char BaseType_t;
99 typedef unsigned char UBaseType_t;
102 #if( configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS == 1 )
103 typedef uint16_t TickType_t;
104 #define portMAX_DELAY ( TickType_t ) ( 0xFFFF )
106 typedef uint32_t TickType_t;
107 #define portMAX_DELAY ( TickType_t ) ( 0xFFFFFFFF )
110 #define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT 1
112 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
115 * Constant used for context switch macro when we require the interrupt
116 * enable state to be forced when the interrupted task is switched back in.
118 #define portINTERRUPTS_FORCED (0x01)
121 * Constant used for context switch macro when we require the interrupt
122 * enable state to be unchanged when the interrupted task is switched back in.
124 #define portINTERRUPTS_UNCHANGED (0x00)
126 /* Initial interrupt enable state for newly created tasks. This value is
127 * used when a task switches in for the first time.
132 * Macros to modify the global interrupt enable bit in INTCON.
134 #define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS() \
138 } while(bGIE) // MicroChip recommends this check!
140 #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS() \
146 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
149 * Critical section macros.
151 extern uint8_t ucCriticalNesting;
153 #define portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING ( ( uint8_t ) 0 )
155 #define portENTER_CRITICAL() \
161 * Now interrupts are disabled ucCriticalNesting \
162 * can be accessed directly. Increment \
163 * ucCriticalNesting to keep a count of how \
164 * many times portENTER_CRITICAL() has been called. \
166 ucCriticalNesting++; \
169 #define portEXIT_CRITICAL() \
172 if(ucCriticalNesting > portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING) \
175 * Decrement the nesting count as we are leaving a \
176 * critical section. \
178 ucCriticalNesting--; \
182 * If the nesting level has reached zero then \
183 * interrupts should be re-enabled. \
185 if( ucCriticalNesting == portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING ) \
191 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
194 * The minimal stacksize is calculated on the first reference of
195 * portMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE. Some input to this calculation is
196 * compiletime determined, other input is port-defined (see port.c)
198 extern uint16_t usPortCALCULATE_MINIMAL_STACK_SIZE( void );
199 extern uint16_t usCalcMinStackSize;
201 #define portMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE \
202 ((usCalcMinStackSize == 0) \
204 : usCalcMinStackSize )
207 * WizC uses a downgrowing stack
209 #define portSTACK_GROWTH ( -1 )
211 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
214 * Macro's that pushes all the registers that make up the context of a task onto
215 * the stack, then saves the new top of stack into the TCB. TOSU and TBLPTRU
216 * are only saved/restored on devices with more than 64kB (32k Words) ROM.
218 * The stackpointer is helt by WizC in FSR2 and points to the first free byte.
219 * WizC uses a "downgrowing" stack. There is no framepointer.
221 * We keep track of the interruptstatus using ucCriticalNesting. When this
222 * value equals zero, interrupts have to be enabled upon exit from the
223 * portRESTORE_CONTEXT macro.
225 * If this is called from an ISR then the interrupt enable bits must have been
226 * set for the ISR to ever get called. Therefore we want to save
227 * ucCriticalNesting with value zero. This means the interrupts will again be
228 * re-enabled when the interrupted task is switched back in.
230 * If this is called from a manual context switch (i.e. from a call to yield),
231 * then we want to keep the current value of ucCritialNesting so it is restored
232 * with its current value. This allows a yield from within a critical section.
234 * The compiler uses some locations at the bottom of RAM for temporary
235 * storage. The compiler may also have been instructed to optimize
236 * function-parameters and local variables to global storage. The compiler
237 * uses an area called LocOpt for this wizC feature.
238 * The total overheadstorage has to be saved in it's entirety as part of
239 * a task context. These macro's store/restore from data address 0x0000 to
241 * OVERHEADPAGE0, LOCOPTSIZE and MAXLOCOPTSIZE are compiler-generated
242 * assembler definitions.
245 #define portSAVE_CONTEXT( ucInterruptForced ) \
252 ; Push the relevant SFR's onto the task's stack \
254 movff STATUS,POSTDEC2 \
255 movff WREG,POSTDEC2 \
256 movff BSR,POSTDEC2 \
257 movff PRODH,POSTDEC2 \
258 movff PRODL,POSTDEC2 \
259 movff FSR0H,POSTDEC2 \
260 movff FSR0L,POSTDEC2 \
261 movff FSR1H,POSTDEC2 \
262 movff FSR1L,POSTDEC2 \
263 movff TABLAT,POSTDEC2 \
264 if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000 \
265 movff TBLPTRU,POSTDEC2 \
267 movff TBLPTRH,POSTDEC2 \
268 movff TBLPTRL,POSTDEC2 \
269 if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000 \
270 movff PCLATU,POSTDEC2 \
272 movff PCLATH,POSTDEC2 \
274 ; Store the compiler-scratch-area as described above. \
277 clrf FSR0L,ACCESS \
278 clrf FSR0H,ACCESS \
280 movff POSTINC0,POSTDEC2 \
281 decfsz WREG,W,ACCESS \
282 SMARTJUMP _rtos_S1 \
284 ; Save the pic call/return-stack belonging to the \
285 ; current task by copying it to the task's software- \
286 ; stack. We save the hardware stack pointer (which \
287 ; is the number of addresses on the stack) in the \
288 ; W-register first because we need it later and it \
289 ; is modified in the save-loop by executing pop's. \
290 ; After the loop the W-register is stored on the \
293 movf STKPTR,W,ACCESS \
296 if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000 \
297 movff TOSU,POSTDEC2 \
299 movff TOSH,POSTDEC2 \
300 movff TOSL,POSTDEC2 \
302 tstfsz STKPTR,ACCESS \
303 SMARTJUMP _rtos_S2 \
305 movwf POSTDEC2,ACCESS \
307 ; Next the value for ucCriticalNesting used by the \
308 ; task is stored on the stack. When \
309 ; (ucInterruptForced == portINTERRUPTS_FORCED), we save \
310 ; it as 0 (portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING). \
312 if ucInterruptForced == portINTERRUPTS_FORCED \
313 clrf POSTDEC2,ACCESS \
315 movff ucCriticalNesting,POSTDEC2 \
318 ; Save the new top of the software stack in the TCB. \
320 movff pxCurrentTCB,FSR0L \
321 movff pxCurrentTCB+1,FSR0H \
322 movff FSR2L,POSTINC0 \
323 movff FSR2H,POSTINC0 \
324 _Pragma("asmend") \
327 /************************************************************/
330 * This is the reverse of portSAVE_CONTEXT.
332 #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT() \
337 ; Set FSR0 to point to pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack. \
339 movff pxCurrentTCB,FSR0L \
340 movff pxCurrentTCB+1,FSR0H \
342 ; De-reference FSR0 to set the address it holds into \
343 ; FSR2 (i.e. *( pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack ) ). FSR2 \
344 ; is used by wizC as stackpointer. \
346 movff POSTINC0,FSR2L \
347 movff POSTINC0,FSR2H \
349 ; Next, the value for ucCriticalNesting used by the \
350 ; task is retrieved from the stack. \
352 movff PREINC2,ucCriticalNesting \
354 ; Rebuild the pic call/return-stack. The number of \
355 ; return addresses is the next item on the task stack. \
356 ; Save this number in PRODL. Then fetch the addresses \
357 ; and store them on the hardwarestack. \
358 ; The datasheets say we can't use movff here... \
360 movff PREINC2,PRODL // Use PRODL as tempregister \
361 clrf STKPTR,ACCESS \
364 movf PREINC2,W,ACCESS \
365 movwf TOSL,ACCESS \
366 movf PREINC2,W,ACCESS \
367 movwf TOSH,ACCESS \
368 if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000 \
369 movf PREINC2,W,ACCESS \
370 movwf TOSU,ACCESS \
374 decfsz PRODL,F,ACCESS \
375 SMARTJUMP _rtos_R1 \
377 ; Restore the compiler's working storage area to page 0 \
380 movwf FSR0L,ACCESS \
381 clrf FSR0H,ACCESS \
383 decf FSR0L,F,ACCESS \
384 movff PREINC2,INDF0 \
385 tstfsz FSR0L,ACCESS \
386 SMARTJUMP _rtos_R2 \
388 ; Restore the sfr's forming the tasks context. \
389 ; We cannot yet restore bsr, w and status because \
390 ; we need these registers for a final test. \
392 movff PREINC2,PCLATH \
393 if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000 \
394 movff PREINC2,PCLATU \
396 clrf PCLATU,ACCESS \
398 movff PREINC2,TBLPTRL \
399 movff PREINC2,TBLPTRH \
400 if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000 \
401 movff PREINC2,TBLPTRU \
405 movff PREINC2,TABLAT \
406 movff PREINC2,FSR1L \
407 movff PREINC2,FSR1H \
408 movff PREINC2,FSR0L \
409 movff PREINC2,FSR0H \
410 movff PREINC2,PRODL \
411 movff PREINC2,PRODH \
413 ; The return from portRESTORE_CONTEXT() depends on \
414 ; the value of ucCriticalNesting. When it is zero, \
415 ; interrupts need to be enabled. This is done via a \
416 ; retfie instruction because we need the \
417 ; interrupt-enabling and the return to the restored \
418 ; task to be uninterruptable. \
419 ; Because bsr, status and W are affected by the test \
420 ; they are restored after the test. \
422 movlb ucCriticalNesting>>8 \
423 tstfsz ucCriticalNesting,BANKED \
424 SMARTJUMP _rtos_R4 \
426 movff PREINC2,BSR \
427 movff PREINC2,WREG \
428 movff PREINC2,STATUS \
429 retfie 0 ; Return enabling interrupts \
431 movff PREINC2,BSR \
432 movff PREINC2,WREG \
433 movff PREINC2,STATUS \
434 return 0 ; Return without affecting interrupts \
435 _Pragma("asmend") \
438 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
440 #define portTICK_PERIOD_MS ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )
442 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
444 extern void vPortYield( void );
445 #define portYIELD() vPortYield()
447 #define portNOP() _Pragma("asm") \
451 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
453 #define portTASK_FUNCTION( xFunction, pvParameters ) \
454 void pointed xFunction( void *pvParameters ) \
455 _Pragma(asmfunc xFunction)
458 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
464 #endif /* PORTMACRO_H */