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[freertos] / FreeRTOS-Labs / Source / FreeRTOS-IoT-Libraries / c_sdk / standard / mqtt / include / iot_mqtt_serialize.h
1 /*\r
2  * IoT MQTT V2.1.0\r
3  * Copyright (C) 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.\r
4  *\r
5  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of\r
6  * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in\r
7  * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to\r
8  * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of\r
9  * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,\r
10  * subject to the following conditions:\r
11  *\r
12  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\r
13  * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
14  *\r
21  */\r
22 \r
23 /**\r
24  * @file iot_mqtt_serialize.h\r
25  * @brief User-facing functions for serializing MQTT 3.1.1 packets. This header should\r
26  * be included for building a single threaded light-weight MQTT client bypassing\r
27  * stateful CSDK MQTT library.\r
28  */\r
29 \r
30 #ifndef _IOT_MQTT_SERIALIZE_H_\r
31 #define _IOT_MQTT_SERIALIZE_H_\r
32 \r
33 /* The config header is always included first. */\r
34 #include "iot_config.h"\r
35 \r
36 /* MQTT types include. */\r
37 #include "types/iot_mqtt_types.h"\r
38 \r
39 /*------------------------- MQTT library functions --------------------------*/\r
40 \r
41 /**\r
42  * @functionspage{mqtt,MQTT library}\r
43  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_getconnectpacketsize}\r
44  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializeconnect}\r
45  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_getsubscriptionpacketsize}\r
46  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializesubscribe}\r
47  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializeunsubscribe}\r
48  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_getpublishpacketsize}\r
49  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializepublish}\r
50  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializedisconnect}\r
51  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializepingreq}\r
52  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength}\r
53  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_deserializeresponse}\r
54  * - @functionname{mqtt_function_deserializepublish}\r
55  */\r
56 \r
57 /**\r
58  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize,mqtt,getconnectpacketsize}\r
59  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeConnect,mqtt,serializeconnect}\r
60  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize,mqtt,getsubscriptionpacketsize}\r
61  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe,mqtt,serializesubscribe}\r
62  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe,mqtt,serializeunsubscribe}\r
63  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize,mqtt,getpublishpacketsize}\r
64  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializePublish,mqtt,serializepublish}\r
65  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect,mqtt,serializedisconnect}\r
66  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializePingreq,mqtt,serializepingreq}\r
67  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength,mqtt,getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength}\r
68  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse,mqtt,deserializeresponse}\r
69  * @functionpage{IotMqtt_DeserializePublish,mqtt,deserializepublish}\r
70  */\r
71 \r
72 /**\r
73  * @brief Calculate the size and "Remaining length" of a CONNECT packet generated\r
74  * from the given parameters.\r
75  *\r
76  * @param[in] pConnectInfo User-provided CONNECT information struct.\r
77  * @param[out] pRemainingLength Output for calculated "Remaining length" field.\r
78  * @param[out] pPacketSize Output for calculated total packet size.\r
79  *\r
80  * @return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS if the packet is within the length allowed by MQTT 3.1.1 spec;\r
81  * IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise. If this function returns `IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER`,\r
82  * the output parameters should be ignored.\r
83  *\r
84  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
85  * \r
86  * <b>Example</b>\r
87  * @code{c}\r
88  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize() should be used to calculate\r
89  * // the size of connect request. \r
90  *\r
91  * IotMqttConnectInfo_t xConnectInfo;\r
92  * size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
93  * size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
94  * IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
95  * \r
96  * // start with everything set to zero\r
97  * memset( ( void * ) &xConnectInfo, 0x00, sizeof( xConnectInfo ) );\r
98  *      \r
99  * // Initialize connection info, details are out of scope for this example.\r
100  * _initializeConnectInfo( &xConnectInfo );\r
101  * // Get size requirement for the connect packet \r
102  * xResult = IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize( &xConnectInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
103  * IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
104  *\r
105  *  // Application should allocate buffer with size == xPacketSize or use static buffer\r
106  *  // with size >= xPacketSize to serialize connect request.\r
107  * @endcode\r
108  */\r
109 /* @[declare_mqtt_getconnectpacketsize] */\r
110 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize( const IotMqttConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo,\r
111                                              size_t * pRemainingLength,\r
112                                              size_t * pPacketSize );\r
113 /* @[declare_mqtt_getconnectpacketsize] */\r
114 \r
115 /**\r
116  * @brief Generate a CONNECT packet from the given parameters.\r
117  *\r
118  * @param[in] pConnectInfo User-provided CONNECT information.\r
119  * @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.\r
120  * @param[in, out] pBuffer User provided buffer where the CONNECT packet is written.\r
121  * @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.\r
122  *\r
123  * @return #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS or #IOT_MQTT_NO_MEMORY.\r
124  *\r
125  * @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller. Use @ref mqtt_function_getconnectpacketsize\r
126  * to determine the required size.\r
127  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
128  * \r
129  * <b>Example</b>\r
130  * @code{c}\r
131  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeConnect() should be used to serialize\r
132  * // MQTT connect packet and send it to MQTT broker.\r
133  * // Example uses static memory but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.\r
134  * // Get size requirement for the connect packet.\r
135  * \r
136  * #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100\r
137  * static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];\r
138  * void sendConnectPacket( int xMQTTSocket )\r
139  * {\r
140  *    IotMqttConnectInfo_t xConnectInfo;\r
141  *    size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
142  *    size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
143  *    IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
144  *    size_t xSentBytes = 0;\r
145  *    // Get size requirement for MQTT connect packet.\r
146  *    xResult = IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize( &xConnectInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
147  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
148  *    // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size\r
149  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
150  *    // Serialize MQTT connect packet into provided buffer\r
151  *    xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeConnect( &xConnectInfo, xRemainingLength, ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize );\r
152  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS ); \r
153  *    // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
154  *    xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );\r
155  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );\r
156  * }\r
157  * @endcode\r
158  */\r
159 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializeconnect] */\r
160 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeConnect( const IotMqttConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo,\r
161                                          size_t remainingLength,\r
162                                          uint8_t * pBuffer,\r
163                                          size_t bufferSize );\r
164 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializeconnect] */\r
165 \r
166 /**\r
167  * @brief Calculate the size and "Remaining length" of a SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE\r
168  * packet generated from the given parameters.\r
169  *\r
170  * @param[in] type Either IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE or IOT_MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE.\r
171  * @param[in] pSubscriptionList User-provided array of subscriptions.\r
172  * @param[in] subscriptionCount Size of `pSubscriptionList`.\r
173  * @param[out] pRemainingLength Output for calculated "Remaining length" field.\r
174  * @param[out] pPacketSize Output for calculated total packet size.\r
175  *\r
176  * @return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS if the packet is within the length allowed by MQTT 3.1.1 spec;\r
177  * IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise. If this function returns IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER,\r
178  * the output parameters should be ignored.\r
179  *\r
180  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
181  * \r
182  * <b>Example</b>\r
183  * @code{c}\r
184  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize() should be used to calculate\r
185  * // the size of subscribe or unsubscribe request. \r
186  *\r
187  * IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
188  * IotMqttSubscription_t xMQTTSubscription[ 1 ];\r
189  * size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
190  * size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
191  * \r
192  * // Initialize Subscribe parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.\r
193  * // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter  and topic filter length. \r
194  *  _initializeSubscribe( xMQTTSubscription );\r
195  *\r
196  * xResult = IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,\r
197  *                                                                                               xMQTTSubscription,\r
198  *                                                                                               sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),\r
199  *                                                                                               &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
200  * IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
201  *\r
202  * // Application should allocate buffer with size == xPacketSize or use static buffer\r
203  * // with size >= xPacketSize to serialize connect request.\r
204  * @endcode\r
205  */\r
206 /* @[declare_mqtt_getsubscriptionpacketsize] */\r
207 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IotMqttOperationType_t type,\r
208                                                   const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,\r
209                                                   size_t subscriptionCount,\r
210                                                   size_t * pRemainingLength,\r
211                                                   size_t * pPacketSize );\r
212 /* @[declare_mqtt_getsubscriptionpacketsize] */\r
213 \r
214 /**\r
215  * @brief Generate a SUBSCRIBE packet from the given parameters.\r
216  *\r
217  * @param[in] pSubscriptionList User-provided array of subscriptions.\r
218  * @param[in] subscriptionCount Size of `pSubscriptionList`.\r
219  * @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.\r
220  * @param[out] pPacketIdentifier The packet identifier generated for this SUBSCRIBE.\r
221  * @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the SUBSCRIBE packet is written.\r
222  * @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.\r
223  *\r
224  * @return #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS or #IOT_MQTT_NO_MEMORY.\r
225  *\r
226  * @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller.\r
227  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
228  * <b>Example</b>\r
229  * @code{c}\r
230  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe() should be used to serialize\r
231  * // MQTT Subscribe packet and send it to MQTT broker.\r
232  * // Example uses static memory, but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.\r
233  * // Get size requirement for the MQTT subscribe packet.\r
234  * \r
235  * #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100\r
236  * static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];\r
237  * void sendSubscribePacket( int xMQTTSocket )\r
238  * {\r
239  *    IotMqttSubscription_t xMQTTSubscription[ 1 ];\r
240  *    size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
241  *    size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
242  *    IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
243  *    size_t xSentBytes = 0;\r
244  *  \r
245  *    // Initialize Subscribe parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.\r
246  *    // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter  and topic filter length. \r
247  *    _initializeSubscribe( xMQTTSubscription );\r
248  *    // Get size requirement for MQTT Subscribe packet.\r
249  *    xResult = IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,\r
250  *                                                                                               xMQTTSubscription,\r
251  *                                                                                               sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),\r
252  *                                                                                               &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
253  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
254  *    // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size.\r
255  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
256  * \r
257  *    // Serialize subscribe into statically allocated ucSharedBuffer.\r
258  *         xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe( xMQTTSubscription, \r
259  *                                                                                sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),\r
260  *                                                                                xRemainingLength,\r
261  *                                                                                &usPacketIdentifier,\r
262  *                                                                                ucSharedBuffer,\r
263  *                                                                                xPacketSize );\r
264  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS ); \r
265  *    // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
266  *    xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );\r
267  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );\r
268  * }\r
269  * @endcode\r
270  */\r
271 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializesubscribe] */\r
272 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe( const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,\r
273                                            size_t subscriptionCount,\r
274                                            size_t remainingLength,\r
275                                            uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,\r
276                                            uint8_t * pBuffer,\r
277                                            size_t bufferSize );\r
278 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializesubscribe] */\r
279 \r
280 /**\r
281  * @brief Generate a UNSUBSCRIBE packet from the given parameters.\r
282  *\r
283  * @param[in] pSubscriptionList User-provided array of subscriptions to remove.\r
284  * @param[in] subscriptionCount Size of `pSubscriptionList`.\r
285  * @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.\r
286  * @param[out] pPacketIdentifier The packet identifier generated for this UNSUBSCRIBE.\r
287  * @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the UNSUBSCRIBE packet is written.\r
288  * @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.\r
289  *\r
290  * @return #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS or #IOT_MQTT_NO_MEMORY.\r
291  *\r
292  * @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller.\r
293  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
294  * \r
295  * <b>Example</b>\r
296  * @code{c}\r
297  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe() should be used to serialize\r
298  * // MQTT unsubscribe packet and send it to MQTT broker.\r
299  * // Example uses static memory, but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.\r
300  * // Get size requirement for the Unsubscribe packet.\r
301  * \r
302  * #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100\r
303  * static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];\r
304  * void sendUnsubscribePacket( int xMQTTSocket )\r
305  * {\r
306  *    // Following example shows one topic example.\r
307  *    IotMqttSubscription_t xMQTTSubscription[ 1 ];\r
308  *    size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
309  *    size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
310  *    IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
311  *    size_t xSentBytes = 0;\r
312  *    // Get size requirement for MQTT unsubscribe packet.\r
313  *    xResult = IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IOT_MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE,\r
314  *                                                                                               xMQTTSubscription,\r
315  *                                                                                               sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),\r
316  *                                                                                               &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
317  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
318  *    // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size.\r
319  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
320  *    // Serialize subscribe into statically allocated ucSharedBuffer.\r
321  *         xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe( xMQTTSubscription, \r
322  *                                                                                sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),\r
323  *                                                                                xRemainingLength,\r
324  *                                                                                &usPacketIdentifier,\r
325  *                                                                                ucSharedBuffer,\r
326  *                                                                                xPacketSize );\r
327  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS ); \r
328  *    // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
329  *    xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );\r
330  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );\r
331  * }\r
332  * @endcode\r
333  */\r
334 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializeunsubscribe] */\r
335 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe( const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,\r
336                                              size_t subscriptionCount,\r
337                                              size_t remainingLength,\r
338                                              uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,\r
339                                              uint8_t * pBuffer,\r
340                                              size_t bufferSize );\r
341 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializeunsubscribe] */\r
342 \r
343 /**\r
344  * @brief Calculate the size and "Remaining length" of a PUBLISH packet generated\r
345  * from the given parameters.\r
346  *\r
347  * @param[in] pPublishInfo User-provided PUBLISH information struct.\r
348  * @param[out] pRemainingLength Output for calculated "Remaining length" field.\r
349  * @param[out] pPacketSize Output for calculated total packet size.\r
350  *\r
351  * @return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS if the packet is within the length allowed by MQTT 3.1.1 spec;\r
352  * IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise. If this function returns IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER,\r
353  * the output parameters should be ignored.\r
354  *\r
355  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
356  * \r
357  * <b>Example</b>\r
358  * @code{c}\r
359  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize() should be used to calculate\r
360  * // the size of MQTT publish request. \r
361  *\r
362  * IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
363  * IotMqttPublishInfo_t xMQTTPublishInfo;\r
364  * size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
365  * size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
366  * \r
367  * // Initialize Publish parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.\r
368  * // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter, topic filter length, payload\r
369  * // payload length\r
370  *  _initializePublish( &xMQTTPublishInfo );\r
371  *\r
372  * // Find out length of Publish packet size.\r
373  * xResult = IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize( &xMQTTPublishInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
374  * IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
375  *\r
376  * // Application should allocate buffer with size == xPacketSize or use static buffer\r
377  * // with size >= xPacketSize to serialize connect request.\r
378  * @endcode\r
379  */\r
380 /* @[declare_mqtt_getpublishpacketsize] */\r
381 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize( IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,\r
382                                              size_t * pRemainingLength,\r
383                                              size_t * pPacketSize );\r
384 /* @[declare_mqtt_getpublishpacketsize] */\r
385 \r
386 /**\r
387  * @brief Generate a PUBLISH packet from the given parameters.\r
388  *\r
389  * @param[in] pPublishInfo User-provided PUBLISH information.\r
390  * @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.\r
391  * @param[out] pPacketIdentifier The packet identifier generated for this PUBLISH.\r
392  * @param[out] pPacketIdentifierHigh Where the high byte of the packet identifier\r
393  * is written.\r
394  * @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the PUBLISH packet is written.\r
395  * @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.\r
396  *\r
398  *\r
399  * @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller.\r
400  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
401  *\r
402  * <b>Example</b>\r
403  * @code{c}\r
404  * // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializePublish() should be used to serialize\r
405  * // MQTT Publish packet and send it to broker.\r
406  * // Example uses static memory, but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.\r
407  * \r
408  * #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100\r
409  * static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];\r
410  * void sendUnsubscribePacket( int xMQTTSocket )\r
411  * {\r
412  *    IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
413  *    IotMqttPublishInfo_t xMQTTPublishInfo;\r
414  *    size_t xRemainingLength = 0;\r
415  *    size_t xPacketSize = 0;\r
416  *    size_t xSentBytes = 0;\r
417  *    uint16_t usPacketIdentifier;\r
418  *    uint8_t * pusPacketIdentifierHigh;\r
419  *\r
420  *    // Initialize Publish parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.\r
421  *    // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter, topic filter length, payload\r
422  *    // payload length.\r
423  *    _initializePublish( &xMQTTPublishInfo );\r
424  *\r
425  *    // Find out length of Publish packet size.\r
426  *    xResult = IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize( &xMQTTPublishInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );\r
427  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
428  *    // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size\r
429  *        IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
430  * \r
431  *    xResult = IotMqtt_SerializePublish( &xMQTTPublishInfo,\r
432  *                                                                              xRemainingLength,\r
433  *                                                                              &usPacketIdentifier,\r
434  *                                                                              &pusPacketIdentifierHigh,\r
435  *                                                                              ucSharedBuffer,\r
436  *                                                                              xPacketSize );\r
437  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS ); \r
438  * \r
439  *    // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
440  *    xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );\r
441  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );\r
442  * }\r
443  * @endcode\r
444  */\r
445 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializepublish] */\r
446 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializePublish( IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,\r
447                                          size_t remainingLength,\r
448                                          uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,\r
449                                          uint8_t ** pPacketIdentifierHigh,\r
450                                          uint8_t * pBuffer,\r
451                                          size_t bufferSize );\r
452 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializepublish] */\r
453 \r
454 /**\r
455  * @brief Generate a DISCONNECT packet\r
456  *\r
457  * @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the DISCONNECT packet is written.\r
458  * @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.\r
459  *\r
460  * @return  returns #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS or #IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER\r
461  *\r
462  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
463  * \r
464  * <b>Example</b>\r
465  * @code{c}\r
466  * // Example below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect() should be used.\r
467  * \r
468  * #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100\r
469  * static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];\r
470  * void sendDisconnectRequest( int xMQTTSocket )\r
471  * {\r
472  *     size_t xSentBytes = 0;\r
473  * \r
474  *    // Disconnect is fixed length packet, therefore there is no need to calculate the size,\r
475  *    // just makes sure static buffer can accommodate disconnect request.\r
476  *    IotMqtt_Assert( MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE <= mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
477  *\r
478  *    // Serialize Disconnect packet into static buffer (dynamically allocated buffer can be used as well)\r
479  *    xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect( ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE );\r
480  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
481  *\r
482  *    // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
483  *    xSentByte = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE, 0 );\r
484  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xSentByte == MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE );\r
485  * }\r
486  *      \r
487  * @endcode\r
488  */\r
489 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializedisconnect] */\r
490 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect( uint8_t * pBuffer,\r
491                                             size_t bufferSize );\r
492 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializedisconnect] */\r
493 \r
494 /**\r
495  * @brief Generate a PINGREQ packet.\r
496  *\r
497  * @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the PINGREQ packet is written.\r
498  * @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.\r
499  *\r
501  * \r
502  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
503  * \r
504  * <b>Example</b>\r
505  * @code{c}\r
506  * // Example below shows how IotMqtt_SerializePingReq() should be used.\r
507  * \r
508  * #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100\r
509  * static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];\r
510  * void sendPingRequest( int xMQTTSocket )\r
511  * {\r
512  *    size_t xSentBytes = 0;\r
513  * \r
514  *    // PingReq is fixed length packet, therefore there is no need to calculate the size,\r
515  *    // just makes sure static buffer can accommodate Ping request.\r
516  *    IotMqtt_Assert( MQTT_PACKET_PINGREQ_SIZE <= mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
517  *\r
518  *    xResult = IotMqtt_SerializePingreq( ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_PINGREQ_SIZE );\r
519  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
520  *    \r
521  *    // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
522  *    xSentByte = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE, 0 );\r
523  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xSentByte ==  MQTT_PACKET_PINGREQ_SIZE); \r
524  * }\r
525  * @endcode\r
526  */\r
527 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializepingreq] */\r
528 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializePingreq( uint8_t * pBuffer,\r
529                                          size_t bufferSize );\r
530 /* @[declare_mqtt_serializepingreq] */\r
531 \r
532 /**\r
533  * @brief Extract MQTT packet type and length from incoming packet\r
534  *\r
535  * @param[in, out] pIncomingPacket Pointer to IotMqttPacketInfo_t structure\r
536  * where type, remaining length and packet identifier are stored.\r
537  * @param[in] getNextByte Pointer to platform specific function  which is used\r
538  * to extract type and length from incoming received stream (see example ).\r
539  * @param[in] pNetworkConnection Pointer to platform specific network connection\r
540  * which is used by getNextByte to receive network data\r
541  *\r
542  * @return #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS on successful extraction of type and length,\r
543  * #IOT_MQTT_BAD_RESPONSE on failure.\r
544  *\r
545  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
546  *\r
547  * <b>Example</b>\r
548  * @code{c}\r
549  * // Example code below shows how to implement getNetxByte function with posix sockets.\r
550  * // Note: IotMqttGetNextByte_t typedef IotMqttError_t (* IotMqttGetNextByte_t)( void * pNetworkContext,\r
551  * //                                              uint8_t * pNextByte );\r
552  * // Note: It is assumed that socket is already created and connected,\r
553  *\r
554  * IotMqttError_t getNextByte( void * pContext,\r
555  *                           uint8_t * pNextByte )\r
556  * {\r
557  *      int socket = ( int ) ( *pvContext );\r
558  *      int receivedBytes;\r
559  *      IotMqttError_t result;\r
560  *\r
561  *      receivedBytes = recv( socket, ( void * ) pNextByte, sizeof( uint8_t ), 0 );\r
562  *\r
563  *      if( receivedBytes == sizeof( uint8_t ) )\r
564  *      {\r
565  *          result = IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS;\r
566  *      }\r
567  *      else\r
568  *      {\r
569  *          result = IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT;\r
570  *      }\r
571  *\r
572  *       return result;\r
573  * }\r
574  * \r
575  * // Example below shows how IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength() is used to extract type\r
576  * // and length from incoming ping response.\r
577  * // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
578  * void getTypeAndLengthFromIncomingMQTTPingResponse( int xMQTTSocket )\r
579  * {\r
580  *    IotMqttPacketInfo_t xIncomingPacket;\r
581  *    IotMqttError_t xResult = IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( &xIncomingPacket, getNextByte, ( void * ) xMQTTSocket );\r
582  *        IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
583  *    IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.type == MQTT_PACKET_TYPE_PINGRESP );\r
584  * }\r
585  * @endcode\r
586  *\r
587  */\r
588 /* @[declare_mqtt_getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength] */\r
589 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( IotMqttPacketInfo_t * pIncomingPacket,\r
590                                                            IotMqttGetNextByte_t getNextByte,\r
591                                                            void * pNetworkConnection );\r
592 /* @[declare_mqtt_getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength] */\r
593 \r
594 /**\r
595  * @brief Deserialize incoming publish packet.\r
596  *\r
597  * @param[in, out] pMqttPacket The caller of this API sets type, remainingLength and pRemainingData.\r
598  * On success, packetIdentifier and pubInfo will be set by the function.\r
599  *\r
600  * @return One of the following:\r
601  * - #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS\r
604  *\r
605  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
606  * \r
607  * <b>Example</b>\r
608  * @code{c}\r
609  * // Example below shows how IotMqtt_DeserializePublish() used to extract contents of incoming \r
610  * // Publish.  xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
611  * void processIncomingPublish( int xMQTTSocket )\r
612  * {\r
613  *    IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
614  *    IotMqttPacketInfo_t xIncomingPacket;\r
615  *\r
616  *        xResult = IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( &xIncomingPacket, getNextByte, ( void * ) xMQTTSocket );\r
617  *        IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
618  *        IotMqtt_Assert( ( xIncomingPacket.type & 0xf0 ) == MQTT_PACKET_TYPE_PUBLISH );\r
619  *        IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.remainingLength <= mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );\r
620  *\r
621  *        // Receive the remaining bytes.\r
622  *        if( recv( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xIncomingPacket.remainingLength, 0 ) ==  xIncomingPacket.remainingLength )\r
623  *        {\r
624  *              xIncomingPacket.pRemainingData = ucSharedBuffer;\r
625  *\r
626  *              if( IotMqtt_DeserializePublish( &xIncomingPacket ) != IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS )\r
627  *              {\r
628  *                      xResult = IOT_MQTT_BAD_RESPONSE;\r
629  *              }\r
630  *              else\r
631  *              {\r
632  *                      // Process incoming Publish.\r
633  *                      IotLogInfo( "Incoming QOS : %d\n", xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.qos );\r
634  *                      IotLogInfo( "Incoming Publish Topic Name: %.*s\n", xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.topicNameLength, xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.pTopicName );\r
635  *                      IotLogInfo( "Incoming Publish Message : %.*s\n", xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.payloadLength, xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.pPayload  );\r
636  *              }\r
637  *        }\r
638  *        else\r
639  *        {\r
640  *              xResult = IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_ERROR;\r
641  *        }\r
642  *\r
643  *      IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
644  * }\r
645  * @endcode\r
646  */\r
647 /* @[declare_mqtt_deserializepublish] */\r
648 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_DeserializePublish( IotMqttPacketInfo_t * pMqttPacket );\r
649 /* @[declare_mqtt_deserializepublish] */\r
650 \r
651 /**\r
652  * @brief Deserialize incoming ack packets.\r
653  *\r
654  * @param[in, out] pMqttPacket The caller of this API sets type, remainingLength and pRemainingData.\r
655  * On success, packetIdentifier will be set.\r
656  *\r
657  * @return One of the following:\r
658  * - #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS\r
661  *\r
662  * @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.\r
663  * \r
664  * <b>Example</b>\r
665  * @code{c}\r
666  * // Example below shows how  IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse() is used to process unsubscribe ack.\r
667  * // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.\r
668  * void processUnsubscribeAck( int xMQTTSocket )\r
669  * {\r
670  *      IotMqttError_t xResult;\r
671  *      IotMqttPacketInfo_t xIncomingPacket;\r
672  * \r
673  *              xResult = IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( &xIncomingPacket, getNextByte, ( void * ) xMQTTSocket );\r
674  *              IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
675  *              IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.type == MQTT_PACKET_TYPE_UNSUBACK );\r
676  *              IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.remainingLength <= sizeof( ucSharedBuffer ) );\r
677  *\r
678  *              // Receive the remaining bytes.\r
679  *              if( recv( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xIncomingPacket.remainingLength, 0 ) == xIncomingPacket.remainingLength )\r
680  *              {\r
681  *                      xIncomingPacket.pRemainingData = ucSharedBuffer;\r
682  *\r
683  *                      if( IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse( &xIncomingPacket ) != IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS )\r
684  *                      {\r
685  *                              xResult = IOT_MQTT_BAD_RESPONSE;\r
686  *                      }\r
687  *              }\r
688  *              else\r
689  *              {\r
690  *                      xResult = IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_ERROR;\r
691  *              }\r
692  *      IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );\r
693  * }\r
694  * @endcode\r
695  */\r
696 /* @[declare_mqtt_deserializeresponse] */\r
697 IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse( IotMqttPacketInfo_t * pMqttPacket );\r
698 /* @[declare_mqtt_deserializeresponse] */\r
699 \r
700 \r
701 \r
702 #endif /* ifndef IOT_MQTT_SERIALIZE_H_ */\r