]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/Common/FreeRTOS_Plus_UDP_Demos/EchoClients/TwoEchoClients.c
[freertos] / FreeRTOS-Plus / Demo / Common / FreeRTOS_Plus_UDP_Demos / EchoClients / TwoEchoClients.c
1 /*\r
2     FreeRTOS V8.1.0 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
3     All rights reserved\r
4 \r
6 \r
7     ***************************************************************************\r
8      *                                                                       *\r
9      *    FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed,    *\r
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12      *                                                                       *\r
13      *    Help yourself get started quickly and support the FreeRTOS         *\r
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17      *    Thank you!                                                         *\r
18      *                                                                       *\r
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20 \r
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22 \r
23     FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
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26 \r
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31 \r
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35     link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html\r
36 \r
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38 \r
39     ***************************************************************************\r
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54 \r
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62 \r
63     1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
64 */\r
65 \r
66 \r
67 /******************************************************************************\r
68  *\r
69  * See the following web page for essential TwoEchoClient.c usage and\r
70  * configuration details:\r
71  * http://www.FreeRTOS.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOS_Plus_UDP/Embedded_Ethernet_Examples/Common_Echo_Clients.shtml\r
72  *\r
73  ******************************************************************************/\r
74 \r
75 \r
76 /* Standard includes. */\r
77 #include <stdint.h>\r
78 #include <stdio.h>\r
79 #include <stdlib.h>\r
80 \r
81 /* FreeRTOS includes. */\r
82 #include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
83 #include "task.h"\r
84 \r
85 /* FreeRTOS+UDP includes. */\r
86 #include "FreeRTOS_UDP_IP.h"\r
87 #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"\r
88 \r
89 /* Small delay used between attempts to obtain a zero copy buffer. */\r
90 #define echoTINY_DELAY  ( ( TickType_t ) 2 )\r
91 \r
92 /* The echo tasks create a socket, send out a number of echo requests\r
93 (listening for each echo reply), then close the socket again before\r
94 starting over.  This delay is used between each iteration to ensure the\r
95 network does not get too congested. */\r
96 #define echoLOOP_DELAY  ( ( TickType_t ) 250 / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
97 \r
99         /* When the trace recorder code is included user events are generated to\r
100         mark the sending and receiving of the echoed data (only in the zero copy\r
101         task. */\r
102         #define echoMARK_SEND_IN_TRACE_BUFFER( x ) vTraceUserEvent( x )\r
103         traceLabel xZeroCopySendEvent, xZeroCopyReceiveEvent;\r
104 \r
105 #else\r
106         /* When the trace recorder code is not included just #define away the call\r
107         to post the user event. */\r
108         #define echoMARK_SEND_IN_TRACE_BUFFER( x )\r
109         #define xZeroCopySendEvent 0\r
110         #define xZeroCopyReceiveEvent 0\r
111 #endif\r
112 \r
113 /* The echo server is assumed to be on port 7, which is the standard echo\r
114 protocol port. */\r
115 #define echoECHO_PORT   ( 7 )\r
116 \r
117 /*\r
118  * Uses a socket to send data to, then receive data from, the standard echo\r
119  * port number 7.  prvEchoClientTask() uses the standard interface.\r
120  * prvZeroCopyEchoClientTask() uses the zero copy interface.\r
121  */\r
122 static void prvEchoClientTask( void *pvParameters );\r
123 static void prvZeroCopyEchoClientTask( void *pvParameters );\r
124 \r
125 /* The receive timeout is set shorter when the windows simulator is used\r
126 because simulated time is slower than real time. */\r
127 #ifdef _WINDOWS_\r
128         const TickType_t xReceiveTimeOut = 50 / portTICK_RATE_MS;\r
129 #else\r
130         const TickType_t xReceiveTimeOut = 500 / portTICK_RATE_MS;\r
131 #endif\r
132 \r
133 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
134 \r
135 void vStartEchoClientTasks( uint16_t usTaskStackSize, UBaseType_t uxTaskPriority )\r
136 {\r
137         /* Create the echo client task that does not use the zero copy interface. */\r
138         xTaskCreate(    prvEchoClientTask,      /* The function that implements the task. */\r
139                                         "Echo0",                        /* Just a text name for the task to aid debugging. */\r
140                                         usTaskStackSize,        /* The stack size is defined in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h. */\r
141                                         NULL,                           /* The task parameter, not used in this case. */\r
142                                         uxTaskPriority,         /* The priority assigned to the task is defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */\r
143                                         NULL );                         /* The task handle is not used. */\r
144 \r
145         /* Create the echo client task that does use the zero copy interface. */\r
146         xTaskCreate(    prvZeroCopyEchoClientTask,      /* The function that implements the task. */\r
147                                         "Echo1",                                        /* Just a text name for the task to aid debugging. */\r
148                                         usTaskStackSize,                        /* The stack size is defined in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h. */\r
149                                         NULL,                                           /* The task parameter, not used in this case. */\r
150                                         uxTaskPriority,                         /* The priority assigned to the task is defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */\r
151                                         NULL );                                         /* The task handle is not used. */\r
152 }\r
153 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
154 \r
155 static void prvEchoClientTask( void *pvParameters )\r
156 {\r
157 xSocket_t xSocket;\r
158 struct freertos_sockaddr xEchoServerAddress;\r
159 char cTxString[ 25 ], cRxString[ 25 ]; /* Make sure the stack is large enough to hold these.  Turn on stack overflow checking during debug to be sure. */\r
160 int32_t lLoopCount = 0UL;\r
161 const int32_t lMaxLoopCount = 50;\r
162 volatile uint32_t ulRxCount = 0UL, ulTxCount = 0UL;\r
163 uint32_t xAddressLength = sizeof( xEchoServerAddress );\r
164 \r
165         /* Remove compiler warning about unused parameters. */\r
166         ( void ) pvParameters;\r
167 \r
168         /* Echo requests are sent to the echo server.  The address of the echo\r
169         server is configured by the constants configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0 to\r
170         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */\r
171         xEchoServerAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( echoECHO_PORT );\r
172         xEchoServerAddress.sin_addr = FreeRTOS_inet_addr_quick( configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0,\r
173                                                                                                                         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR1,\r
174                                                                                                                         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR2,\r
175                                                                                                                         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 );\r
176 \r
177         for( ;; )\r
178         {\r
179                 /* Create a socket. */\r
180                 xSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_DGRAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_UDP );\r
181                 configASSERT( xSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET );\r
182 \r
183                 /* Set a time out so a missing reply does not cause the task to block\r
184                 indefinitely. */\r
185                 FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO, &xReceiveTimeOut, sizeof( xReceiveTimeOut ) );\r
186 \r
187                 /* Send a number of echo requests. */\r
188                 for( lLoopCount = 0; lLoopCount < lMaxLoopCount; lLoopCount++ )\r
189                 {\r
190                         /* Create the string that is sent to the echo server. */\r
191                         sprintf( cTxString, "Message number %u\r\n", ( unsigned int ) ulTxCount );\r
192 \r
193                         /* Send the string to the socket.  ulFlags is set to 0, so the zero\r
194                         copy interface is not used.  That means the data from cTxString is\r
195                         copied into a network buffer inside FreeRTOS_sendto(), and cTxString\r
196                         can be reused as soon as FreeRTOS_sendto() has returned.  1 is added\r
197                         to ensure the NULL string terminator is sent as part of the message. */\r
198                         FreeRTOS_sendto( xSocket,                               /* The socket being sent to. */\r
199                                                         ( void * ) cTxString,   /* The data being sent. */\r
200                                                         strlen( cTxString ) + 1,/* The length of the data being sent. */\r
201                                                         0,                                              /* ulFlags with the FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY bit clear. */\r
202                                                         &xEchoServerAddress,    /* The destination address. */\r
203                                                         sizeof( xEchoServerAddress ) );\r
204 \r
205                         /* Keep a count of how many echo requests have been transmitted so\r
206                         it can be compared to the number of echo replies received.  It would\r
207                         be expected to loose at least one to an ARP message the first time\r
208                         the     connection is created. */\r
209                         ulTxCount++;\r
210 \r
211                         /* Receive data echoed back to the socket.  ulFlags is zero, so the\r
212                         zero copy option is not being used and the received data will be\r
213                         copied into the buffer pointed to by cRxString.  xAddressLength is\r
214                         not actually used (at the time of writing this comment, anyway) by\r
215                         FreeRTOS_recvfrom(), but is set appropriately in case future\r
216                         versions do use it. */\r
217                         memset( ( void * ) cRxString, 0x00, sizeof( cRxString ) );\r
218                         FreeRTOS_recvfrom(      xSocket,                                /* The socket being received from. */\r
219                                                                 cRxString,                              /* The buffer into which the received data will be written. */\r
220                                                                 sizeof( cRxString ),    /* The size of the buffer provided to receive the data. */\r
221                                                                 0,                                              /* ulFlags with the FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY bit clear. */\r
222                                                                 &xEchoServerAddress,    /* The address from where the data was sent (the source address). */\r
223                                                                 &xAddressLength );\r
224 \r
225                         /* Compare the transmitted string to the received string. */\r
226                         if( strcmp( cRxString, cTxString ) == 0 )\r
227                         {\r
228                                 /* The echo reply was received without error. */\r
229                                 ulRxCount++;\r
230                         }\r
231                 };\r
232 \r
233                 /* Pause for a short while to ensure the network is not too\r
234                 congested. */\r
235                 vTaskDelay( echoLOOP_DELAY );\r
236 \r
237                 /* Close this socket before looping back to create another. */\r
238                 FreeRTOS_closesocket( xSocket );\r
239         }\r
240 }\r
241 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
242 \r
243 static void prvZeroCopyEchoClientTask( void *pvParameters )\r
244 {\r
245 xSocket_t xSocket;\r
246 struct freertos_sockaddr xEchoServerAddress;\r
247 static char cTxString[ 40 ];\r
248 int32_t lLoopCount = 0UL;\r
249 volatile uint32_t ulRxCount = 0UL, ulTxCount = 0UL;\r
250 uint32_t xAddressLength = sizeof( xEchoServerAddress );\r
251 int32_t lReturned;\r
252 uint8_t *pucUDPPayloadBuffer;\r
253 \r
254 const int32_t lMaxLoopCount = 50;\r
255 const char * const pcStringToSend = "Zero copy message number";\r
256 /* The buffer is large enough to hold the string, a number, and the string terminator. */\r
257 const size_t xBufferLength = strlen( pcStringToSend ) + 15;\r
258 \r
259         #if ipconfigINCLUDE_EXAMPLE_FREERTOS_PLUS_TRACE_CALLS == 1\r
260         {\r
261                 /* When the trace recorder code is included user events are generated to\r
262                 mark the sending and receiving of the echoed data (only in the zero copy\r
263                 task). */\r
264                 xZeroCopySendEvent = xTraceOpenLabel( "ZeroCopyTx" );\r
265                 xZeroCopyReceiveEvent = xTraceOpenLabel( "ZeroCopyRx" );\r
266         }\r
267         #endif /* ipconfigINCLUDE_EXAMPLE_FREERTOS_PLUS_TRACE_CALLS */\r
268 \r
269         /* Remove compiler warning about unused parameters. */\r
270         ( void ) pvParameters;\r
271 \r
272         /* Delay for a little while to ensure the task is out of synch with the\r
273         other echo task implemented above. */\r
274         vTaskDelay( echoLOOP_DELAY >> 1 );\r
275 \r
276         /* Echo requests are sent to the echo server.  The address of the echo\r
277         server is configured by the constants configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0 to\r
278         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */\r
279         xEchoServerAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( echoECHO_PORT );\r
280         xEchoServerAddress.sin_addr = FreeRTOS_inet_addr_quick( configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0,\r
281                                                                                                                         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR1,\r
282                                                                                                                         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR2,\r
283                                                                                                                         configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 );\r
284 \r
285         for( ;; )\r
286         {\r
287                 /* Create a socket. */\r
288                 xSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_DGRAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_UDP );\r
289                 configASSERT( xSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET );\r
290 \r
291                 /* Set a time out so a missing reply does not cause the task to block\r
292                 indefinitely. */\r
293                 FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO, &xReceiveTimeOut, sizeof( xReceiveTimeOut ) );\r
294 \r
295                 /* Send a number of echo requests. */\r
296                 for( lLoopCount = 0; lLoopCount < lMaxLoopCount; lLoopCount++ )\r
297                 {\r
298                         /* This task is going to send using the zero copy interface.  The\r
299                         data being sent is therefore written directly into a buffer that is\r
300                         passed by reference into the FreeRTOS_sendto() function.  First\r
301                         obtain a buffer of adequate size from the IP stack.  Although a max\r
302                         delay is used, the actual delay will be capped to\r
303                         ipconfigMAX_SEND_BLOCK_TIME_TICKS, hence the test to ensure a buffer\r
304                         was actually obtained. */\r
305                         pucUDPPayloadBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) FreeRTOS_GetUDPPayloadBuffer( xBufferLength, portMAX_DELAY );\r
306 \r
307                         if( pucUDPPayloadBuffer != NULL )\r
308                         {\r
309                                 /* A buffer was successfully obtained.  Create the string that is\r
310                                 sent to the echo server.  Note the string is written directly\r
311                                 into the buffer obtained from the IP stack. */\r
312                                 sprintf( ( char * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer, "%s %u\r\n", "Zero copy message number", ( unsigned int ) ulTxCount );\r
313 \r
314                                 /* Also copy the string into a local buffer so it can be compared\r
315                                 with the string that is later received back from the echo server. */\r
316                                 strcpy( cTxString, ( char * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer );\r
317 \r
318                                 /* Pass the buffer into the send function.  ulFlags has the\r
319                                 FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY bit set so the IP stack will take control of\r
320                                 the     buffer, rather than copy data out of the buffer. */\r
321                                 echoMARK_SEND_IN_TRACE_BUFFER( xZeroCopySendEvent );\r
322                                 lReturned = FreeRTOS_sendto(    xSocket,                                        /* The socket being sent to. */\r
323                                                                                                 ( void * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer, /* The buffer being passed into the IP stack. */\r
324                                                                                                 strlen( cTxString ) + 1,        /* The length of the data being sent.  Plus 1 to ensure the null terminator is part of the data. */\r
325                                                                                                 FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY,                     /* ulFlags with the zero copy bit is set. */\r
326                                                                                                 &xEchoServerAddress,            /* Where the data is being sent. */\r
327                                                                                                 sizeof( xEchoServerAddress ) );\r
328 \r
329                                 if( lReturned == 0 )\r
330                                 {\r
331                                         /* The send operation failed, so this task is still\r
332                                         responsible     for the buffer obtained from the IP stack.  To\r
333                                         ensure the buffer is not lost it must either be used again,\r
334                                         or, as in this case, returned to the IP stack using\r
335                                         FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer().  pucUDPPayloadBuffer can\r
336                                         be safely re-used to receive from the socket below once the\r
337                                         buffer has been returned to the stack. */\r
338                                         FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer( ( void * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer );\r
339                                 }\r
340                                 else\r
341                                 {\r
342                                         /* The send was successful so the IP stack is now managing\r
343                                         the     buffer pointed to by pucUDPPayloadBuffer, and the IP\r
344                                         stack will return the buffer once it has been sent.\r
345                                         pucUDPPayloadBuffer can be safely re-used to receive from\r
346                                         the socket below. */\r
347                                 }\r
348 \r
349                                 /* Keep a count of how many echo requests have been transmitted\r
350                                 so it can be compared to the number of echo replies received.\r
351                                 It would be expected to loose at least one to an ARP message the\r
352                                 first time the connection is created. */\r
353                                 ulTxCount++;\r
354 \r
355                                 /* Receive data on the socket.  ulFlags has the zero copy bit set\r
356                                 (FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY) indicating to the stack that a reference to\r
357                                 the     received data should be passed out to this task using the\r
358                                 second parameter to the FreeRTOS_recvfrom() call.  When this is\r
359                                 done the IP stack is no longer responsible for releasing the\r
360                                 buffer, and     the task *must* return the buffer to the stack when\r
361                                 it is no longer needed.  By default the receive block time is\r
362                                 portMAX_DELAY. */\r
363                                 echoMARK_SEND_IN_TRACE_BUFFER( xZeroCopyReceiveEvent );\r
364                                 lReturned = FreeRTOS_recvfrom(  xSocket,                                        /* The socket to receive from. */\r
365                                                                                                 ( void * ) &pucUDPPayloadBuffer,  /* pucUDPPayloadBuffer will be set to point to the buffer that already contains the received data. */\r
366                                                                                                 0,                                                      /* Ignored because the zero copy interface is being used. */\r
367                                                                                                 FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY,                     /* ulFlags with the FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY bit set. */\r
368                                                                                                 &xEchoServerAddress,            /* The address from which the data was sent. */\r
369                                                                                                 &xAddressLength );\r
370 \r
371                                 if( lReturned > 0 )\r
372                                 {\r
373                                         /* Compare the string sent to the echo server with the string\r
374                                         received back from the echo server. */\r
375                                         if( strcmp( ( char * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer, cTxString ) == 0 )\r
376                                         {\r
377                                                 /* The strings matched. */\r
378                                                 ulRxCount++;\r
379                                         }\r
380 \r
381                                         /* The buffer that contains the data passed out of the stack\r
382                                         *must* be returned to the stack. */\r
383                                         FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer( pucUDPPayloadBuffer );\r
384                                 }\r
385                         }\r
386                 }\r
387 \r
388                 /* Pause for a short while to ensure the network is not too\r
389                 congested. */\r
390                 vTaskDelay( echoLOOP_DELAY );\r
391 \r
392                 /* Close this socket before looping back to create another. */\r
393                 FreeRTOS_closesocket( xSocket );\r
394         }\r
395 }\r
396 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
397 \r