]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_UDP_and_CLI_LPC1830_GCC/ThirdParty/LPCOpen/LPCUSBLib/Drivers/USB/Core/DCD/USBRom/usbd_hid.h
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[freertos] / FreeRTOS-Plus / Demo / FreeRTOS_Plus_UDP_and_CLI_LPC1830_GCC / ThirdParty / LPCOpen / LPCUSBLib / Drivers / USB / Core / DCD / USBRom / usbd_hid.h
1 /*\r
2  * @brief Definition of USB ROM based HID class descriptors and their bit defines\r
3  *\r
4  * @note\r
5  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012\r
6   * All rights reserved.\r
7  *\r
8  * @par\r
9  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only\r
10  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the\r
11  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of\r
12  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and\r
13  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of\r
14  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of\r
15  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility\r
16  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any\r
17  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in\r
18  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes\r
19  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no\r
20  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the\r
21  * specified use without further testing or modification.\r
22  *\r
23  * @par\r
24  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its\r
25  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its\r
26  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it\r
27  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This\r
28  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of\r
29  * this code.\r
30  */\r
31 \r
32 #include "usbd.h"\r
33 \r
34 #ifndef __HID_H__\r
35 #define __HID_H__\r
36 \r
37 /**  Common definitions and declarations for the library USB HID Class driver.\r
38  *  @addtogroup USBD_HID\r
39  *  @{\r
40  */\r
41 \r
42 \r
43 /** HID Subclass Codes\r
44  * @{\r
45  */\r
46 /** Descriptor Subclass value indicating that the device or interface does not implement a HID boot protocol. */\r
47 #define HID_SUBCLASS_NONE               0x00\r
48 /** Descriptor Subclass value indicating that the device or interface implements a HID boot protocol. */\r
49 #define HID_SUBCLASS_BOOT               0x01\r
50 /** @} */\r
51 \r
52 /** HID Protocol Codes\r
53  * @{\r
54  */\r
55 /** Descriptor Protocol value indicating that the device or interface does not belong to a HID boot protocol. */\r
56 #define HID_PROTOCOL_NONE               0x00\r
57 /** Descriptor Protocol value indicating that the device or interface belongs to the Keyboard HID boot protocol. */\r
58 #define HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD           0x01\r
59 /** Descriptor Protocol value indicating that the device or interface belongs to the Mouse HID boot protocol. */\r
60 #define HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE              0x02\r
61 /** @} */\r
62 \r
63 \r
64 \r
65 /** Descriptor Types\r
66  * @{\r
67  */\r
68 /** Descriptor header type value, to indicate a HID class HID descriptor. */\r
69 #define HID_HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE         0x21\r
70 /** Descriptor header type value, to indicate a HID class HID report descriptor. */\r
71 #define HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE      0x22\r
72 /** Descriptor header type value, to indicate a HID class HID Physical descriptor. */\r
74 /** @} */\r
75 \r
76 \r
77 /** @brief HID class-specific HID Descriptor.\r
78  *\r
79  *  Type define for the HID class-specific HID descriptor, to describe the HID device's specifications. Refer to the HID\r
80  *  specification for details on the structure elements.\r
81  *\r
82  */\r
84   uint8_t  bLength;     /**< Size of the descriptor, in bytes. */\r
85   uint8_t  bDescriptorType;     /**< Type of HID descriptor. */\r
86   uint16_t bcdHID; /**< BCD encoded version that the HID descriptor and device complies to. */\r
87   uint8_t  bCountryCode; /**< Country code of the localized device, or zero if universal. */\r
88   uint8_t  bNumDescriptors; /**< Total number of HID report descriptors for the interface. */\r
89 \r
91     uint8_t  bDescriptorType; /**< Type of HID report. */\r
92     uint16_t wDescriptorLength; /**< Length of the associated HID report descriptor, in bytes. */\r
93   } DescriptorList[1]; /**< Array of one or more descriptors */\r
94 } ;\r
95 /** HID class-specific HID Descriptor. */\r
97 \r
98 #define HID_DESC_SIZE               (sizeof(HID_DESCRIPTOR))\r
99 \r
100 /** HID Request Codes\r
101  * @{\r
102  */\r
103 #define HID_REQUEST_GET_REPORT          0x01\r
104 #define HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE            0x02\r
105 #define HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL        0x03\r
106 #define HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT          0x09\r
107 #define HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE            0x0A\r
108 #define HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL        0x0B\r
109 /** @} */\r
110 \r
111 /** HID Report Types\r
112  * @{\r
113  */\r
114 #define HID_REPORT_INPUT                0x01\r
115 #define HID_REPORT_OUTPUT               0x02\r
116 #define HID_REPORT_FEATURE              0x03\r
117 /** @} */\r
118 \r
119 \r
120 /** Usage Pages\r
121  * @{\r
122  */\r
123 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNDEFINED        0x00\r
124 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC          0x01\r
125 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_SIMULATION       0x02\r
126 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_VR               0x03\r
127 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_SPORT            0x04\r
128 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_GAME             0x05\r
129 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_DEV_CONTROLS     0x06\r
130 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_KEYBOARD         0x07\r
131 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_LED              0x08\r
132 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_BUTTON           0x09\r
133 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_ORDINAL          0x0A\r
134 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_TELEPHONY        0x0B\r
135 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_CONSUMER         0x0C\r
136 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_DIGITIZER        0x0D\r
137 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNICODE          0x10\r
138 #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_ALPHANUMERIC     0x14\r
139 /** @} */\r
140 \r
141 \r
142 /** Generic Desktop Page (0x01)\r
143  * @{\r
144  */\r
145 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_POINTER               0x01\r
146 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_MOUSE                 0x02\r
147 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_JOYSTICK              0x04\r
148 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_GAMEPAD               0x05\r
149 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_KEYBOARD              0x06\r
150 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_KEYPAD                0x07\r
151 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_X                     0x30\r
152 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_Y                     0x31\r
153 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_Z                     0x32\r
154 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_RX                    0x33\r
155 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_RY                    0x34\r
156 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_RZ                    0x35\r
157 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SLIDER                0x36\r
158 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_DIAL                  0x37\r
159 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_WHEEL                 0x38\r
160 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_HATSWITCH             0x39\r
161 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_COUNTED_BUFFER        0x3A\r
162 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_BYTE_COUNT            0x3B\r
163 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_MOTION_WAKEUP         0x3C\r
164 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VX                    0x40\r
165 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VY                    0x41\r
166 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VZ                    0x42\r
167 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VBRX                  0x43\r
168 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VBRY                  0x44\r
169 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VBRZ                  0x45\r
170 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_VNO                   0x46\r
171 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSTEM_CTL            0x80\r
172 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_POWER          0x81\r
173 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_SLEEP          0x82\r
174 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_WAKE           0x83\r
176 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_MAIN_MENU      0x85\r
177 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_APP_MENU       0x86\r
178 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_HELP_MENU      0x87\r
179 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_MENU_EXIT      0x88\r
183 #define HID_USAGE_GENERIC_SYSCTL_MENU_UP        0x8C\r
185 /** @} */\r
186 \r
187 /** Simulation Controls Page (0x02)\r
188  * @{\r
189  */\r
190 #define HID_USAGE_SIMULATION_RUDDER             0xBA\r
191 #define HID_USAGE_SIMULATION_THROTTLE           0xBB\r
192 /** @} */\r
193 \r
194 /* Virtual Reality Controls Page (0x03) */\r
195 /* ... */\r
196 \r
197 /* Sport Controls Page (0x04) */\r
198 /* ... */\r
199 \r
200 /* Game Controls Page (0x05) */\r
201 /* ... */\r
202 \r
203 /* Generic Device Controls Page (0x06) */\r
204 /* ... */\r
205 \r
206 /** Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)\r
207  * @{\r
208  */\r
209 /** Error "keys" */\r
210 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_NOEVENT              0x00\r
211 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_ROLLOVER             0x01\r
212 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_POSTFAIL             0x02\r
213 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_UNDEFINED            0x03\r
214 \r
215 /** Letters */\r
216 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_aA                   0x04\r
217 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_zZ                   0x1D\r
218 \r
219 /** Numbers */\r
220 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_ONE                  0x1E\r
221 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_ZERO                 0x27\r
222 \r
223 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_RETURN               0x28\r
224 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_ESCAPE               0x29\r
225 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_DELETE               0x2A\r
226 \r
227 /** Funtion keys */\r
228 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_F1                   0x3A\r
229 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_F12                  0x45\r
230 \r
231 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_PRINT_SCREEN         0x46\r
232 \r
233 /** Modifier Keys */\r
234 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_LCTRL                0xE0\r
235 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_LSHFT                0xE1\r
236 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_LALT                 0xE2\r
237 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_LGUI                 0xE3\r
238 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_RCTRL                0xE4\r
239 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_RSHFT                0xE5\r
240 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_RALT                 0xE6\r
241 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_RGUI                 0xE7\r
242 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_SCROLL_LOCK          0x47\r
243 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_NUM_LOCK             0x53\r
244 #define HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_CAPS_LOCK            0x39\r
245 /** @} */\r
246 \r
247 /* ... */\r
248 \r
249 /** LED Page (0x08)\r
250  * @{\r
251  */\r
252 #define HID_USAGE_LED_NUM_LOCK                  0x01\r
253 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CAPS_LOCK                 0x02\r
254 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SCROLL_LOCK               0x03\r
255 #define HID_USAGE_LED_COMPOSE                   0x04\r
256 #define HID_USAGE_LED_KANA                      0x05\r
257 #define HID_USAGE_LED_POWER                     0x06\r
258 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SHIFT                     0x07\r
259 #define HID_USAGE_LED_DO_NOT_DISTURB            0x08\r
260 #define HID_USAGE_LED_MUTE                      0x09\r
261 #define HID_USAGE_LED_TONE_ENABLE               0x0A\r
262 #define HID_USAGE_LED_HIGH_CUT_FILTER           0x0B\r
263 #define HID_USAGE_LED_LOW_CUT_FILTER            0x0C\r
264 #define HID_USAGE_LED_EQUALIZER_ENABLE          0x0D\r
265 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SOUND_FIELD_ON            0x0E\r
266 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SURROUND_FIELD_ON         0x0F\r
267 #define HID_USAGE_LED_REPEAT                    0x10\r
268 #define HID_USAGE_LED_STEREO                    0x11\r
269 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SAMPLING_RATE_DETECT      0x12\r
270 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SPINNING                  0x13\r
271 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CAV                       0x14\r
272 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CLV                       0x15\r
273 #define HID_USAGE_LED_RECORDING_FORMAT_DET      0x16\r
274 #define HID_USAGE_LED_OFF_HOOK                  0x17\r
275 #define HID_USAGE_LED_RING                      0x18\r
276 #define HID_USAGE_LED_MESSAGE_WAITING           0x19\r
277 #define HID_USAGE_LED_DATA_MODE                 0x1A\r
278 #define HID_USAGE_LED_BATTERY_OPERATION         0x1B\r
279 #define HID_USAGE_LED_BATTERY_OK                0x1C\r
280 #define HID_USAGE_LED_BATTERY_LOW               0x1D\r
281 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SPEAKER                   0x1E\r
282 #define HID_USAGE_LED_HEAD_SET                  0x1F\r
283 #define HID_USAGE_LED_HOLD                      0x20\r
284 #define HID_USAGE_LED_MICROPHONE                0x21\r
285 #define HID_USAGE_LED_COVERAGE                  0x22\r
286 #define HID_USAGE_LED_NIGHT_MODE                0x23\r
287 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SEND_CALLS                0x24\r
288 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CALL_PICKUP               0x25\r
289 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CONFERENCE                0x26\r
290 #define HID_USAGE_LED_STAND_BY                  0x27\r
291 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CAMERA_ON                 0x28\r
292 #define HID_USAGE_LED_CAMERA_OFF                0x29\r
293 #define HID_USAGE_LED_ON_LINE                   0x2A\r
294 #define HID_USAGE_LED_OFF_LINE                  0x2B\r
295 #define HID_USAGE_LED_BUSY                      0x2C\r
296 #define HID_USAGE_LED_READY                     0x2D\r
297 #define HID_USAGE_LED_PAPER_OUT                 0x2E\r
298 #define HID_USAGE_LED_PAPER_JAM                 0x2F\r
299 #define HID_USAGE_LED_REMOTE                    0x30\r
300 #define HID_USAGE_LED_FORWARD                   0x31\r
301 #define HID_USAGE_LED_REVERSE                   0x32\r
302 #define HID_USAGE_LED_STOP                      0x33\r
303 #define HID_USAGE_LED_REWIND                    0x34\r
304 #define HID_USAGE_LED_FAST_FORWARD              0x35\r
305 #define HID_USAGE_LED_PLAY                      0x36\r
306 #define HID_USAGE_LED_PAUSE                     0x37\r
307 #define HID_USAGE_LED_RECORD                    0x38\r
308 #define HID_USAGE_LED_ERROR                     0x39\r
309 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SELECTED_INDICATOR        0x3A\r
310 #define HID_USAGE_LED_IN_USE_INDICATOR          0x3B\r
312 #define HID_USAGE_LED_INDICATOR_ON              0x3D\r
313 #define HID_USAGE_LED_INDICATOR_FLASH           0x3E\r
315 #define HID_USAGE_LED_INDICATOR_FAST_BLINK      0x40\r
316 #define HID_USAGE_LED_INDICATOR_OFF             0x41\r
317 #define HID_USAGE_LED_FLASH_ON_TIME             0x42\r
318 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SLOW_BLINK_ON_TIME        0x43\r
319 #define HID_USAGE_LED_SLOW_BLINK_OFF_TIME       0x44\r
320 #define HID_USAGE_LED_FAST_BLINK_ON_TIME        0x45\r
321 #define HID_USAGE_LED_FAST_BLINK_OFF_TIME       0x46\r
322 #define HID_USAGE_LED_INDICATOR_COLOR           0x47\r
323 #define HID_USAGE_LED_RED                       0x48\r
324 #define HID_USAGE_LED_GREEN                     0x49\r
325 #define HID_USAGE_LED_AMBER                     0x4A\r
326 #define HID_USAGE_LED_GENERIC_INDICATOR         0x4B\r
327 /** @} */\r
328 \r
329 /*  Button Page (0x09)\r
330  */\r
331 /*   There is no need to label these usages. */\r
332 \r
333 /*  Ordinal Page (0x0A)\r
334  */\r
335 /*   There is no need to label these usages. */\r
336 \r
337 /** Telephony Device Page (0x0B)\r
338  * @{\r
339  */\r
340 #define HID_USAGE_TELEPHONY_PHONE               0x01\r
343 #define HID_USAGE_TELEPHONY_HANDSET             0x04\r
344 #define HID_USAGE_TELEPHONY_HEADSET             0x05\r
345 #define HID_USAGE_TELEPHONY_KEYPAD              0x06\r
347 /** @} */\r
348 /* ... */\r
349 \r
350 /** Consumer Page (0x0C)\r
351  * @{\r
352  */\r
353 #define HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_CONTROL              0x01\r
354 #define HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_FAST_FORWARD       0xB3\r
355 #define HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_REWIND             0xB4\r
356 #define HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_PLAY_PAUSE                       0xCD\r
357 #define HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME_INCREMENT             0xE9\r
358 #define HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME_DECREMENT             0xEA\r
359 /** @} */\r
360 /* ... */\r
361 \r
362 /* and others ... */\r
363 \r
364 \r
365 /** HID Report Item Macros\r
366  * @{\r
367  */\r
368 /** Main Items */\r
369 #define HID_Input(x)           0x81,x\r
370 #define HID_Output(x)          0x91,x\r
371 #define HID_Feature(x)         0xB1,x\r
372 #define HID_Collection(x)      0xA1,x\r
373 #define HID_EndCollection      0xC0\r
374 \r
375 /** Data (Input, Output, Feature) */\r
376 #define HID_Data               0<<0\r
377 #define HID_Constant           1<<0\r
378 #define HID_Array              0<<1\r
379 #define HID_Variable           1<<1\r
380 #define HID_Absolute           0<<2\r
381 #define HID_Relative           1<<2\r
382 #define HID_NoWrap             0<<3\r
383 #define HID_Wrap               1<<3\r
384 #define HID_Linear             0<<4\r
385 #define HID_NonLinear          1<<4\r
386 #define HID_PreferredState     0<<5\r
387 #define HID_NoPreferred        1<<5\r
388 #define HID_NoNullPosition     0<<6\r
389 #define HID_NullState          1<<6\r
390 #define HID_NonVolatile        0<<7\r
391 #define HID_Volatile           1<<7\r
392 \r
393 /** Collection Data */\r
394 #define HID_Physical           0x00\r
395 #define HID_Application        0x01\r
396 #define HID_Logical            0x02\r
397 #define HID_Report             0x03\r
398 #define HID_NamedArray         0x04\r
399 #define HID_UsageSwitch        0x05\r
400 #define HID_UsageModifier      0x06\r
401 \r
402 /** Global Items */\r
403 #define HID_UsagePage(x)       0x05,x\r
404 #define HID_UsagePageVendor(x) 0x06,x,0xFF\r
405 #define HID_LogicalMin(x)      0x15,x\r
406 #define HID_LogicalMinS(x)     0x16,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF)\r
407 #define HID_LogicalMinL(x)     0x17,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF),((x>>16)&0xFF),((x>>24)&0xFF)\r
408 #define HID_LogicalMax(x)      0x25,x\r
409 #define HID_LogicalMaxS(x)     0x26,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF)\r
410 #define HID_LogicalMaxL(x)     0x27,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF),((x>>16)&0xFF),((x>>24)&0xFF)\r
411 #define HID_PhysicalMin(x)     0x35,x\r
412 #define HID_PhysicalMinS(x)    0x36,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF)\r
413 #define HID_PhysicalMinL(x)    0x37,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF),((x>>16)&0xFF),((x>>24)&0xFF)\r
414 #define HID_PhysicalMax(x)     0x45,x\r
415 #define HID_PhysicalMaxS(x)    0x46,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF)\r
416 #define HID_PhysicalMaxL(x)    0x47,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF),((x>>16)&0xFF),((x>>24)&0xFF)\r
417 #define HID_UnitExponent(x)    0x55,x\r
418 #define HID_Unit(x)            0x65,x\r
419 #define HID_UnitS(x)           0x66,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF)\r
420 #define HID_UnitL(x)           0x67,(x&0xFF),((x>>8)&0xFF),((x>>16)&0xFF),((x>>24)&0xFF)\r
421 #define HID_ReportSize(x)      0x75,x\r
422 #define HID_ReportID(x)        0x85,x\r
423 #define HID_ReportCount(x)     0x95,x\r
424 #define HID_Push               0xA0\r
425 #define HID_Pop                0xB0\r
426 \r
427 /** Local Items */\r
428 #define HID_Usage(x)           0x09,x\r
429 #define HID_UsageMin(x)        0x19,x\r
430 #define HID_UsageMax(x)        0x29,x\r
431 /** @} */\r
432 uint32_t CALLBACK_UsbdHid_Register_InterfaceDescriptor(void);\r
433 uint32_t CALLBACK_UsbdHid_Register_ReportDescriptor(uint8_t **dest);\r
434 uint32_t CALLBACK_UsbdHid_Register_ReportInBuffer(uint8_t **dest);\r
435 void CALLBACK_UsbdHid_SetReport(uint8_t **reportoutbuffer, uint32_t reportoutsize);\r
436 void CALLBACK_UsbdHid_SetReportChange(bool newstate);\r
437 bool CALLBACK_UsbdHid_IsReportChanged(void);\r
438 \r
439 /** @} */\r
440 \r
441 #endif  /* __HID_H__ */\r