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[freertos] / FreeRTOS-Plus / Demo / FreeRTOS_Plus_UDP_and_CLI_LPC1830_GCC / ThirdParty / LPCOpen / LPCUSBLib / Drivers / USB / Core / Host.h
1 /*\r
2  * @brief Common USB Host definitions for all architectures\r
3  *\r
4  * @note\r
5  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012\r
6  * Copyright(C) Dean Camera, 2011, 2012\r
7  * All rights reserved.\r
8  *\r
9  * @par\r
10  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only\r
11  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the\r
12  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of\r
13  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and\r
14  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of\r
15  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of\r
16  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility\r
17  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any\r
18  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in\r
19  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes\r
20  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no\r
21  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the\r
22  * specified use without further testing or modification.\r
23  *\r
24  * @par\r
25  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its\r
26  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its\r
27  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it\r
28  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This\r
29  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of\r
30  * this code.\r
31  */\r
32 \r
33 /** @ingroup Group_USB\r
34  *  @defgroup Group_Host Host Management\r
35  *  @brief USB Host management definitions for USB host mode.\r
36  *\r
37  *  USB Host mode related macros and enums. This module contains macros and enums which are used when\r
38  *  the USB controller is initialized in host mode.\r
39  *\r
40  *  @{\r
41  */\r
42 \r
43 #ifndef __USBHOST_H__\r
44 #define __USBHOST_H__\r
45 \r
46         /* Includes: */\r
47                 #include "../../../Common/Common.h"\r
48                 #include "USBMode.h"            \r
49 \r
50         /* Enable C linkage for C++ Compilers: */\r
51                 #if defined(__cplusplus)\r
52                         extern "C" {\r
53                 #endif\r
54 \r
55         /* Preprocessor Checks: */\r
56                 #if !defined(__INCLUDE_FROM_USB_DRIVER)\r
57                         #error Do not include this file directly. Include lpcroot/libraries/LPCUSBlib/Drivers/USB/USB.h instead.\r
58                 #endif\r
59 \r
60         /* Public Interface - May be used in end-application: */\r
61                 /* Enums: */\r
62                         /** Enum for the various states of the USB Host state machine.\r
63                          *\r
64                          *  For information on each possible USB host state, refer to the USB 2.0 specification.\r
65                          *  Several of the USB host states are broken up further into multiple smaller sub-states,\r
66                          *  so that they can be internally implemented inside the library in an efficient manner.\r
67                          *\r
68                          *  @see @ref USB_HostState, which stores the current host state machine state.\r
69                          */\r
70                         enum USB_Host_States_t\r
71                         {\r
72                                 HOST_STATE_WaitForDevice                = 0,  /**< This state indicates that the stack is waiting for an interval\r
73                                                                                *   to elapse before continuing with the next step of the device\r
74                                                                                *   enumeration process.\r
75                                                                                */\r
76                                 HOST_STATE_Unattached                   = 1,  /**< This state indicates that the host state machine is waiting for\r
77                                                                                *   a device to be attached so that it can start the enumeration process.\r
78                                                                                */\r
79                                 HOST_STATE_Powered                      = 2,  /**< This state indicates that a device has been attached, and the\r
80                                                                                *   library's internals are being configured to begin the enumeration\r
81                                                                                *   process.\r
82                                                                                */\r
83                                 HOST_STATE_Powered_WaitForDeviceSettle  = 3,  /**< This state indicates that the stack is waiting for the initial\r
84                                                                                *   settling period to elapse before beginning the enumeration process.\r
85                                                                                */\r
86                                 HOST_STATE_Powered_WaitForConnect       = 4,  /**< This state indicates that the stack is waiting for a connection event\r
87                                                                                *   from the USB controller to indicate a valid USB device has been attached\r
88                                                                                *   to the bus and is ready to be enumerated.\r
89                                                                                */\r
90                                 HOST_STATE_Powered_DoReset              = 5,  /**< This state indicates that a valid USB device has been attached, and that\r
91                                                                                *   it will now be reset to ensure it is ready for enumeration.\r
92                                                                                */\r
93                                 HOST_STATE_Powered_ConfigPipe           = 6,  /**< This state indicates that the attached device is currently powered and\r
94                                                                                *   reset, and that the control pipe is now being configured by the stack.\r
95                                                                                */\r
96                                 HOST_STATE_Default                      = 7,  /**< This state indicates that the stack is currently retrieving the control\r
97                                                                                *   endpoint's size from the device, so that the control pipe can be altered\r
98                                                                                *   to match.\r
99                                                                                */\r
100                                 HOST_STATE_Default_PostReset            = 8,  /**< This state indicates that the control pipe is being reconfigured to match\r
101                                                                                *   the retrieved control endpoint size from the device, and the device's USB\r
102                                                                                *   bus address is being set.\r
103                                                                                */\r
104                                 HOST_STATE_Default_PostAddressSet       = 9,  /**< This state indicates that the device's address has now been set, and the\r
105                                                                                *   stack is has now completed the device enumeration process. This state causes \r
106                                                                                *   the stack to change the current USB device address to that set for the\r
107                                                                                *   connected device, before progressing to the @ref HOST_STATE_Addressed state\r
108                                                                                *   ready for use in the user application.\r
109                                                                                */\r
110                                 HOST_STATE_Addressed                    = 10, /**< Indicates that the device has been enumerated and addressed, and is now waiting\r
111                                                                                *   for the user application to configure the device ready for use.                              \r
112                                                                                */\r
113                                 HOST_STATE_Configured                   = 11, /**< Indicates that the device has been configured into a valid device configuration,\r
114                                                                                *   ready for general use by the user application.                               \r
115                                                                                */\r
116                         };\r
117 \r
118                 #include "StdDescriptors.h"\r
119                 #include "Pipe.h"\r
120                 #include "USBInterrupt.h"\r
121                 \r
122                 /* Macros: */\r
123                 /** Indicates the fixed USB device address which any attached device is enumerated to when in\r
124                  *  host mode. As only one USB device may be attached to the LPC in host mode at any one time\r
125                  *  and that the address used is not important (other than the fact that it is non-zero), a\r
126                  *  fixed value is specified by the library.\r
127                  */\r
128                                         #define USB_HOST_DEVICEADDRESS                 1\r
129 \r
130                                         #if !defined(USB_HOST_TIMEOUT_MS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)\r
131                 /** Constant for the maximum software timeout period of sent USB control transactions to an attached\r
132                  *  device. If a device fails to respond to a sent control request within this period, the\r
133                  *  library will return a timeout error code.\r
134                  *\r
135                  *  This value may be overridden in the user project makefile as the value of the\r
136                  *  @ref USB_HOST_TIMEOUT_MS token, and passed to the compiler using the -D switch.\r
137                  */\r
138                                                 #define USB_HOST_TIMEOUT_MS                1000\r
139                                         #endif\r
140 \r
141                                         #if !defined(HOST_DEVICE_SETTLE_DELAY_MS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)\r
142                 /** Constant for the delay in milliseconds after a device is connected before the library\r
143                  *  will start the enumeration process. Some devices require a delay of up to 5 seconds\r
144                  *  after connection before the enumeration process can start or incorrect operation will\r
145                  *  occur.\r
146                  *\r
147                  *  The default delay value may be overridden in the user project makefile by defining the\r
148                  *  \c HOST_DEVICE_SETTLE_DELAY_MS token to the required delay in milliseconds, and passed to the\r
149                  *  compiler using the -D switch.\r
150                  */\r
151                                                 #define HOST_DEVICE_SETTLE_DELAY_MS        1000\r
152                                         #endif\r
153 \r
154                 /** Enum for the error codes for the @ref EVENT_USB_Host_HostError() event.\r
155                  *\r
156                  *  @see @ref Group_Events for more information on this event.\r
157                  */\r
158                 enum USB_Host_ErrorCodes_t {\r
159                         HOST_ERROR_VBusVoltageDip       = 0,                    /**< VBUS voltage dipped to an unacceptable level. This\r
160                                                                                                                          *   error may be the result of an attached device drawing\r
161                                                                                                                          *   too much current from the VBUS line, or due to the\r
162                                                                                                                          *   LPC's power source being unable to supply sufficient\r
163                                                                                                                          *   current.\r
164                                                                                                                          */\r
165                 };\r
166 \r
167                 /** Enum for the error codes for the @ref EVENT_USB_Host_DeviceEnumerationFailed() event.\r
168                  *\r
169                  *  @see @ref Group_Events for more information on this event.\r
170                  */\r
171                 enum USB_Host_EnumerationErrorCodes_t {\r
172                         HOST_ENUMERROR_NoError          = 0,                    /**< No error occurred. Used internally, this is not a valid\r
173                                                                                                                          *   ErrorCode parameter value for the @ref EVENT_USB_Host_DeviceEnumerationFailed()\r
174                                                                                                                          *   event.\r
175                                                                                                                          */\r
176                         HOST_ENUMERROR_WaitStage        = 1,                    /**< One of the delays between enumeration steps failed\r
177                                                                                                                          *   to complete successfully, due to a timeout or other\r
178                                                                                                                          *   error.\r
179                                                                                                                          */\r
180                         HOST_ENUMERROR_NoDeviceDetected = 2,                    /**< No device was detected, despite the USB data lines\r
181                                                                                                                          *   indicating the attachment of a device.\r
182                                                                                                                          */\r
183                         HOST_ENUMERROR_ControlError     = 3,                    /**< One of the enumeration control requests failed to\r
184                                                                                                                          *   complete successfully.\r
185                                                                                                                          */\r
186                         HOST_ENUMERROR_PipeConfigError  = 4,                    /**< The default control pipe (address 0) failed to\r
187                                                                                                                          *   configure correctly.\r
188                                                                                                                          */\r
189                 };\r
190 \r
191                 /**\r
192                  * @brief  Get current active host core number\r
193                  * @return Active USB host core number\r
194                  */\r
195                 uint8_t USB_Host_GetActiveHost(void);\r
196 \r
197                 /** Array stores pre-set size of control pipe of all available USB cores\r
198                  */\r
199                 extern uint8_t USB_Host_ControlPipeSize[MAX_USB_CORE];\r
200 \r
201                 /* Inline Functions: */\r
202                                         #if !defined(NO_SOF_EVENTS)\r
203 \r
204                 /**\r
205                  * @brief  Enables the host mode Start Of Frame events. When enabled, this causes the\r
206                  *  @ref EVENT_USB_Host_StartOfFrame() event to fire once per millisecond, synchronized to the USB bus,\r
207                  *  at the start of each USB frame when a device is enumerated while in host mode.\r
208                  *\r
209                  *  @note Not available when the \c NO_SOF_EVENTS compile time token is defined.\r
210                  * @return Nothing\r
211                  */\r
212                 static inline void USB_Host_EnableSOFEvents(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
213 \r
214                 static inline void USB_Host_EnableSOFEvents(void)\r
215                 {}\r
216 \r
217                 /**\r
218                  * @brief  Disables the host mode Start Of Frame events. When disabled, this stops the firing of the\r
219                  *  @ref EVENT_USB_Host_StartOfFrame() event when enumerated in host mode.\r
220                  *\r
221                  *  @note Not available when the NO_SOF_EVENTS compile time token is defined.\r
222                  * @return Nothing\r
223                  */\r
224                 static inline void USB_Host_DisableSOFEvents(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
225 \r
226                 static inline void USB_Host_DisableSOFEvents(void)\r
227                 {}\r
228 \r
229                                         #endif\r
230 \r
231                 /**\r
232                  * @brief  Resets the USB bus, including the endpoints in any attached device and pipes on the LPC host.\r
233                  *  USB bus resets leave the default control pipe configured (if already configured).\r
234                  *\r
235                  *  If the USB bus has been suspended prior to issuing a bus reset, the attached device will be\r
236                  *  woken up automatically and the bus resumed after the reset has been correctly issued.\r
237                  * @return Nothing\r
238                  */\r
239                 static inline void USB_Host_ResetBus(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
240 \r
241                 static inline void USB_Host_ResetBus(void)\r
242                 {}\r
243 \r
244                 /**\r
245                  * @brief  Determines if a previously issued bus reset (via the @ref USB_Host_ResetBus() macro) has\r
246                  *  completed.\r
247                  * @return Boolean \c true if no bus reset is currently being sent, \c false otherwise.\r
248                  */\r
249                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsBusResetComplete(void) ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
250 \r
251                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsBusResetComplete(void)\r
252                 {\r
253                         return true;\r
254                 }\r
255 \r
256                 /**\r
257                  * @brief  Resumes USB communications with an attached and enumerated device, by resuming the transmission\r
258                  *  of the 1MS Start Of Frame messages to the device. When resumed, USB communications between the\r
259                  *  host and attached device may occur.\r
260                  * @return Nothing\r
261                  */\r
262                 static inline void USB_Host_ResumeBus(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
263 \r
264                 static inline void USB_Host_ResumeBus(void)\r
265                 {}\r
266 \r
267                 /**\r
268                  * @brief  Suspends the USB bus, preventing any communications from occurring between the host and attached\r
269                  *  device until the bus has been resumed. This stops the transmission of the 1MS Start Of Frame\r
270                  *  messages to the device.\r
271                  * @return Nothing\r
272                  */\r
273                 static inline void USB_Host_SuspendBus(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
274 \r
275                 static inline void USB_Host_SuspendBus(void)\r
276                 {}\r
277 \r
278                 /**\r
279                  * @brief  Determines if the USB bus has been suspended via the use of the @ref USB_Host_SuspendBus() macro,\r
280                  *  false otherwise. While suspended, no USB communications can occur until the bus is resumed,\r
281                  *  except for the Remote Wakeup event from the device if supported.\r
282                  *\r
283                  * @return Boolean \c true if the bus is currently suspended, \c false otherwise.\r
284                  */\r
285                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsBusSuspended(void) ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
286 \r
287                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsBusSuspended(void)\r
288                 {\r
289                         return false;\r
290                 }\r
291 \r
292                 /**\r
293                  * @brief  Determines if the attached device is currently enumerated in Full Speed mode (12Mb/s), or\r
294                  *  false if the attached device is enumerated in Low Speed mode (1.5Mb/s).\r
295                  *\r
296                  * @return Boolean \c true if the attached device is enumerated in Full Speed mode, \c false otherwise.\r
297                  */\r
298                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsDeviceFullSpeed(void) ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
299 \r
300                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsDeviceFullSpeed(void)\r
301                 {\r
302                         return true;                    // implement later when needed\r
303                 }\r
304 \r
305                 /**\r
306                  * @brief  Determines if the attached device is currently issuing a Remote Wakeup request, requesting\r
307                  *  that the host resume the USB bus and wake up the device, false otherwise.\r
308                  *\r
309                  * @return Boolean \c true if the attached device has sent a Remote Wakeup request, \c false otherwise.\r
310                   */\r
311                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsRemoteWakeupSent(void) ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
312 \r
313                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsRemoteWakeupSent(void)\r
314                 {\r
315                         return false;\r
316                 }\r
317 \r
318                 /** Clears the flag indicating that a Remote Wakeup request has been issued by an attached device. */\r
319                 static inline void USB_Host_ClearRemoteWakeupSent(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
320 \r
321                 static inline void USB_Host_ClearRemoteWakeupSent(void)\r
322                 {}\r
323 \r
324                 /** Accepts a Remote Wakeup request from an attached device. This must be issued in response to\r
325                  *  a device's Remote Wakeup request within 2ms for the request to be accepted and the bus to\r
326                  *  be resumed.\r
327                  */\r
328                 static inline void USB_Host_ResumeFromWakeupRequest(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
329 \r
330                 static inline void USB_Host_ResumeFromWakeupRequest(void)\r
331                 {}\r
332 \r
333                 /**\r
334                  * @brief  Determines if a resume from Remote Wakeup request is currently being sent to an attached\r
335                  *  device.\r
336                  *\r
337                  *  @return Boolean \c true if no resume request is currently being sent, \c false otherwise.\r
338                  */\r
339                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsResumeFromWakeupRequestSent(void) ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
340 \r
341                 static inline bool USB_Host_IsResumeFromWakeupRequestSent(void)\r
342                 {\r
343                         return false;\r
344                 }\r
345 \r
346                 /* Private Interface - For use in library only: */\r
347                         #if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)\r
348                 /* Macros: */\r
349                 static inline void USB_Host_HostMode_On(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
350 \r
351                 static inline void USB_Host_HostMode_On(void)\r
352                 {}\r
353 \r
354                 static inline void USB_Host_HostMode_Off(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
355 \r
356                 static inline void USB_Host_HostMode_Off(void)\r
357                 {}\r
358 \r
359                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Auto_Enable(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
360 \r
361                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Auto_Enable(void)\r
362                 {}\r
363 \r
364                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Manual_Enable(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
365 \r
366                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Manual_Enable(void)\r
367                 {}\r
368 \r
369                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Auto_On(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
370 \r
371                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Auto_On(void)\r
372                 {}\r
373 \r
374                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Manual_On(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
375 \r
376                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Manual_On(void)\r
377                 {}\r
378 \r
379                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Auto_Off(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
380 \r
381                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Auto_Off(void)\r
382                 {}\r
383 \r
384                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Manual_Off(void) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
385 \r
386                 static inline void USB_Host_VBUS_Manual_Off(void)\r
387                 {}\r
388 \r
389                 static inline void USB_Host_SetDeviceAddress(const uint8_t Address) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE;\r
390 \r
391                 static inline void USB_Host_SetDeviceAddress(const uint8_t Address)\r
392                 {}\r
393 \r
394                 /* Enums: */\r
395                 /** Enum defines error codes returned by \ref USB_Host_WaitMS()\r
396                  */\r
397                 enum USB_Host_WaitMSErrorCodes_t {\r
398                         HOST_WAITERROR_Successful       = 0,\r
399                         HOST_WAITERROR_DeviceDisconnect = 1,\r
400                         HOST_WAITERROR_PipeError        = 2,\r
401                         HOST_WAITERROR_SetupStalled     = 3,\r
402                 };\r
403 \r
404                 /* Function Prototypes: */\r
405                 /**\r
406                  * @brief Perform enumeration process\r
407                  *\r
408                  * @param corenum: active USB port number\r
409                  * @return Nothing\r
410                  */\r
411                 void    USB_Host_ProcessNextHostState(uint8_t corenum);\r
412 \r
413                 /**\r
414                  * @brief A delay function use in host\r
415                  * @note This function currently is not inplemented\r
416                  * @return always return HOST_WAITERROR_Successful \ref USB_Host_WaitMSErrorCodes_t\r
417                  */\r
418                 uint8_t USB_Host_WaitMS(uint8_t MS);\r
419 \r
420                 /**\r
421                  * @brief Returns the current USB frame number, when in host mode. Every millisecond the USB bus is active (i.e. not suspended)\r
422                  *        the frame number is incremented by one.\r
423                  * @return Current frame number on active USB port\r
424                  */\r
425                 uint16_t USB_Host_GetFrameNumber(void);\r
426 \r
427                                         #if defined(__INCLUDE_FROM_HOST_C)\r
428                 // static void USB_Host_ResetDevice(void);\r
429                                         #endif\r
430                         #endif\r
431 \r
432 \r
433         /* Disable C linkage for C++ Compilers: */\r
434                 #if defined(__cplusplus)\r
435                         }\r
436                 #endif\r
437 \r
438 #endif\r
439 \r
440 /** @} */\r
441 \r