]> git.sur5r.net Git - openldap/blob - doc/guide/admin/aspell.en.pws
allow to customize the error code in case of constraint violation
[openldap] / doc / guide / admin / aspell.en.pws
1 personal_ws-1.1 en 1491 
2 nattrsets
3 inappropriateAuthentication
4 api
5 olcAttributeTypes
6 BhY
7 reqEnd
8 olcOverlayConfig
9 shoesize
10 olcTLSCACertificateFile
11 CGI
12 cdx
13 DCE
14 DAP
15 attributename
16 lsei
17 dbconfig
18 arg
19 kurt
20 authzID
21 authzid
22 authzId
23 DAs
24 ddd
25 userApplications
26 BNF
27 attrs
28 mixin
29 wholeSubtree
30 chainingRequired
31 ldapport
32 hallvard
33 ASN
34 acknowledgements
35 Chu
36 ava
37 monitorCounter
38 del
39 DDR
40 testObject
41 OrgPerson
42 IGJlZ
43 olcUpdateref
44 ECC
45 deleteDN
46 cli
47 ltdl
49 dev
50 serverctrls
51 olcDbDirectory
52 xvfB
53 BSI
54 modv
55 nonleaf
56 errCode
57 PhotoURI
58 buf
59 cdef
60 monitorConnectionLocalAddress
61 dir
62 EGD
63 dit
64 retoidp
65 ando
66 edu
67 caseExactSubstringsMatch
68 bvstrdup
70 memrealloc
71 auditExtended
72 replog
73 ludp
74 metainformation
75 CRL
76 CRP
77 olcReferral
79 metadirectory
80 csn
81 siiiib
82 stateful
83 olcModulePath
84 maxentries
85 authc
86 seeAlso
87 searchbase
88 searchBase
89 realnamingcontext
90 dn's
91 DNs
92 DN's
93 dns
94 dereference
95 sortKey
96 authzTo
97 lossy
98 gcc
99 CWD
100 lssl
101 organizationalRole
102 DSA
103 derefInSearching
104 pwdGraceUseTime
105 DSE
106 groupOfURLs
107 modrdn
108 ModRDN
109 modrDN
110 pwdFailureCountInterval
111 homePhone
112 eng
113 paramName
114 errUnsolicitedData
115 Heimdal
116 EOF
117 authz
120 plaintext
121 indices
122 reqAssertion
123 olcDbUri
124 dst
125 env
126 oplist
127 MirrorMode
128 mirrormode
129 objclass
130 Bint
131 dup
132 hdb
133 gid
134 stderr
135 caseIgnoreOrderingMatch
136 moduledir
137 gif
138 jpegPhoto
139 lsasl
140 judgmentday
141 prepend
142 subentry
143 dbcache
144 mkversion
145 objectClasses
146 objectclasses
147 adminLimitExceeded
148 searchResultReference
149 fmt
150 qdescrs
151 olcSuffix
152 objectClassModsProhibited
153 unavailableCriticalExtension
154 supportedControl
155 GHz
156 libpath
158 compareDN
159 sizelimit
160 unixODBC
161 notAllowedOnNonLeaf
162 APIs
163 blen
164 attrsOnly
165 attrsonly
166 slappasswd
167 referralsPreferred
168 oids
169 OIDs
171 syncIdSet
172 olcTLSCipherSuite
173 username
174 aliasProblem
175 sizeLimitExceeded
176 subst
177 idl
178 chroot
179 iff
180 auditDelete
181 numbits
183 reqRespControls
184 TLSCertificateKeyFile
185 olcAccess
186 aliasDereferencingProblem
187 proxyTemplates
188 neverDerefaliases
189 RootDN
190 rootdn
191 loglevel
192 args
193 caseExactOrderingMatch
194 olcDbQuarantine
196 baseDN
197 basedn
198 argv
199 gss
200 schemachecking
201 whoami
202 WhoAmI
203 syslogd
204 dataflow
205 subentries
206 attrpair
207 balancer
208 entryAlreadyExists
209 BerkeleyDB's
210 notAllowedOnRDN
211 singleLevel
212 entryDN
213 dSAOperation
214 includedir
215 inplace
216 LDAPAPIFeatureInfo
217 logbase
218 ldapmaster
219 ing
220 moduleload
221 IPC
222 Makefile
223 getpid
225 numericString
227 XXXX
228 domainstyle
229 bvarray
230 Choi
231 iscritical
232 subschema
233 slapindex
234 plugin
235 distinguishedNameMatch
236 derefAliases
237 baseObject
238 kdz
239 reqMod
240 ldb
241 srcdir
242 pwdExpireWarning
243 ldd
244 localstatedir
245 sockbuf
246 PENs
247 ipv
248 IPv
249 ghenry
250 hyc
251 multimaster
252 noop
253 DEFS
254 joe
255 testAttr
256 syncrepl
257 pwdFailureTime
258 timestamp
259 whitespaces
260 ISP
261 ldp
262 monitorInfo
263 PDUs
264 bjensen
265 newPasswd
266 irresponsive
267 len
268 perl
269 dynlist
270 browseable
271 posixGroup
272 attrvalue
273 pers
274 retcode
275 rootpw
276 matchedDN
277 auditReadObject
278 idletimeout
279 intermediateResponse
280 myOID
281 structuralObjectClass
282 integerMatch
283 openldap
284 OpenLDAP
285 moddn
286 rewriteEngine
287 AVAs
288 accesslog
289 searchDN
290 reqOld
291 MDn
292 aspell
293 TLSCACertificateFile
294 mem
295 peername
296 syncUUIDs
297 database's
298 krb
299 bool
300 logins
301 jts
302 memberAttr
303 newpasswdfile
304 newPasswdFile
305 ucdata
306 LLL
307 confdir
308 invalidCredentials
309 BerValues
310 olcDbLinearIndex
311 Elfrink
313 countp
314 realloc
315 bsize
316 CThreads
317 structs
318 desc
320 bindmethod
321 olcDbCheckpoint
322 addprinc
323 modme
324 refreshOnly
325 PIII
326 pwdPolicySubentry
327 supportedSASLmechanism
328 supportedSASLMechanism
330 realanonymous
331 caseExactMatch
332 olcSizeLimit
333 Bourne
334 attr
335 objectidentifier
336 objectIdentifier
337 refint
338 msgtype
340 LRL
341 subtrees
342 realdnattr
343 entrymods
344 admittable
345 libtool's
346 dupbv
347 searchResultEntry
348 lud
349 modifyTimestamp
350 TLSEphemeralDHParamFile
351 LRU
352 syncprov
353 strvals
354 preread
355 auth
356 nis
357 regexec
358 adamsom
359 objclasses
360 deallocation
361 strdup
362 gsMatch
363 adamson
364 UniqueName
365 LVL
366 ppErrStr
368 oid
369 saslpasswd
370 interoperate
371 bindwhen
372 Solaris
373 oOjM
374 msg
375 submatch
376 refreshAndPersist
377 monitorServer
378 attributeUsage
379 soelim
380 objectIdentiferMatch
381 olc
382 PEM
383 Autoconf
384 alloc
385 PDU
386 OLF
387 inetorgperson
388 inetOrgPerson
389 deleteoldrdn
390 monitorCounterObject
391 pid
392 CPAN
393 sharedstatedir
394 OLP
396 dereferencing
397 allop
398 errcodep
399 xeXBkeFxlZ
400 accessor's
401 extendedop
402 ple
403 NTP
404 reqSizeLimit
405 ORed
406 NUL
407 namingContexts
408 num
409 reqAttrsOnly
410 ldappasswd
411 online
412 libdir
413 unindexed
414 ObjectClassDescription
415 attrdesc
416 jsmith
417 efgh
418 exopPasswdDN
419 ranlib
420 olcAttributeOptions
421 lineno
422 storages
423 nameAndOptionalUID
424 png
426 organizationalPerson
427 integerOrderingMatch
428 OSI
429 subschemaSubentry
430 cond
431 conf
432 rfc
433 bvec
434 rdn
436 RDBM
437 subany
438 runningslapd
439 configs
440 datagram
441 crlcheck
442 conn
443 builddir
444 OTP
445 entrylimit
446 attrdescN
447 logold
448 pos
449 sbi
450 PRD
451 reqEntries
452 pre
453 bvals
454 unixusers
455 olcReadonly
456 olcReadOnly
457 pwdChangedTime
458 mySQL
459 DITs
460 sdf
461 suffixmassage
462 referralDN
463 sed
464 statslog
465 perror
466 ldapexop
467 bvecadd
468 distributedOperation
469 sel
470 versa
471 TBC
472 telephonenumber
473 telephoneNumber
475 peernamestyle
476 Sep
477 SHA
478 filename
479 rpath
480 argsfile
481 ptr
483 pwd
484 dctree
485 rnd
486 quanah
487 lastmod
488 TCL
489 sprintf
490 shm
491 logops
492 dnattr
493 subdir
494 searchAttrDN
495 cctrls
496 tcp
497 kadmin
498 undefinedAttributeType
499 strlen
500 spellcheck
501 ludpp
502 typedef
503 olcDbIDLcacheSize
504 ostring
505 toolsets
506 mwrscdx
507 SMD
508 UCD
509 cancelled
510 crit
511 organizationalUnit
512 lucyB
513 slp
514 rdns
515 CPUs
516 TGT
517 modulepath
518 quickstart
519 mySNMP
520 tgz
521 UDP
522 RDBMs
523 rdbms
524 Matic
525 qdstring
526 gunzip
527 librewrite
528 UFl
529 src
530 lastName
531 ufn
532 cron
533 RelativeLDAPDN
534 sql
535 pwdPolicyChecker
536 uid
537 olcDbConfig
538 refreshDone
539 ssf
540 replogfile
541 rwm
542 TOC
543 vec
545 compareAttrDN
546 endmacro
547 tls
548 repl
549 monitoringslapd
550 referralsp
551 tmp
552 SRP
553 olcDbNosync
554 conns
555 SSL
557 SRV
558 rwx
559 sss
560 deallocators
561 Contribware
562 URLlist
563 str
564 subinitial
565 CSNs
566 sbin
567 dbtools
568 datasource
569 sbio
570 posp
571 errText
572 prepended
573 labeledURI
574 scdx
575 startup
576 const
578 octetStringSubstringsStringMatch
579 ttl
580 bvalue
581 bvdup
582 stringa
583 stringb
584 hasSubordinates
585 oldPasswd
586 sys
587 pwdPolicy
588 slapd
589 affectsMultipleDSAs
590 sasl
591 slapauth
593 octetStringOrderingStringMatch
594 updatedn
595 UpdateDN
596 slapdindex
597 searchFilter
598 uri
599 slapi
600 tty
601 liblunicode
602 url
603 entryExpireTimestamp
604 priv
605 slapo
606 UTF
607 vlv
608 ctrl
609 TXN
610 virtualnamingcontext
611 eatBlanks
612 slimit
613 ldaprc
614 usr
615 txt
616 proc
617 generalizedTime
618 loopback
619 unmassaged
620 mechs
621 freemods
622 initgroups
623 auditCompare
624 GDBM
625 DSAs
626 DSA's
627 dsaschema
628 compareFalse
629 resultCode
630 resultcode
631 noSuchObject
632 params
633 groupnummer
634 searchEntryDN
635 negttl
636 chainingPreferred
637 TABs
638 retdatap
639 errAuxObject
640 postoperation
641 realself
642 olcPasswordHash
643 concat
644 debuglevel
645 addAttrDN
646 credp
647 ldaphost
648 pwdMaxFailure
649 octetStringMatch
650 extparam
651 auditWriteObject
652 colaligns
653 Diffie
654 offsite
655 attributevalue
656 AttributeValue
658 MyCompany
659 al
661 cd
662 contextCSN
663 ar
664 pthreads
665 monitorTimestamp
666 de
667 reqAuthzID
668 backend's
669 backends
670 requestName
671 cn
672 lcrypto
673 infodir
674 groupstyle
675 ldapsearch
676 cp
677 displayName
678 eg
679 bv
680 olcBackendConfig
681 dn
682 fd
683 LDAPSync
684 olcReplicationInterval
685 fG
686 gidNumber
687 fi
688 Instanstantiation
689 eq
690 FIPS
691 dx
692 et
693 eu
694 hh
695 olcLogLevel
696 slurpd
697 logevels
698 IG
699 addDN
700 tbls
701 ldapmodify
702 kb
703 syslog
704 io
705 ip
706 dynacl
707 aXRoIGEgc
708 enum
709 slapdconf
710 reqFilter
711 ld
712 xyz
713 TLSCertificateFile
714 idassert
715 failover
716 kerberos
717 lookups
718 md
719 iZ
720 SysNet
721 BerValue
722 idlcachesize
723 struct
725 errno
726 syslogged
727 mk
728 ng
729 oc
730 invalidAttributeSyntax
731 errOp
732 pwdMaxAge
733 insufficientAccessRights
734 truelies
735 NL
736 mr
737 reindex
738 newentry
739 ok
740 mv
741 preinstalled
742 regex
743 saslmech
744 rc
745 config
746 ou
747 policyDN
748 sb
749 olcSyncrepl
750 QN
751 strtol
752 runtime
754 slapover
755 RL
756 sockname
757 noSuchAttribute
759 makeinfo
760 coltags
761 ro
762 rp
764 sockurl
765 th
766 sn
767 ru
768 UG
769 ss
770 su
771 TP
772 reqMethod
774 PhotoObject
775 tt
776 keycol
777 namingContext
778 rlookups
779 searchstack
781 sldb
782 wi
783 AlmostASearchRequest
784 xf
785 param
787 caseExactIA
788 Za
789 Vu
790 idlecachesize
791 objectClassViolation
792 allusers
793 ws
794 errSleepTime
796 pthread
797 pwdHistory
798 x's
799 Debian
800 slen
801 errUnsolicitedOID
802 dyngroup
803 filtertype
804 rewriteRules
805 criticality
806 preoperation
807 smbk
808 subord
809 reqVersion
810 errp
811 ZZ
812 entryCSNs
813 dlopen
814 continuated
815 newsuperior
816 newSuperior
817 Preprocessor
819 deallocate
820 reqScope
821 llber
822 bitstringa
823 sbindir
824 apache's
825 noidlen
826 monitorContext
827 testrun
828 resync
829 fqdn
830 authPassword
831 LDAPMatchingRule
832 olcIdleTimeout
833 treedelete
834 auditAdd
835 reqSession
836 derated
838 IANA
839 olcDbSearchStack
840 bitstrings
841 rscdx
842 schemas
843 minssf
844 ldapadd
845 pseudorootdn
846 lldap
847 gssapi
848 applicatio
849 nelems
850 liblutil
851 wrscdx
852 scherr
853 internet
854 logfilter
855 lutil
856 themself
857 libexec
858 dnpattern
859 proxying
860 reqType
861 Kartik
862 libexecdir
863 inetd
864 pwdSafeModify
865 contrib
866 FQDNs
867 bjorn
868 myldap
869 myLDAP
870 peercred
871 SNMP
872 myObjectClass
873 thru
874 olcLastMod
875 commonName
876 testTwo
877 olcFrontendConfig
878 LDAPObjectClass
879 attributeTypes
881 hostname
882 Symas
883 numattrsets
884 msgid
885 ldapmodrdn
886 ldapbis
887 attributeoptions
888 serverID
889 memberOf
890 memberof
891 pseudorootpw
892 allmail
894 operationsError
895 substr
896 pwdAllowUserChange
897 rewriteRule
899 credlen
900 departmentNumber
901 rewriteMap
902 logfile
903 vals
905 modifyAttrDN
906 dcedn
907 olcOverlay
908 exop
909 berelement
910 BerElement
911 olcRootDN
912 octetString
913 SampleLDAP
914 expr
915 allusersgroup
916 PostgreSQL
917 bvstr
918 filesystem
919 pathtest
920 objectClass
921 objectclass
922 submatches
923 newrdn
924 armijo
925 addBlanks
926 reqMessage
927 exts
928 SSHA
929 func
930 filterlist
931 modifyDN
932 jane
933 syncuser
934 Masarati
935 LDAPSyntax
936 oldpasswdfile
937 oldPasswdFile
938 reqDN
939 SSFs
940 ietf
941 unwillingToPerform
942 oidlen
943 searchFilterAttrDN
945 slapadd
946 Clatworthy
947 urldesc
948 substrings
949 Apurva
950 slapacl
951 multiclassing
952 monitoredInfo
954 addrdnvalues
957 reqId
958 setspec
959 scanf
960 TLSv
961 distinguishedname
962 distinguishedName
963 BerVarray
964 caseIgnoreSubstrin
965 ldapwhoami
966 URLattr
967 generalizedTimeOrderingMatch
968 requestdata
969 timelimit
970 subr
971 cachesize
972 olcRootPW
973 SSLv
974 proxyOld
975 domainScope
976 LDAPMessage
978 memalloc
979 refreshDeletes
980 BerkeleyDB
981 pathspec
982 uint
983 Poitou
984 whitespace
985 dynstyle
986 slaptest
987 zeilenga
988 WebUpdate
989 numericoid
990 changelog
991 ChangeLog
992 creatorsName
993 ascii
994 wahl
995 uniqueMember
996 slapcat
997 lwrap
998 ldapfilter
999 errDisconnect
1000 sermersheim
1001 rootdns
1002 searchResult
1003 libtool
1004 servercredp
1005 AttributeTypeDescription
1007 simplebinddn
1008 authcDN
1009 TLSCipherSuite
1010 supportedSASLMechanisms
1011 rootdse
1012 rootDSE
1013 dsaparam
1014 cachefree
1015 UMich's
1016 uidNumber
1017 schemadir
1018 attribute's
1019 extern
1020 varchar
1021 olcDbCacheSize
1022 olcDbCachesize
1023 authcid
1024 authcID
1025 POSIX
1026 hnPk
1027 ldapext
1028 authzFrom
1029 Google
1030 olcSchemaConfig
1031 newsup
1032 sbiod
1035 Supr
1036 olcDatabaseConfig
1037 rwxrwxrwx
1038 aeeiib
1039 SUPs
1040 reqStart
1041 sasldb
1042 somevalue
1044 randkey
1045 starttls
1046 StartTLS
1047 LDAPSchemaExtensionItem
1048 reqReferral
1049 shtool
1050 Pierangelo
1051 attrstyle
1052 backend
1053 portnumber
1054 subjectAltName
1055 errObject
1056 gsskrb
1057 valsort
1058 bervals
1059 berval's
1060 derefFindingBaseObj
1061 checkpointed
1062 keytab
1063 groupnaam
1064 frontend
1065 sctrls
1066 dbnum
1067 olcLdapConfig
1068 sessionlog
1069 attrset
1070 organizationPerson
1071 entryCSN
1072 strcast
1073 kbyte
1074 modifiersName
1075 keytbl
1076 olcHdbConfig
1077 constraintViolation
1079 memcalloc
1080 inet
1081 saslargs
1082 givenname
1083 givenName
1084 olcDbMode
1085 pidfile
1086 olcLimits
1087 memvfree
1088 tuple
1089 superset
1090 directoryString
1091 ktadd
1092 proxyTemplate
1093 proxytemplate
1094 wildcards
1095 monitoredObject
1096 TTLs
1097 LxsdLy
1098 olcTimeLimit
1099 stringal
1100 init
1101 Locators
1102 bvalues
1103 reqResult
1104 impl
1105 strongerAuthRequired
1106 outvalue
1107 returnCode
1108 returncode
1109 attributeDescription
1110 attrval
1111 dnssrv
1112 ciphersuite
1113 auditlog
1114 reqControls
1115 protocolError
1116 notypes
1117 myAttributeType
1118 stringbv
1119 keyval
1120 calloc
1121 chmod
1122 Subbarao
1123 setstyle
1124 subdirectories
1125 errlist
1126 addpartial
1127 slapdn
1128 uncached
1129 ldapapiinfo
1130 groupOfUniqueNames
1131 dhparam
1132 slapd's
1133 slapds
1134 inputfile
1135 RDBMSes
1136 wildcard
1137 Locator
1138 errAbsObject
1139 errABsObject
1140 SASL's
1141 html
1142 searchResultDone
1143 olcBdbConfig
1144 ldapmod
1145 LDAPMod
1146 olcHidden
1147 userPassword
1148 TLSRandFile
1149 use'd
1150 auditBind
1151 requestDN
1152 lockdetect
1153 selfstyle
1154 liblber
1155 ERXRTc
1156 printf
1157 AutoConfig
1158 localhost
1159 lber
1160 noprompt
1161 databasenumber
1162 hasSubordintes
1163 URIs
1164 denyop
1165 lang
1166 auditSearch
1167 ldapdelete
1168 reqTimeLimit
1169 cacertdir
1170 queryid
1171 Warper
1172 XDEFS
1173 urls
1174 URL's
1175 postalAddress
1176 postaladdress
1177 passwd
1178 plugins
1179 george
1180 http
1181 uppercased
1182 Poobah
1183 libldap
1184 invalidDNSyntax
1185 ldap
1186 ldbm
1187 ursula
1188 LDAPModifying
1189 slapdconfig
1190 sysconfig
1191 dnSubtreeMatch
1192 olcSaslSecProps
1193 olcSaslSecprops
1194 auditModify
1195 groupOfNames
1196 jensen
1197 reloadHint
1198 prepending
1199 olcGlobal
1200 matchingRule
1201 matchingrule
1202 SmVuc
1203 MSSQL
1204 nisMailAlias
1205 hostnames
1206 ctrlp
1207 lltdl
1208 ctrls
1209 rewriter
1210 secprops
1211 namespace
1212 whsp
1213 realusers
1214 dnstyle
1215 suffixalias
1216 proxyAttrset
1217 proxyAttrSet
1218 proxyattrset
1219 pwdMustChange
1220 ldif
1221 bvfree
1222 sleeptime
1223 pwdCheckQuality
1224 msgidp
1225 confidentialityRequired
1226 pwdAttribute
1227 authMethodNotSupported
1228 chown
1229 PRNGD
1231 entryUUIDs
1232 proxycache
1233 proxyCache
1235 noanonymous
1236 accessee
1237 createTimestamp
1238 nretries
1239 auditAbandon
1240 LDAPAttributeType
1241 logdb
1242 procs
1243 realdn
1244 alwaysDerefAliases
1245 ppolicy
1246 jpeg
1247 functionalities
1248 pcache
1249 caseIgnoreMatch
1250 sysconfdir
1251 checkpointing
1252 rebindproc
1253 dryrun
1254 noplain
1255 exattrs
1256 Jong
1257 ldaptcl
1258 proxied
1259 firstName
1260 accesslevel
1261 login
1262 rewriteContext
1263 dcObject
1264 newparent
1265 numericStringMatch
1266 TLSVerifyClient
1267 subtree
1268 multi
1269 immSupr
1270 manpage
1271 assciated
1272 wZFQrDD
1273 serverctrlsp
1274 onelevel
1275 abcd
1276 reqcert
1277 referralsRequired
1278 Hyuk
1279 olcServerID
1280 reqDerefAliases
1281 newSuperiorDN
1282 passwdfile
1283 errMatchedDN
1284 everytime
1285 mkdep
1286 olcDbindex
1287 olcDbIndex
1288 syntaxOID
1289 reqData
1290 databasetype
1291 woid
1292 numericStringOrderingMatch
1293 clientctrls
1294 inappropriateMatching
1295 RetCodes
1296 ldapc
1297 pwdAccountLockedTime
1298 attrtype
1300 proto
1301 endif
1302 logfiles
1303 reqNewRDN
1304 ldapi
1305 notoc
1306 matcheddnp
1307 mkdir
1308 mech
1309 pwdMinAge
1310 ldaps
1311 userCertificate
1312 LDAPv
1313 IPsec
1314 tokenization
1315 olcModuleList
1316 robert
1317 generalizedTimeMatch
1319 OpenLDAP's
1320 lookup
1321 ABNF
1322 olcDbShmKey
1323 pwdLockoutDuration
1324 TLSCACertificatePath
1325 ldapuri
1326 ldapurl
1327 ACIs
1328 behera
1329 olcObjectIdentifier
1330 endblock
1331 proxyAuthz
1332 pagedResults
1333 saslBindInProgress
1334 bitstring
1335 ACLs
1336 berptr
1337 olcModuleLoad
1338 namingViolation
1339 attributetype
1340 attributeType
1341 auditModRDN
1342 cacert
1343 memberUid
1344 freebuf
1345 IDSET
1346 pwdGraceAuthnLimit
1347 invalue
1348 XKYnrjvGT
1349 srvtab
1350 referralAttrDN
1351 requestoid
1352 basename
1353 substring
1354 booleanMatch
1355 babs
1356 pPasswd
1357 msgfree
1358 slapdconfigfile
1359 olcDatabase
1360 builtin
1361 hardcoded
1364 xpasswd
1365 cleartext
1366 extensibleObject
1367 pwdLockout
1369 reqDeleteOldRDN
1370 reqAttr
1371 subfinal
1372 berval
1373 octothorpe
1375 filesystems
1376 urandom
1377 NDBM
1378 abcdefgh
1379 olcBackend
1380 errmsgp
1381 boolean
1382 updateref
1383 regcomp
1384 contextp
1385 filtercomp
1387 deref
1388 preallocated
1389 syntaxes
1390 memberURL
1391 monitorRuntimeConfig
1392 bindDn
1393 bindDN
1394 binddn
1395 methodp
1396 timeLimitExceeded
1397 timelimitExceeded
1398 pwdInHistory
1400 requestors
1401 requestor's
1403 saslauthd
1405 gecos
1406 entryUUID
1407 gnutls
1408 GNUtls
1409 GnuTLS
1410 postread
1411 timeval
1412 DHAVE
1413 loopDetect
1414 caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
1415 monitorIsShadow
1416 syncdata
1417 BDB's
1418 olcPidFile
1419 hostport
1420 backload
1421 bindir
1422 olcObjectClasses
1423 auditObject
1424 LDIFv
1425 strcasecmp
1427 dereferenced
1428 entryTtl
1429 LDAPControl
1430 pwdMinLength
1431 ldapcompare
1432 readonly
1433 readOnly
1435 attrlist
1436 aci
1437 directoryOperation
1438 compareTrue
1439 selfwrite
1440 pwdReset
1441 acl
1442 attrname
1443 ADH
1444 searchable
1445 bindmethods
1446 logpurge
1447 reqNewSuperior
1448 multiproxy
1449 dereferences
1450 datadir
1451 malloc
1452 UUIDs
1453 veryclean
1454 userid
1455 Kumar
1456 AES
1457 bdb
1458 attributeOrValueExists
1459 manageDSAit
1460 ManageDsaIT
1461 bindpw
1462 monitorContainer
1463 pEntry
1464 baz
1465 memfree
1466 lresolv
1467 objectIdentifierMatch
1468 Blowfish
1469 mkln
1470 numericStringSubstringsMatch
1471 testgroup
1472 openssl
1473 OpenSSL
1474 ModName
1475 cacheable
1476 freeit
1477 pathname
1478 ber
1479 ali
1480 mandir
1481 changetype
1482 CAs
1483 CA's
1484 typeA
1485 bvecfree
1486 ODBC
1487 typeB
1488 unescaped
1489 devel
1490 pwdCheckModule
1491 LDAPURLDesc
1492 authzDN