2 * @brief Definition of functions exported by ROM based MSC function driver
5 * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
6 * All rights reserved.
9 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
10 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
11 * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
12 * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
13 * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
14 * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
15 * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
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18 * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
19 * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
20 * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
21 * specified use without further testing or modification.
24 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
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26 * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
27 * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
28 * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
34 #include "usbd_msc.h"
35 #include "usbd_core.h"
37 #ifndef __MSCUSER_H__
38 #define __MSCUSER_H__
41 /** @ingroup Group_USBD_Class
42 * @defgroup USBD_MSC Mass Storage Class (MSC) Function Driver
43 * @section Sec_MSCModDescription Module Description
44 * MSC Class Function Driver module. This module contains an internal implementation of the USB MSC Class.
45 * User applications can use this class driver instead of implementing the MSC class manually
46 * via the low-level USBD_HW and USBD_Core APIs.
48 * This module is designed to simplify the user code by exposing only the required interface needed to interface with
49 * Devices using the USB MSC Class.
52 /** @brief Mass Storage class function driver initilization parameter data structure.
55 * @details This data structure is used to pass initialization parameters to the
56 * Mass Storage class function driver's init function.
59 typedef struct USBD_MSC_INIT_PARAM
61 /* memory allocation params */
62 uint32_t mem_base; /**< Base memory location from where the stack can allocate
63 data and buffers. @note The memory address set in this field
64 should be accessible by USB DMA controller. Also this value
65 should be aligned on 4 byte boundary.
67 uint32_t mem_size; /**< The size of memory buffer which stack can use.
68 @note The \em mem_size should be greater than the size
69 returned by USBD_MSC_API::GetMemSize() routine.*/
70 /* mass storage paramas */
71 uint8_t* InquiryStr; /**< Pointer to the 28 character string. This string is
72 sent in response to the SCSI Inquiry command. @note The data
73 pointed by the pointer should be of global scope.
75 uint32_t BlockCount; /**< Number of blocks present in the mass storage device */
76 uint32_t BlockSize; /**< Block size in number of bytes */
77 uint32_t MemorySize; /**< Memory size in number of bytes */
78 /** Pointer to the interface descriptor within the descriptor
79 * array (\em high_speed_desc) passed to Init() through @ref USB_CORE_DESCS_T
80 * structure. The stack assumes both HS and FS use same BULK endpoints.
83 /* user defined functions */
86 * MSC Write callback function.
88 * This function is provided by the application software. This function gets called
89 * when host sends a write command.
91 * @param offset Destination start address.
92 * @param src Pointer to a pointer to the source of data. Pointer-to-pointer
93 * is used to implement zero-copy buffers.
94 * @param length Number of bytes to be written.
98 void (*MSC_Write)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t** src, uint32_t length);
100 * MSC Read callback function.
102 * This function is provided by the application software. This function gets called
103 * when host sends a read command.
105 * @param offset Source start address.
106 * @param dst Pointer to a pointer to the source of data. The MSC function drivers
107 * implemented in stack are written with zero-copy model. Meaning the stack doesn't make an
108 * extra copy of buffer before writing/reading data from USB hardware FIFO. Hence the
109 * parameter is pointer to a pointer containing address buffer (<em>uint8_t** dst</em>).
110 * So that the user application can update the buffer pointer instead of copying data to
111 * address pointed by the parameter. /note The updated buffer address should be accessable
112 * by USB DMA master. If user doesn't want to use zero-copy model, then the user should copy
113 * data to the address pointed by the passed buffer pointer parameter and shouldn't change
114 * the address value.
115 * @param length Number of bytes to be read.
119 void (*MSC_Read)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t** dst, uint32_t length);
121 * MSC Verify callback function.
123 * This function is provided by the application software. This function gets called
124 * when host sends a verify command. The callback function should compare the buffer
125 * with the destination memory at the requested offset and
127 * @param offset Destination start address.
128 * @param buf Buffer containing the data sent by the host.
129 * @param length Number of bytes to verify.
130 * @return Returns @ref ErrorCode_t type to indicate success or error condition.
131 * @retval LPC_OK If data in the buffer matches the data at destination
132 * @retval ERR_FAILED Atleast one byte is different.
135 ErrorCode_t (*MSC_Verify)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t buf[], uint32_t length);
137 * Optional callback function to optimize MSC_Write buffer transfer.
139 * This function is provided by the application software. This function gets called
140 * when host sends SCSI_WRITE10/SCSI_WRITE12 command. The callback function should
141 * update the \em buff_adr pointer so that the stack transfers the data directly
142 * to the target buffer. /note The updated buffer address should be accessable
143 * by USB DMA master. If user doesn't want to use zero-copy model, then the user
144 * should not update the buffer pointer.
146 * @param offset Destination start address.
147 * \param[in,out] buf Buffer containing the data sent by the host.
148 * @param length Number of bytes to write.
152 void (*MSC_GetWriteBuf)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t** buff_adr, uint32_t length);
155 * Optional user overridable function to replace the default MSC class handler.
157 * The application software could override the default EP0 class handler with their
158 * own by providing the handler function address as this data member of the parameter
159 * structure. Application which like the default handler should set this data member
160 * to zero before calling the USBD_MSC_API::Init().
164 * @param hUsb Handle to the USB device stack.
165 * @param data Pointer to the data which will be passed when callback function is called by the stack.
166 * @param event Type of endpoint event. See @ref USBD_EVENT_T for more details.
167 * @return The call back should returns @ref ErrorCode_t type to indicate success or error condition.
168 * @retval LPC_OK On success.
169 * @retval ERR_USBD_UNHANDLED Event is not handled hence pass the event to next in line.
170 * @retval ERR_USBD_xxx For other error conditions.
173 ErrorCode_t (*MSC_Ep0_Hdlr) (USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb, void* data, uint32_t event);
177 /** @brief MSC class API functions structure.
178 * @ingroup USBD_MSC
180 * This module exposes functions which interact directly with USB device controller hardware.
183 typedef struct USBD_MSC_API
185 /** @fn uint32_t GetMemSize(USBD_MSC_INIT_PARAM_T* param)
186 * Function to determine the memory required by the MSC function driver module.
188 * This function is called by application layer before calling pUsbApi->msc->Init(), to allocate memory used
189 * by MSC function driver module. The application should allocate the memory which is accessible by USB
190 * controller/DMA controller.
191 * @note Some memory areas are not accessible by all bus masters.
193 * @param param Structure containing HID function driver module initialization parameters.
194 * @return Returns the required memory size in bytes.
196 uint32_t (*GetMemSize)(USBD_MSC_INIT_PARAM_T* param);
198 /** @fn ErrorCode_t init(USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb, USBD_MSC_INIT_PARAM_T* param)
199 * Function to initialize MSC function driver module.
201 * This fuction is called by application layer to initialize MSC function driver module.
203 * @param hUsb Handle to the USB device stack.
204 * @param param Structure containing HID function driver module initialization parameters.
205 * @return Returns @ref ErrorCode_t type to indicate success or error condition.
206 * @retval LPC_OK On success
207 * @retval ERR_USBD_BAD_MEM_BUF Memory buffer passed is not 4-byte
208 * aligned or smaller than required.
209 * @retval ERR_API_INVALID_PARAM2 Either MSC_Write() or MSC_Read() or
210 * MSC_Verify() callbacks are not defined.
211 * @retval ERR_USBD_BAD_INTF_DESC Wrong interface descriptor is passed.
212 * @retval ERR_USBD_BAD_EP_DESC Wrong endpoint descriptor is passed.
214 ErrorCode_t (*init)(USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb, USBD_MSC_INIT_PARAM_T* param);
218 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 * Private functions & structures prototypes
220 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
221 /** @cond ADVANCED_API */
223 typedef struct _MSC_CTRL_T
225 /* If it's a USB HS, the max packet is 512, if it's USB FS,
226 the max packet is 64. Use 512 for both HS and FS. */
227 /*ALIGNED(4)*/ uint8_t BulkBuf[512]; /* Bulk In/Out Buffer */
228 /*ALIGNED(4)*/MSC_CBW CBW; /* Command Block Wrapper */
229 /*ALIGNED(4)*/MSC_CSW CSW; /* Command Status Wrapper */
231 USB_CORE_CTRL_T* pUsbCtrl;
233 uint32_t Offset; /* R/W Offset */
234 uint32_t Length; /* R/W Length */
235 uint32_t BulkLen; /* Bulk In/Out Length */
238 uint8_t BulkStage; /* Bulk Stage */
239 uint8_t if_num; /* interface number */
240 uint8_t epin_num; /* BULK IN endpoint number */
241 uint8_t epout_num; /* BULK OUT endpoint number */
242 uint32_t MemOK; /* Memory OK */
244 uint8_t* InquiryStr;
245 uint32_t BlockCount;
246 uint32_t BlockSize;
247 uint32_t MemorySize;
248 /* user defined functions */
249 void (*MSC_Write)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t** src, uint32_t length);
250 void (*MSC_Read)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t** dst, uint32_t length);
251 ErrorCode_t (*MSC_Verify)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t src[], uint32_t length);
252 /* optional call back for MSC_Write optimization */
253 void (*MSC_GetWriteBuf)( uint32_t offset, uint8_t** buff_adr, uint32_t length);
262 #endif /* __MSCUSER_H__ */