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1 /**********************************************************************\r
2 * $Id$          lpc18xx_ssp.c           2011-06-02\r
3 *//**\r
4 * @file         lpc18xx_ssp.c\r
5 * @brief        Contains all functions support for SSP firmware library on LPC18xx\r
6 * @version      1.0\r
7 * @date         02. June. 2011\r
8 * @author       NXP MCU SW Application Team\r
9 *\r
10 * Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor\r
11 * All rights reserved.\r
12 *\r
13 ***********************************************************************\r
14 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only\r
15 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the\r
16 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.\r
17 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the\r
18 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,\r
19 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors\r
20 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without\r
21 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or\r
22 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified\r
23 * use without further testing or modification.\r
24 **********************************************************************/\r
25 \r
26 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */\r
27 /** @addtogroup SSP\r
28  * @{\r
29  */\r
30 \r
31 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */\r
32 #include "lpc18xx_ssp.h"\r
33 #include "lpc18xx_cgu.h"\r
34 \r
35 /* If this source file built with example, the LPC18xx FW library configuration\r
36  * file in each example directory ("lpc18xx_libcfg.h") must be included,\r
37  * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead\r
38  */\r
39 #ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__\r
40 #include "lpc18xx_libcfg.h"\r
41 #else\r
42 #include "lpc18xx_libcfg_default.h"\r
43 #endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */\r
44 \r
45 \r
46 #ifdef _SSP\r
47 \r
48 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */\r
49 /** @addtogroup SSP_Private_Functions\r
50  * @{\r
51  */\r
52 \r
53 /**\r
54  * @}\r
55  */\r
56 \r
57 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */\r
58 /** @addtogroup SSP_Public_Functions\r
59  * @{\r
60  */\r
61 \r
62 /********************************************************************//**\r
63  * @brief               Initializes the SSPx peripheral according to the specified\r
64  *              parameters in the SSP_ConfigStruct.\r
65  * @param[in]   SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
66  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
67  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
68  * @param[in]   SSP_ConfigStruct Pointer to a SSP_CFG_Type structure that\r
69  *                              contains the configuration information for the specified\r
70  *                              SSP peripheral.\r
71  * @return              None\r
72  *********************************************************************/\r
73 void SSP_Init(LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, SSP_CFG_Type *SSP_ConfigStruct)\r
74 {\r
75         uint32_t tmp;\r
76         uint32_t prescale, cr0_div, cmp_clk, ssp_clk;\r
77 \r
78         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
79 \r
80         if(SSPx == LPC_SSP0) {\r
81                 /* Set up clock and power for SSP0 module */\r
82                 //LPC_CGU->BASE_SSP0_CLK = (SRC_PL160M_0<<24) | (1<<11);\r
83                 CGU_EntityConnect(CGU_CLKSRC_PLL1, CGU_BASE_SSP0);\r
84         } else if(SSPx == LPC_SSP1) {\r
85                 /* Set up clock and power for SSP1 module */\r
86                 //LPC_CGU->BASE_SSP1_CLK = (SRC_PL160M_0<<24) | (1<<11);\r
87                 CGU_EntityConnect(CGU_CLKSRC_PLL1, CGU_BASE_SSP1);\r
88         } else {\r
89                 return;\r
90         }\r
91 \r
92         /* Configure SSP, interrupt is disable, LoopBack mode is disable,\r
93          * SSP is disable, Slave output is disable as default\r
94          */\r
95         tmp = ((SSP_ConfigStruct->CPHA) | (SSP_ConfigStruct->CPOL) \\r
96                 | (SSP_ConfigStruct->FrameFormat) | (SSP_ConfigStruct->Databit))\r
97                 & SSP_CR0_BITMASK;\r
98         // write back to SSP control register\r
99         SSPx->CR0 = tmp;\r
100 \r
101         tmp = SSP_ConfigStruct->Mode & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;\r
102         // Write back to CR1\r
103         SSPx->CR1 = tmp;\r
104 \r
105         // Set clock rate for SSP peripheral\r
106         if(SSPx == LPC_SSP0)\r
107                 ssp_clk = CGU_GetPCLKFrequency(CGU_PERIPHERAL_SSP0);\r
108         else\r
109                 ssp_clk = CGU_GetPCLKFrequency(CGU_PERIPHERAL_SSP1);\r
110         cr0_div = 0;\r
111         cmp_clk = 0xFFFFFFFF;\r
112         prescale = 2;\r
113         while (cmp_clk > SSP_ConfigStruct->ClockRate)\r
114         {\r
115                 cmp_clk = ssp_clk / ((cr0_div + 1) * prescale);\r
116                 if (cmp_clk > SSP_ConfigStruct->ClockRate)\r
117                 {\r
118                         cr0_div++;\r
119                         if (cr0_div > 0xFF)\r
120                         {\r
121                                 cr0_div = 0;\r
122                                 prescale += 2;\r
123                         }\r
124                 }\r
125         }\r
126 \r
127     /* Write computed prescaler and divider back to register */\r
128     SSPx->CR0 &= (~SSP_CR0_SCR(0xFF)) & SSP_CR0_BITMASK;\r
129     SSPx->CR0 |= (SSP_CR0_SCR(cr0_div)) & SSP_CR0_BITMASK;\r
130     SSPx->CPSR = prescale & SSP_CPSR_BITMASK;\r
131 }\r
132 \r
133 /*********************************************************************//**\r
134  * @brief               De-initializes the SSPx peripheral registers to their\r
135  *              default reset values.\r
136  * @param[in]   SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
137  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
138  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
139  * @return              None\r
140  **********************************************************************/\r
141 void SSP_DeInit(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx)\r
142 {\r
143         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
144 \r
145         /* Disable SSP operation*/\r
146         SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_SSP_EN) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;\r
147 }\r
148 \r
149 /*****************************************************************************//**\r
150  * @brief               Get data size bit selected\r
151  * @param[in]   SSPx pointer to LPC_SSPn_Type structure, should be:\r
152  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
153  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
154  * @return              Data size, could be:\r
155  *                                      - SSP_DATABIT_4         :4 bit transfer\r
156  *                                      - SSP_DATABIT_5         :5 bit transfer\r
157  *                                      ...\r
158  *                                      - SSP_DATABIT_16        :16 bit transfer\r
159 *******************************************************************************/\r
160 uint8_t SSP_GetDataSize(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx)\r
161 {\r
162         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
163         return (SSPx->CR0 & (0xF));\r
164 }\r
165 \r
166 /*****************************************************************************//**\r
167  * @brief               Fills each SSP_InitStruct member with its default value:\r
168  *                                      - CPHA = SSP_CPHA_FIRST\r
169  *                                      - CPOL = SSP_CPOL_HI\r
170  *                                      - ClockRate = 1000000\r
171  *                                      - Databit = SSP_DATABIT_8\r
172  *                                      - Mode = SSP_MASTER_MODE\r
173  *                                      - FrameFormat = SSP_FRAME_SSP\r
174  * @param[in]   SSP_InitStruct Pointer to a SSP_CFG_Type structure which will be\r
175  *                              initialized.\r
176  * @return              None\r
177  *******************************************************************************/\r
178 void SSP_ConfigStructInit(SSP_CFG_Type *SSP_InitStruct)\r
179 {\r
180         SSP_InitStruct->CPHA = SSP_CPHA_FIRST;\r
181         SSP_InitStruct->CPOL = SSP_CPOL_HI;\r
182         SSP_InitStruct->ClockRate = 100000;\r
183         SSP_InitStruct->Databit = SSP_DATABIT_8;\r
184         SSP_InitStruct->Mode = SSP_MASTER_MODE;\r
185         SSP_InitStruct->FrameFormat = SSP_FRAME_SPI;\r
186 }\r
187 \r
188 \r
189 /*********************************************************************//**\r
190  * @brief               Enable or disable SSP peripheral's operation\r
191  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral, should be:\r
192  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
193  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
194  * @param[in]   NewState New State of SSPx peripheral's operation, should be:\r
195  *                                      - ENABLE\r
196  *                                      - DISABLE\r
197  * @return              none\r
198  **********************************************************************/\r
199 void SSP_Cmd(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState)\r
200 {\r
201         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
203 \r
204         if (NewState == ENABLE)\r
205         {\r
206                 SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_CR1_SSP_EN;\r
207         }\r
208         else\r
209         {\r
210                 SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_SSP_EN) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;\r
211         }\r
212 }\r
213 \r
214 /*********************************************************************//**\r
215  * @brief               Enable or disable Loop Back mode function in SSP peripheral\r
216  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
217  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
218  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
219  * @param[in]   NewState        New State of Loop Back mode, should be:\r
220  *                                      - ENABLE\r
221  *                                      - DISABLE\r
222  * @return              None\r
223  **********************************************************************/\r
224 void SSP_LoopBackCmd(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState)\r
225 {\r
226         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
228 \r
229         if (NewState == ENABLE)\r
230         {\r
231                 SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_CR1_LBM_EN;\r
232         }\r
233         else\r
234         {\r
235                 SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_LBM_EN) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;\r
236         }\r
237 }\r
238 \r
239 /*********************************************************************//**\r
240  * @brief               Enable or disable Slave Output function in SSP peripheral\r
241  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
242  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
243  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
244  * @param[in]   NewState        New State of Slave Output function, should be:\r
245  *                                      - ENABLE        :Slave Output in normal operation\r
246  *                                      - DISABLE       :Slave Output is disabled. This blocks\r
247  *                                      SSP controller from driving the transmit data line (MISO)\r
248  * Note:                This function is available when SSP peripheral in Slave mode\r
249  * @return              None\r
250  **********************************************************************/\r
251 void SSP_SlaveOutputCmd(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState)\r
252 {\r
253         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
255 \r
256         if (NewState == ENABLE)\r
257         {\r
258                 SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_SO_DISABLE) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;\r
259         }\r
260         else\r
261         {\r
262                 SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_CR1_SO_DISABLE;\r
263         }\r
264 }\r
265 \r
266 /*********************************************************************//**\r
267  * @brief               Transmit a single data through SSPx peripheral\r
268  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
269  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
270  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
271  * @param[in]   Data    Data to transmit (must be 16 or 8-bit long, this\r
272  *                              depend on SSP data bit number configured)\r
273  * @return              none\r
274  **********************************************************************/\r
275 void SSP_SendData(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx, uint16_t Data)\r
276 {\r
277         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
278 \r
279         SSPx->DR = SSP_DR_BITMASK(Data);\r
280 }\r
281 \r
282 \r
283 \r
284 /*********************************************************************//**\r
285  * @brief               Receive a single data from SSPx peripheral\r
286  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be\r
287  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
288  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
289  * @return              Data received (16-bit long)\r
290  **********************************************************************/\r
291 uint16_t SSP_ReceiveData(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx)\r
292 {\r
293         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
294 \r
295         return ((uint16_t) (SSP_DR_BITMASK(SSPx->DR)));\r
296 }\r
297 \r
298 /*********************************************************************//**\r
299  * @brief               SSP Read write data function\r
300  * @param[in]   SSPx    Pointer to SSP peripheral, should be\r
301  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
302  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
303  * @param[in]   dataCfg Pointer to a SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type structure that\r
304  *                              contains specified information about transmit data\r
305  *                              configuration.\r
306  * @param[in]   xfType  Transfer type, should be:\r
307  *                                      - SSP_TRANSFER_POLLING          :Polling mode\r
308  *                                      - SSP_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT        :Interrupt mode\r
309  * @return              Actual Data length has been transferred in polling mode.\r
310  *                              In interrupt mode, always return (0)\r
311  *                              Return (-1) if error.\r
312  * Note: This function can be used in both master and slave mode.\r
313  ***********************************************************************/\r
314 int32_t SSP_ReadWrite (LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type *dataCfg, \\r
315                                                 SSP_TRANSFER_Type xfType)\r
316 {\r
317         uint8_t *rdata8;\r
318     uint8_t *wdata8;\r
319         uint16_t *rdata16;\r
320     uint16_t *wdata16;\r
321     uint32_t stat;\r
322     uint32_t tmp;\r
323     int32_t dataword;\r
324 \r
325     dataCfg->rx_cnt = 0;\r
326     dataCfg->tx_cnt = 0;\r
327     dataCfg->status = 0;\r
328 \r
329 \r
330         /* Clear all remaining data in RX FIFO */\r
331         while (SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE){\r
332                 tmp = (uint32_t) SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);\r
333         }\r
334 \r
335         // Clear status\r
336         SSPx->ICR = SSP_ICR_BITMASK;\r
337         if(SSP_GetDataSize(SSPx)>8)\r
338                 dataword = 1;\r
339         else dataword = 0;\r
340 \r
341         // Polling mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
342         if (xfType == SSP_TRANSFER_POLLING){\r
343                 if (dataword == 0){\r
344                         rdata8 = (uint8_t *)dataCfg->rx_data;\r
345                         wdata8 = (uint8_t *)dataCfg->tx_data;\r
346                 } else {\r
347                         rdata16 = (uint16_t *)dataCfg->rx_data;\r
348                         wdata16 = (uint16_t *)dataCfg->tx_data;\r
349                 }\r
350                 while ((dataCfg->tx_cnt < dataCfg->length) || (dataCfg->rx_cnt < dataCfg->length)){\r
351                         if ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_TNF) && (dataCfg->tx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){\r
352                                 // Write data to buffer\r
353                                 if(dataCfg->tx_data == NULL){\r
354                                         if (dataword == 0){\r
355                                                 SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFF);\r
356                                                 dataCfg->tx_cnt++;\r
357                                         } else {\r
358                                                 SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFFFF);\r
359                                                 dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;\r
360                                         }\r
361                                 } else {\r
362                                         if (dataword == 0){\r
363                                                 SSP_SendData(SSPx, *wdata8);\r
364                                                 wdata8++;\r
365                                                 dataCfg->tx_cnt++;\r
366                                         } else {\r
367                                                 SSP_SendData(SSPx, *wdata16);\r
368                                                 wdata16++;\r
369                                                 dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;\r
370                                         }\r
371                                 }\r
372                         }\r
373 \r
374                         // Check overrun error\r
375                         if ((stat = SSPx->RIS) & SSP_RIS_ROR){\r
376                                 // save status and return\r
377                                 dataCfg->status = stat | SSP_STAT_ERROR;\r
378                                 return (-1);\r
379                         }\r
380 \r
381                         // Check for any data available in RX FIFO\r
382                         while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE) && (dataCfg->rx_cnt < dataCfg->length)){\r
383                                 // Read data from SSP data\r
384                                 tmp = SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);\r
385 \r
386                                 // Store data to destination\r
387                                 if (dataCfg->rx_data != NULL)\r
388                                 {\r
389                                         if (dataword == 0){\r
390                                                 *(rdata8) = (uint8_t) tmp;\r
391                                                 rdata8++;\r
392                                         } else {\r
393                                                 *(rdata16) = (uint16_t) tmp;\r
394                                                 rdata16++;\r
395                                         }\r
396                                 }\r
397                                 // Increase counter\r
398                                 if (dataword == 0){\r
399                                         dataCfg->rx_cnt++;\r
400                                 } else {\r
401                                         dataCfg->rx_cnt += 2;\r
402                                 }\r
403                         }\r
404                 }\r
405 \r
406                 // save status\r
407                 dataCfg->status = SSP_STAT_DONE;\r
408 \r
409                 if (dataCfg->tx_data != NULL){\r
410                         return dataCfg->tx_cnt;\r
411                 } else if (dataCfg->rx_data != NULL){\r
412                         return dataCfg->rx_cnt;\r
413                 } else {\r
414                         return (0);\r
415                 }\r
416         }\r
417 \r
418         // Interrupt mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
419         else if (xfType == SSP_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT){\r
420 \r
421                 while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_TNF) && (dataCfg->tx_cnt < dataCfg->length)){\r
422                         // Write data to buffer\r
423                         if(dataCfg->tx_data == NULL){\r
424                                 if (dataword == 0){\r
425                                         SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFF);\r
426                                         dataCfg->tx_cnt++;\r
427                                 } else {\r
428                                         SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFFFF);\r
429                                         dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;\r
430                                 }\r
431                         } else {\r
432                                 if (dataword == 0){\r
433                                         SSP_SendData(SSPx, (*(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->tx_data + dataCfg->tx_cnt)));\r
434                                         dataCfg->tx_cnt++;\r
435                                 } else {\r
436                                         SSP_SendData(SSPx, (*(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->tx_data + dataCfg->tx_cnt)));\r
437                                         dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;\r
438                                 }\r
439                         }\r
440 \r
441                         // Check error\r
442                         if ((stat = SSPx->RIS) & SSP_RIS_ROR){\r
443                                 // save status and return\r
444                                 dataCfg->status = stat | SSP_STAT_ERROR;\r
445                                 return (-1);\r
446                         }\r
447 \r
448                         // Check for any data available in RX FIFO\r
449                         while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE) && (dataCfg->rx_cnt < dataCfg->length)){\r
450                                 // Read data from SSP data\r
451                                 tmp = SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);\r
452 \r
453                                 // Store data to destination\r
454                                 if (dataCfg->rx_data != NULL)\r
455                                 {\r
456                                         if (dataword == 0){\r
457                                                 *(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->rx_data + dataCfg->rx_cnt) = (uint8_t) tmp;\r
458                                         } else {\r
459                                                 *(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->rx_data + dataCfg->rx_cnt) = (uint16_t) tmp;\r
460                                         }\r
461                                 }\r
462                                 // Increase counter\r
463                                 if (dataword == 0){\r
464                                         dataCfg->rx_cnt++;\r
465                                 } else {\r
466                                         dataCfg->rx_cnt += 2;\r
467                                 }\r
468                         }\r
469                 }\r
470 \r
471                 // If there more data to sent or receive\r
472                 if ((dataCfg->rx_cnt != dataCfg->length) || (dataCfg->tx_cnt < dataCfg->length)){\r
473                         // Enable all interrupt\r
474                         SSPx->IMSC = SSP_IMSC_BITMASK;\r
475                 } else {\r
476                         // Save status\r
477                         dataCfg->status = SSP_STAT_DONE;\r
478                 }\r
479                 return (0);\r
480         }\r
481 \r
482         return (-1);\r
483 }\r
484 \r
485 /*********************************************************************//**\r
486  * @brief               Checks whether the specified SSP status flag is set or not\r
487  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
488  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
489  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
490  * @param[in]   FlagType        Type of flag to check status, should be:\r
491  *                                      - SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_EMPTY         :TX FIFO is empty\r
492  *                                      - SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_NOTFULL       :TX FIFO is not full\r
493  *                                      - SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_NOTEMPTY      :RX FIFO is not empty\r
494  *                                      - SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_FULL          :RX FIFO is full\r
495  *                                      - SSP_STAT_BUSY                         :SSP peripheral is busy\r
496  * @return              New State of specified SSP status flag\r
497  **********************************************************************/\r
498 FlagStatus SSP_GetStatus(LPC_SSPn_Type* SSPx, uint32_t FlagType)\r
499 {\r
500         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
501         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_STAT(FlagType));\r
502 \r
503         return ((SSPx->SR & FlagType) ? SET : RESET);\r
504 }\r
505 \r
506 /*********************************************************************//**\r
507  * @brief               Enable or disable specified interrupt type in SSP peripheral\r
508  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
509  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
510  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
511  * @param[in]   IntType Interrupt type in SSP peripheral, should be:\r
512  *                                      - SSP_INTCFG_ROR        :Receive Overrun interrupt\r
513  *                                      - SSP_INTCFG_RT         :Receive Time out interrupt\r
514  *                                      - SSP_INTCFG_RX         :RX FIFO is at least half full interrupt\r
515  *                                      - SSP_INTCFG_TX         :TX FIFO is at least half empty interrupt\r
516  * @param[in]   NewState New State of specified interrupt type, should be:\r
517  *                                      - ENABLE        :Enable this interrupt type\r
518  *                                      - DISABLE       :Disable this interrupt type\r
519  * @return              None\r
520  **********************************************************************/\r
521 void SSP_IntConfig(LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, uint32_t IntType, FunctionalState NewState)\r
522 {\r
523         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
524         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTCFG(IntType));\r
525 \r
526         if (NewState == ENABLE)\r
527         {\r
528                 SSPx->IMSC |= IntType;\r
529         }\r
530         else\r
531         {\r
532                 SSPx->IMSC &= (~IntType) & SSP_IMSC_BITMASK;\r
533         }\r
534 }\r
535 \r
536 /*********************************************************************//**\r
537  * @brief       Check whether the specified Raw interrupt status flag is\r
538  *                      set or not\r
539  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
540  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
541  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
542  * @param[in]   RawIntType      Raw Interrupt Type, should be:\r
543  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_ROR   :Receive Overrun interrupt\r
544  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RT    :Receive Time out interrupt\r
545  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RX    :RX FIFO is at least half full interrupt\r
546  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_TX    :TX FIFO is at least half empty interrupt\r
547  * @return      New State of specified Raw interrupt status flag in SSP peripheral\r
548  * Note: Enabling/Disabling specified interrupt in SSP peripheral does not\r
549  *              effect to Raw Interrupt Status flag.\r
550  **********************************************************************/\r
551 IntStatus SSP_GetRawIntStatus(LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, uint32_t RawIntType)\r
552 {\r
553         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
555 \r
556         return ((SSPx->RIS & RawIntType) ? SET : RESET);\r
557 }\r
558 \r
559 \r
560 /*********************************************************************//**\r
561  * @brief               Check whether the specified interrupt status flag is\r
562  *                              set or not\r
563  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
564  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
565  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
566  * @param[in]   IntType Raw Interrupt Type, should be:\r
567  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_ROR       :Receive Overrun interrupt\r
568  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_RT        :Receive Time out interrupt\r
569  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_RX        :RX FIFO is at least half full interrupt\r
570  *                                      - SSP_INTSTAT_TX        :TX FIFO is at least half empty interrupt\r
571  * @return      New State of specified interrupt status flag in SSP peripheral\r
572  * Note: Enabling/Disabling specified interrupt in SSP peripheral effects\r
573  *                      to Interrupt Status flag.\r
574  **********************************************************************/\r
575 IntStatus SSP_GetIntStatus (LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, uint32_t IntType)\r
576 {\r
577         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
578         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTSTAT(IntType));\r
579 \r
580         return ((SSPx->MIS & IntType) ? SET :RESET);\r
581 }\r
582 \r
583 /*********************************************************************//**\r
584  * @brief               Clear specified interrupt pending in SSP peripheral\r
585  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
586  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
587  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
588  * @param[in]   IntType Interrupt pending to clear, should be:\r
589  *                                      - SSP_INTCLR_ROR        :clears the "frame was received when\r
590  *                                      RxFIFO was full" interrupt.\r
591  *                                      - SSP_INTCLR_RT         :clears the "Rx FIFO was not empty and\r
592  *                                      has not been read for a timeout period" interrupt.\r
593  * @return              None\r
594  **********************************************************************/\r
595 void SSP_ClearIntPending(LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, uint32_t IntType)\r
596 {\r
597         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
598         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTCLR(IntType));\r
599 \r
600         SSPx->ICR = IntType;\r
601 }\r
602 \r
603 /*********************************************************************//**\r
604  * @brief               Enable/Disable DMA function for SSP peripheral\r
605  * @param[in]   SSPx    SSP peripheral selected, should be:\r
606  *                                      - LPC_SSP0      :SSP0 peripheral\r
607  *                                      - LPC_SSP1      :SSP1 peripheral\r
608  * @param[in]   DMAMode Type of DMA, should be:\r
609  *                                      - SSP_DMA_TX    :DMA for the transmit FIFO\r
610  *                                      - SSP_DMA_RX    :DMA for the Receive FIFO\r
611  * @param[in]   NewState        New State of DMA function on SSP peripheral,\r
612  *                                              should be:\r
613  *                                      - ENALBE        :Enable this function\r
614  *                                      - DISABLE       :Disable this function\r
615  * @return              None\r
616  **********************************************************************/\r
617 void SSP_DMACmd(LPC_SSPn_Type *SSPx, uint32_t DMAMode, FunctionalState NewState)\r
618 {\r
619         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));\r
620         CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_DMA(DMAMode));\r
622 \r
623         if (NewState == ENABLE)\r
624         {\r
625                 SSPx->DMACR |= DMAMode;\r
626         }\r
627         else\r
628         {\r
629                 SSPx->DMACR &= (~DMAMode) & SSP_DMA_BITMASK;\r
630         }\r
631 }\r
632 \r
633 /**\r
634  * @}\r
635  */\r
636 \r
637 #endif /* _SSP */\r
638 \r
639 /**\r
640  * @}\r
641  */\r
642 \r
643 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */\r
644 \r