2 * FreeRTOS+UDP V1.0.4 (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers ltd.
3 * All rights reserved
5 * This file is part of the FreeRTOS+UDP distribution. The FreeRTOS+UDP license
6 * terms are different to the FreeRTOS license terms.
8 * FreeRTOS+UDP uses a dual license model that allows the software to be used
9 * under a standard GPL open source license, or a commercial license. The
10 * standard GPL license (unlike the modified GPL license under which FreeRTOS
11 * itself is distributed) requires that all software statically linked with
12 * FreeRTOS+UDP is also distributed under the same GPL V2 license terms.
13 * Details of both license options follow:
15 * - Open source licensing -
16 * FreeRTOS+UDP is a free download and may be used, modified, evaluated and
17 * distributed without charge provided the user adheres to version two of the
18 * GNU General Public License (GPL) and does not remove the copyright notice or
19 * this text. The GPL V2 text is available on the gnu.org web site, and on the
20 * following URL: http://www.FreeRTOS.org/gpl-2.0.txt.
22 * - Commercial licensing -
23 * Businesses and individuals that for commercial or other reasons cannot comply
24 * with the terms of the GPL V2 license must obtain a commercial license before
25 * incorporating FreeRTOS+UDP into proprietary software for distribution in any
26 * form. Commercial licenses can be purchased from http://shop.freertos.org/udp
27 * and do not require any source files to be changed.
29 * FreeRTOS+UDP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. You cannot
30 * use FreeRTOS+UDP unless you agree that you use the software 'as is'.
31 * FreeRTOS+UDP is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
33 * PURPOSE. Real Time Engineers Ltd. disclaims all conditions and terms, be they
34 * implied, expressed, or statutory.
36 * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
38 * http://www.FreeRTOS.org
39 * http://www.FreeRTOS.org/udp
43 #ifndef LPC18xx_43xx_EMAC_H
44 #define LPC18xx_43xx_EMAC_H
47 * Initialise the MAC and PHY.
49 BaseType_t xEMACInit( uint8_t ucMACAddress[ 6 ] );
52 * Return pdTRUE if there is a FreeRTOS Tx descriptor. Return pdFALSE if all
53 * Tx descriptors are already in use.
55 BaseType_t xEMACIsTxDescriptorAvailable( void );
58 * Assign a buffer to a Tx descriptor so it is ready to be transmitted, but
59 * don't start the transmission yet.
61 void vEMACAssignBufferToDescriptor( uint8_t * pucBuffer );
64 * Start transmitting the buffer pointed to by the next Tx descriptor. The
65 * buffer must have first been allocated to the Tx descriptor using a call to
66 * vEMACAssignBufferToDescriptor().
68 void vEMACStartNextTransmission( uint32_t ulLength );
71 * The data pointed to by the Rx descriptor has been consumed, and the Rx
72 * descriptor can be returned to the control of the DMS.
74 void vEMACReturnRxDescriptor( void );
77 * Returns pdTRUE if the next Rx descriptor contains received data. Returns
78 * pdFLASE fi the next Rx descriptor is still under the control of the DMA.
80 BaseType_t xEMACRxDataAvailable( void );
81 void vEMACSwapEmptyBufferForRxedData( xNetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNetworkBuffer );
83 #endif /* LPC18xx_43xx_EMAC_H */