2 FreeRTOS V9.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2017 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
7 This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
9 FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
10 the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
11 Free Software Foundation >>>> AND MODIFIED BY <<<< the FreeRTOS exception.
13 ***************************************************************************
14 >>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
15 >>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
16 >>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
17 >>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
18 ***************************************************************************
20 FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
21 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
22 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
23 link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html
25 ***************************************************************************
27 * FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
28 * robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
29 * platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
30 * is the industry's de facto standard. *
32 * Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
33 * to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
34 * tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
35 * http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation *
37 ***************************************************************************
39 http://www.FreeRTOS.org/FAQHelp.html - Having a problem? Start by reading
40 the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
41 defined configASSERT()?
43 http://www.FreeRTOS.org/support - In return for receiving this top quality
44 embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
45 participating in the support forum.
47 http://www.FreeRTOS.org/training - Investing in training allows your team to
48 be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
49 FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
50 Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
52 http://www.FreeRTOS.org/plus - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
53 including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
54 compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
56 http://www.FreeRTOS.org/labs - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
57 Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
59 http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
60 Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
61 licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
63 http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
64 engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
65 mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
70 /* FreeRTOS includes. */
71 #include "FreeRTOS.h"
74 /* Standard includes. */
80 /* FreeRTOS+CLI includes. */
81 #include "FreeRTOS_CLI.h"
83 /* File system includes. */
85 #include "api_mdriver_ram.h"
88 #define snprintf _snprintf
91 #define cliNEW_LINE "\r\n"
93 /*******************************************************************************
94 * See the URL in the comments within main.c for the location of the online
96 ******************************************************************************/
99 * Print out information on a single file.
101 static void prvCreateFileInfoString( char *pcBuffer, F_FIND *pxFindStruct );
104 * Copies an existing file into a newly created file.
106 static portBASE_TYPE prvPerformCopy( const char *pcSourceFile,
107 int32_t lSourceFileLength,
108 const char *pcDestinationFile,
109 char *pxWriteBuffer,
110 size_t xWriteBufferLen );
113 * Implements the DIR command.
115 static portBASE_TYPE prvDIRCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString );
118 * Implements the CD command.
120 static portBASE_TYPE prvCDCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString );
123 * Implements the DEL command.
125 static portBASE_TYPE prvDELCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString );
128 * Implements the TYPE command.
130 static portBASE_TYPE prvTYPECommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString );
133 * Implements the COPY command.
135 static portBASE_TYPE prvCOPYCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString );
137 /* Structure that defines the DIR command line command, which lists all the
138 files in the current directory. */
139 static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xDIR =
141 "dir", /* The command string to type. */
142 "\r\ndir:\r\n Lists the files in the current directory\r\n",
143 prvDIRCommand, /* The function to run. */
144 0 /* No parameters are expected. */
147 /* Structure that defines the CD command line command, which changes the
148 working directory. */
149 static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xCD =
151 "cd", /* The command string to type. */
152 "\r\ncd <dir name>:\r\n Changes the working directory\r\n",
153 prvCDCommand, /* The function to run. */
154 1 /* One parameter is expected. */
157 /* Structure that defines the TYPE command line command, which prints the
158 contents of a file to the console. */
159 static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xTYPE =
161 "type", /* The command string to type. */
162 "\r\ntype <filename>:\r\n Prints file contents to the terminal\r\n",
163 prvTYPECommand, /* The function to run. */
164 1 /* One parameter is expected. */
167 /* Structure that defines the DEL command line command, which deletes a file. */
168 static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xDEL =
170 "del", /* The command string to type. */
171 "\r\ndel <filename>:\r\n deletes a file or directory\r\n",
172 prvDELCommand, /* The function to run. */
173 1 /* One parameter is expected. */
176 /* Structure that defines the COPY command line command, which deletes a file. */
177 static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xCOPY =
179 "copy", /* The command string to type. */
180 "\r\ncopy <source file> <dest file>:\r\n Copies <source file> to <dest file>\r\n",
181 prvCOPYCommand, /* The function to run. */
182 2 /* Two parameters are expected. */
185 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
187 void vRegisterFileSystemCLICommands( void )
189 /* Register all the command line commands defined immediately above. */
190 FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xDIR );
191 FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xCD );
192 FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xTYPE );
193 FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xDEL );
194 FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xCOPY );
196 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
198 static portBASE_TYPE prvTYPECommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString )
200 const char *pcParameter;
201 portBASE_TYPE xParameterStringLength, xReturn = pdTRUE;
202 static F_FILE *pxFile = NULL;
205 size_t xColumns = 50U;
207 /* Ensure there is always a null terminator after each character written. */
208 memset( pcWriteBuffer, 0x00, xWriteBufferLen );
210 /* Ensure the buffer leaves space for the \r\n. */
211 configASSERT( xWriteBufferLen > ( strlen( cliNEW_LINE ) * 2 ) );
212 xWriteBufferLen -= strlen( cliNEW_LINE );
214 if( xWriteBufferLen < xColumns )
216 /* Ensure the loop that uses xColumns as an end condition does not
217 write off the end of the buffer. */
218 xColumns = xWriteBufferLen;
221 if( pxFile == NULL )
223 /* The file has not been opened yet. Find the file name. */
224 pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter
226 pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */
227 1, /* Return the first parameter. */
228 &xParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */
231 /* Sanity check something was returned. */
232 configASSERT( pcParameter );
234 /* Attempt to open the requested file. */
235 pxFile = f_open( pcParameter, "r" );
238 if( pxFile != NULL )
240 /* Read the next chunk of data from the file. */
241 for( xByte = 0; xByte < xColumns; xByte++ )
243 iChar = f_getc( pxFile );
247 /* No more characters to return. */
254 pcWriteBuffer[ xByte ] = ( char ) iChar;
259 if( pxFile == NULL )
261 /* Either the file was not opened, or all the data from the file has
262 been returned and the file is now closed. */
266 strcat( pcWriteBuffer, cliNEW_LINE );
270 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
272 static portBASE_TYPE prvCDCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString )
274 const char *pcParameter;
275 portBASE_TYPE xParameterStringLength;
276 unsigned char ucReturned;
277 size_t xStringLength;
279 /* Obtain the parameter string. */
280 pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter
282 pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */
283 1, /* Return the first parameter. */
284 &xParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */
287 /* Sanity check something was returned. */
288 configASSERT( pcParameter );
290 /* Attempt to move to the requested directory. */
291 ucReturned = f_chdir( pcParameter );
293 if( ucReturned == F_NO_ERROR )
295 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "In: " );
296 xStringLength = strlen( pcWriteBuffer );
297 f_getcwd( &( pcWriteBuffer[ xStringLength ] ), ( unsigned char ) ( xWriteBufferLen - xStringLength ) );
301 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Error" );
304 strcat( pcWriteBuffer, cliNEW_LINE );
308 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
310 static portBASE_TYPE prvDIRCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString )
312 static F_FIND *pxFindStruct = NULL;
313 unsigned char ucReturned;
314 portBASE_TYPE xReturn = pdFALSE;
316 /* This assumes pcWriteBuffer is long enough. */
317 ( void ) pcCommandString;
319 /* Ensure the buffer leaves space for the \r\n. */
320 configASSERT( xWriteBufferLen > ( strlen( cliNEW_LINE ) * 2 ) );
321 xWriteBufferLen -= strlen( cliNEW_LINE );
323 if( pxFindStruct == NULL )
325 /* This is the first time this function has been executed since the Dir
326 command was run. Create the find structure. */
327 pxFindStruct = ( F_FIND * ) pvPortMalloc( sizeof( F_FIND ) );
329 if( pxFindStruct != NULL )
331 ucReturned = f_findfirst( "*.*", pxFindStruct );
333 if( ucReturned == F_NO_ERROR )
335 prvCreateFileInfoString( pcWriteBuffer, pxFindStruct );
340 snprintf( pcWriteBuffer, xWriteBufferLen, "Error: f_findfirst() failed." );
345 snprintf( pcWriteBuffer, xWriteBufferLen, "Failed to allocate RAM (using heap_4.c will prevent fragmentation)." );
350 /* The find struct has already been created. Find the next file in
352 ucReturned = f_findnext( pxFindStruct );
354 if( ucReturned == F_NO_ERROR )
356 prvCreateFileInfoString( pcWriteBuffer, pxFindStruct );
361 /* There are no more files. Free the find structure. */
362 vPortFree( pxFindStruct );
363 pxFindStruct = NULL;
365 /* No string to return. */
366 pcWriteBuffer[ 0 ] = 0x00;
370 strcat( pcWriteBuffer, cliNEW_LINE );
374 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
376 static portBASE_TYPE prvDELCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString )
378 const char *pcParameter;
379 portBASE_TYPE xParameterStringLength;
380 unsigned char ucReturned;
382 /* This function assumes xWriteBufferLen is large enough! */
383 ( void ) xWriteBufferLen;
385 /* Obtain the parameter string. */
386 pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter
388 pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */
389 1, /* Return the first parameter. */
390 &xParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */
393 /* Sanity check something was returned. */
394 configASSERT( pcParameter );
396 /* Attempt to delete the file. */
397 ucReturned = f_delete( pcParameter );
399 if( ucReturned == F_NO_ERROR )
401 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "%s was deleted", pcParameter );
405 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Error" );
408 strcat( pcWriteBuffer, cliNEW_LINE );
412 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
414 static portBASE_TYPE prvCOPYCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString )
416 const char *pcDestinationFile;
417 char *pcSourceFile;
418 portBASE_TYPE xParameterStringLength;
419 long lSourceLength, lDestinationLength = 0;
421 /* Obtain the name of the destination file. */
422 pcDestinationFile = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter
424 pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */
425 2, /* Return the second parameter. */
426 &xParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */
429 /* Sanity check something was returned. */
430 configASSERT( pcDestinationFile );
432 /* Obtain the name of the source file. */
433 pcSourceFile = ( char * ) FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter
435 pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */
436 1, /* Return the first parameter. */
437 &xParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */
440 /* Sanity check something was returned. */
441 configASSERT( pcSourceFile );
443 /* Terminate the string. */
444 pcSourceFile[ xParameterStringLength ] = 0x00;
446 /* See if the source file exists, obtain its length if it does. */
447 lSourceLength = f_filelength( pcSourceFile );
449 if( lSourceLength == 0 )
451 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Source file does not exist" );
455 /* See if the destination file exists. */
456 lDestinationLength = f_filelength( pcDestinationFile );
458 if( lDestinationLength != 0 )
460 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Error: Destination file already exists" );
464 /* Continue only if the source file exists and the destination file does
466 if( ( lSourceLength != 0 ) && ( lDestinationLength == 0 ) )
468 if( prvPerformCopy( pcSourceFile, lSourceLength, pcDestinationFile, pcWriteBuffer, xWriteBufferLen ) == pdPASS )
470 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Copy made" );
474 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Error during copy" );
478 strcat( pcWriteBuffer, cliNEW_LINE );
482 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
484 static portBASE_TYPE prvPerformCopy( const char *pcSourceFile,
485 int32_t lSourceFileLength,
486 const char *pcDestinationFile,
487 char *pxWriteBuffer,
488 size_t xWriteBufferLen )
490 int32_t lBytesRead = 0, lBytesToRead, lBytesRemaining;
492 portBASE_TYPE xReturn = pdPASS;
494 /* NOTE: Error handling has been omitted for clarity. */
496 while( lBytesRead < lSourceFileLength )
498 /* How many bytes are left? */
499 lBytesRemaining = lSourceFileLength - lBytesRead;
501 /* How many bytes should be read this time around the loop. Can't
502 read more bytes than will fit into the buffer. */
503 if( lBytesRemaining > ( long ) xWriteBufferLen )
505 lBytesToRead = ( long ) xWriteBufferLen;
509 lBytesToRead = lBytesRemaining;
512 /* Open the source file, seek past the data that has already been
513 read from the file, read the next block of data, then close the
514 file again so the destination file can be opened. */
515 pxFile = f_open( pcSourceFile, "r" );
516 if( pxFile != NULL )
518 f_seek( pxFile, lBytesRead, F_SEEK_SET );
519 f_read( pxWriteBuffer, lBytesToRead, 1, pxFile );
528 /* Open the destination file and write the block of data to the end of
530 pxFile = f_open( pcDestinationFile, "a" );
531 if( pxFile != NULL )
533 f_write( pxWriteBuffer, lBytesToRead, 1, pxFile );
542 lBytesRead += lBytesToRead;
547 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
549 static void prvCreateFileInfoString( char *pcBuffer, F_FIND *pxFindStruct )
551 const char *pcWritableFile = "writable file", *pcReadOnlyFile = "read only file", *pcDirectory = "directory";
552 const char * pcAttrib;
554 /* Point pcAttrib to a string that describes the file. */
555 if( ( pxFindStruct->attr & F_ATTR_DIR ) != 0 )
557 pcAttrib = pcDirectory;
559 else if( pxFindStruct->attr & F_ATTR_READONLY )
561 pcAttrib = pcReadOnlyFile;
565 pcAttrib = pcWritableFile;
568 /* Create a string that includes the file name, the file size and the
569 attributes string. */
570 sprintf( pcBuffer, "%s [%s] [size=%d]", pxFindStruct->filename, pcAttrib, ( int ) pxFindStruct->filesize );