2 * @brief Endpoint declarations and functions for the LPC microcontrollers
5 * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
6 * All rights reserved.
9 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
10 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
11 * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
12 * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
13 * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
14 * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
15 * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
16 * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
17 * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
18 * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
19 * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
20 * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
21 * specified use without further testing or modification.
24 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
25 * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
26 * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
27 * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
28 * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
33 #include "USBMode.h"
35 #if defined(USB_CAN_BE_DEVICE)
36 #include "Endpoint.h"
39 uint8_t USB_Device_ControlEndpointSize = ENDPOINT_CONTROLEP_DEFAULT_SIZE;
43 uint8_t usb_data_buffer[MAX_USB_CORE][USB_DATA_BUFFER_TEM_LENGTH] ATTR_ALIGNED(64) __BSS(USBRAM_SECTION);/* TODO 11uxx require buffer is 64 byte aligned */
45 volatile int32_t usb_data_buffer_size[MAX_USB_CORE];
46 volatile uint32_t usb_data_buffer_index[MAX_USB_CORE];
47 uint8_t usb_data_buffer_OUT[MAX_USB_CORE][USB_DATA_BUFFER_TEM_LENGTH] ATTR_ALIGNED(64) __BSS(USBRAM_SECTION);/* TODO 11uxx require buffer is 64 byte aligned */
48 volatile uint32_t usb_data_buffer_OUT_size[MAX_USB_CORE];
49 volatile uint32_t usb_data_buffer_OUT_index[MAX_USB_CORE];
50 uint8_t usb_data_buffer_IN[MAX_USB_CORE][USB_DATA_BUFFER_TEM_LENGTH] ATTR_ALIGNED(64) __BSS(USBRAM_SECTION); /* TODO 11uxx require buffer is 64 byte aligned */
51 volatile uint32_t usb_data_buffer_IN_index[MAX_USB_CORE];
53 uint8_t endpointselected[MAX_USB_CORE];
54 uint8_t endpointhandle0[ENDPOINT_TOTAL_ENDPOINTS0];
55 uint8_t endpointhandle1[ENDPOINT_TOTAL_ENDPOINTS1];
57 bool Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint_Prv(uint8_t corenum,
58 const uint8_t Number,
59 const uint8_t UECFG0XData,
60 const uint8_t UECFG1XData)
62 #if defined(CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE) || defined(ORDERED_EP_CONFIG)
63 Endpoint_SelectEndpoint(corenum, Number);
64 Endpoint_EnableEndpoint();
67 // UECFG0X = UECFG0XData;
68 // UECFG1X = UECFG1XData;
70 return Endpoint_IsConfigured();
72 for (uint8_t EPNum = Number; EPNum < ENDPOINT_TOTAL_ENDPOINTS(corenum); EPNum++) {
73 // uint8_t UECFG0XTemp;
74 // uint8_t UECFG1XTemp;
75 // uint8_t UEIENXTemp;
77 Endpoint_SelectEndpoint(corenum, EPNum);
79 if (EPNum == Number) {
80 // UECFG0XTemp = UECFG0XData;
81 // UECFG1XTemp = UECFG1XData;
85 // UECFG0XTemp = UECFG0X;
86 // UECFG1XTemp = UECFG1X;
87 // UEIENXTemp = UEIENX;
90 // if (!(UECFG1XTemp & (1 << ALLOC)))
93 Endpoint_DisableEndpoint();
94 // UECFG1X &= ~(1 << ALLOC);
96 Endpoint_EnableEndpoint();
97 // UECFG0X = UECFG0XTemp;
98 // UECFG1X = UECFG1XTemp;
99 // UEIENX = UEIENXTemp;
101 if (!(Endpoint_IsConfigured())) {
106 Endpoint_SelectEndpoint(corenum, Number);
111 void Endpoint_ClearEndpoints(uint8_t corenum)
115 for (uint8_t EPNum = 0; EPNum < ENDPOINT_TOTAL_ENDPOINTS(corenum); EPNum++) {
116 Endpoint_SelectEndpoint(corenum, EPNum);
120 Endpoint_DisableEndpoint();
124 void Endpoint_ClearStatusStage(uint8_t corenum)
126 if (USB_ControlRequest.bmRequestType & REQDIR_DEVICETOHOST) {
127 Endpoint_ClearOUT(corenum);
130 Endpoint_ClearIN(corenum);
134 #if !defined(CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE)
135 uint8_t Endpoint_WaitUntilReady(void)
137 return ENDPOINT_READYWAIT_NoError;