OpenLDAP 2.1 Change Log OpenLDAP 2.1.26 Engineering Fixed slapd bdb error recovery bug (ITS#2865) Fixed back-ldap compare operation (ITS#2893) Fixed libldap sort references bug (ITS#2494) Updated lutil_passwd (ITS#2835, ITS#2869) Updated librewrite (ITS#2787) Updated slurpd (misc bug fixes) Fixed back-ldap suffix massage when --enable-rewrite=no (ITS#2923) OpenLDAP 2.1.25 Engineering Build Environment Fix LDBM link bug (ITS#2863) OpenLDAP 2.1.24 Release Fixed slapd "exact" v "base" handling (ITS#2782) Fixed slapd running as NT service (ITS#2769) Fixed slapd SASL internal searches (ITS#2825) Fixed slapd extended op referrals (ITS#2678, ITS#2781) Fixed slapd group ACL caching (ITS#2779) Fixed slapd berbuf align bugs Fixed slurpd memory leaks (ITS#2423, ITS#2620) Fixed slurpd TLS retry (ITS#2570) Fixed back-bdb compatibility with BDB 4.2 (ITS#2848) Fixed lunicode insufficient buffer allocation bug (ITS#2727) Fixed libldap destructor bug (ITS#2758) Fixed libldap SASL maxbuf usage (ITS#2770) Fixed libldap_r pthread support (ITS#2820) Fixed liblutil NS_MTA_MD5 hash (ITS#2773) Added lutil_passwd extensions Build Environment Added Berkeley DB 4.2 detection (ITS#2839) Fixed liblber libdir handling (ITS#2797) Fixed libldbm dependency (ITS#2726) Fixed perl LDFLAGS (ITS#2764) Documentation Updated release documents Misc man page updates (ITS#2822, ITS#2823) Fixed README in ldapsasl (ITS#2838) OpenLDAP 2.1.23 Release Fixed ldapmodify NULL dn bug (ITS#2645) Fixed ldappasswd -y handling bug (ITS#2696) Fixed slapd subordinate replication bug (ITS#2130) Fixed slapd deferring Abandon (ITS#2649) Fixed slapd deprecated code (removed) (ITS#2651) Fixed slapd slave without updateref bug (ITS#2678) Fixed slapd ACL caching (ITS#2679) Fixed back-bdb cache crash (ITS#2682, ITS#2759) Fixed portability issue in ldapsasl (ITS#2691) Fixed slurpd pid file handling (ITS#2761) Fixed LMHASH bug (ITS#2566) Fixed NS-MTA-MD5 buffer size bug (ITS#2662) Added replica uri keyword (ITS#2594) Added replica-pidfile, replica-argsfile keywords Build Environment Fix inclusion (ITS#2762) OpenLDAP 2.1.22 Release Fixed slapd yielding select fix (ITS#2603) Fixed slapadd dnfree bug (ITS#2587) Fixed slappasswd usage help (ITS#2565) Fixed back-bdb filter index crash (ITS#2596) Build Environment Fixed back-ldap/meta conflict (ITS#2608) Fixed slapd compilation bug (ITS#2605) OpenLDAP 2.1.21 Release Fixed liblber ber_get_next trickle bug (ITS#2490) Fixed ldapsearch -p without -h bug (ITS#2532) Fixed slapd option ordering bug (ITS#2217) Fixed slapd debug in signal handler hang (ITS#2550) Fixed back-bdb unindexed filter bug (ITS#2522) Fixed back-shell pid abandon bug (ITS#2519) Removed lint Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.20 Release Fixed slapd idletimeout behavior (ITS#2374) Fixed slapd accept() fail busyloop (ITS#2482) Fixed slapd regex lookup mutex issue (ITS#2505) Fixed back-bdb/ldbm filter indexing bugs (ITS#2506) (ITS#2507) Fixed back-bdb cache consistency bug (ITS#2470) Fixed libldap ldap_get_attribute_ber bug Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.19 Release Fixed slapd substring index normalization (ITS#2468) Fixed back-bdb attribute index tracking (ITS#2496) Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.18 Release Fixed slapd slave update when updateref missing bug (ITS#2435) Fixed slapd SLP reg/dereg bugs (ITS#2438) (ITS#2442) Fixed slapd crash on uniqueMember= filter (ITS#2447) Fixed slapd subordinate database crash Fixed slapd ACL group DN crash (ITS#2467) Fixed slapd substring normalization bug (ITS#2468) Fixed back-bdb search filter empty value bug (ITS#2453) Fixed back-bdb/ldbm filter index computed/undefined bugs (ITS#2449) Fixed SASL interactive free bug (ITS#2423) Fixed libldap sasl interactive internal error bug (ITS#2475) Fixed libldap ldap_host_connected_to portability bug (ITS#2459) Fixed liblber multi-value decode bug (ITS#2458) Fixed liblber over read bug (ITS#2465) Fixed ldappasswd -y support (ITS#2441) Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.17 Release Fixed libldap_r thread pool context bug (ITS#2404) Fixed libldap T.61 convert bug (ITS#2388) Fixed libldap h_errno bug Fixed slapd cn=# bug (ITS#2387) Fixed slapd naming violation error checks Fixed slapd modify password uninit free bug (ITS#2390) Fixed slapd request flooding bug (ITS#2389) Fixed slurpd one shot mode (ITS#2385) Fixed slurpd core dump on exit (ITS#2363) Fixed slapadd oidm destroy bug (ITS#2409) Fixed clients critical argument handling Updated clients password file support Added slappasswd password file support Removed lint (ITS#2382) Build Environment Updated versioning system Added LDAP cache shell-only routines Documentation Updated slurpd(8) -u usage Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.16 Release Fixed slapd sasl internal search "auth" issue Fixed liblber BER decoding bug (ITS#2365) Fixed slurpd TLS failure handling (ITS#2253) Fixed back-meta NULL deref bug (ITS#2359) Fixed back-ldap memory corruption (ITS#2362) Fixed back-ldbm IDL corruption (ITS#2348) Fixed back-bdb IDL cache leak (ITS#2367) Fixed slapd index large db files bug (ITS#2368) Updated back-perl (ITS#2356) Removed ldaptcl from distribution Removed lint Build Environment Regenerated configure script for IPv6 fix (ITS#2347) Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.15 Release Fixed slapd saslauthz null backend crash Fixed libldap IPv6 SASL host bug (ITS#2347) Fixed liblber 64bit len/tag bug (ITS#2344) Fixed liblutil getpeereid replacement function (ITS#2333) Fixed slapd illegal schema crash (ITS#2342) Updated slaptools default backend (ITS#2343) Updated liblber ber_get_stringbv handling Removed lint Build Environment Updated NT build environment w/ slurpd support Updated test suite Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.14 Release Fixed slapd schema_check name check crash (ITS#2330) Fixed slapd DirectoryString extraneous space index bug (ITS#2328) Fixed back-bdb bdb_cache_find_entry* retry bug Fixed back-bdb log message bug Fixed back-bdb group/atttribute txn code (ITS#2122) Fixed back-bdb modrdn subtree rename bug (ITS#2336) Fixed client tools krb4 handling Fixed (historic) CLDAP support (ITS#2335) Updated slapadd to complain about holes in the DIT Build Environment Look harder for BDB 4.1 (ITS#2339) Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.13 Release Fixed back-bdb group ACL deadlock bug (ITS#2195) Fixed back-bdb passwd hang bug (ITS#2122) Fixed slapd RDN handling (ITS#2243) Fixed slapd connections shutdown bug (ITS#2236) Fixed slap tools argument handling (ITS#2266) Fixed liblber PROTOS bugs (ITS#2275) (ITS#2280) Fixed liblber ber_flush debug level Fixed libldap stream readahead bug (IS#2305) Fixed libldap SASL null cred bug (ITS#2267) Fixed libldap SASL promts free bug (ITS#2325) Fixed slapd SASL anon bugs (ITS#2268) Fixed back-glue exceeded results bug (ITS#2299) Fixed back-glue search reference bug Fixed slurpd reject filename on Windows (ITS#2319) Fixed slurpd re NULL crash (ITS#2320) Changed slapd DNS reverse lookups default to off Updated slapd to remove pid and args files (ITS#2318) Updated slapd bind stats logging Updated slapd proxy authorization support Updated libldap TLS certificate checking (ITS#2161) Updated back-ldap, back-meta, back-sql Added slapd ACL caching Added slapd ACL set string expand (ITS#2285) Added slapd attribute options enhancement Added slapd ldapi:// SASL EXTERNAL support Added liblutil passwd sanity checks (ITS#2159) Build Environment Check back-bdb requirement for BDB 4.1 Removed configure flags for deprecated features Updated test suite Documentation Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.12 Release Build Environment Update version number OpenLDAP 2.1.11 Release Fixed slapd ocflags bug (ITS#2186) Fixed slapd objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch bug Fixed slapd octetStringOrderingMatch bug Fixed slapd bitString normalization bug Removed lint OpenLDAP 2.1.10 Release Fixed slapd acl/group value_find_ex() bug (ITS#2227) Fixed slapd empty values return filter control bug (ITS#2219) Fixed slapd NameAndOptionalUID bug Fixed slapd reentant gethostbyname bug Fixed slapd SASL/EXTERNAL handling (ITS#2234) Fixed ldbm/bdb modrdn replog bug (ITS#2235) Fixed ldapsearch empty baseObject bug Fixed libldap_r thread stack size Fixed libldap SASL/EXTERNAL handling Fixed liblber ber_get_next assert bug (ITS#2246) Updated ldapdelete/ldapmodrdn continue error handling Added back-bdb IDL slab cache (ITS#2183) Removed lint, etc. Build Environment Update to libtool 1.4.3 & shtool 1.6.2 OpenLDAP 2.1.9 Release Fixed back-bdb moddn newSuperior bug Fixed back-ldap/meta modify bug (ITS#2158) Fixed back-glue segv bug (ITS#2214) Fixed back-monitor subordinate database bug Fixed libldap try_read1msg drain bug (ITS#2153) Fixed libldap SASL bugs (ITS#2184) Fixed libldap referral bug (ITS#2187) Fixed libldap getaddrinfo threading bug (ITS#2221) Fixed libldif empty value bugs (ITS#2218) Added slapd allow update_anon feature (ITS#2155) Added slapd authz stats logging feature (ITS#2165) Fixed slapd unix socket unlink bug (ITS#2157) Fixed slapd referral/alias normalization bug Fixed slapd logging bugs (ITS#2170) Fixed slapd rootdse entry_free bug (ITS#2172) Fixed slapd multimaster passwd bug (ITS#2176) Fixed slapd bad acl DN bug (ITS#2196) Fixed slapd SASL bugs (ITS#2200) (ITS#2202) Fixed slapd language range option bug Fixed slapd new logging bugs Removed lint Build Environment Add subordinate referral test Updated other misc other tests Updated back-sql checks (ITS#2163) Fixed liblber snprintf issues (ITS#2128) (ITS#2129) (ITS#2203) Fixed configure shtool no bold handling OpenLDAP 2.1.8 Release Build Environment Update configure script OpenLDAP 2.1.7 Release Fixed liblber bvarray_add bug (ITS#2142) Added libldap additional schema routines Updated ldapmodify -c error handling (ITS#2133) Build Environment Update {thr,sched,pthread}_yield detection Documentation Misc updates OpenLDAP 2.1.6 Release Fixed slapd unsupported non-critical control handling Fixed slapd value_find() uninitialized variable bug (ITS#2097) Fixed back-dnssrv default referral handling (ITS#2116) Fixed liblunicode memory leak (ITS#2126) Fixed slapd listener crash (ITS#2132) Fixed slapd modify mod_add_values crash (ITS#2136) Updated slapd adlist support Updated slapd disallow bind_simple_unprotected Updated back-bdb/ldbm add/delete/rename ACLs Updated libldap_r Pth support (ITS#724) (ITS#1033) Added libldap get referral option (ITS#2121) Added libldap DIT content rule routines Added back-shell "entry" ACLs Added slapd obsolete schema checks Disable suffixAlias feature (ITS#2117) Removed back-shell surrogate parent code Misc minor fixes and cleanup Build Environment Fixed back-bdb module linking problem Fixed misc. portability bugs Updated DB_THREAD detection (ITS#2127) Updated pthreads detection Updated shtool to latest Updated test suite Documentation Misc. updates (ITS#2093) (ITS#2105) (ITS#2106) OpenLDAP 2.1.5 Release Fixed back-ldbm indirect IDL bug (ITS#2039) Fixed back-bdb locker_id bugs (ITS#2040) Fixed back-bdb duplicate results (ITS#2044) Fixed back-bdb group member check Fixed back-bdb idl_intersection bug (ITS#2082) Fixed slapd objectClass subclassing matching (ITS#2053) Fixed slapd base==target referral bug (ITS#1991) Fixed slapd ACL attribute auth bug (ITS#2067) Fixed slapd one-level search with subordinates Fixed libldap DNS SRV buffer size bug Fixed liblber write bugs (ITS#1983) Fixed liblutil b64 length bugs (ITS#2055) Added slapadd lastmod attribute support Added ldap tools passfile (-y) support (ITS#2031) Added ldapmodify LDIFv1 control: support (ITS#2060) Added slapd appropriate matching rule checks Fixed libldap TLS session id bug Updated slapd hasSubordinates Updated slapd extensible matching Updated matched values and noop controls Updated back-passwd gecos buffer size bug (ITS#2046) Updated back-ldap, back-meta, and back-sql Build Environment Added SASL version checks Added IPv6 sockaddr_storage check Added Berkeley DB 4.1 support Fixed module build issues (ITS#2047 ITS#2048 ITS#2065) Updated test suite (ITS#2054) Updated NT and zOS ports Documentation Added ldapwhoami(1) man page Misc man page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.4 Release Fixed slapd DN normalization (requires DB reload) Fixed slapd bootParameter validation bug (ITS#1957) Fixed slapd saslRegex bug (ITS#1978) Fixed slapd abstract objectclass check Fixed back-monitor time stats (ITS#1984) Fixed slapd saslRegexp normalization (ITS#1951) Fixed back-meta undef DN attr bug (ITS#1953) Fixed back-meta search operation error (ITS#2014) Fixed ldapmodify LDIF CRLF handling Fixed back-bdb IDL bugs (ITS#1969, ITS#1977, ITS#2015) Fixed back-bdb entry return (ITS#1994) Fixed back-bdb lock_id error detection (ITS#2030) Fixed slapd inappropriate return of operationsError (ITS#1995) Fixed slapd group ACL bug (ITS#1978) Fixed slapd " " handling (ITS#1998) Fixed IPv6 underallocation bug (ITS#2018) Fixed libldap gethostbyname init bug (ITS#2019) Added LDAP SASL auxprop plugin to contrib Added buffer overrun checks (ITS#1936, ITS#1965, ITS#2009-2011) Added slapd subschema DN configuration (ITS#1893) Updated slapd anon update error code (ITS#1987) Updated slapd/libldap error messages (ITS#1989) Updated slapd/libldap IPv4 only handling Updated slapd bind logging (ITS#1809) (ITS#2017) Updated slapd/libldap IPv6 handling (ITS#2018) Updated libldap LDAP_OPT_RESTART handling Updated new logging Updated OpenLDAPaci syntax/semantics (ITS#2005, ITS#2006) Updated back-sql Build Environment Added zOS port Updated WinNT port Added DN testing to tests suite Fixed krbName schema (ITS#1948) Fixed pkiUser schema (ITS#1959) Fixed back-shell builds (ITS#1985) Resolve liblutil/passwd conflict (ITS#2016) Resolved IRIX sc_mask conflict (ITS#2022) Removed ud(1) and filter template API (ITS#2011) Removed lint (ITS#2021) Documentation Replaced namedref with RFC 3296 Misc manual page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.3 Release Fixed slapd access to dn="" bug (ITS#1921) Fixed slapd structuralObjectClass lastmod bug (ITS#1904) Fixed slapd krbName bug (ITS#1913) Fixed slapd schema error alignment bug Fixed slapd excessive DN logging (ITS#1901) Fixed slapd matched values malloc bug (ITS#1931) Fixed slapd TLS data ready bug Updated slapd SASL proxy policy code Updated slapd require "strong" check Added slapd disallow bind_simple_unprotected directive Added slapd SASL setpass support (ITS#1943) Added slapd IPv4/v6 only options Updated back-bdb entry locking Fixed liblutil passwd cleartext bug Fixed back-ldap/meta mapping bug (ITS#1787) Added back-monitor added monitorContext support Fixed back-perl ad_cname bug (ITS#1882) Fixed libldap ldap_controls_dup() malloc bug (ITS#1898) Fixed libldap openssl compat bug (ITS#1924) Fixed ucgendat EOF bug (ITS#1917) Removed lint Build Environment Added cc missing check Added monitor backend test Updated SHUT_RDWR Fixed SASL-less build issues Fixed back-perl build issues (ITS#1827) Fixed libldap_r references.c issue (ITS#1922) Added -ldb-4 detection (ITS#1888) Disabled back-sql (ITS#1920) Documentation Numerous manual page updates OpenLDAP 2.1.2 Release Initial release for "general" use.