/** ################################################################### ** THIS BEAN MODULE IS GENERATED BY THE TOOL. DO NOT MODIFY IT. ** Filename : PE_Types.H ** Project : RTOSDemo ** Processor : MC9S12C32CFU ** Beantype : PE_Types ** Version : Driver 01.04 ** Compiler : Metrowerks HC12 C Compiler ** Date/Time : 10/05/2005, 11:11 ** Abstract : ** This bean "PE_Types" contains internal definitions ** of the types. ** Settings : ** Contents : ** No public methods ** ** (c) Copyright UNIS, spol. s r.o. 1997-2002 ** UNIS, spol. s r.o. ** Jundrovska 33 ** 624 00 Brno ** Czech Republic ** http : www.processorexpert.com ** mail : info@processorexpert.com ** ###################################################################*/ #ifndef __PE_Types_H #define __PE_Types_H #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 /*Types definition*/ typedef unsigned char bool; typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned int word; typedef unsigned long dword; typedef unsigned long dlong[2]; typedef void (*tIntFunc)(void); /* Motorola types */ typedef unsigned char VUINT8; typedef signed char VINT8; typedef unsigned short int VUINT16; typedef signed short int VINT16; typedef unsigned long int VUINT32; #define in16(var,l,h) var = ((word)(l)) | (((word)(h)) << 8) #define out16(l,h,val) { l = (byte)val; h = (byte)(val >> 8); } #define output(P, V) P = (V) #define input(P) (P) #define __DI() { asm sei; } /* Disable global interrupts */ #define __EI() { asm cli; } /* Enable global interrupts */ #define EnterCritical() { __asm pshc; __asm sei; __asm movb 1,SP+,CCR_reg; } /* This macro is used by Processor Expert. It saves CCR register and disable global interrupts. */ #define ExitCritical() { __asm movb CCR_reg, 1,-SP; __asm pulc; } /* This macro is used by Processor Expert. It restores CCR register saved in SaveStatusReg(). */ /* obsolete definition for backward compatibility */ #define SaveStatusReg() EnterCritical() #define RestoreStatusReg() ExitCritical() typedef struct { /* Black&White Image */ word width; /* Image width */ word height; /* Image height */ byte *pixmap; /* Image pixel bitmap */ word size; /* Image size */ char *name; /* Image name */ } TIMAGE; typedef TIMAGE* PIMAGE ; /* Pointer to image */ /* 16-bit register (Motorola format - big endian) */ typedef union { word w; struct { byte high,low; } b; } TWREG; #endif /* __PE_Types_H */ /* ** ################################################################### ** ** This file was created by UNIS Processor Expert 03.33 for ** the Motorola HCS12 series of microcontrollers. ** ** ################################################################### */