Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) Xilinx EDK 8.2.02 Build EDK_Im_Sp2.4 Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Copied C:/devtools/XilinxEDK/data/xflow/bitgen.ut to etc directory At Local date and time: Tue Mar 04 08:52:42 2008 xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/c/E/Dev/FreeRTOS/WorkingCopy2/Demo/PPC405_Xilinx_Virtex4_GCC/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make clean; exit;" started... rm -f implementation/system.ngc rm -f implementation/system.bmm rm -f implementation/system.bit rm -f implementation/system.ncd rm -f implementation/system_bd.bmm rm -rf implementation synthesis xst hdl rm -rf xst.srp system.srp rm -rf ppc405_0/lib/ rm -f RTOSDemo/executable.elf rm -rf simulation/behavioral rm -rf virtualplatform rm -f _impact.cmd Done!