/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2007 Rowley Associates Limited. * * * * This file may be distributed under the terms of the License Agreement * * provided with this software. * * * * THIS FILE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE * * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Preprocessor Definitions * ------------------------ * * STARTUP_FROM_RESET * * If defined, the program will startup from power-on/reset. If not defined * the program will just loop endlessly from power-on/reset. * * This definition is not defined by default on this target because the * debugger is unable to reset this target and maintain control of it over the * JTAG interface. The advantage of doing this is that it allows the debugger * to reset the CPU and run programs from a known reset CPU state on each run. * It also acts as a safety net if you accidently download a program in FLASH * that crashes and prevents the debugger from taking control over JTAG * rendering the target unusable over JTAG. The obvious disadvantage of doing * this is that your application will not startup without the debugger. * * We advise that on this target you keep STARTUP_FROM_RESET undefined whilst * you are developing and only define STARTUP_FROM_RESET when development is * complete. * *****************************************************************************/ .extern xPortPendSVHandler .extern xPortSysTickHandler .extern vPortSVCHandler .global reset_handler .section .vectors, "ax" .code 16 .align 0 .global _vectors .macro DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER name= .thumb_func .weak \name \name: 1: b 1b /* endless loop */ .endm _vectors: .word __stack_end__ #ifdef STARTUP_FROM_RESET .word reset_handler #else .word reset_wait #endif /* STARTUP_FROM_RESET */ .word NMIException .word HardFaultException .word MemManageException .word BusFaultException .word UsageFaultException .word 0 // Reserved .word 0 // Reserved .word 0 // Reserved .word 0 // Reserved .word vPortSVCHandler .word DebugMonitor .word 0 // Reserved .word xPortPendSVHandler .word xPortSysTickHandler .word WWDG_IRQHandler .word PVD_IRQHandler .word TAMPER_IRQHandler .word RTC_IRQHandler .word FLASH_IRQHandler .word RCC_IRQHandler .word EXTI0_IRQHandler .word EXTI1_IRQHandler .word EXTI2_IRQHandler .word EXTI3_IRQHandler .word EXTI4_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel1_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel2_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel3_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel4_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel5_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel6_IRQHandler .word DMAChannel7_IRQHandler .word ADC_IRQHandler .word USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler .word USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler .word CAN_RX1_IRQHandler .word CAN_SCE_IRQHandler .word EXTI9_5_IRQHandler .word TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler .word TIM1_UP_IRQHandler .word TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler .word TIM1_CC_IRQHandler .word TIM2_IRQHandler .word TIM3_IRQHandler .word TIM4_IRQHandler .word I2C1_EV_IRQHandler .word I2C1_ER_IRQHandler .word I2C2_EV_IRQHandler .word I2C2_ER_IRQHandler .word SPI1_IRQHandler .word SPI2_IRQHandler .word USART1_IRQHandler .word USART2_IRQHandler .word USART3_IRQHandler .word EXTI15_10_IRQHandler .word RTCAlarm_IRQHandler .word USBWakeUp_IRQHandler .word TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler .word TIM8_UP_IRQHandler .word TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler .word TIM8_CC_IRQHandler .word ADC3_IRQHandler .word FSMC_IRQHandler .word SDIO_IRQHandler .word TIM5_IRQHandler .word SPI3_IRQHandler .word UART4_IRQHandler .word UART5_IRQHandler .word TIM6_IRQHandler .word TIM7_IRQHandler .word DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler .word DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler .word DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler .word DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler .section .init, "ax" .thumb_func reset_handler: #ifndef __FLASH_BUILD /* If this is a RAM build, configure vector table offset register to point to the RAM vector table. */ ldr r0, =0xE000ED08 ldr r1, =_vectors str r1, [r0] #endif b _start DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER NMIException DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER HardFaultException DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER MemManageException DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER BusFaultException DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER UsageFaultException DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER SVCHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DebugMonitor DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER PendSV DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER SysTickHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER WWDG_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER PVD_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TAMPER_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER RTC_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER FLASH_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER RCC_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI0_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI1_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI2_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI4_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel1_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel2_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel4_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel5_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel6_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMAChannel7_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER ADC_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER CAN_RX1_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER CAN_SCE_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI9_5_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM1_UP_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM1_CC_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM2_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM4_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER I2C1_EV_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER I2C1_ER_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER I2C2_EV_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER I2C2_ER_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER SPI1_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER SPI2_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER USART1_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER USART2_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER USART3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER EXTI15_10_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER RTCAlarm_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER USBWakeUp_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM8_UP_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM8_CC_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER ADC3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER FSMC_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER SDIO_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM5_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER SPI3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER UART4_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER UART5_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM6_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER TIM7_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler #ifndef STARTUP_FROM_RESET DEFAULT_ISR_HANDLER reset_wait #endif /* STARTUP_FROM_RESET */ // STM32 library requires these .global __WFI .global __WFE .global __SEV .global __ISB .global __DSB .global __DMB .global __SVC .global __MRS_CONTROL .global __MSR_CONTROL .global __MRS_PSP .global __MSR_PSP .global __MRS_MSP .global __MSR_MSP .global __SETPRIMASK .global __RESETPRIMASK .global __SETFAULTMASK .global __RESETFAULTMASK .global __BASEPRICONFIG .global __GetBASEPRI .global __REV_HalfWord .global __REV_Word .thumb_func __WFI: wfi bx r14 .thumb_func __WFE: wfe bx r14 .thumb_func __SEV: sev bx r14 .thumb_func __ISB: isb bx r14 .thumb_func __DSB: dsb bx r14 .thumb_func __DMB: dmb bx r14 .thumb_func __SVC: svc 0x01 bx r14 .thumb_func __MRS_CONTROL: mrs r0, control bx r14 .thumb_func __MSR_CONTROL: msr control, r0 isb bx r14 .thumb_func __MRS_PSP: mrs r0, psp bx r14 .thumb_func __MSR_PSP: msr psp, r0 bx r14 .thumb_func __MRS_MSP: mrs r0, msp bx r14 .thumb_func __MSR_MSP: msr msp, r0 bx r14 .thumb_func __SETPRIMASK: cpsid i bx r14 .thumb_func __RESETPRIMASK: cpsie i bx r14 .thumb_func __SETFAULTMASK: cpsid f bx r14 .thumb_func __RESETFAULTMASK: cpsie f bx r14 .thumb_func __BASEPRICONFIG: msr basepri, r0 bx r14 .thumb_func __GetBASEPRI: mrs r0, basepri_max bx r14 .thumb_func __REV_HalfWord: rev16 r0, r0 bx r14 .thumb_func __REV_Word: rev r0, r0 bx r14