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Priorities can be assigned from zero to (max_priorities - 1)"; PARAM name = minimal_stack_size, type = int, default = 120, desc = "The size of the stack allocated to the Idle task. Also used by standard demo and test tasks found in the main FreeRTOS download."; PARAM name = total_heap_size, type = int, default = 65536, desc = "Only used if heap_1.c or heap_2.c is included in the project. Sets the amount of RAM reserved for use by the kernel - used when tasks, queues and semaphores are created."; PARAM name = max_task_name_len, type = int, default = 8, desc = "The maximum number of characters that can be in the name of a task."; END CATEGORY BEGIN CATEGORY kernel_features PARAM name = kernel_features, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Include or exclude kernel features", permit = user; PARAM name = use_mutexes, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include mutex functionality, or false to exclude mutex functionality."; PARAM name = use_recursive_mutexes, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include recursive mutex functionality, or false to exclude recursive mutex functionality."; PARAM name = use_counting_semaphores, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include counting semaphore functionality, or false to exclude recursive mutex functionality."; PARAM name = queue_registry_size, type = int, default = 10, desc = "The maximum number of queues that can be registered at any one time. Registered queues can be viewed in the kernel aware debugger plug-in."; PARAM name = use_trace_facility, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include the legacy trace functionality, and a few other features. traceMACROS are the preferred method of tracing now."; END CATEGORY BEGIN CATEGORY hook_functions PARAM name = hook_functions, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Include or exclude application defined hook (callback) functions. Callback functions must be defined by the application that is using FreeRTOS", permit = user; PARAM name = use_idle_hook, type = bool, default = false, desc = "Set to true for the kernel to call vApplicationIdleHook() on each iteration of the idle task. The application must provide an implementation of vApplicationIdleHook()."; PARAM name = use_tick_hook, type = bool, default = false, desc = "Set to true for the kernel to call vApplicationTickHook() during each tick interrupt. The application must provide an implementation of vApplicationTickHook()."; PARAM name = use_malloc_failed_hook, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Only used if heap_1.c, heap_2.c or heap_3.c is included in the project. Set to true for the kernel to call vApplicationMallocFailedHookHook() if there is insufficient FreeRTOS heap available for a task, queue or semaphore to be created. The application must provide an implementation of vApplicationMallocFailedHook()."; PARAM name = check_for_stack_overflow, type = int, default = 2, desc = "Set to 1 to include basic run time task stack checking. Set to 2 to include more comprehensive run time task stack checking."; END CATEGORY BEGIN CATEGORY software_timers PARAM name = software_timers, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Options relating to the software timers functionality", permit = user; PARAM name = use_timers, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include software timer functionality, or false to exclude software timer functionality"; PARAM name = timer_task_priority, type = string, default = "(configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1)", desc = "The priority at which the software timer service/daemon task will execute."; PARAM name = timer_command_queue_length, type = int, default = 10, desc = "The number of commands the timer command queue can hold at any one time."; PARAM name = timer_task_stack_depth, type = string, default = "(configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE), desc = "The size of the stack allocated to the timer service/daemon task."; END CATEGORY END OS