As you will note, I don't follow the standard GNU release numbering conventions, but rather one that I started in 1970. My internal releases were 0.nn, the first release to another user was 1.0, each modified source code release then gets a new minor release (1.1, ...) as well as a date. Each major change in the software -- e.g. new tape format will normally have the major release number incremented. Your best bet for getting Bacula up and running is to read the manual, which can be found in /doc/html-manual, or in /doc/bacula.pdf. Barring reading the manual, you might try the following: To Configure it: ./configure \ --sbindir=$HOME/bacula/bin \ --sysconfdir=$HOME/bacula/bin \ --with-pid-dir=$HOME/bacula/bin \ --with-subsys-dir=$HOME/bacula/bin \ --enable-gnome \ --with-mysql=$HOME/mysql \ --with-working-dir=$HOME/bacula/bin/working \ --with-dump-email=YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS \ --with-job-email=YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS \ --with-smtp-host=YOUR_SMTP_SERVER_ADDRESS Build Bacula: make If you are doing a port, there should be no errors. The most likely source of errors will probably come in the src/stored directory in time.c or dev.c. There may also be problems in lib/signal.c as I currently pull in all Linux signals, some of which may not be available on your system. To creat the database: src/make_bacula_tables To start it: ./startit ./console (or ./gnome-console) To stop it: ./stopit Well, it is all just a bit more complicated than that, but you should have the idea.