Kern's ToDo List 04 July 2005 Major development: Project Developer ======= ========= TLS Landon Fuller Unicode in Win32 Thorsten Engel (done) VSS Thorsten Engel (in beta testing) Version 1.37 Kern (see below) ======================================================== 1.37 Major Projects: #3 Migration (Move, Copy, Archive Jobs) (probably not this version) #7 Single Job Writing to Multiple Storage Devices (probably not this version) ## Create a new GUI chapter explaining all the GUI programs. Autochangers: - Make "update slots" when pointing to Autochanger, remove all Volumes from other drives. "update slots all-drives"? For 1.37: - update volume=xxx --- add status=Full - After rename 04-Jul 13:01 MainSD: Rufus.2005-07-04_01.05.02 Warning: Director wanted Volume "DLT-13Feb04". Current Volume "DLT-04Jul05" not acceptable because: 1997 Volume "DLT-13Feb04" not in catalog. 04-Jul 13:01 MainSD: Please mount Volume "DLT-04Jul05" on Storage Device "HP DLT 80" (/dev/nst0) for Job Rufus.2005-07-04_01.05.02 - Remove old spool files on startup. - Exclude SD spool/working directory. - Finish TLS implementation. - Refuse to prune last valid Full backup. Same goes for Catalog. - --without-openssl breaks at least on Solaris. - Python: - Make a callback when Rerun failed levels is called. - Give Python program access to Scheduled jobs. - Add setting Volume State via Python. - Python script to save with Python, not save, save with Bacula. - Python script to do backup. - What events? - Change the Priority, Client, Storage, JobStatus (error) at the start of a job. - Why is SpoolDirectory = /home/bacula/spool; not reported as an error when writing a DVD? - Make bootstrap file handle multiple MediaTypes (SD) - Remove all old Device resource code in Dir and code to pass it back in SD -- better, rework it to pass back device statistics. - Check locking of resources -- be sure to lock devices where previously resources were locked. - The last part is left in the spool dir. Document: - Port limiting -m in iptables to prevent DoS attacks could cause broken pipes on Bacula. - Document that Bootstrap files can be written with cataloging turned off. - Pruning with Admin job. - Add better documentation on how restores can be done - OS linux 2.4 1) ADIC, DLT, FastStor 4000, 7*20GB 2) Sun, DDS, (Suns name unknown - Archive Python DDS drive), 1.2GB 3) Wangtek, QIC, 6525ES, 525MB (fixed block size 1k, block size etc. driver dependent - aic7xxx works, ncr53c8xx with problems) 4) HP, DDS-2, C1553A, 6*4GB - Doc the following to activate, check or disable the hardware compression feature on my exb-8900 i use the exabyte "MammothTool" you can get it here: There is a solaris version of this tool. With option -C 0 or 1 you can disable or activate compression. Start this tool without any options for a small reference. - Linux Sony LIB-D81, AIT-3 library works. - Document PostgreSQL performance problems bug 131. - Document testing - Document that ChangerDevice is used for Alert command. - Document new CDROM directory. - Document Heartbeat Interval in the dealing with firewalls section. - Document the multiple-drive-changer.txt script. Maybe in 1.37: - In restore don't compare byte count on a raw device -- directory entry does not contain bytes. - To mark files as deleted, run essentially a Verify to disk, and when a file is found missing (MarkId != JobId), then create a new File record with FileIndex == -1. This could be done by the FD at the same time as the backup. === rate design jcr->last_rate jcr->last_runtime MA = (last_MA * 3 + rate) / 4 rate = (bytes - last_bytes) / (runtime - last_runtime) - Max Vols limit in Pool off by one? - Implement Files/Bytes,... stats for restore job. - Implement Total Bytes Written, ... for restore job. - Despool attributes simultaneously with data in a separate thread, rejoined at end of data spooling. - 7. Implement new Console commands to allow offlining/reserving drives, and possibly manipulating the autochanger (much asked for). - Add start/end date editing in messages (%t %T, %e?) ... - Add ClientDefs similar to JobDefs. - Print more info when bextract -p accepts a bad block. - Fix FD JobType to be set before RunBeforeJob in FD. - Look at adding full Volume and Pool information to a Volume label so that bscan can get *all* the info. - If the user puts "Purge Oldest Volume = yes" or "Recycle Oldest Volume = yes" and there is only one volume in the pool, refuse to do it -- otherwise he fills the Volume, then immediately starts reusing it. - Implement copies and stripes. - Add history file to console. - Each file on tape creates a JobMedia record. Peter has 4 million files spread over 10000 tape files and four tapes. A restore takes 16 hours to build the restore list. - Add and option to check if the file size changed during backup. - Make sure SD deletes spool files on error exit. - Delete old spool files when SD starts. - When labeling tapes, if you enter 000026, Bacula uses the tape index rather than the Volume name 000026. - Add offline tape command to Bacula console. - Bug: Enter MediaId or Volume name: 32 Enter new Volume name: DLT-20Dec04 Automatically selected Pool: Default Connecting to Storage daemon DLTDrive at ... Sending relabel command from "DLT-28Jun03" to "DLT-20Dec04" ... block.c:552 Write error at 0:0 on device /dev/nst0. ERR=Bad file descriptor. Error writing final EOF to tape. This tape may not be readable. dev.c:1207 ioctl MTWEOF error on /dev/nst0. ERR=Permission denied. askdir.c:219 NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!! 3912 Failed to label Volume: ERR=dev.c:1207 ioctl MTWEOF error on /dev/nst0. ERR=Permission denied. Label command failed for Volume DLT-20Dec04. Do not forget to mount the drive!!! - Bug: if a job is manually scheduled to run later, it does not appear in any status report and cannot be cancelled. Regression tests: - Add Pool/Storage override regression test. - Add delete JobId to regression. - Add a regression test for dbcheck. - New test to add bscan to four-concurrent-jobs regression, i.e. after the four-concurrent jobs zap the database as is done in the bscan-test, then use bscan to restore the database, do a restore and compare with the original. - Add restore of specific JobId to regression (item 3 on the restore prompt) - Add IPv6 to regression - Add database test to regression. Test each function like delete, purge, ... - AntiVir can slow down backups on Win32 systems. - Win32 systems with FAT32 can be much slower than NTFS for more than 1000 files per directory. 1.37 Possibilities: - A HOLD command to stop all jobs from starting. - A PAUSE command to pause all running jobs ==> release the drive. - Media Type = LTO,LTO-2,LTO-3 Media Type Read = LTO,LTO2,LTO3 Media Type Write = LTO2, LTO3 === From Carsten Menke Following is a list of what I think in the situations where I'm faced with, could be a usefull enhancement to bacula, which I'm certain other users will benefit from as well. 1. NextJob/NextJobs Directive within a Job Resource in the form of NextJobs = job1,job2. Why: I currently solved the problem with running multiple jobs each after each by setting the Max Wait Time for a job to 8 hours, and give the jobs different Priorities. However, there scenarios where 1 Job is directly depending on another job, so if the former job fails, the job after it needn't to be run while maybe other jobs should run despite of that Example: A Backup Job and a Verify job, if the backup job fails there is no need to run the verify job, as the backup job already failed. However, one may like to backup the Catalog to disk despite of that the main backup job failed. Notes: I see that this is related to the Event Handlers which are on the ToDo list, also it is maybe a good idea to check for the return value and execute different actions based on the return value 3. offline capability to bconsole Why: Currently I use a script which I execute within the last Job via the RunAfterJob Directive, to release and eject the tape. So I have to call bconsole "release=Storage-Name" and afterwards mt -f /dev/nst0 eject to get the tape out. If I have multiple Storage Devices, than these may not be /dev/nst0 and I have to modify the script or call it with parameters etc. This would actually not be needed, as everything is already defined in bacula-sd.conf and if I can invoke bconsole with the storage name via $1 in the script than I'm done and information is not duplicated. 4. %s for Storage Name added to the chars being substituted in "RunAfterJob" Why: For the reason mentioned in 3. to have the ability to call a script with /scripts/foobar %s and in the script use $1 to pass the Storage Name to bconsole 5. Setting Volume State within a Job Resource Why: Instead of using "Maximum Volume Jobs" in the Pool Resource, I would have the possibilty to define in a Job Resource that after this certain job is run, the Volume State should be set to "Volume State = Used", this give more flexibility (IMHO). 6. Localization of Bacula Messages Why: Unfortunatley many,many people I work with don't speak english very well. So if at least the Reporting messages would be localized then they would understand that they have to change the tape,etc. etc. I volunteer to do the german translations, and if I can convince my wife also french and Morre (western african language). 7. OK, this is evil, probably bound to security risks and maybe not possible due to the design of bacula. Implementation of Backtics ( `command` ) for shell comand execution to the "Label Format" Directive. Why: Currently I have defined BACULA_DAY_OF_WEEK="day1|day2..." resulting in Label Format = "HolyBackup-${BACULA_DAY_OF_WEEK[${WeekDay}]}". If I could use backticks than I could use "Label Format = HolyBackup-`date +%A` to have the localized name for the day of the week appended to the format string. Then I have the tape labeled automatically with weekday name in the correct language. ========== - Yes, that is surely the case. I probably should turn those into Warning errors. In addition, you just made me think that it might not be bad to add an option to check the file size after backing up the file and report if it changes. This would be done as an option because it would add extra overhead. Kern, good idea. If you do do that, mention in the output: file shrunk, or file expanded, just to make it obvious to the user (without having to the refer to file size), just how the file size changed. Would this option be for all file, or just one file? Or a fileset? - Make output from status use html table tags for nicely presenting in a browser. - Can one write tapes faster with 8192 byte block sizes? - Document security problems with the same password for everyone in rpm and Win32 releases. - Browse generations of files. - I've seen an error when my catalog's File table fills up. I then have to recreate the File table with a larger maximum row size. Relevant information is at ; I think the "Installing and Configuring MySQL" chapter should talk a bit about this potential problem, and recommend a solution. - For Solaris must use POSIX awk. - Want speed of writing to tape while despooling. - Supported autochanger: OS: Linux Man.: HP Media: LTO-2 Model: SSL1016 Slots: 16 Cap: 200GB - Supported drive: Wangtek 6525ES (SCSI-1 QIC drive, 525MB), under Linux 2.4.something, bacula 1.36.0/1 works with blocksize 16k INSIDE bacula-sd.conf. - Add regex from to Bacula for Win32. - Use only shell tools no make in CDROM package. - Include within include does it work? - Implement a Pool of type Cleaning? - Implement VolReadTime and VolWriteTime in SD - Modify Backing up Your Database to include a bootstrap file. - Think about making certain database errors fatal. - Look at correcting the time jump in the scheduler for daylight savings time changes. - Add a "real" timer to network connections. - Promote to Full = Time period - Check dates entered by user for correctness (month/day/... ranges) - Compress restore Volume listing by date and first file. - Look at patches/bacula_db.b2z postgresql that loops during restore. See Gregory Wright. - Perhaps add read/write programs and/or plugins to FileSets. - How to handle backing up portables ... - Add some sort of guaranteed Interval for upgrading jobs. - Can we write the state file after every job terminates? On Win32 the system crashes and the state file is not updated. - Limit bandwidth Documentation to do: (any release a little bit at a time) - Doc to do unmount before removing magazine. - Alternative to static linking "ldd prog" save all binaries listed, restore them and point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to them. - Document add "/dev/null 2>&1" to the bacula-fd command line - Document query file format. - Add more documentation for bsr files. - Document problems with Verify and pruning. - Document how to use multiple databases. - VXA drives have a "cleaning required" indicator, but Exabyte recommends preventive cleaning after every 75 hours of operation. From Phil: In this context, it should be noted that Exabyte has a command-line vxatool utility available for free download. (The current version is vxatool-3.72.) It can get diagnostic info, read, write and erase tapes, test the drive, unload tapes, change drive settings, flash new firmware, etc. Of particular interest in this context is that vxatool -i will report, among other details, the time since last cleaning in tape motion minutes. This information can be retrieved (and settings changed, for that matter) through the generic-SCSI device even when Bacula has the regular tape device locked. (Needless to say, I don't recommend changing tape settings while a job is running.) - Lookup HP cleaning recommendations. - Lookup HP tape replacement recommendations (see trouble shooting autochanger) - Document doing table repair =================================== - Add macro expansions in JobDefs. Run Before Job = "SomeFile %{Level} %{Client}" Write Bootstrap="/some/dir/%{JobName}_%{Client}.bsr" - Use non-blocking network I/O but if no data is available, use select(). - Use gather write() for network I/O. - Autorestart on crash. - Add bandwidth limiting. - Add acks every once and a while from the SD to keep the line from timing out. - When an error in input occurs and conio beeps, you can back up through the prompt. - Detect fixed tape block mode during positioning by looking at block numbers in btape "test". Possibly adjust in Bacula. - Fix list volumes to output volume retention in some other units, perhaps via a directive. - If opening a tape in read/write mode fails attempt to open it in read-only mode, and mark the tape for read only. - Allow Simultaneous Priorities = yes => run up to Max concurrent jobs even with multiple priorities. - If you use restore replace=never, the directory attributes for non-existent directories will not be restored properly. - see in others directory for new compression algorithm/library. - Minimal autochanger handling in Bacula and in btape. - Look into how tar does not save sockets and the possiblity of not saving them in Bacula (Martin Simmons reported this). - Fix restore jobs so that multiple jobs can run if they are not using the same tape(s). - Allow the user to select JobType for manual pruning/purging. - bscan does not put first of two volumes back with all info in bscan-test. - Implement the FreeBSD nodump flag in chflags. - Figure out how to make named console messages go only to that console and to the non-restricted console (new console class?). - Make restricted console prompt for password if *ask* is set or perhaps if password is undefined. - Implement "from ISO-date/time every x hours/days/weeks/months" in schedules. ==== from Marc Schoechlin - the help-command should be more verbose (it should explain the paramters of the different commands in detail) -> its time-comsuming to consult the manual anytime you need a special parameter -> maybe its more easy to maintain this, if the descriptions of that commands are outsourced to a ceratin-file - the cd-command should allow complete paths i.e. cd /foo/bar/foo/bar -> if a customer mails me the path to a certain file, its faster to enter the specified directory - if the password is not configured in bconsole.conf you should be asked for it. -> sometimes you like to do restore on a customer-machine which shouldnt know the password for bacula. -> adding the password to the file favours admins to forget to remove the password after usage -> security-aspects the protection of that file is less important - long-listed-output of commands should be scrollable like the unix more/less-command does -> if someone runs 200 and more machines, the lists could be a little long and complex - command-output should be shown column by column to reduce scrolling and to increase clarity -> see last item - lsmark should list the selected files with full paths - wildcards for selecting and file and directories would be nice - any actions should be interuptable with STRG+C - command-expansion would be pretty cool ==== - When the replace Never option is set, new directory permissions are not restored. See bug 213. To fix this requires creating a list of newly restored directories so that those directory permissions *can* be restored. - Compaction of Disk space by "migrating" Volumes that have pruned Jobs (what criteria? size, #jobs, time). - Add prune all command - Document fact that purge can destroy a part of a restore by purging one volume while others remain valid -- perhaps mark Jobs. - Add multiple-media-types.txt - look at mxt-changer.html - Make ? do a help command (no return needed). - Implement restore directory. - Document streams and how to implement them. - Try not to re-backup a file if a new hard link is added. - Add feature to backup hard links only, but not the data. - Fix stream handling to be simpler. - Add Priority and Bootstrap to Run a Job. - Eliminate Restore "Run Restore Job" prompt by allowing new "run command to be issued" - Remove View FileSet button from Run a Job dialog. - Handle prompt for restore job at end of Restore command. - Add display of total selected files to Restore window. - Add tree pane to left of window. - Add progress meter. - Max wait time or max run time causes seg fault -- see runtime-bug.txt - Document writing to a CD/DVD with Bacula. - Add a "base" package to the window installer for pthreadsVCE.dll which is needed by all packages. - Add message to user to check for fixed block size when the forward space test fails in btape. - When unmarking a directory check if all files below are unmarked and then remove the + flag -- in the restore tree. - Possibly implement: Action = Unmount Device="TapeDrive1" in Admin jobs. - Setup lrrd graphs: ( Mike Acar. - Revisit the question of multiple Volumes (disk) on a single device. - Add a block copy option to bcopy. - Investigate adding Mac Resource Forks. - Finish work on Gnome restore GUI. - Fix "llist jobid=xx" where no fileset or client exists. - For each job type (Admin, Restore, ...) require only the really necessary fields.- Pass Director resource name as an option to the Console. - Add a "batch" mode to the Console (no unsolicited queries, ...). - Add a .list all files in the restore tree (probably also a list all files) Do both a long and short form. - Allow browsing the catalog to see all versions of a file (with stat data on each file). - Restore attributes of directory if replace=never set but directory did not exist. - Use SHA1 on authentication if possible. - See for Windows code to talk to USB. - Add John's appended files: Appended = { /files/server/logs/http/*log } and such files would be treated as follows.On a FULL backup, they would be backed up like any other file.On an INCREMENTAL backup, where a previous INCREMENTAL or FULL was already in thecatalogue and the length of the file wasgreater than the length of the last backup, only thedata added since the last backup will be dumped.On an INCREMENTAL backup, if the length of the file is less than thelength of the file with the same name last backed up, the completefile is dumped.On Windows systems, with creation date of files, we can be evensmarter about this and not count entirely upon the length.On a restore, the full and all incrementals since it will beapplied in sequence to restore the file. - Check new HAVE_WIN32 open bits. - Check if the tape has moved before writing. - Handling removable disks -- see below: - Keep track of tape use time, and report when cleaning is necessary. - Add FromClient and ToClient keywords on restore command (or BackupClient RestoreClient). - Implement a JobSet, which groups any number of jobs. If the JobSet is started, all the jobs are started together. Allow Pool, Level, and Schedule overrides. - Enhance cancel to timeout BSOCK packets after a specific delay. - Do scheduling by UTC using gmtime_r() in run_conf, scheduler, and ua_status.!!! Thanks to Alan Brown for this tip. - Look at updating Volume Jobs so that Max Volume Jobs = 1 will work correctly for multiple simultaneous jobs. - Correct code so that FileSet MD5 is calculated for < and | filename generation. - Implement the Media record flag that indicates that the Volume does disk addressing. - Implement VolAddr, which is used when Volume is addressed like a disk, and form it from VolFile and VolBlock. - Make multiple restore jobs for multiple media types specifying the proper storage type. - Fix fast block rejection (stored/read_record.c:118). It passes a null pointer (rec) to try_repositioning(). - Look at extracting Win data from BackupRead. - Implement RestoreJobRetention? Maybe better "JobRetention" in a Job, which would take precidence over the Catalog "JobRetention". - Implement Label Format in Add and Label console commands. - Possibly up network buffers to 65K. Put on variable. - Put email tape request delays on one or more variables. User wants to cancel the job after a certain time interval. Maximum Mount Wait? - Job, Client, Device, Pool, or Volume? Is it possible to make this a directive which is *optional* in multiple resources, like Level? If so, I think I'd make it an optional directive in Job, Client, and Pool, with precedence such that Job overrides Client which in turn overrides Pool. - New Storage specifications: - Want to write to multiple storage devices simultaneously - Want to write to multiple storage devices sequentially (in one job) - Want to read/write simultaneously - Key is MediaType -- it must match Passed to SD as a sort of BSR record called Storage Specification Record or SSR. SSR Next -> Next SSR MediaType -> Next MediaType Pool -> Next Pool Device -> Next Device Job Resource Allow multiple Storage specifications New flags One Archive = yes One Device = yes One Storage = yes One MediaType = yes One Pool = yes Storage Allow Multiple Pool specifications (note, Pool currently in Job resource). Allow Multiple MediaType specifications in Dir conf Allow Multiple Device specifications in Dir conf Perhaps keep this in a single SSR Tie a Volume to a specific device by using a MediaType that is contained in only one device. In SD allow Device to have Multiple MediaTypes - Ideas from Jerry Scharf: First let's point out some big pluses that bacula has for this it's open source more importantly it's active. Thank you so much for that even more important, it's not flaky it has an open access catalog, opening many possibilities it's pushing toward heterogeneous systems capability big things: Macintosh file client macs are an interesting niche, but I fear a server is a rathole working bare iron recovery for windows the option for inc/diff backups not reset on fileset revision a) use both change and inode update time against base time b) do the full catalog check (expensive but accurate) sizing guide (how much system is needed to back up N systems/files) consultants on using bacula in building a disaster recovery system an integration guide or how to get at fancy things that one could do with bacula logwatch code for bacula logs (or similar) linux distro inclusion of bacula (brings good and bad, but necessary) win2k/XP server capability (icky but you asked) support for Oracle database ?? === - Look at adding SQL server and Exchange support for Windows. - Make dev->file and dev->block_num signed integers so that -1 can be an invalid value which happens with BSR. - Create VolAddr for disk files in place of VolFile and VolBlock. This is needed to properly specify ranges. - Add progress of files/bytes to SD and FD. - Print warning message if FileId > 4 billion - do a "messages" before the first prompt in Console - Client does not show busy during Estimate command. - Implement Console mtx commands. - Implement a Mount Command and an Unmount Command where the users could specify a system command to be performed to do the mount, after which Bacula could attempt to read the device. This is for Removeable media such as a CDROM. - Most likely, this mount command would be invoked explicitly by the user using the current Console "mount" and "unmount" commands -- the Storage Daemon would do the right thing depending on the exact nature of the device. - As with tape drives, when Bacula wanted a new removable disk mounted, it would unmount the old one, and send a message to the user, who would then use "mount" as described above once he had actually inserted the disk. - Implement dump/print label to UA - Spool to disk only when the tape is full, then when a tape is hung move it to tape. - bextract is sending everything to the log file ****FIXME**** - Allow multiple Storage specifications (or multiple names on a single Storage specification) in the Job record. Thus a job can be backed up to a number of storage devices. - Implement some way for the File daemon to contact the Director to start a job or pass its DHCP obtained IP number. - Implement a query tape prompt/replace feature for a console - Copy console @ code to gnome2-console - Make AES the only encryption algorithm see It's an officially adopted standard, has survived peer review, and provides keys up to 256 bits. - Take a careful look at SetACL - Make tree walk routines like cd, ls, ... more user friendly by handling spaces better. - Make sure that Bacula rechecks the tape after the 20 min wait. - Set IO_NOWAIT on Bacula TCP/IP packets. - Try doing a raw partition backup and restore by mounting a Windows partition. - From Lars Kellers: Yes, it would allow to highly automatic the request for new tapes. If a tape is empty, bacula reads the barcodes (native or simulated), and if an unused tape is found, it runs the label command with all the necessary parameters. By the way can bacula automatically "move" an empty/purged volume say in the "short" pool to the "long" pool if this pool runs out of volume space? - What to do about "list files job=xxx". - Get and test MySQL 4.0 - Look at how fuser works and /proc/PID/fd that is how Nic found the file descriptor leak in Bacula. - Implement WrapCounters in Counters. - Add heartbeat from FD to SD if hb interval expires. - Can we dynamically change FileSets? - If pool specified to label command and Label Format is specified, automatically generate the Volume name. - Why can't SQL do the filename sort for restore? - Add ExhautiveRestoreSearch - Look at the possibility of loading only the necessary data into the restore tree (i.e. do it one directory at a time as the user walks through the tree). - Possibly use the hash code if the user selects all for a restore command. - Fix "restore all" to bypass building the tree. - Prohibit backing up archive device (findlib/find_one.c:128) - Implement Release Device in the Job resource to unmount a drive. - Implement Acquire Device in the Job resource to mount a drive, be sure this works with admin jobs so that the user can get prompted to insert the correct tape. Possibly some way to say to run the job but don't save the files. - Make things like list where a file is saved case independent for Windows. - Implement migrate - Use autochanger to handle multiple devices. - On Windows with very long path names, it may be impossible to create a file (and thus restore it) because the total length is too long. We must cd into the directory then create the file without the full path name. - Implement a Recycle command - Test a second language e.g. french. - Start working on Base jobs. - Implement UnsavedFiles DB record. - From Phil Stracchino: It would probably be a per-client option, and would be called something like, say, "Automatically purge obsoleted jobs". What it would do is, when you successfully complete a Differential backup of a client, it would automatically purge all Incremental backups for that client that are rendered redundant by that Differential. Likewise, when a Full backup on a client completed, it would automatically purge all Differential and Incremental jobs obsoleted by that Full backup. This would let people minimize the number of tapes they're keeping on hand without having to master the art of retention times. - When doing a Backup send all attributes back to the Director, who would then figure out what files have been deleted. - Currently in mount.c:236 the SD simply creates a Volume. It should have explicit permission to do so. It should also mark the tape in error if there is an error. - Cancel waiting for Client connect in SD if FD goes away. - Implement timeout in response() when it should come quickly. - Implement a Slot priority (loaded/not loaded). - Implement "vacation" Incremental only saves. - Implement create "FileSet"? - Add prefixlinks to where or not where absolute links to FD. - Issue message to mount a new tape before the rewind. - Simplified client job initiation for portables. - If SD cannot open a drive, make it periodically retry. - Add more of the config info to the tape label. - If tape is marked read-only, then try opening it read-only rather than failing, and remember that it cannot be written. - Refine SD waiting output: Device is being positioned > Device is being positioned for append > Device is being positioned to file x > - Figure out some way to estimate output size and to avoid splitting a backup across two Volumes -- this could be useful for writing CDROMs where you really prefer not to have it split -- not serious. - Have SD compute MD5 or SHA1 and compare to what FD computes. - Make VolumeToCatalog calculate an MD5 or SHA1 from the actual data on the Volume and compare it. - Implement Bacula plugins -- design API - Make bcopy read through bad tape records. - Program files (i.e. execute a program to read/write files). Pass read date of last backup, size of file last time. - Add Signature type to File DB record. - CD into subdirectory when open()ing files for backup to speed up things. Test with testfind(). - Priority job to go to top of list. - Why are save/restore of device different sizes (sparse?) Yup! Fix it. - Implement some way for the Console to dynamically create a job. - Solaris -I on tar for include list - Need a verbose mode in restore, perhaps to bsr. - bscan without -v is too quiet -- perhaps show jobs. - Add code to reject whole blocks if not wanted on restore. - Check if we can increase Bacula FD priorty in Win2000 - Make sure the MaxVolFiles is fully implemented in SD - Check if both CatalogFiles and UseCatalog are set to SD. - Possibly add email to Watchdog if drive is unmounted too long and a job is waiting on the drive. - After unmount, if restore job started, ask to mount. - Add UA rc and history files. - put termcap (used by console) in ./configure and allow -with-termcap-dir. - Fix Autoprune for Volumes to respect need for full save. - Compare tape to Client files (attributes, or attributes and data) - Make all database Ids 64 bit. - Allow console commands to detach or run in background. - Fix status delay on storage daemon during rewind. - Add SD message variables to control operator wait time - Maximum Operator Wait - Minimum Message Interval - Maximum Message Interval - Send Operator message when cannot read tape label. - Verify level=Volume (scan only), level=Data (compare of data to file). Verify level=Catalog, level=InitCatalog - Events file - Add keyword search to show command in Console. - Events : tape has more than xxx bytes. - Complete code in Bacula Resources -- this will permit reading a new config file at any time. - Handle ctl-c in Console - Implement script driven addition of File daemon to config files. - Think about how to make Bacula work better with File (non-tape) archives. - Write Unix emulator for Windows. - Put memory utilization in Status output of each daemon if full status requested or if some level of debug on. - Make database type selectable by .conf files i.e. at runtime - Set flag for uname -a. Add to Volume label. - Restore files modified after date - SET LD_RUN_PATH=$HOME/mysql/lib/mysql - Remove duplicate fields from jcr (e.g. jcr.level and jcr.jr.Level, ...). - Timout a job or terminate if link goes down, or reopen link and query. - Concept of precious tapes (cannot be reused). - Make bcopy copy with a single tape drive. - Permit changing ownership during restore. - From Phil: > My suggestion: Add a feature on the systray menu-icon menu to request > an immediate backup now. This would be useful for laptop users who may > not be on the network when the regular scheduled backup is run. > > My wife's suggestion: Add a setting to the win32 client to allow it to > shut down the machine after backup is complete (after, of course, > displaying a "System will shut down in one minute, click here to cancel" > warning dialog). This would be useful for sites that want user > woorkstations to be shut down overnight to save power. > - Autolabel should be specified by DIR instead of SD. - Storage daemon - Add media capacity - AutoScan (check checksum of tape) - Format command = "format /dev/nst0" - MaxRewindTime - MinRewindTime - MaxBufferSize - Seek resolution (usually corresponds to buffer size) - EODErrorCode=ENOSPC or code - Partial Read error code - Partial write error code - Nonformatted read error - Nonformatted write error - WriteProtected error - IOTimeout - OpenRetries - OpenTimeout - IgnoreCloseErrors=yes - Tape=yes - NoRewind=yes - Pool - Maxwrites - Recycle period - Job - MaxWarnings - MaxErrors (job?) ===== - FD sends unsaved file list to Director at end of job (see RFC below). - File daemon should build list of files skipped, and then at end of save retry and report any errors. - Write a Storage daemon that uses pipes and standard Unix programs to write to the tape. See afbackup. - Need something that monitors the JCR queue and times out jobs by asking the deamons where they are. - Enhance Jmsg code to permit buffering and saving to disk. - device driver = "xxxx" for drives. - Verify from Volume - Ensure that /dev/null works - Need report class for messages. Perhaps report resource where report=group of messages - enhance scan_attrib and rename scan_jobtype, and fill in code for "since" option - Director needs a time after which the report status is sent anyway -- or better yet, a retry time for the job. - Don't reschedule a job if previous incarnation is still running. - Some way to automatically backup everything is needed???? - Need a structure for pending actions: - buffered messages - termination status (part of buffered msgs?) - Drive management Read, Write, Clean, Delete - Login to Bacula; Bacula users with different permissions: owner, group, user, quotas - Store info on each file system type (probably in the job header on tape. This could be the output of df; or perhaps some sort of /etc/mtab record. ========= ideas =============== From: "Jerry K. Schieffer" To: Subject: RE: [Bacula-users] future large programming jobs Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 11:34:54 -0600 I noticed the subject thread and thought I would offer the following merely as sources of ideas, i.e. something to think about, not even as strong as a request. In my former life (before retiring) I often dealt with backups and storage management issues/products as a developer and as a consultant. I am currently migrating my personal network from amanda to bacula specifically because of the ability to cross media boundaries during storing backups. Are you familiar with the commercial product called ADSM (I think IBM now sells it under the Tivoli label)? It has a couple of interesting ideas that may apply to the following topics. 1. Migration: Consider that when you need to restore a system, there may be pressure to hurry. If all the information for a single client can eventually end up on the same media (and in chronological order), the restore is facillitated by not having to search past information from other clients. ADSM has the concept of "client affinity" that may be associated with it's storage pools. It seems to me that this concept (as an optional feature) might fit in your architecture for migration. ADSM also has the concept of defining one or more storage pools as "copy pools" (almost mirrors, but only in the sense of contents). These pools provide the ability to have duplicte data stored both onsite and offsite. The copy process can be scheduled to be handled by their storage manager during periods when there is no backup activity. Again, the migration process might be a place to consider implementing something like this. > > It strikes me that it would be very nice to be able to do things like > have the Job(s) backing up the machines run, and once they have all > completed, start a migration job to copy the data from disks Volumes to > a tape library and then to offsite storage. Maybe this can already be > done with some careful scheduling and Job prioritzation; the events > mechanism described below would probably make it very easy. This is the goal. In the first step (before events), you simply schedule the Migration to tape later. 2. Base jobs: In ADSM, each copy of each stored file is tracked in the database. Once a file (unique by path and metadata such as dates, size, ownership, etc.) is in a copy pool, no more copies are made. In other words, when you start ADSM, it begins like your concept of a base job. After that it is in the "incremental" mode. You can configure the number of "generations" of files to be retained, plus a retention date after which even old generations are purged. The database tracks the contents of media and projects the percentage of each volume that is valid. When the valid content of a volume drops below a configured percentage, the valid data are migrated to another volume and the old volume is marked as empty. Note, this requires ADSM to have an idea of the contents of a client, i.e. marking the database when an existing file was deleted, but this would solve your issue of restoring a client without restoring deleted files. This is pretty far from what bacula now does, but if you are going to rip things up for Base jobs,..... Also, the benefits of this are huge for very large shops, especially with media robots, but are a pain for shops with manual media mounting. > > Base jobs sound pretty useful, but I'm not dying for them. Nobody is dying for them, but when you see what it does, you will die without it. 3. Restoring deleted files: Since I think my comments in (2) above have low probability of implementation, I'll also suggest that you could approach the issue of deleted files by a mechanism of having the fd report to the dir, a list of all files on the client for every backup job. The dir could note in the database entry for each file the date that the file was seen. Then if a restore as of date X takes place, only files that exist from before X until after X would be restored. Probably the major cost here is the extra date container in each row of the files table. Thanks for "listening". I hope some of this helps. If you want to contact me, please send me an email - I read some but not all of the mailing list traffic and might miss a reply there. Please accept my compliments for bacula. It is doing a great job for me!! I sympathize with you in the need to wrestle with excelence in execution vs. excelence in feature inclusion. Regards, Jerry Schieffer ============================== Longer term to do: - Design at hierarchial storage for Bacula. Migration and Clone. - Implement FSM (File System Modules). - Audit M_ error codes to ensure they are correct and consistent. - Add variable break characters to lex analyzer. Either a bit mask or a string of chars so that the caller can change the break characters. - Make a single T_BREAK to replace T_COMMA, etc. - Ensure that File daemon and Storage daemon can continue a save if the Director goes down (this is NOT currently the case). Must detect socket error, buffer messages for later. - Enhance time/duration input to allow multiple qualifiers e.g. 3d2h - Add ability to backup to two Storage devices (two SD sessions) at the same time -- e.g. onsite, offsite. - Add the ability to consolidate old backup sets (basically do a restore to tape and appropriately update the catalog). Compress Volume sets. Might need to spool via file is only one drive is available. - Compress or consolidate Volumes of old possibly deleted files. Perhaps someway to do so with every volume that has less than x% valid files. Migration: Move a backup from one Volume to another Clone: Copy a backup -- two Volumes Bacula Migration is based on Jobs (apparently Networker is file by file). Migration triggered by: Number of Jobs Number of Volumes Age of Jobs Highwater mark (keep total size) Lowwater mark ====================================================== Base Jobs design It is somewhat like a Full save becomes an incremental since the Base job (or jobs) plus other non-base files. Need: - A Base backup is same as Full backup, just different type. - New BaseFiles table that contains: BaseId - index BaseJobId - Base JobId referenced for this FileId (needed ???) JobId - JobId currently running FileId - File not backed up, exists in Base Job FileIndex - FileIndex from Base Job. i.e. for each base file that exists but is not saved because it has not changed, the File daemon sends the JobId, BaseId, FileId, FileIndex back to the Director who creates the DB entry. - To initiate a Base save, the Director sends the FD the FileId, and full filename for each file in the Base. - When the FD finds a Base file, he requests the Director to send him the full File entry (stat packet plus MD5), or conversely, the FD sends it to the Director and the Director says yes or no. This can be quite rapid if the FileId is kept by the FD for each Base Filename. - It is probably better to have the comparison done by the FD despite the fact that the File entry must be sent across the network. - An alternative would be to send the FD the whole File entry from the start. The disadvantage is that it requires a lot of space. The advantage is that it requires less communications during the save. - The Job record must be updated to indicate that one or more Bases were used. - At end of Job, FD returns: 1. Count of base files/bytes not written to tape (i.e. matches) 2. Count of base file that were saved i.e. had changed. - No tape record would be written for a Base file that matches, in the same way that no tape record is written for Incremental jobs where the file is not saved because it is unchanged. - On a restore, all the Base file records must explicitly be found from the BaseFile tape. I.e. for each Full save that is marked to have one or more Base Jobs, search the BaseFile for all occurrences of JobId. - An optimization might be to make the BaseFile have: JobId BaseId FileId plus FileIndex This would avoid the need to explicitly fetch each File record for the Base job. The Base Job record will be fetched to get the VolSessionId and VolSessionTime. ========================================================= ========================================================== Unsaved File design For each Incremental job that is run, there may be files that were found but not saved because they were locked (this applies only to Windows). Such a system could send back to the Director a list of Unsaved files. Need: - New UnSavedFiles table that contains: JobId PathId FilenameId - Then in the next Incremental job, the list of Unsaved Files will be feed to the FD, who will ensure that they are explicitly chosen even if standard date/time check would not have selected them. ============================================================= ===== Multiple drive autochanger data: see Alan Brown mtx -f xxx unloadStorage Element 1 is Already Full(drive 0 was empty) Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 1...source Element Address 480 is Empty (drive 0 was empty and so was slot 1) > mtx -f xxx load 15 0 no response, just returns to the command prompt when complete. > mtx -f xxx status Storage Changer /dev/changer:2 Drives, 60 Slots ( 2 Import/Export ) Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 15 Loaded):VolumeTag = HX001 Data Transfer Element 1:Empty Storage Element 1:Empty Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=HX002 Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=HX003 Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=HX004 Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=HX005 Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=HX006 Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=HX007 Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=HX008 Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=HX009 Storage Element 10:Full :VolumeTag=HX010 Storage Element 11:Empty Storage Element 12:Empty Storage Element 13:Empty Storage Element 14:Empty Storage Element 15:Empty Storage Element 16:Empty.... Storage Element 28:Empty Storage Element 29:Full :VolumeTag=CLNU01L1 Storage Element 30:Empty.... Storage Element 57:Empty Storage Element 58:Full :VolumeTag=NEX261L2 Storage Element 59 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty Storage Element 60 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty $ mtx -f xxx unload Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 15...done (just to verify it remembers where it came from, however it can be overrriden with mtx unload {slotnumber} to go to any storage slot.) Configuration wise: There needs to be a table of drive # to devices somewhere - If there are multiple changers or drives there may not be a 1:1 correspondance between changer drive number and system device name - and depending on the way the drives are hooked up to scsi busses, they may not be linearly numbered from an offset point either.something like Autochanger drives = 2 Autochanger drive 0 = /dev/nst1 Autochanger drive 1 = /dev/nst2 IMHO, it would be _safest_ to use explicit mtx unload commands at all times, not just for multidrive changers. For a 1 drive changer, that's just: mtx load xx 0 mtx unload xx 0 MTX's manpage (1.2.15): unload [] [ ] Unloads media from drive into slot . If is omitted, defaults to drive 0 (as do all commands). If is omitted, defaults to the slot that the drive was loaded from. Note that there's currently no way to say 'unload drive 1's media to the slot it came from', other than to explicitly use that slot number as the destination.AB ==== ==== SCSI info: FreeBSD undef# camcontrol devlist at scbus0 target 2 lun 0 (pass0,sa0) at scbus0 target 4 lun 0 (pass1,sa1) at scbus0 target 4 lun 1 (pass2) tapeinfo -f /dev/sg0 with a bad tape in drive 1: [kern@rufus mtx-1.2.17kes]$ ./tapeinfo -f /dev/sg0 Product Type: Tape Drive Vendor ID: 'HP ' Product ID: 'C5713A ' Revision: 'H107' Attached Changer: No TapeAlert[3]: Hard Error: Uncorrectable read/write error. TapeAlert[20]: Clean Now: The tape drive neads cleaning NOW. MinBlock:1 MaxBlock:16777215 SCSI ID: 5 SCSI LUN: 0 Ready: yes BufferedMode: yes Medium Type: Not Loaded Density Code: 0x26 BlockSize: 0 DataCompEnabled: yes DataCompCapable: yes DataDeCompEnabled: yes CompType: 0x20 DeCompType: 0x0 Block Position: 0 ===== ==== Handling removable disks From: Karl Cunningham My backups are only to hard disk these days, in removable bays. This is my idea of how a backup to hard disk would work more smoothly. Some of these things Bacula does already, but I mention them for completeness. If others have better ways to do this, I'd like to hear about it. 1. Accommodate several disks, rotated similar to how tapes are. Identified by partition volume ID or perhaps by the name of a subdirectory. 2. Abort & notify the admin if the wrong disk is in the bay. 3. Write backups to different subdirectories for each machine to be backed up. 4. Volumes (files) get created as needed in the proper subdirectory, one for each backup. 5. When a disk is recycled, remove or zero all old backup files. This is important as the disk being recycled may be close to full. This may be better done manually since the backup files for many machines may be scattered in many subdirectories. ==== === Done - Save mount point for directories not traversed with onefs=yes. - Add seconds to start and end times in the Job report output. - if 2 concurrent backups are attempted on the same tape drive (autoloader) into different tape pools, one of them will exit fatally instead of halting until the drive is idle - Update StartTime if job held in Job Queue. - Look at as a helper for full windows bare metal restore. (done by Scott) - Fix orphanned buffers: Orphaned buffer: 24 bytes allocated at line 808 of rufus-dir job.c Orphaned buffer: 40 bytes allocated at line 45 of rufus-dir alist.c - Implement Preben's suggestion to add File System Types = ext2, ext3 to FileSets, thus simplifying backup of *all* local partitions. - Try to open a device on each Job if it was not opened when the SD started. - Add dump of VolSessionId/Time and FileIndex with bls. - If Bacula does not find the right tape in the Autochanger, then mark the tape in error and move on rather than asking for operator intervention. - Cancel command should include JobId in list of Jobs. - Add performance testing hooks - Bootstrap from JobMedia records. - Implement WildFile and WildDir to solve problem of saving only *.doc files. - Fix Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for: Storage: DDS-4-changer Media type: Pool: Default label The defined Storage resources are: - Copy Changer Device and Changer Command from Autochanger to Device resource in SD if none given in Device resource. - 1. Automatic use of more than one drive in an autochanger (done) - 2. Automatic selection of the correct drive for each Job (i.e. selects a drive with an appropriate Volume for the Job) (done) - 6. Allow multiple simultaneous Jobs referencing the same pool write to several tapes (some new directive(s) are are probably needed for this) (done) - Locking (done) - Key on Storage rather than Pool (done) - Allow multiple drives to use same Pool (change jobq.c DIR) (done). - Synchronize multiple drives so that not more than one loads a tape and any time (done) - 4. Use Changer Device and Changer Command specified in the Autochanger resource, if none is found in the Device resource. You can continue to specify them in the Device resource if you want or need them to be different for each device. - 5. Implement a new Device directive (perhaps "Autoselect = yes/no") that can allow a Device be part of an Autochanger, and hence the changer script protected, but if set to no, will prevent the Device from being automatically selected from the changer. This allows the device to be directly accessed through its Device name, but not through the AutoChanger name. #6 Select one from among Multiple Storage Devices for Job #5 Events that call a Python program (Implemented in Dir/SD) - Make sure the Device name is in the Query packet returned. - Don't start a second file job if one is already running. - Implement EOF/EOV labels for ANSI labels - Implement IBM labels. - When Python creates a new label, the tape is immediately recycled and no label created. This happens when using autolabeling -- even when Python doesn't generate the name. - Scratch Pool where the volumes can be re-assigned to any Pool. - 28-Mar 23:19 rufus-sd: acquire.c:379 Device "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0) is busy reading. Job 6 canceled. - Remove separate thread for opening devices in SD. On the other hand, don't block waiting for open() for devices. - Fix code to either handle updating NumVol or to calculate it in Dir next_vol.c - Ensure that you cannot exclude a directory or a file explicitly Included with File. #4 Embedded Python Scripting (Implemented in Dir/SD/FD) - Add Python writable variable for changing the Priority, Client, Storage, JobStatus (error), ... - SD Python - Solicit Events - Add disk seeking on restore; turn off seek on tapes. stored/match_bsr.c - Look at dird_conf.c:1000: warning: `int size' might be used uninitialized in this function - Indicate when a Job is purged/pruned during restore. - Implement some way to turn off automatic pruning in Jobs. - Implement a way an Admin Job can prune, possibly multiple clients -- Python script? - Look at Preben's acl.c error handling code. - SD crashes after a tape restore then doing a backup. - If drive is opened read/write, close it and re-open read-only if doing a restore, and vice-versa. - Windows restore: data-fd: RestoreFiles.2004-12-07_15.56.42 Error: > ..\findlib\../../findlib/create_file.c:275 Could not open e:/: ERR=Der > Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen > Prozess verwendet wird. Restore restores all files, but then fails at the end trying to set the attributes of e: from failed jobs.- Resolve the problem between Device name and Archive name, and fix SD messages. - Tell the "restore" user when browsing is no longer possible. - Add a restore directory-x - Write non-optimized bsrs from the JobMedia and Media records, even after Files are pruned. - Delete Stripe and Copy from VolParams to save space. - Fix option 2 of restore -- list where file is backed up -- require Client, then list last 20 backups. - Finish implementation of passing all Storage and Device needs to the SD. - Move test for max wait time exceeded in job.c up -- Peter's idea. ## Consider moving docs to their own project. ## Move rescue to its own project. - Add client version to the Client name line that prints in the Job report. - Fix the Rescue CDROM. - By the way: on page , at the bottom, the link to "Tape Testing Chapter" is broken. It goes to /html-manual/... while the others point to /rel-manual/... - Device resource needs the "name" of the SD. - Specify a single directory to restore. - Implement MediaType keyword in bsr? - Add a date and time stamp at the beginning of every line in the Job report (Volker Sauer). - Add level to estimate command. - Add "limit=n" for "list jobs" - Make bootstrap filename unique. - Make Dmsg look at global before calling subroutine. - From Chris Hull: it seems to be complaining about 12:00pm which should be a valid 12 hour time. I changed the time to 11:59am and everything works fine. Also 12:00am works fine. 0:00pm also works (which I don't think should). None of the values 12:00pm - 12:59pm work for that matter. - Require restore via the restore command or make a restore Job get the bootstrap file. - Implement Maximum Job Spool Size - Fix 3993 error in SD. It forgets to look at autochanger resource for device command, ... - 3. Prevent two drives requesting the same Volume in any given autochanger, by checking if a Volume is mounted on another drive in an Autochanger. - Upgrade to MySQL 4.1.12 See: - Add # Job Level date to bsr file - Implement "PreferMountedVolumes = yes|no" in Job resource. ## Integrate web-bacula into a new Bacula project with bimagemgr. - Cleaning tapes should have Status "Cleaning" rather than append. - Make sure that Python has access to Client address/port so that it can check if Clients are alive. - Review all items in "restore". - Fix PostgreSQL GROUP BY problems in restore. - Fix PostgreSQL sql problems in bugs.