.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*- .TH BACULA\-SMTP 1 "26 September 2009" "Kern Sibbald" "Network backup" .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage. .SH NAME bsmtp \- Bacula's SMTP (mail delivery program) .SH DESCRIPTION bsmtp is a simple mail transport program that permits more flexibility than the standard mail programs typically found on Unix systems. It can even be used on Windows machines. It is called: Usage: bsmtp [-f from] [-h mailhost] [-s subject] [-c copy] [recipient ...] -8 set the charset to UTF-8 -c set the Cc: field -dnn set debug level to nn -dt print a timestamp in debug output -f set the From: field -h use mailhost:port as the bsmtp server -s set the Subject: field -r set the Reply-To: field -l set the maximum number of lines that should be sent (default: unlimited) -? print this message. If the -f option is not specified, bsmtp will use your userid. If the option is not specified bsmtp will use the value in the environment variable bsmtpSERVER or if there is none localhost. By default port 25 is used. recipients is a space separated list of email recipients. The body of the email message is read from standard input. An example of the use of bsmtp would be to put the following statement in the Messages resource of your bacula-dir.conf file. Note, these commands should appear on a single line each. mailcommand = "/home/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h mail.domain.com -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r" operatorcommand = "/home/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h mail.domain.com -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r" Where you replace home/bacula/bin with the path to your Bacula binary directory, and you replace mail.domain.com with the fully qualified name of your bsmtp (email) server, which normally listens on port It is HIGHLY recommended that you test one or two cases by hand to make sure that the mailhost that you specified is correct and that it will accept your email requests. Since bsmtp always uses a TCP connection rather than writing in the spool file, you may find that your from address is being rejected because it does not contain a valid domain, or because your message is caught in your spam filtering rules. Generally, you should specify a fully qualified domain name in the from field, and depending on whether your bsmtp gateway is Exim or Sendmail, you may need to modify the syntax of the from part of the message. Please test. When running bsmtp by hand, you will need to terminate the message by entering a ctl-d in column 1 of the last line. If you are getting incorrect dates (e.g. 1970) and you are running with a non-English language setting, you might try adding a LANG="en_US" immediately before the bsmtp call. .br .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Jose Luis Tallon .nh .