# # Bacula RPM spec file # # Platform Build Configuration # basic defines for every build %define _release @RELEASE@ %define _version @VERSION@ %define product bacula %define _packager Kern Sibbald %define depkgs_version @DEPKGS_VERSION@ # Don't strip binaries %define __os_install_post %{nil} %define __debug_install_post %{nil} %define debug_package %{nil} %define postgres_version 8 %define pgre84 0 %{?build_rhel5:%define pgre84 1} %{?build_el5:%define pgre84 1} %if %{pgre84} %define postgres_package postgresql84 %define postgres_server_package postgresql84-server %define postgres_devel_package postgresql84-devel %else %define postgres_package postgresql %define postgres_server_package postgresql-server %define postgres_devel_package postgresql-devel %endif %define single_dir 1 %{?single_dir_install:%define single_dir 1} # Installation Directory locations %define _prefix /opt/bacula %define _sbindir /opt/bacula/bin %define _bindir /opt/bacula/bin %define _subsysdir /opt/bacula/working %define sqlite_bindir /opt/bacula/sqlite %define _mandir /usr/share/man %define docs_dir /opt/bacula/docs %define archive_dir /opt/bacula/archive %define sysconf_dir /opt/bacula/etc %define script_dir /opt/bacula/scripts %define working_dir /opt/bacula/working %define pid_dir /opt/bacula/working %define plugin_dir /opt/bacula/plugins %define lib_dir /opt/bacula/lib %define log_dir /opt/bacula/log %define systemd_dir /lib/systemd/system # Daemon user:group Don't change them unless you know what you are doing %define director_daemon_user bacula %define storage_daemon_user bacula %define file_daemon_user root %define daemon_group bacula # group that has write access to tape devices, usually disk on Linux %define storage_daemon_group disk %define depkgs ../depkgs # problems with mandriva build: # nothing provides libbonobo2_0-devel, nothing provides libbonoboui2_0-devel #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # it should not be necessary to change anything below here for a release # except for patch macros in the setup section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %define base_package_name %{product} %{?contrib_packager:%define _packager %{contrib_packager}} Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution Name: %{base_package_name} Version: %{_version} Release: %{_release} Group: System Environment/Daemons License: AGPLv3 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root URL: http://www.bacula.org/ Vendor: The Bacula Team Packager: %{_packager} Prefix: %{_prefix} # opensuse build service changes the release itself # what happens if the release is not 1? DSB Source0: http://www.prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bacula/depkgs-%{depkgs_version}.tar.gz Source1: http://www.prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bacula/%{product}-%{version}.tar.gz Source2: Release_Notes-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz # define the basic package description %define blurb Bacula - The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. %define blurb2 Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system %define blurb3 administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer %define blurb4 data across a network of computers of different kinds. In technical terms, %define blurb5 it is a network client/server based backup program. Bacula is relatively %define blurb6 easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced storage management %define blurb7 features that make it easy to find and recover lost or damaged files. %define blurb8 Bacula source code has been released under the AGPL version 3 license. %define user_file /etc/passwd %define group_file /etc/group # program locations %define useradd /usr/sbin/useradd %define groupadd /usr/sbin/groupadd %define usermod /usr/sbin/usermod # platform defines - set one below or define the build_xxx on the command line # RedHat builds %define rh7 0 %{?build_rh7:%define rh7 1} %define rh8 0 %{?build_rh8:%define rh8 1} %define rh9 0 %{?build_rh9:%define rh9 1} # Fedora Core build %define fc16 0 %{?build_fc16:%define fc16 1} %define fc17 0 %{?build_fc17:%define fc17 1} %define fc18 0 %{?build_fc18:%define fc18 1} %define fc22 0 %{?build_fc22:%define fc22 1} # RedHat Enterprise builds %define rhel3 0 %{?build_rhel3:%define rhel3 1} %define rhel4 0 %{?build_rhel4:%define rhel4 1} %{?build_rhel4:%define fc3 1} %{?build_el4:%define rhel4 1} %{?build_el4:%define fc3 1} %define rhel5 0 %{?build_rhel5:%define rhel5 1} %{?build_rhel5:%define fc6 1} %{?build_el5:%define rhel5 1} %{?build_el5:%define fc6 1} %define rhel6 0 %{?build_rhel6:%define rhel6 1} %{?build_el6:%define rhel6 1} %define rhel7 0 %{?build_rhel7:%define rhel7 1} %{?build_el7:%define rhel7 1} # CentOS build %define centos3 0 %{?build_centos3:%define centos3 1} %define centos4 0 %{?build_centos4:%define centos4 1} %{?build_centos4:%define fc3 1} %define centos5 0 %{?build_centos5:%define centos5 1} %{?build_centos5:%define fc6 1} %define centos6 0 %{?build_centos6:%define centos6 1} %define centos7 0 %{?build_centos7:%define centos7 1} # SL build %define sl3 0 %{?build_sl3:%define sl3 1} %define sl4 0 %{?build_sl4:%define sl4 1} %{?build_sl4:%define fc3 1} %define sl5 0 %{?build_sl5:%define sl5 1} %{?build_sl5:%define fc6 1} # SuSE build %define su9 0 %{?build_su9:%define su9 1} %define su10 0 %{?build_su10:%define su10 1} %define su102 0 %{?build_su102:%define su102 1} %define su103 0 %{?build_su103:%define su103 1} %define su110 0 %{?build_su110:%define su110 1} %define su111 0 %{?build_su111:%define su111 1} %define su112 0 %{?build_su112:%define su112 1} %define su113 0 %{?build_su113:%define su113 1} %define su120 0 %{?build_su120:%define su120 1} %define su131 0 %{?build_su131:%define su131 1} # Mandrake builds %define mdk 0 %{?build_mdk:%define mdk 1} %define mdv 0 %{?build_mdv:%define mdv 1} %{?build_mdv:%define mdk 1} # client only build %define client_only 0 %{?build_client_only:%define client_only 1} # if the platform is using systemd %define usesystemd 0 %if %{rhel7} || %{fc22} || %{centos7} %define usesystemd 1 %endif # depending if we use systemd or not, we use chkconfig or systemctl %if %{usesystemd} %define service_enable systemctl enable %define service_disable systemctl disable %else %define service_enable /sbin/chkconfig --add %define service_disable /sbin/chkconfig --del %endif # Setup some short cuts %define rhat 0 %if %{rh7} || %{rh8} || %{rh9} %define rhat 1 %endif %define fed 0 %if %{fc16} || %{fc17} || %{fc18} || %{fc22} %define fed 1 %endif %define suse 0 %if %{su9} || %{su10} || %{su102} || %{su103} || %{su110} || %{su111} || %{su112} || %{su120} || %{su131} %define suse 1 %endif %define rhel 0 %if %{rhel3} || %{rhel4} || %{rhel5} || %{rhel6} || %{rhel7} || %{centos3} || %{centos4} || %{centos5} || %{centos6} || %{centos7} %define rhel 1 %endif %define scil 0 %if %{sl3} || %{sl4} || %{sl5} %define scil 1 %endif # test for a platform definition %if !%{rhat} && !%{rhel} && !%{fed} && !%{suse} && !%{mdk} && !%{scil} %{error: You must specify a platform. Please examine the spec file.} exit 1 %endif # distribution-specific directory for logwatch %if %{rh7} || %{rh8} || %{rh9} %define logwatch_dir /etc/log.d %else %define logwatch_dir /etc/logwatch %endif # database defines # set for database support desired or define the build_xxx on the command line %define mysql 0 %{?build_mysql:%define mysql 1} %define sqlite 0 %{?build_sqlite:%define sqlite 1} %define postgresql 0 %{?build_postgresql:%define postgresql 1} # test for a database definition %if ! %{mysql} && ! %{sqlite} && ! %{postgresql} && ! %{client_only} %{error: You must specify database support, by passing one of the following to rpmbuild:} %{error: --define build_postgresql=1} %{error: --define build_sqlite=1} %{error: --define build_mysql=1} exit 1 %endif %if %{mysql} %define db_backend mysql %endif %if %{sqlite} %define db_backend sqlite3 %endif %if %{postgresql} %define db_backend postgresql %endif # 64 bit support %define x86_64 0 %{?build_x86_64:%define x86_64 1} # check what distribution we are %if %{fc16} || %{fc17} || %{fc18} || %{fc22} %define _dist %(grep Fedora /etc/redhat-release) %endif %if %{centos7} || %{centos6} %define _dist %(grep CentOS /etc/redhat-release) %endif %if %{centos5} || %{centos4} || %{centos3} %define _dist %(grep CentOS /etc/redhat-release) %endif %if %{sl5} ||%{sl4} || %{sl3} %define _dist %(grep 'Scientific Linux' /etc/redhat-release) %endif %if %{suse} %define _dist %(grep -i SuSE /etc/SuSE-release) %endif Distribution: %_dist # should we enable tcp wrappers support %define tcpwrappers 1 %{?build_tcpwrappers:%define tcpwrappers 1} # do we need to patch for old postgresql version? %define old_pgsql 0 %{?build_old_pgsql:%define old_pgsql 1} # Mandriva somehow forces the manpage file extension to bz2 rather than gz %if %{mdk} %define manpage_ext bz2 %else %define manpage_ext gz %endif # for client only build %if %{client_only} %define mysql 0 %define postgresql 0 %define sqlite 0 %endif BuildRequires: gcc, gcc-c++, make, autoconf BuildRequires: glibc, glibc-devel BuildRequires: ncurses-devel, readline-devel BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel, zlib-devel BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: libacl-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: bzip2-devel %if ! %{rh7} BuildRequires: libxml2-devel %endif %if %{rh7} BuildRequires: libxml-devel %endif %if %{mdk} BuildRequires: libstdc++-static-devel BuildRequires: glibc-static-devel %endif %if %{mysql} && ! %{suse} BuildRequires: mysql-devel %endif %if %{postgresql} BuildRequires: %{postgres_devel_package} >= %{postgres_version} %endif %description %{blurb} %{blurb2} %{blurb3} %{blurb4} %{blurb5} %{blurb6} %{blurb7} %{blurb8} # # =========================================================== # Generate mysql, sqlite, or postgresql rpm # =========================================================== # %if %{mysql} %package mysql Provides: libbaccats-%{version}.so()(64bit) # # The following provides is to work around an # auto generated requires from src/scripts/logwatch/applybaculadate # this is a gross kludge to keep it from being a requirement # Provides: perl(Logwatch) %endif %if %{postgresql} %package postgresql %endif Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution Group: System Environment/Daemons Provides: bacula-dir, bacula-sd, bacula-fd, bacula-server Conflicts: bacula-client Requires: ncurses, libstdc++, zlib, openssl Requires: glibc, readline, %{name}-libs %if %{suse} Conflicts: bacula %endif %if %{mysql} Requires: mysql %endif %if %{postgresql} Requires: postgresql >= 7 %endif %if %{mysql} %description mysql %endif %if %{sqlite} %description sqlite %endif %if %{postgresql} %description postgresql %endif %{blurb} %{blurb2} %{blurb3} %{blurb4} %{blurb5} %{blurb6} %{blurb7} %{blurb8} %if %{mysql} This build requires MySQL to be installed separately as the catalog database. %endif %if %{postgresql} This build requires PostgreSQL to be installed separately as the catalog database. %endif %if %{sqlite} This build incorporates sqlite3 as the catalog database, statically compiled. %endif %if %{tcpwrappers} This build includes tcp-wrappers support. %endif # # =========================================================== # Client -- bacula-fd rpm # =========================================================== # %package client Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution Group: System Environment/Daemons Provides: bacula-fd Conflicts: bacula-mysql Conflicts: bacula-sqlite Conflicts: bacula-postgresql %if %{suse} Provides: %{product} Provides: %{product}-libs %endif Requires: libstdc++, zlib, openssl, bzip2-libs Requires: glibc, readline, %{name}-libs %description client %{blurb} %{blurb2} %{blurb3} %{blurb4} %{blurb5} %{blurb6} %{blurb7} %{blurb8} This is the File daemon (Client) only package. It includes the command line console program. %if %{tcpwrappers} This build includes tcp-wrappers support. %endif # # =========================================================== # Generate updatedb rpm # =========================================================== # %if ! %{client_only} %package updatedb Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution Group: System Environment/Daemons %description updatedb %{blurb} %{blurb2} %{blurb3} %{blurb4} %{blurb5} %{blurb6} %{blurb7} %{blurb8} This package installs scripts for updating older versions of the bacula database. %endif # # =========================================================== # Generate libs rpm # =========================================================== # %package libs Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution Group: System Environment/Daemons %description libs %{blurb} %{blurb2} %{blurb3} %{blurb4} %{blurb5} %{blurb6} %{blurb7} %{blurb8} This package installs the shared libraries used by many bacula programs. # Must explicitly enable debug pkg on SuSE # but not in opensuse_bs #%if %{suse} && ! 0%{?opensuse_bs} #%debug_package #%endif %prep %setup -T -b 0 -n depkgs %setup -T -b 1 -n %{product}-%{version} %setup -T -D -b 2 -n %{product}-%{version} # extract depkgs %build %if %{suse} #export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/lib/termcap -L/usr/lib64/termcap" %endif # You can use a cache for depkgs # tar xfz depkgs*gz -C ~/ # cd ~/depkgs # touch %{depkgs_version} # depkgs version if [ -f $HOME/depkgs/%{depkgs_version} ]; then rm -rf %{depkgs} ln -s $HOME/depkgs %{depkgs} fi cwd=${PWD} %if %{sqlite} cd %{depkgs} make sqlite3 cd ${cwd} %endif cd %{depkgs} make lzo export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${PWD}/lzo/lib" export CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${PWD}/lzo/include" cd ${cwd} # hostname is the build hostname, so use XXX_HOSTNAME_XXX for Address parameter sed -i s/hostname/basename/ src/console/bconsole.conf.in src/dird/bacula-dir.conf.in src/qt-console/bat.conf.in %if %{sqlite} # patches for the bundled sqlite scripts sed -i s:.SQLITE_BINDIR.:/opt/bacula/sqlite: src/cats/*_sqlite3_*.in # patch the bacula-dir init script to remove sqlite service %if %{suse} sed -i 's/network .DB_TYPE./network/' platforms/suse/bacula-dir.in %endif %endif # 64 bit lib location hacks # as of 1.39.18 it should not be necessary to enable x86_64 as configure is # reported to be fixed to properly detect lib locations. %if %{x86_64} export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/lib64" %endif %if %{mysql} && %{x86_64} export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/lib64/mysql" %endif export BACULA="Bacula" # Main Bacula configuration %configure \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --sbindir=%{_sbindir} \ --sysconfdir=%{sysconf_dir} \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --with-scriptdir=%{script_dir} \ --with-working-dir=%{working_dir} \ --with-plugindir=%{plugin_dir} \ --with-logdir=%{log_dir} \ --with-pid-dir=%{pid_dir} \ --with-subsys-dir=%{_subsysdir} \ --enable-smartalloc \ --disable-conio \ --enable-readline \ %if %{mysql} --with-mysql \ %endif %if %{postgresql} --with-postgresql \ %endif --disable-bat \ %if %{client_only} --enable-client-only \ %endif %if %{rh7} || %{rh8} || %{rh9} --disable-batch-insert \ %endif %if %{usesystemd} --with-systemd=%{systemd_dir} \ %endif --with-tcp-wrappers \ --with-dir-user=%{director_daemon_user} \ --with-dir-group=%{daemon_group} \ --with-sd-user=%{storage_daemon_user} \ --with-sd-group=%{storage_daemon_group} \ --with-fd-user=%{file_daemon_user} \ --with-fd-group=%{daemon_group} \ --with-basename="XXX_HOSTNAME_XXX" \ --with-hostname="XXX_HOSTNAME_XXX" \ --with-dir-password="XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_PASSWORD_XXX" \ --with-fd-password="XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_PASSWORD_XXX" \ --with-sd-password="XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_PASSWORD_XXX" \ --with-mon-dir-password="XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX" \ --with-mon-fd-password="XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX" \ --with-mon-sd-password="XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX" \ --with-openssl make -j3 %install cwd=${PWD} [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/logrotate.d mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/conf/logfiles mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/conf/services mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/scripts/services mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/scripts/shared mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/updatedb mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir} %if %{sqlite} mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{sqlite_bindir} %endif make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install # bsnapshot make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT -C ../bacula-%{_version}/src/tools/ install-bsnapshot %if %{usesystemd} make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT -C platforms/systemd install-dir install-service %endif # Remove docs for programs that are depreciated rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/bacula-bgnome-console.1.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/bacula-bwxconsole.1.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/bacula-tray-monitor.1.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/gconsole # Remove docs for programs we do not distribute rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bpluginfo.8.%{manpage_ext} # Remove storage-ctl packaged in shstore rpm rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/storage-ctl rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/storage-ctl.conf # fixme - make installs the mysql scripts for sqlite build %if %{sqlite} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/startmysql rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/stopmysql rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/grant_mysql_privileges %endif # fixme - make installs the mysql scripts for postgresql build %if %{postgresql} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/startmysql rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/stopmysql %endif # Remove symlinks #rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libbaccats.so #rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libbaccats-%{version}.so # install the init scripts %if !%{usesystemd} %if %{suse} cp -p platforms/suse/bacula-dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-dir cp -p platforms/suse/bacula-fd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-fd cp -p platforms/suse/bacula-sd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-sd %endif # suse %if %{mdk} cp -p platforms/mandrake/bacula-dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-dir cp -p platforms/mandrake/bacula-fd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-fd cp -p platforms/mandrake/bacula-sd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-sd %endif # mdk %if ! %{suse} && ! %{mdk} cp -p platforms/redhat/bacula-dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-dir cp -p platforms/redhat/bacula-fd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-fd cp -p platforms/redhat/bacula-sd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-sd %endif # !suse && !mdk chmod 0754 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/* %endif # ! usesystemd %if %{client_only} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-dir rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/bacula-sd rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/breload rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/manual_prune.pl rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{systemd_dir}/bacula-dir.service rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{systemd_dir}/bacula-sd.service %endif # install sqlite %if %{sqlite} cp -p %{depkgs}/sqlite3/sqlite3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 cp -p %{depkgs}/sqlite3/sqlite3.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3.h cp -p %{depkgs}/sqlite3/libsqlite3.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{sqlite_bindir}/libsqlite3.a %endif # install the logrotate file cp -p scripts/logrotate $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/logrotate.d/bacula # install the updatedb scripts cp -p updatedb/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/updatedb/ # install specific scripts %if ! %{client_only} # install the sample-query.sql file cp -p examples/sample-query.sql $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/sample-query.sql # install the logwatch scripts cp -p scripts/logwatch/bacula $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/scripts/services/bacula cp -p scripts/logwatch/applybaculadate $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/scripts/shared/applybaculadate cp -p scripts/logwatch/logfile.bacula.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/conf/logfiles/bacula.conf cp -p scripts/logwatch/services.bacula.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/conf/services/bacula.conf chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/scripts/services/bacula chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/scripts/shared/applybaculadate chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/conf/logfiles/bacula.conf chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{logwatch_dir}/conf/services/bacula.conf %endif # now clean up permissions that are left broken by the install chmod o-rwx $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{working_dir} # fix me - building enable-client-only installs files not included in bacula-client package %if %{client_only} # Program docs not installed on client rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bacula-dir.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bacula-sd.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bcopy.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bextract.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bls.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bscan.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/btape.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/dbcheck.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bregex.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bwild.8.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/bsmtp.1.%{manpage_ext} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/bacula rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/bacula_config rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/bacula-ctl-dir rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/bacula-ctl-sd rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/disk-changer rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/dvd-handler rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/mtx-changer rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/startmysql rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/stopmysql rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/updatedb rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/bconsole rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/mtx-changer.conf rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/bacula %endif %clean [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" rm -f $RPM_BUILD_DIR/Release_Notes-%{version}-%{release}.txt %if %{mysql} # MySQL specific files %files mysql %defattr(-, root, root) %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/create_mysql_database %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_mysql_database %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/make_mysql_tables %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_mysql_tables %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/update_mysql_tables %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/grant_mysql_privileges %{_libdir}/libbaccats* %{_libdir}/libbacsql* %endif %if %{postgresql} %files postgresql %defattr(-,root,root) %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/create_postgresql_database %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_postgresql_database %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/make_postgresql_tables %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_postgresql_tables %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/update_postgresql_tables %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/grant_postgresql_privileges %{_libdir}/libbaccats* %{_libdir}/libbacsql* %endif # The rest is DB backend independent %if ! %{client_only} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{script_dir} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{sysconf_dir} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/bacula %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/bacula_config %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/bconsole %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/create_bacula_database %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_bacula_database %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/grant_bacula_privileges %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/make_bacula_tables %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_bacula_tables %attr(755, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/update_bacula_tables %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/make_catalog_backup %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/make_catalog_backup.pl %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/delete_catalog_backup %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/btraceback.dbx %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/btraceback.gdb %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/btraceback.mdb %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/disk-changer %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/bacula-ctl-dir %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/bacula-ctl-fd %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/bacula-ctl-sd %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{plugin_dir}/bpipe-fd.so %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/dbcheck %attr(-, root, %{storage_daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/mtx-changer %attr(-, root, %{storage_daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{script_dir}/mtx-changer.conf %if %{usesystemd} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{systemd_dir}/bacula-dir.service %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{systemd_dir}/bacula-fd.service %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{systemd_dir}/bacula-sd.service %else %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) /etc/init.d/bacula-dir %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) /etc/init.d/bacula-fd %attr(-, root, %{storage_daemon_group}) /etc/init.d/bacula-sd %endif /etc/logrotate.d/bacula %{logwatch_dir}/scripts/services/bacula %{logwatch_dir}/scripts/shared/applybaculadate %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{sysconf_dir}/bacula-dir.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{sysconf_dir}/bacula-fd.conf %attr(-, root, %{storage_daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{sysconf_dir}/bacula-sd.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{sysconf_dir}/bconsole.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{logwatch_dir}/conf/logfiles/bacula.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{logwatch_dir}/conf/services/bacula.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/sample-query.sql %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/query.sql %attr(-, %{storage_daemon_user}, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{working_dir} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/bacula-dir %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/bacula-sd %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/btraceback %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/bconsole %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/bsmtp %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/bscan %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{_sbindir}/btape %attr(755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/bsnapshot %{_sbindir}/bacula-fd %{_sbindir}/bacula %{_sbindir}/bcopy %{_sbindir}/bextract %{_sbindir}/bls %{_sbindir}/bregex %{_sbindir}/bwild %{_mandir}/man8/bacula-fd.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bacula-dir.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bacula-sd.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bacula.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bconsole.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bcopy.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bextract.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bls.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bscan.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/btape.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/btraceback.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/dbcheck.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bregex.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bwild.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man1/bsmtp.1.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man1/bat.1.%{manpage_ext} %_prefix/share/doc/* %doc ../Release_Notes-%{version}-%{release}.txt %endif %if %{mysql} %pre mysql # test for bacula database older than version 13 # note: this ASSUMES no password has been set for bacula database DB_VER=`mysql 2>/dev/null bacula -e 'select * from Version;'|tail -n 1` %endif %if %{sqlite} %pre sqlite # are we upgrading from sqlite to sqlite3? if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ] && [ -s %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite ];then echo "This version of bacula-sqlite involves an upgrade to sqlite3." echo "Your catalog database file is not compatible with sqlite3, thus" echo "you will need to dump the data, delete the old file, and re-run" echo "this rpm upgrade." echo "" echo "Backing up your current database..." echo ".dump" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite %{working_dir}/bacula.db > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql mv %{working_dir}/bacula.db %{working_dir}/bacula.db.old echo "Your catalog data has been saved in %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql and your" echo "catalog file has been renamed %{working_dir}/bacula.db.old." echo "" echo "Please re-run this rpm package upgrade." echo "After the upgrade is complete, restore your catalog" echo "with the following commands:" echo "%{script_dir}/drop_sqlite3_tables" echo "cd %{working_dir}" echo "%{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 $* bacula.db < bacula_backup.sql" echo "chown bacula.bacula bacula.db" exit 1 fi # test for bacula database older than version 12 and sqlite3 if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ] && [ -s %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 ];then DB_VER=`echo "select * from Version;" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 2>/dev/null %{working_dir}/bacula.db | tail -n 1` %endif %if %{postgresql} %pre postgresql DB_VER=`echo 'SELECT * FROM Version LIMIT 1;' | su - postgres -c 'psql bacula' 2>/dev/null | tail -3 | head -1` %endif %if ! %{client_only} if [ -n "$DB_VER" ] && [ "$DB_VER" -lt "12" ]; then echo "This bacula upgrade will update a bacula database from version 12 to 1014." echo "You appear to be running database version $DB_VER. You must first update" echo "your database to version 12 and then install this upgrade. The alternative" echo "is to use %{script_dir}/drop_%{db_backend}_tables to delete all your your current" echo "catalog information, then do the upgrade. Information on updating a" echo "database older than version 12 can be found in the release notes." exit 1 fi %endif %if %{sqlite} fi %endif %if ! %{client_only} # check for and copy %{sysconf_dir}/console.conf to bconsole.conf if [ -s %{sysconf_dir}/console.conf ];then cp -p %{sysconf_dir}/console.conf %{sysconf_dir}/bconsole.conf fi # create the daemon users and groups # first create the groups if they don't exist HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{daemon_group} %{group_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{groupadd} -r %{daemon_group} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The group %{daemon_group} has been added to %{group_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{storage_daemon_group} %{group_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{groupadd} -r %{storage_daemon_group} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The group %{storage_daemon_group} has been added to %{group_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi # now create the users if they do not exist # we do not use the -g option allowing the primary group to be set to system default # this will be a unique group on redhat type systems or the group users on some systems HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{storage_daemon_user} %{user_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{useradd} -r -c "Bacula" -d %{working_dir} -g %{storage_daemon_group} -M -s /sbin/nologin %{storage_daemon_user} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The user %{storage_daemon_user} has been added to %{user_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{director_daemon_user} %{user_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{useradd} -r -c "Bacula" -d %{working_dir} -g %{daemon_group} -M -s /sbin/nologin %{director_daemon_user} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The user %{director_daemon_user} has been added to %{user_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{file_daemon_user} %{user_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{useradd} -r -c "Bacula" -d %{working_dir} -g %{daemon_group} -M -s /sbin/nologin %{file_daemon_user} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The user %{file_daemon_user} has been added to %{user_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi # now we add the supplementary groups, this is ok to call even if the users already exist # we only do this if the user is NOT root IS_ROOT=%{director_daemon_user} if [ "$IS_ROOT" != "root" ]; then %{usermod} -G %{daemon_group} %{director_daemon_user} fi IS_ROOT=%{storage_daemon_user} if [ "$IS_ROOT" != "root" ]; then %{usermod} -G %{daemon_group},%{storage_daemon_group} %{storage_daemon_user} fi IS_ROOT=%{file_daemon_user} if [ "$IS_ROOT" != "root" ]; then %{usermod} -G %{daemon_group} %{file_daemon_user} fi %endif %if %{mysql} %post mysql %endif %if %{sqlite} %post sqlite %endif %if %{postgresql} %post postgresql %endif %if ! %{client_only} # add our links if [ "$1" -ge 1 ] ; then %if %{suse} && %{mysql} %{service_enable} mysql %endif %if %{suse} && %{postgresql} %{service_enable} postgresql %endif %{service_enable} bacula-dir %{service_enable} bacula-fd %{service_enable} bacula-sd fi %endif if [ -d %{sysconf_dir} ]; then cd %{sysconf_dir} if [ ! -f .rpm.sed ]; then (umask 0177 echo "# This file is used to ensure that all passwords will" > .rpm.sed echo "# match between configuration files" >> .rpm.sed ) for string in XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX; do pass=`openssl rand -base64 33` echo "s@${string}@${pass}@g" >> .rpm.sed done fi host=`hostname -s` if [ "$host" = "" ]; then host=localhost fi for file in *.conf; do sed -f .rpm.sed $file > $file.new sed "s@XXX_HOSTNAME_XXX@${host}@g" $file.new > $file rm -f $file.new done fi %if %{mysql} #check, if mysql can be called successfully at all if mysql 2>/dev/null bacula -e 'select * from Version;' ; then # test for an existing database # note: this ASSUMES no password has been set for bacula database DB_VER=`mysql 2>/dev/null bacula -e 'select * from Version;'|tail -n 1` # grant privileges and create tables if they do not exist if [ -z "$DB_VER" ]; then echo "Hmm, it doesn't look like you have an existing database." echo "Granting privileges for MySQL user bacula..." %{script_dir}/grant_mysql_privileges echo "Creating MySQL bacula database..." %{script_dir}/create_mysql_database echo "Creating bacula tables..." %{script_dir}/make_mysql_tables elif [ "$DB_VER" -ge "12" -a "$DB_VER" -lt "1015" ]; then echo "This release requires an upgrade to your bacula database." echo "Backing up your current database..." mysqldump -f --opt bacula | bzip2 > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2 echo "Upgrading bacula database ..." %{script_dir}/update_mysql_tables echo "If bacula works correctly you can remove the backup file %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2" fi fi %endif %if %{sqlite} # test for an existing database if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ]; then DB_VER=`echo "select * from Version;" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 2>/dev/null %{working_dir}/bacula.db | tail -n 1` # check to see if we need to upgrade a 3.x database if [ "$DB_VER" -le "13" ] && [ "$DB_VER" -ge "12" ]; then echo "This release requires an upgrade to your bacula database." echo "Backing up your current database..." echo ".dump" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 %{working_dir}/bacula.db | bzip2 > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2 echo "Upgrading bacula database ..." %{script_dir}/update_sqlite3_tables echo "If bacula works correctly you can remove the backup file %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2" fi else # create the database and tables echo "Hmm, doesn't look like you have an existing database." echo "Creating SQLite database..." %{script_dir}/create_sqlite3_database echo "Creating the SQLite tables..." %{script_dir}/make_sqlite3_tables chown %{director_daemon_user}.%{daemon_group} %{working_dir}/bacula.db fi %endif %if %{postgresql} # check if psql can be called successfully at all if echo 'select * from Version;' | su - postgres -c 'psql bacula' 2>/dev/null; then # test for an existing database # note: this ASSUMES no password has been set for bacula database DB_VER=`echo 'SELECT * FROM Version LIMIT 1;' | su - postgres -c 'psql bacula' 2>/dev/null | tail -3 | head -1` # grant privileges and create tables if they do not exist if [ -z "$DB_VER" ]; then echo "Hmm, doesn't look like you have an existing database." echo "Creating PostgreSQL bacula database..." su - postgres -c %{script_dir}/create_postgresql_database echo "Creating bacula tables..." su - postgres -c %{script_dir}/make_postgresql_tables echo "Granting privileges for PostgreSQL user bacula..." su - postgres -c %{script_dir}/grant_postgresql_privileges elif [ "$DB_VER" -ge "12" -a "$DB_VER" -lt "1015" ]; then echo "This release requires an upgrade to your bacula database." echo "Backing up your current database..." su - postgres -c 'pg_dump bacula' | bzip2 > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2 echo "Upgrading bacula database ..." su - postgres -c %{script_dir}/update_postgresql_tables echo "If bacula works correctly you can remove the backup file %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2" echo "Granting privileges for PostgreSQL user bacula..." su - postgres -c %{script_dir}/grant_postgresql_privileges fi fi %endif %if ! %{client_only} if [ -d %{sysconf_dir} ]; then cd %{sysconf_dir} if [ ! -f .rpm.sed ]; then (umask 0177 echo "# This file is used to ensure that all passwords will" > .rpm.sed echo "# match between configuration files" >> .rpm.sed ) for string in XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX; do pass=`openssl rand -base64 33` echo "s@${string}@${pass}@g" >> .rpm.sed done fi host=`hostname -s` if [ "$host" = "" ]; then host=localhost fi for file in *.conf; do sed -f .rpm.sed $file > $file.new sed "s@XXX_HOSTNAME_XXX@${host}@g" $file.new > $file rm -f $file.new done fi %endif %if %{mysql} %preun mysql %endif %if %{sqlite} %preun sqlite %endif %if %{postgresql} %preun postgresql %endif %if ! %{client_only} # delete our links if [ $1 = 0 ]; then %{service_disable} bacula-dir %{service_disable} bacula-fd %{service_disable} bacula-sd fi %endif %files client %defattr(-,root,root) %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{script_dir} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{plugin_dir} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{sysconf_dir} # SD/DIR might write here %attr(-, %{storage_daemon_user}, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{log_dir} %if %{usesystemd} %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{systemd_dir}/bacula-fd.service %else %{script_dir}/bacula-ctl-fd /etc/init.d/bacula-fd %endif /etc/logrotate.d/bacula %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{sysconf_dir}/bacula-fd.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %config(noreplace) %{sysconf_dir}/bconsole.conf %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %dir %{working_dir} %{_sbindir}/bacula-fd %{_sbindir}/btraceback %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/btraceback.gdb %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/btraceback.dbx %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/btraceback.mdb %attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{plugin_dir}/bpipe-fd.so %{_sbindir}/bconsole %{_mandir}/man8/bacula-fd.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bacula.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/bconsole.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man8/btraceback.8.%{manpage_ext} %{_mandir}/man1/bat.1.%{manpage_ext} %_prefix/share/doc/* %pre client # create the daemon group and user HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{daemon_group} %{group_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{groupadd} -r %{daemon_group} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The group %{daemon_group} has been added to %{group_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi # we do not use the -g option allowing the primary group to be set to system default # this will be a unique group on redhat type systems or the group users on some systems HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{file_daemon_user} %{user_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{useradd} -r -c "Bacula" -d %{working_dir} -g %{daemon_group} -M -s /sbin/nologin %{file_daemon_user} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The user %{file_daemon_user} has been added to %{user_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi # now we add the supplementary group, this is ok to call even if the user already exists # we only do this if the user is NOT root IS_ROOT=%{file_daemon_user} if [ "$IS_ROOT" != "root" ]; then %{usermod} -G %{daemon_group} %{file_daemon_user} fi %post client # add our link if [ "$1" -ge 1 ] ; then %{service_enable} bacula-fd fi if [ -d %{sysconf_dir} ]; then cd %{sysconf_dir} if [ ! -f .rpm.sed ]; then (umask 0177 echo "# This file is used to ensure that all passwords will" > .rpm.sed echo "# match between configuration files" >> .rpm.sed ) for string in XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX; do pass=`openssl rand -base64 33` echo "s@${string}@${pass}@g" >> .rpm.sed done fi host=`hostname -s` if [ "$host" = "" ]; then host=localhost fi for file in *.conf; do sed -f .rpm.sed $file > $file.new sed "s@XXX_HOSTNAME_XXX@${host}@g" $file.new > $file rm -f $file.new done fi %preun client # delete our link if [ $1 = 0 ]; then %{service_disable} bacula-fd fi %files libs %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libbac-* %{_libdir}/libbac.* %{_libdir}/libbaccfg* %{_libdir}/libbacfind* %post libs /sbin/ldconfig exit 0 %postun libs /sbin/ldconfig exit 0 %if ! %{client_only} %files updatedb %defattr(-,root,%{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/updatedb/* %pre updatedb # create the daemon group HAVE_BACULA=`grep %{daemon_group} %{group_file} 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$HAVE_BACULA" ]; then %{groupadd} -r %{daemon_group} > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "The group %{daemon_group} has been added to %{group_file}." echo "See the manual chapter \"Running Bacula\" for details." fi %post updatedb echo "The database update scripts were installed to %{script_dir}/updatedb" %endif %changelog