#! /bin/sh # # bacula This shell script takes care of starting and stopping # the bacula Storage daemon. # # chkconfig: 2345 90 99 # description: It comes by night and sucks the vital essence from your computers. # # For Bacula release @VERSION@ (@DATE@) -- @DISTNAME@ # # Source function library . /etc/rc.d/functions.bacula case "$1" in start) [ -x ${BACSDBIN}/bacula-sd ] && { sleep 2 echo -n "Starting the Storage daemon: " OPTIONS='' if [ "${SD_USER}" != '' ]; then OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -u ${SD_USER}" fi if [ "${SD_GROUP}" != '' ]; then OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -g ${SD_GROUP}" fi ${BACSDBIN}/bacula-sd $2 ${OPTIONS} -v -c ${BACSDCFG}/bacula-sd.conf echo Done. } ;; stop) [ -x ${BACSDBIN}/bacula-sd ] && { echo -n "Stopping the Storage daemon: " killproc ${BACSDBIN}/bacula-sd ${SD_PORT} echo Done. } ;; restart) $0 stop sleep 5 $0 start ;; status) [ -x ${BACSDBIN}/bacula-sd ] && status ${BACSDBIN}/bacula-sd ${SD_PORT} ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0