#!@PYTHON@ # # Check the free space available on a writable DVD # Should always exit with 0 status, otherwise it indicates a serious error. # (wrong number of arguments, Python exception...) # # called: dvd-handler operation args # # where operation is one of # free # write # # in case of operation ``free'' returns: # Prints on the first output line the free space available in bytes. # If an error occurs, prints a negative number (-errno), followed, # on the second line, by an error message. # # $Id$ # import popen2 import os import errno import sys import re import signal import time import array class disk: # Configurable values: dvdrwmediainfo = "@DVDRWMEDIAINFO@" growcmd = "@GROWISOFS@" dvdrwformat = "@DVDRWFORMAT@" margin = 10485760 # 10 mb security margin # Comment the following line if you want the tray to be reloaded # when writing ends. growcmd += " -use-the-force-luke=notray" # end of configurable values ############################################################################### # # This class represents DVD disk informations. # When instantiated, it needs a device name. # Status information about the device and the disk loaded is collected only when # asked for (for example dvd-freespace doesn't need to know the media type, and # dvd-writepart doesn't not always need to know the free space). # # The following methods are implemented: # __init__ we need that... # __repr__ this seems to be a good idea to have. # Quite minimalistic implementation, though. # __str__ For casts to string. Return the current disk information # is_empty Returns TRUE if the disk is empty, blank... this needs more # work, especially concerning non-RW media and blank vs. no # filesystem considerations. Here, we should also look for # other filesystems - probably we don't want to silently # overwrite UDF or ext2 or anything not mentioned in fstab... # (NB: I don't think it is a problem) # free Returns the available free space. # write Writes one part file to disk, either starting a new file # system on disk, or appending to it. # This method should also prepare a blank disk so that a # certain part of the disk is used to allow detection of a # used disk by all / more disk drives. # blank Blank the device # ############################################################################### def __init__(self, devicename): self.device = devicename self.disktype = "none" self.diskmode = "none" self.diskstatus = "none" self.hardwaredevice = "none" self.pid = 0 self.next_session = -1 self.capacity = -1 self.freespace_collected = 0 self.mediumtype_collected = 0 self.growcmd += " -quiet" if self.is4gbsupported(): self.growcmd += " -use-the-force-luke=4gms" self.growparams = " -A 'Bacula Data' -input-charset=default -iso-level 3 -pad " + \ "-p 'dvd-handler / growisofs' -sysid 'BACULADATA' -R" return def __repr__(self): return "disk(" + self.device + ") # This is an instance of class disk" def __str__(self): if not self.freespace_collected: self.collect_freespace(); if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); self.me = "Class disk, initialized with device '" + self.device + "'\n" self.me += "type = '" + self.disktype + "' mode='" + self.diskmode + "' status = '" + self.diskstatus + "'\n" self.me += " next_session = " + str(self.next_session) + " capacity = " + str(self.capacity) + "\n" self.me += "Hardware device is '" + self.hardwaredevice + "'\n" self.me += "growcmd = '" + self.growcmd + "'\ngrowparams = '" + self.growparams + "'\n" return self.me ## Check if we want to allow growisofs to cross the 4gb boundary def is4gbsupported(self): processi = popen2.Popen4("uname -s -r") status = processi.wait() if not os.WIFEXITED(status): return 1 if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: return 1 strres = processi.fromchild.readline()[0:-1] version = re.search(r"Linux (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)", strres) if not version: # Non-Linux: allow return 1 if (int(version.group(1)) > 2) or (int(version.group(2)) > 6) or ((int(version.group(1)) == 2) and (int(version.group(2)) == 6) and (int(version.group(3)) >= 8)): return 1 else: return 0 def collect_freespace(self): # Collects current free space self.cmd = self.growcmd + " -F " + self.device processi = popen2.Popen4(self.cmd) status = processi.wait() if not os.WIFEXITED(status): raise DVDError(0, "growisofs process did not exit correctly.") result = processi.fromchild.read() if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: if (os.WEXITSTATUS(status) & 0x7F) == errno.ENOSPC: # Kludge to force dvd-handler to return a free space of 0 self.next_session = 1 self.capacity = 1 self.freespace_collected = 1 return else: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), "growisofs returned with an error " + result + ". Please check your are using a patched version of dvd+rw-tools.") next_sess = re.search(r"\snext_session=(\d+)\s", result, re.MULTILINE) capa = re.search(r"\scapacity=(\d+)\s", result, re.MULTILINE) if next_sess and capa: self.next_session = long(next_sess.group(1)) self.capacity = long(capa.group(1)) # testing cheat (emulate 4GB boundary at 100MB) #if self.next_session > 100000000: # self.capacity = self.next_session else: raise DVDError(0, "Cannot get next_session and capacity from growisofs.\nReturned: " + result) self.freespace_collected = 1 return def collect_mediumtype(self): # Collects current medium type self.lasterror = "" cmd = self.dvdrwmediainfo + " " + self.device processi = popen2.Popen4(cmd) status = processi.wait() if not os.WIFEXITED(status): raise DVDError(0, self.dvdrwmediainfo + " process did not exit correctly.") if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(0, "Cannot get media info from " + self.dvdrwmediainfo) return result = processi.fromchild.read() hardware = re.search(r"INQUIRY:\s+(.*)\n", result, re.MULTILINE) mediatype = re.search(r"\sMounted Media:\s+([0-9A-F]{2})h, (\S*)\s", result, re.MULTILINE) mediamode = re.search(r"\sMounted Media:\s+[0-9A-F]{2}h, \S* (.*)\n", result, re.MULTILINE) status = re.search(r"\sDisc status:\s+(.*)\n", result, re.MULTILINE) if hardware: self.hardwaredevice = hardware.group(1) if mediatype: self.disktype = mediatype.group(2) else: raise DVDError(0, "Media type not found in " + self.dvdrwmediainfo + " output") if self.disktype == "DVD-RW": if mediamode: self.diskmode = mediamode.group(1) else: raise DVDError(0, "Media mode not found for DVD-RW in " + self.dvdrwmediainfo + " output") if status: self.diskstatus = status.group(1) else: raise DVDError(0, "Disc status not found in " + self.dvdrwmediainfo + " output") self.mediumtype_collected = 1 return def is_empty(self): if not self.freespace_collected: self.collect_freespace(); return 0 == self.next_session def is_RW(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return "DVD-RW" == self.disktype or "DVD+RW" == self.disktype or "DVD-RAM" == self.disktype def is_plus_RW(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return "DVD+RW" == self.disktype def is_minus_RW(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return "DVD-RW" == self.disktype def is_restricted_overwrite(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return self.diskmode == "Restricted Overwrite" def is_blank(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return self.diskstatus == "blank" def free(self): if not self.freespace_collected: self.collect_freespace(); fr = self.capacity-self.next_session-self.margin if fr < 0: return 0 else: return fr def term_handler(self, signum, frame): print 'dvd-handler: Signal term_handler called with signal', signum if self.pid != 0: print "dvd-handler: Sending SIGTERM to pid", self.pid os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(10) print "dvd-handler: Sending SIGKILL to pid", self.pid os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGKILL) sys.exit(1) def write(self, newvol, partfile): # Blank DVD+RW when there is no data on it if newvol and self.is_plus_RW() and self.is_blank(): print "DVD+RW looks brand-new, blank it to fix some DVD-writers bugs." self.blank() print "Done, now writing the part file." if newvol and self.is_minus_RW() and (not self.is_restricted_overwrite()): print "DVD-RW is in " + self.diskmode + " mode, reformating it to Restricted Overwrite" self.reformat_minus_RW() print "Done, now writing the part file." cmd = self.growcmd + self.growparams if newvol: cmd += " -Z " else: cmd += " -M " cmd += self.device + " " + str(partfile) print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) def prepare(self): if not self.is_RW(): raise DVDError(0, "I won't prepare a non-rewritable medium") # Blank DVD+RW when there is no data on it if self.is_plus_RW() and self.is_blank(): print "DVD+RW looks brand-new, blank it to fix some DVD-writers bugs." self.blank() return # It has been completely blanked: Medium is ready to be used by Bacula if self.is_minus_RW() and (not self.is_restricted_overwrite()): print "DVD-RW is in " + self.diskmode + " mode, reformating it to Restricted Overwrite" self.reformat_minus_RW() return # Reformated: Medium is ready to be used by Bacula # TODO: Check if /dev/fd/0 and /dev/zero exists, otherwise, run self.blank() cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=512 | " + self.growcmd + " -Z " + self.device + "=/dev/fd/0" print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) def blank(self): cmd = self.growcmd + " -Z " + self.device + "=/dev/zero" print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) def reformat_minus_RW(self): cmd = self.dvdrwformat + " -force " + self.device print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) # class disk ends here. class DVDError(Exception): def __init__(self, errno, value): self.errno = errno self.value = value if self.value[-1] == '\n': self.value = self.value[0:-1] def __str__(self): return str(self.value) + " || errno = " + str(self.errno) + " (" + os.strerror(self.errno & 0x7F) + ")" def usage(): print "Wrong number of arguments." print """ Usage: dvd-handler DEVICE test dvd-handler DEVICE free dvd-handler DEVICE write APPEND FILE dvd-handler DEVICE blank where DEVICE is a device name like /dev/sr0 or /dev/dvd. Operations: test Scan the device and report the information found. This operation needs no further arguments. free Scan the device and report the available space. write Write a part file to disk. This operation needs two additional arguments. The first indicates to append (0) or restart the disk (1). The second is the file to write. prepare Prepare a DVD+/-RW for being used by Bacula. Note: This is only useful if you already have some non-Bacula data on a medium, and you want to use it with Bacula. Don't run this on blank media, it is useless. """ sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() dvd = disk(sys.argv[1]) if "free" == sys.argv[2]: if len(sys.argv) == 3: try: free = dvd.free() except DVDError, e: if e.errno != 0: print -e.errno else: print errno.EPIPE print str(e) else: print free print "No Error reported." else: print "Wrong number of arguments for free operation." usage() elif "prepare" == sys.argv[2]: if len(sys.argv) == 3: try: dvd.prepare() except DVDError, e: print "Error while preparing medium: ", str(e) if e.errno != 0: sys.exit(e.errno & 0x7F) else: sys.exit(errno.EPIPE) else: print "Medium prepared successfully." else: print "Wrong number of arguments for prepare operation." usage() elif "test" == sys.argv[2]: try: print str(dvd) print "Blank disk: " + str(dvd.is_blank()) + " ReWritable disk: " + str(dvd.is_RW()) print "Free space: " + str(dvd.free()) except DVDError, e: print "Error while getting informations: ", str(e) elif "write" == sys.argv[2]: if len(sys.argv) == 5: try: dvd.write(long(sys.argv[3]), sys.argv[4]) except DVDError, e: print "Error while writing part file: ", str(e) if e.errno != 0: sys.exit(e.errno & 0x7F) else: sys.exit(errno.EPIPE) else: print "Part file " + sys.argv[4] + " successfully written to disk." else: print "Wrong number of arguments for write operation." usage() sys.exit(1) else: print "No operation - use test, free, prepare or write." print "THIS MIGHT BE A CASE OF DEBUGGING BACULA OR AN ERROR!" sys.exit(0)