#!@PYTHON@ # # Check the free space available on a writable DVD # Should always exit with 0 status, otherwise it indicates a serious error. # (wrong number of arguments, Python exception...) # # called: dvd-handler operation args # # where operation is one of # free # write # # in case of operation ``free'' returns: # Prints on the first output line the free space available in bytes. # If an error occurs, prints a negative number (-errno), followed, # on the second line, by an error message. # # $Id$ # import popen2 import os import os.path import errno import sys import re import signal import time import array class disk: # Configurable values: dvdrwmediainfo = "@DVDRWMEDIAINFO@" growcmd = "@GROWISOFS@" dvdrwformat = "@DVDRWFORMAT@" dd = "@DD@" margin = 10485760 # 10 mb security margin # Comment the following line if you want the tray to be reloaded # when writing ends. growcmd += " -use-the-force-luke=notray" # end of configurable values ############################################################################### # # This class represents DVD disk informations. # When instantiated, it needs a device name. # Status information about the device and the disk loaded is collected only when # asked for (for example dvd-freespace doesn't need to know the media type, and # dvd-writepart doesn't not always need to know the free space). # # The following methods are implemented: # __init__ we need that... # __repr__ this seems to be a good idea to have. # Quite minimalistic implementation, though. # __str__ For casts to string. Return the current disk information # is_empty Returns TRUE if the disk is empty, blank... this needs more # work, especially concerning non-RW media and blank vs. no # filesystem considerations. Here, we should also look for # other filesystems - probably we don't want to silently # overwrite UDF or ext2 or anything not mentioned in fstab... # (NB: I don't think it is a problem) # free Returns the available free space. # write Writes one part file to disk, either starting a new file # system on disk, or appending to it. # This method should also prepare a blank disk so that a # certain part of the disk is used to allow detection of a # used disk by all / more disk drives. # blank Blank the device # ############################################################################### def __init__(self, devicename): self.device = devicename self.disktype = "none" self.diskmode = "none" self.diskstatus = "none" self.hardwaredevice = "none" self.pid = 0 self.next_session = -1 self.capacity = -1 self.freespace_collected = 0 self.mediumtype_collected = 0 self.growcmd += " -quiet" if self.is4gbsupported(): self.growcmd += " -use-the-force-luke=4gms" self.growparams = " -A 'Bacula Data' -input-charset=default -iso-level 3 -pad " + \ "-p 'dvd-handler / growisofs' -sysid 'BACULADATA' -R" return def __repr__(self): return "disk(" + self.device + ") # This is an instance of class disk" def __str__(self): if not self.freespace_collected: self.collect_freespace(); if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); self.me = "Class disk, initialized with device '" + self.device + "'\n" self.me += "type = '" + self.disktype + "' mode='" + self.diskmode + "' status = '" + self.diskstatus + "'\n" self.me += " next_session = " + str(self.next_session) + " capacity = " + str(self.capacity) + "\n" self.me += "Hardware device is '" + self.hardwaredevice + "'\n" self.me += "growcmd = '" + self.growcmd + "'\ngrowparams = '" + self.growparams + "'\n" return self.me ## Check if we want to allow growisofs to cross the 4gb boundary def is4gbsupported(self): processi = popen2.Popen4("uname -s -r") status = processi.wait() if not os.WIFEXITED(status): return 1 if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: return 1 strres = processi.fromchild.readline()[0:-1] version = re.search(r"Linux (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)", strres) if not version: # Non-Linux: allow return 1 if (int(version.group(1)) > 2) or (int(version.group(2)) > 6) or ((int(version.group(1)) == 2) and (int(version.group(2)) == 6) and (int(version.group(3)) >= 8)): return 1 else: return 0 def collect_freespace(self): # Collects current free space self.cmd = self.growcmd + " -F " + self.device processi = popen2.Popen4(self.cmd) status = processi.wait() if not os.WIFEXITED(status): raise DVDError(0, "growisofs process did not exit correctly.") result = processi.fromchild.read() if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: if (os.WEXITSTATUS(status) & 0x7F) == errno.ENOSPC: # Kludge to force dvd-handler to return a free space of 0 self.next_session = 1 self.capacity = 1 self.freespace_collected = 1 return else: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), "growisofs returned with an error " + result + ". Please check your are using a patched version of dvd+rw-tools.") next_sess = re.search(r"\snext_session=(\d+)\s", result, re.MULTILINE) capa = re.search(r"\scapacity=(\d+)\s", result, re.MULTILINE) if next_sess and capa: self.next_session = long(next_sess.group(1)) self.capacity = long(capa.group(1)) # testing cheat (emulate 4GB boundary at 100MB) #if self.next_session > 100000000: # self.capacity = self.next_session else: raise DVDError(0, "Cannot get next_session and capacity from growisofs.\nReturned: " + result) self.freespace_collected = 1 return def collect_mediumtype(self): # Collects current medium type self.lasterror = "" cmd = self.dvdrwmediainfo + " " + self.device processi = popen2.Popen4(cmd) status = processi.wait() if not os.WIFEXITED(status): raise DVDError(0, self.dvdrwmediainfo + " process did not exit correctly.") if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(0, "Cannot get media info from " + self.dvdrwmediainfo) return result = processi.fromchild.read() hardware = re.search(r"INQUIRY:\s+(.*)\n", result, re.MULTILINE) mediatype = re.search(r"\sMounted Media:\s+([0-9A-F]{2})h, (\S*)\s", result, re.MULTILINE) mediamode = re.search(r"\sMounted Media:\s+[0-9A-F]{2}h, \S* (.*)\n", result, re.MULTILINE) status = re.search(r"\sDisc status:\s+(.*)\n", result, re.MULTILINE) if hardware: self.hardwaredevice = hardware.group(1) if mediatype: self.disktype = mediatype.group(2) else: raise DVDError(0, "Media type not found in " + self.dvdrwmediainfo + " output") if self.disktype == "DVD-RW": if mediamode: self.diskmode = mediamode.group(1) else: raise DVDError(0, "Media mode not found for DVD-RW in " + self.dvdrwmediainfo + " output") if status: self.diskstatus = status.group(1) else: raise DVDError(0, "Disc status not found in " + self.dvdrwmediainfo + " output") self.mediumtype_collected = 1 return def is_empty(self): if not self.freespace_collected: self.collect_freespace(); return 0 == self.next_session def is_RW(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return "DVD-RW" == self.disktype or "DVD+RW" == self.disktype or "DVD-RAM" == self.disktype def is_plus_RW(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return "DVD+RW" == self.disktype def is_minus_RW(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return "DVD-RW" == self.disktype def is_restricted_overwrite(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return self.diskmode == "Restricted Overwrite" def is_blank(self): if not self.mediumtype_collected: self.collect_mediumtype(); return self.diskstatus == "blank" def free(self): if not self.freespace_collected: self.collect_freespace(); fr = self.capacity-self.next_session-self.margin if fr < 0: return 0 else: return fr def term_handler(self, signum, frame): print 'dvd-handler: Signal term_handler called with signal', signum if self.pid != 0: print "dvd-handler: Sending SIGTERM to pid", self.pid os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(10) print "dvd-handler: Sending SIGKILL to pid", self.pid os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGKILL) sys.exit(1) def write(self, newvol, partfile): # Blank DVD+RW when there is no data on it if newvol and self.is_plus_RW() and self.is_blank(): print "DVD+RW looks brand-new, blank it to fix some DVD-writers bugs." self.blank() print "Done, now writing the part file." if newvol and self.is_minus_RW() and (not self.is_restricted_overwrite()): print "DVD-RW is in " + self.diskmode + " mode, reformating it to Restricted Overwrite" self.reformat_minus_RW() print "Done, now writing the part file." cmd = self.growcmd + self.growparams if newvol: cmd += " -Z " // Ignore any existing iso9660 filesystem - used for truncate if newvol == 2: cmd += "-use-the-force-luke=tty " else: cmd += " -M " cmd += self.device + " " + str(partfile) print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) def prepare(self): if not self.is_RW(): raise DVDError(0, "I won't prepare a non-rewritable medium") # Blank DVD+RW when there is no data on it if self.is_plus_RW() and self.is_blank(): print "DVD+RW looks brand-new, blank it to fix some DVD-writers bugs." self.blank() return # It has been completely blanked: Medium is ready to be used by Bacula if self.is_minus_RW() and (not self.is_restricted_overwrite()): print "DVD-RW is in " + self.diskmode + " mode, reformating it to Restricted Overwrite" self.reformat_minus_RW() return # Reformated: Medium is ready to be used by Bacula # TODO: Check if /dev/fd/0 and /dev/zero exists, otherwise, run self.blank() if not os.path.exists("/dev/fd/0") or not os.path.exists("/dev/zero"): print "/dev/fd/0 or /dev/zero doesn't exist, blank the medium completely." self.blank() return cmd = self.dd + " if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=512 | " + self.growcmd + " -Z " + self.device + "=/dev/fd/0" print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) def blank(self): cmd = self.growcmd + " -Z " + self.device + "=/dev/zero" print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) def reformat_minus_RW(self): cmd = self.dvdrwformat + " -force " + self.device print "Running " + cmd oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.term_handler) proc = popen2.Popen4(cmd) self.pid = proc.pid status = proc.poll() while status == -1: line = proc.fromchild.readline() while len(line) > 0: print line, line = proc.fromchild.readline() time.sleep(1) status = proc.poll() self.pid = 0 print signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, oldsig) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: raise DVDError(os.WEXITSTATUS(status), cmd + " exited with status " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) + ", signal/status " + str(status)) # class disk ends here. class DVDError(Exception): def __init__(self, errno, value): self.errno = errno self.value = value if self.value[-1] == '\n': self.value = self.value[0:-1] def __str__(self): return str(self.value) + " || errno = " + str(self.errno) + " (" + os.strerror(self.errno & 0x7F) + ")" def usage(): print "Wrong number of arguments." print """ Usage: dvd-handler DEVICE test dvd-handler DEVICE free dvd-handler DEVICE write APPEND FILE dvd-handler DEVICE blank where DEVICE is a device name like /dev/sr0 or /dev/dvd. Operations: test Scan the device and report the information found. This operation needs no further arguments. free Scan the device and report the available space. write Write a part file to disk. This operation needs two additional arguments. The first indicates to append (0), restart the disk (1) or restart existing disk (2). The second is the file to write. prepare Prepare a DVD+/-RW for being used by Bacula. Note: This is only useful if you already have some non-Bacula data on a medium, and you want to use it with Bacula. Don't run this on blank media, it is useless. """ sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() dvd = disk(sys.argv[1]) if "free" == sys.argv[2]: if len(sys.argv) == 3: try: free = dvd.free() except DVDError, e: if e.errno != 0: print -e.errno else: print errno.EPIPE print str(e) else: print free print "No Error reported." else: print "Wrong number of arguments for free operation." usage() elif "prepare" == sys.argv[2]: if len(sys.argv) == 3: try: dvd.prepare() except DVDError, e: print "Error while preparing medium: ", str(e) if e.errno != 0: sys.exit(e.errno & 0x7F) else: sys.exit(errno.EPIPE) else: print "Medium prepared successfully." else: print "Wrong number of arguments for prepare operation." usage() elif "test" == sys.argv[2]: try: print str(dvd) print "Blank disk: " + str(dvd.is_blank()) + " ReWritable disk: " + str(dvd.is_RW()) print "Free space: " + str(dvd.free()) except DVDError, e: print "Error while getting informations: ", str(e) elif "write" == sys.argv[2]: if len(sys.argv) == 5: try: dvd.write(long(sys.argv[3]), sys.argv[4]) except DVDError, e: print "Error while writing part file: ", str(e) if e.errno != 0: sys.exit(e.errno & 0x7F) else: sys.exit(errno.EPIPE) else: print "Part file " + sys.argv[4] + " successfully written to disk." else: print "Wrong number of arguments for write operation." usage() sys.exit(1) else: print "No operation - use test, free, prepare or write." print "THIS MIGHT BE A CASE OF DEBUGGING BACULA OR AN ERROR!" sys.exit(0)