#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # logwatch filter script for bacula log files # # Mon Jan 03 2005 # D. Scott Barninger and Karl Cunningham # # Copyright 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. # licensed under GPL-v2 use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime); my (@JobName,$JobStatus,$ThisName,$ThisStatus,$ThisDate); my ($Job,$JobId,$JobDate,$Debug,$DebugCounter,%data); # set debug level $Debug = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} || 0; if ( $Debug >= 5 ) { print STDERR "\n\nDEBUG: Inside Bacula Filter \n\n"; $DebugCounter = 1; } while () { chomp; if ( $Debug >= 5 ) { print STDERR "DEBUG($DebugCounter): $_\n"; $DebugCounter++; } # Test the line for a new entry, which is a jobid record if (/^\s*JobId:\s+(\d+)/) { $JobId = $1; next; } (/^\s*Job:\s*(.*)/) and $Job = $1; (/^\s*Termination:\s*(.*)/) and $JobStatus = $1; (/^\s*Job:.*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/) and $JobDate = $1; if ($JobId and $Job and $JobStatus and $JobDate) { $data{$JobId} = { "Job" => $Job, "JobStatus" => $JobStatus, "JobDate" => $JobDate, }; $JobId = $Job = $JobStatus = $JobDate = ""; } } # if we have data print it out, otherwise do nothing if (scalar(keys(%data))) { print "\nJobs Run:\n"; foreach my $Id (sort {$a<=>$b} (keys(%data))) { $ThisName = $data{$Id}{Job}; $ThisStatus = $data{$Id}{JobStatus}; $ThisDate = $data{$Id}{JobDate}; $ThisName =~ s/\s//g; $ThisStatus =~ s/\s//g; print "$ThisDate $Id $ThisName\n $ThisStatus\n\n"; } } exit(0);