# # This file is sourced by the mtx-changer script every time it runs. # You can put your site customization here, and when you do an # upgrade, the process should not modify this file. Thus you # preserve your mtx-changer configuration. # # Set to 1 if you want to do offline before unload offline=0 # Set to amount of time in seconds to wait after an offline offline_sleep=0 # Set to amount of time in seconds to wait after a load load_sleep=0 # Set to 1 to do an inventory before a status. Not normally needed. inventory=0 # If you have a VXA PacketLoader, it might display a different # Storage Element line, so try setting the following to 1 vxa_packetloader=0 # Set to 1 if you want debug info written to a log debug_log=0 # mt status output # SunOS No Additional Sense # FreeBSD Current Driver State: at rest. # Linux ONLINE # Note Debian has a different mt than the standard Linux version. # When no tape is in the drive it waits 2 minutes. # When a tape is in the drive, it prints user unfriendly output. # Note, with Ubuntu Gusty (8.04), there are two versions of mt, # so we attempt to figure out which one. # OS=`uname` case ${OS} in SunOS) ready="No Additional Sense" ;; FreeBSD) ready="Current Driver State: at rest." ;; Linux) ready="ONLINE" if test -f /etc/debian_version ; then mt --version|grep "mt-st" >/dev/null 2>&1 if test $? -eq 1 ; then ready="drive status" fi fi ;; esac