#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Kern Sibbald # License: BSD 2-Clause; see file LICENSE-FOSS # # This script deletes a catalog dump # db_name=@db_name@ rm -f @working_dir@/${db_name}.sql # # We recommend that you email a copy of the bsr file that was # made for the Job that runs this script to yourself. # You just need to put the bsr file in /opt/bacula/bsr/catalog.bsr # or adjust the script below. Please replace all %xxx% with what # is appropriate at your site. # #@bindir@/bsmtp -h %smtp-server% -s "catalog.bsr" \ # %your-name@company.org% <@bsrdir@/catalog.bsr # # The following script will email a summary of the backup jobs that # were completed in the last 24 hours #@scriptdir@/baculabackupreport 24 #