cancel [job= ujobid=] To be done in the context of a status dir graphical window. Also in a "job resources window for job-name". delete pool= should ask if this would have bad effects if say media existed in the pool the pool existed in the configuration file. disable job and enable job Could be done in the context of a jobs resource window which is not yet created list list ujobid (list job with unique name) list files job= do this as a context option on page selector on joblist list volumes job= list nextvolume job= list nextvol job= list nextvol job= days=nnn release storage= Would need to explain what this does in bat with a dialog setdebug I'd say we could choose not to implement this in bat unmount [ jobid= | job= ] Mmmmm update /* Attempted, having problems */ Volume from Pool All Volumes from Pool use still need to make decisions about how to handle multiple catalogs var Mmmmmm version could be done in console as long as it is explicite about that it is the version of the director quit I'd like to have a disconnect graphical option. exit Not really needed wait Mmmmmmm CONFIG FILE =========================== add [pool= storage= jobid=] These are done from config files create [pool=] Done in a config file CHOOSE NOT TO (for now at least) =========================== autodisplay on/off could be done in the context of the console This may interfere with our connection issues Also, there is a configurable qt timer to automatically ask for messages python not needed from bat?? DONE =========================== automount on/off Added buttons to the label dialog box to execute automount command cancel jobid= delete [volume= job jobid=] estimate Could be a dialog in the context of a jobs window. list list jobid= (list jobid id) list files jobid= list jobmedia jobid= list volumes jobid= list jobtotals (from page selector on joblist widget) The next few are accomplishable graphically with joblist class list jobs list job= (list all jobs with "job-name") list jobname= (same as above) list jobmedia list jobmedia job= The next few are accomplishable graphically with the medialist class list volumes list volumes pool= list volume= list pools Accomplishable with the clients class graphically list clients help context sensitive from page selector console label Done by kern before I started prune files|jobs|volume client= volume= could add as a dialog box from both client and medialist purge files jobid=|job=|client= purge volume|volume= (of all jobs) purge jobs client= (of all jobs) relabel run reload status unmount storage= [ drive=\lt{}num\gt{} ] update volume (via mediaedit) "update slots" "update slots scan" (context of storage)