This directory contains the Bacula Admin Tool (bat). At the current time, the contents of this directory are under development. If you want to help, please contact Kern directly. If you want to build it, you need Qt4 loaded and setup as your default Qt or with the appropriate Qt Environment variables set. To build bat, you simply enter: qmake make then to execute it ./bat The qmake command needs to be entered only if you add a new file, in which case, you should edit and add the new filename in the appropriate place. In running qmake, it will build a new Makefile, and there after, you simply use "make". In fact, providing you edit, doing a "make" will automatically call qmake to rebuild the Makefile. Development status as of 11 Feb 07. Items implemented: - Reads a basic bat.conf (same as documented for the gnome-console except that the Font part is unimplemented). - Basic main window structure - About dialog - Quit menu item - Connect button will connect to the first Director defined in the conf file. - The Director name will appear in the Selection tree followed by Console and Restore. - Clicking on Console brings forward the console display screen (default at startup). - Clicking on Restore brings up a brestore page that is not active. - The command line is implemented. - The status line (below the command line) is implemented. - Selection of Font is implemented. - The Font and the window size are saved on exit and restored on execution of bat. Items not implemented: - None of the menu items except About, Quit. - Nothing on the restore page Design/implementation considerations: - We need to have multiple Directors - Each Director should have its own console - The Console class needs to be a list or be attached to the currently active Director. - Need icons in front of the Director. - The console page should be in a DockWidget so it can be removed from the main window. It is currently in a dock window, but it does not remove properly -- more research needed. - Need to figure out a good implementation of adding pages and even having plugins that load as pages. Currently the page mechanism is a bit kludged. Design decisions: - If possible all code for a particular component will be kept in and appropriate subdirectory. - All private class variables are named "m_xxx" this makes it very clear if one is referencing a class variable or a local. - All signal/slots are connected by explict code (most all are done in the MainWin constructor), rather than using designer. - Each page has a separate designer .ui file in a subdirectory. - All windows are created with designer and have a name such as xxxForm i.e. the main window is MainForm and kept in main.ui. Major projects: - Implement a restore page that does a directory tree restore selection much like wx-console does. - Implement other restore interfaces such as brestore ... - Implement a database browser - Implement graphical commands that allow updating most aspects of the database (i.e. commands for label, update Volume, ...) - Implement a resource (conf file) browser - Implement a reports page -- e.g. something similar to bweb - Implement Qt plugins to add new functionality to bat - Implement a GUI configuration file editor (something like JBacula). ...