Original release, August 2007. Graphical features: Undockable (floating) windows of all interfaces. Page selector for deciding and finding interfaces to view Console command window for entering standard text console commands. A preferences interface for listing limits and debugging. Graphical console A console to perform all the commands available from bconsole. Graphical restoring High performance restore of backup with GUI tree browsing and file and directory selecting. Pre-restore Interface to assist in selecting jobs for this restore method. Restore by browsing and selecting from all cataloged versions of files. This method allows for Multiple simultaneous views of catalog data. The only selection limitation for this browsing method is one client at a time. Graphical listing Interfaces: List the backup jobs that have run. ** see details below List the clients and perform 4 commands on the client within context. List the Filesets List the Job resources and perform 8 commands on the job within context. List the Pools and the volumes in each pool. Pefrom 7 possible commands on each media. List the storage resources and perform any of 5 commands on the storage resource. Graphical Media Management Modify Volume parameters Label a new volume Relabel an existing volume Select jobs on a volume in Job List directly from media interface Delete a Volume Purge Jobs on volume Update Volume Parameters from Pool Parameters Graphical Graphing Interface to plot the files and bytes of backup jobs. Other Graphical interfaces: Open the cataloged Log messages of a job that has run Run a job manually and modify job defaults before running. Estimate a job. Determine the files and bytes that would be backed up if the job were run now. ** JobList features As many joblist windows at a time as desired. 9 different selection criterion: client, volume, job, Fileset, level, status, purged or not, record limit and days limit Lists the 11 most commonly desired job attributes. Run the following console commands by issuing the command within the context of the know job number: List job, list files on job, list jobmedia, list volumes, delete job and purge files. Open other interfaces knowing the jobid: show the cataloged log of the running of the job, restore from that job only browsing the filestructure, restore from the job end time to get the most recent version of a restore after the job completed running and browse the combined filestucture, jump directly to view a plot of the selected jobs files and bytes backed up. There is even a button to perform status dir at any time. What more can you ask for. ;-) An are you sure dialog box will even attempt to prevent the user from deleting important stuff. Almost all console commands can be run graphically without touching a keyboard. Help me out by letting me know what still cannot be done. I know of the following: show, run a migration job, and editing resources in configuration files. The last is not a console command, so it does not count. See the TODO file for future plans. The bacula develompment team is interested in your feedback and your assistance. If you would like to get involved, join the users and/or the developers mailing list.