Bat User's Guide

The Two Restore Interfaces

Both restore interfaces will select jobs to restore from, give the user the opportunity to select files and directories and then run the restore job.

The first or Standard restore is intended as a high performance restore. It is more of a server side interaction to perform the steps. The Opening interface will allow the user to choose selection criterion to determine the job set used. The second interface will allow the user to browse the file structure and choose the files and directories to restore. The third will run the job.

The second restore option is the Version Browser. It is a chatty interface which will perform many sql queries of the server. It is NOT intended to perfrom major large sized restores. It is intended to allow the user to search for specific files and see the different versions of those files that are available in the catalog to restore. Selecting jobs is done with 3 drop downs in the lower splitter pane. The top splitter pane has a vertical splitter with 4 widgets. One for viewing and further subselecting of jobs, one for viewing the directory tree, one for viewing the list of files in a selected directory and one for viewing a list of different versions of the selected files that have records in the catalog. The user can select a directory which will select all the files and subdirectories. The user can unselect a file in a selected directory and also select a file in an unselected directory. Lastly the user can choose to restore a specific version of a file and override the default which is to restore the most recent version.