Instructions for cross compiling the Win32/64 FD on Linux ======================================================= This file documents the tools (scripts) we use for building Bacula for Microsoft Windows using the cross-compiler tools on a Linux system. We use Ubuntu 8.04 so building on that system should definitely work. But there shouldn't be any issues on other Linux distributions. We don't officially support this method, but it is what we use, and it should build on any Linux machine if you carefully follow the instructions and have all the prerequisite programs loaded on your machine. We expect that there may be problems on systems other than Linux where you are pretty much on your own. However, we will try to provide responses to your questions on the bacula-devel list, but we can't guarantee anything. Note: the environment variable DEPKGS must point to a directory that contains: depkgs-mingw32 depkgs-mingw-w64 and cross-tools Directory Structure ===================== The new directory structure is: xxx (any directory) bacula Top level Bacula source directory -- any name src win32 Main directory where Windows version is built. docs Top level Bacula documentation directory yyy (any directory, but pointed to by the DEPKGS environment variable) depkgs-mingw32 (MinGW32) 3rd Party Dependencies for MinGW32 build bin -- NOTE! depkgs-msvc is no longer suppored include | lib | man | Created by script nsis |-- .../bacula/src/win32/build-depkgs-mingw32 scons | share | src | ssl -- vss inc A copy of the Windows VSS/inc directory depkgs-mingw-w64 (MinGW64) 3rd Party Dependencies for MinGW64 build bin -- include | lib | man | nsis | scons | share | src | ssl -- vss inc A copy of the Windows VSS/inc directory cross-tools (MinGW64/32) Cross compilation tools (gcc, g++, mingw32, ...) binutils-mingw32 -- gcc-mingw32 | Created by script mingw32 |-- .../bacula/src/win32/build-win32-cross-tools mingw-utils | source -- mingw-w64/x86_64-pc-mingw32 \ Taken from mingw-w64/bin/ / One-time Setup ============== If you're reading this file you've probably already cloned the GIT source tree or extracted the contents of the source tar. If not you need to do that first. You also need to download one of the doc tar balls and extract to your top level Bacula directory. For the moment, the 3.0.2 version of the installer requires doc files in the old 2.4.4 format. The extracted doc directory name will be bacula-docs-version where version is the version number. The directory must be renamed to docs (ie remove the leading bacula- and the -version portion of the name). An alternative to setting up the old documents that are needed by the Win32 installer, you may comment out the following lines in src/win32/win32_installer/Makefile: #DOC_FILES := \ # manual/bacula.pdf \ # manual/bacula/*.html \ # manual/bacula/*.png \ # manual/bacula/*.css Note, a number of packages must be installed to build the cross-tools and the depkgs files. Most are rather standard such as gcc, g++, make, ... However a few that you may not have are: wget texinfo flex bison patch (Debian) m4 postgresql (at least client) mysql (at least client) SQLite3 (from depkgs or as package) readline (readlineN-dev on Debian) ... NB: On Debian, I had to remove /usr/bin/lorder for postresql to build correctly. Build the 32 bit cross-tools and mingw32: Once the source is on your system, change to the win32 directory cd .../bacula/src/win32 Download and build the cross compiler tools ./build-win32-cross-tools Download and build the 3rd party dependencies ./build-depkgs-mingw32 Note, that during the build process you will see a moderate amount of output and some warnings. If something more serious happens and the build fails, it is probably because you don't have one of the build dependencies (hopefully all mentioned above) loaded on your system. To find out what is going wrong, do the following: cd .../depkgs-mingw32/src/ where is where the package is unpacked and built. Normally it is relatively obvious when looking at the src directory. In that directory, you should find a make.log, which has the full details of the compiles, links, and installs done for that package. === Building the 64 bit cross-tools and mingw64: When building the mingw64 environment and all dependencies (cross-tools, and depkgs-mingw64) should be compiled by hand with host=x86_64-pc-linux and target=x86_64-pc-mingw32. For that, use this configure line : ./configure --host=x86_64-pc-linux --target=x86_64-pc-mingw32 --prefix=$ROOT/cross-tools or ./configure --host=x86_64-pc-linux --target=x86_64-pc-mingw32 --prefix=$ROOT/depkgs-mingw64 (It can work with other setup). We are using binutils-2.19, gcc-4.3.2, gmp-4.2.4, mpfr-2.3.2. The mingw64 project delivers binaries that should do the work. The Win64 internal scripts and patches use the mingw32-xxx binaries, so you need to make links in the gcc bin ($ROOT/cross-tools/mingw-w64/bin) directory. ---8<------8<-------8<-------- for i in x86_64-pc-mingw32-* do ln -s $i ${i##x86_64-pc-} done ---8<------8<-------8<-------- They provide also a pthread lib but we aren't sure that they will work, you can compile it yourself using the pthreads-snap-2004-06-22.tar.gz (same as mingw32) + pthread-win64.patch. The openssl lib version is openssl-0.9.8j.tar.gz + openssl-win64.patch See External-mingw-w64 for download location (available on You need the header files from the Microsoft VSS SDK. Unfortunately the SDK can only be downloaded and installed on a Windows system. We do not have the right to distribute it, so you must download it yourself. You can find it on Microsoft's web-site at: If that link doesn't work then go to and search for "download volume shadow copy service sdk" we are currently using version 7.2 released 8/3/2005 (a bit old, but it works). Normally the files will be installed in: c:\Program Files\Microsoft\VSSSDK72 You only need to copy everything under the c:\Program Files\Microsoft\VSSSDK72\inc directory into .../depkgs-mingw32/vss/inc. and .../depkgs-mingw-w64/vss/inc In doing so, please ensure that the case in maintained on the directory and filenames -- some contain uppercase characters !!! The above only needs to be done once unless we change the cross-tools or the dependencies versions. In general, you can run the script multiple times with no problem. For it to work, you must have at a minimum the following: gcc g++ patch wget texinfo bison flex python unzip tar and possibly other packages. Building ======== Finally, to build the Microsoft Windows version of Bacula, do the following: cd .../bacula/src/win32 make clean ./makeall or cd .../bacula/src/win32 make clean make make WIN64=yes This builds both the 32 bit version and the 64 bit version. The binaries are in the release32 and release64 directories. Updating the 3rd party package patches ====================================== If one of the patches changes in .../bacula/src/win32/patches, you will need to update the corresponding dependency. Adding a new global function or global data =========================================== bacula.dll ---------- The code from the following directories is built into bacula.dll: .../bacula/src/lib .../bacula/src/libfind .../bacula/src/win32/compat A new function or data variable which must be accessed from outside of bacula.dll requires special treatment. It must be specifically exported. New data variables are exported by adding the macro DLL_IMP_EXP to the variable declaration in the header file. All exported variables must be declared in a header file and MUST NOT be declared in a source file referencing the variable. Example, src/lib/runscript.h: extern DLL_IMP_EXP bool (*console_command)(JCR *jcr, const char *cmd); or src/jcr.h extern int DLL_IMP_EXP num_jobs_run; extern DLL_IMP_EXP dlist * last_jobs; ... Exporting functions is now more or less automated. If you find that a function name has been added, changed, or an argument modified, simply do the following: cd .../bacula/src/win32/lib make (to build the .o files, note the link will fail) ./make_def >bacula64.def or >bacula64.def This should rebuild the bacula.def file, but it uses relative paths and assumes you have the directory structure noted above. If you are using something different, you can set the NM variable at the top of the make_def file to use an absolute path to the correct directory. ===== manual changing of bacula32.def or bacula64.def no longer necessary ===== If you want to do it manually, please see below: Exporting a function requires a bit more work. You must determine the C++ mangled name of the new function. strings .../bacula/src/win32/lib/.o | grep Note, strings often will not show the desired symbol. In that case, use: nm .../bacula/src/win32/lib/.o Replace with the base part of the name of the source code file which contains the new function. Replace with the name of the new function. Remove the leading underscore and place the result in the file .../bacula/src/win32/lib/bacula64.def === end manual changing of bacula64.def ========== If you add a new file, you will need to specify its name in .../bacula/src/win32/lib/Makefile and .../bacula/src/win32/libbac/Makefile Running gdb on the Win32 files ================================================== You can use the mingw64 gdb to debug Bacula on Win64 by downloading it from Source Forge: Download one of their .exe versions, which is an installer that you can run on Win32 to install gdb. This gdb is built with mingw64 so will run independently of any cygwin installation. Note, not all the releases come with an installer. I had to go back 3 or 4 versions to find it. Otherwise you can download the source and build it. Thanks to Eric Bollengier for this tip. Structure of the MinGW64/32 build environment ========================================== The basic strategy is each Makefile in the various subdirectories includes, defines variables and rules specific to what is being built, then includes Makefile.rules which defines all the rules. defines the locations of all the dependencies and the compiler and linker flags. It is automatically created from Any changes must be made to not or they will be overwritten the next time is updated. Makefile.rules defines a bunch of macros to simplify building. It also includes all the basic rules for building objects, GUI and console executables, etc. Makefile.template is a template for creating new Makefiles, if you are creating a new directory, copy Makefile.template to Makefile in that directory and edit to suit.