Instructions to build Bacula with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 =========================================================== Using the Express Edition (free version) ---------------------------------------- Download instructions: - Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (2MB + 66MB) NOTE: You may want to download the whole CD for offline usage instead of the web installer, as Microsoft will start to charge for VC++ one year after the product launch (launch was in November 2005, see VC++ FAQ). NOTE: last modifications in order to compile have been tested with Visual C++ Standard Edition, not with Express Edition, but this shouldn't change anything. - Microsoft VSS SDK. You can find it on Microsoft's web-site at: If that link doesn't work then go to and search for "download volume shadow copy service sdk" - Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Full Download (385MB) NOTE: choose "Full Download" version on the bottom of that page. Installation instructions: - Visual C++ Express Edition Beta 2: + Run vcsetup.exe. + When asked for Installation Options, only check "Graphical IDE" (MSDN Library is NOT needed). + Remember where you install it (e.g. E:\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\) - Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Full Download + Run psdk-full.exe, type the directory where you downloaded the cab files. + In a command prompt, run "PSDK-full.bat " (e.g. "PSDK-full.bat E:\temp") + Run \setup.exe + When asked for the installation directory, choose \VC\PlatformSDK (e.g. E:\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\) + When asked for components, you can safely remove documentation, samples, and all 64-bit tools and libs if you want to save disk space. NOTE: Just after having installed "Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Full Download", my XP was no more considered as "genuine". You are warned. That's why it is recommended to download "volume shadow copy service sdk" before installing SDK - Microsoft VSS SDK + Normally the files will be installed in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\VSSSDK72 + You only need to copy everything under the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\VSSSDK72\inc directory into .../depkgs-msvc/vss/inc. - Verify what you've got in your system variables : + %INCLUDE% (echo %INCLUDE%) must contain \VC\include;\VC\PlatformSDK\Include; + %LIB% (echo %LIB%) must contain \VC\lib;\VC\PlatformSDK\Lib One-time Setup ============== If you're reading this file you've probably already enlisted in the CVS tree or extracted the contents of the source tar. If not you need to do that first. You also need to download one of the doc tar balls and extract to your top level Bacula directory. It is referred to as bacula-top in the diagram located in README.win32. It will be signified in this file as ... The extracted doc directory name will be bacula-docs-version where version is the version number. The directory must be renamed to docs (ie remove the leading bacula- and the trailing -version portion of the name). The script build-depkgs-msvc.cmd is used to download and build all the third party dependencies required by Bacula. In order to build the dependencies you need the following utilities. Only the binaries listed in parenthesis are required. Perl must be listed in the PATH, the other utilities can either be on the PATH or copied to ...\depkgs-msvc\tools. Perl (Normal Install, with binaries in the PATH) 7-Zip (7z.exe) NASM (nasmw.exe) patch (patch.exe) sed (sed.exe) Depends on libintl, libiconv tee (tee.exe) Depends on libintl, libiconv wget (wget.exe) Depends on libintl, libiconv, openssl libintl (libintl3.dll) Dependency of sed, tee, wget libiconv (libiconv2.dll) Dependency of sed, tee, wget openssl (libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll) Dependency of wget Once the utilities are installed continue with the next steps. Start VC++ 2005 command prompt (in the start menu) cd ...\bacula\src\win32 directory. Only if you are using Microsoft Visual C++ Express "%VCINSTALLDIR%\PlatformSDK\SetEnv" The following step should only need to be done the first time and whenever the dependencies change. build-depkgs-msvc At this point all of the dependencies should have been downloaded and built. The above only needs to be done once unless we change the cross-tools or the dependencies versions. In general, you can run the script multiple times with no problem. Building ======== Start VC++ 2005 command prompt (in the start menu) cd ...\bacula\src\win32 If you are using Microsoft Visual C++ Express "%VCINSTALLDIR%\PlatformSDK\SetEnv" To build the debug version build-msvc "Debug|Win32" To build the release version build-msvc "Release|Win32" To cleanup all the built files build-msvc /c To cleanup only the debug built files build-msvc /c "Debug|Win32" To rebuild the debug version build-msvc /r "Debug|Win32" Updating the 3rd party package patches ====================================== If one of the patches changes in ...\bacula\src\win32\patches, you will need to update the corresponding dependency. You can install new patches by doing the following (we assume the patch in question is for openssl). cd ...\bacula\src\win32 set CLOBBER_SOURCE=true build-depkgs-msvc openssl set CLOBBER_SOURCE= NOTE: Setting CLOBBER_SOURCE=true means that any local changes to the source code in the .../depkgs-msvc/src directory will be lost. The source will be reextracted from the archive and the current patches will be applied. Adding a new global function or global data =========================================== bacula.dll ---------- The code from the following directories is built into bacula.dll: .../bacula/src/lib .../bacula/src/libfind .../bacula/src/win32/compat A new function or data variable which must be accessed from outside of bacula.dll requires special treatment. It must be specifically exported. New data variables are exported by adding the macro DLL_IMP_EXP to the variable declaration in the header file. All exported variables must be declared in a header file and MUST NOT be declared in a source file referencing the variable. Exporting a function requires a bit more work. You must determine the C++ mangled name of the new function. Fortunately it is displayed in parentheses in the linker error message. Place it in the .../bacula/src/win32/libbac/bacula.def file. In .../bacula/src/win32/libbac/msvc there is a shell "make_def_msvc" that creates a def file (not really clean way). In cygwin, one has to type ./make_def_msvc > bacula.def bacula_cats.dll --------------- The code from the src/cats directory is built into database provider specific libraries of the form cats_.dll. The database specific portion is mysql for MySQL, pgsql for PostgreSQL, sqlite for SQLite, and bdb for the built-in Bacula database. During installation of the Director, one of the database libraries is copied to the system and renamed bacula_cats.dll. A new function or data variable which must be accessed from outside of bacula_cats.dll requires special treatment. It must be specifically exported. New data variables and functions are exported by placing their mangled name in the file .../bacula/src/win32/cats/bacula_cats/bacula_cats.def. The mangled name is printed, surrounded by parentheses, in the Linker error message. In .../bacula/src/win32/bacula_cats/ there is a shell "make_def_msvc" that creates a def file (not really clean way). In cygwin, one has to type ./make_def_msvc > bacula_cats.def