@ECHO off REM REM Script to create Bacula database(s) REM REM use SQL_ASCII to be able to put any filename into REM the database even those created with unusual character sets SET ENCODING=ENCODING 'SQL_ASCII' REM use UTF8 if you are using standard Unix/Linux LANG specifications REM that use UTF8 -- this is normally the default and *should* be REM your standard. Bacula consoles work correctly *only* with UTF8. REM SET ENCODING=ENCODING 'UTF8' "@SQL_BINDIR@\psql" -f "@bin_dir_cmd@\create_postgresql_database.sql" -d template1 %* IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO :ERROR ECHO Creation of bacula database succeeded. EXIT /b 0 GOTO :EOF :ERROR ECHO Creation of bacula database failed. EXIT /b 1