FEATURES -------- wxbRestorePanel : Reconsider start button's labels. wxbRestorePanel : Add titles to configuration panel wxbRestorePanel : When cancelling, check for commands results general : Show nice messages boxes when errors occurs. general : Allow the user to quit however the state is (kill thread if necessary) general : correct segmentation faults when exiting [postponed to July:] wxbRestorePanel : Add a way to cancel restore when building tree (needs director modifications) wxbMainFrame : set focus to type control when clicking on console global : create a general class which keeps clients, jobs, filesets, pools... list. wxbMainFrame : use more often status text wxbRestorePanel : Ask Kern for a dot command which gives restore dates for a client (with an interval, last 20 for example, or last 40 excluding last 20). wxbRestorePanel : Add buttons to mark/unmark directories/files. wxbRestorePanel : Add a button to force to refresh the whole tree wxbRestorePanel : Put titles above the Client drop down box and the Backup date drop down box. It isn't immediately obvious that the dates correspond to the backup dates. wxbRestorePanel : There needs to be some way of marking/unmarking a range of files selected with shift-click or multiple files selected with ctl-click. The GTX console uses a button to mark/unmark the selected entries. wxbRestorePanel : Is there any way to add a width adjustment handle between the tree view window and the file view window so that the width of the tree view can be changed? general : Implement dis/reconnecting wxbRestorePanel : Use ".default job=RestoreFiles" to get defaults parameters when changing a restore parameter fails. console_thread : Allow the user to choose his config file. console_thread : Allow the user to choose his director when there's multiple directors. wxbDataParser : Add a boolean in the constructor to avoid storing data is will not be used. wxbTableParser : Replace wxHashMap by wxArray wxbRestorePanel : Check if commands ran successfully (cd, mark, mods...). GTK : Improve look wxblistctrl/wxbtreectrl : Find why events are not forwarded correctly to parent' parent, and correct bad actual implementation. (remove wxbTreeListPanel) general : find out why I had to modify string.cpp and string.h + In include/wx/string.h, replace line 195 by #if defined(__VISUALC__) // && defined(_MT) && !defined(_DLL) + In src/common/string.cpp, replace line 167 by #if defined(__VISUALC__) // && defined(_MT) && !defined(_DLL) mingw : correct findlib stat blocks and block size (Note : nothing to do with wx-console) wxbRestorePanel : The + only appears when one selects a directory, to indicate it has subdirectories wxbRestorePanel : Add a timeout when waiting for commands results wxbRestorePanel : Be sure of which job we just have run (not suppositions as I'm doing now) : needs director modification. bacula-dir : correct director to handle correctly + marked status (In fact there is a bug in the director : If you mark a directory (not a file), and then unmark it, its parents keep the "+" status.) general : make a good documentation with snapshots BUGS ---- wxRestorePanel : When you double-click an a folder in the list, the list is then refreshed two times (instead of one) in the new directory