.TH NGCLI "1" "September 2014" "NgAdmin 0.1" "User Commands" .SH NAME ngcli \- command line interface tool for GS10[58]E administration . .SH SYNOPSIS ngcli [\fIOPTIONS\fR] . .SH DESCRIPTION . .PP This is a cli tool intended for administration of Netgear switches that use NSDP. Currently, only the GS105E and GS108E are concerned. .br It uses the readline library (if enabled at compilation) to read command lines and supports command auto-completion with the TAB key. . .SH OPTIONS . .TP .B "\-a, \-\-batch" By default, NgCli uses readline to provide an interactive command line interface. You can disable this and use basic text input, which can be useful for scripting purposes. You can also see \fB\-m\fR, \fB\-p\fR and \fB\-r\fR options. .br If readline is disabled at compilation time, it is the default and only choice. . .TP .B "\-b, \-\-keep\-broadcasting" Keep broadcasting even when talking with a particular switch. By default, once you login on a switch, NgAdmin talks with it using unicast. This prevents the password from being sent to all your network. The switch still replies using broadcast, but the password is not included in the replies. .br This option allows you to disable this feature and do like the official Windows application that always use broadcast packets. This also allows to configure a switch which is not on your network range without forcing the interface. .br When you enable this option, you must be aware that on every modification you make, your password is broadcasted to all your network. . .TP .B "\-f, \-\-force\-interface" Force traffic to go through the specified interface. This can be useful when you have multiple interfaces or the switch is not on your network range. .br Requires root privileges. . .TP .B "\-h, \-\-help" Show basic help instructions. . .TP \fB\-i, \-\-interface\fI iface Set the interface to use to \fIiface\fR. Defaults to eth0 when not specified. However, this does not force the traffic to go through this interface. If you have multiple interfaces, you can use \fB\-l\fR or \fB\-f\fR options. . .TP .B "\-l, \-\-local\-broadcast" By default, NgCli uses the global broadcast address ( to send data to all the network. With this option, the interface broadcast address will be used instead (for example This can be useful to force traffic to go through the specified interface without forcing the interface. .br However, some switches seem to ignore packets sent to this type of addresses. . .TP \fB\-m, \-\-mac\fI mac Enable automatic login. NgCli will automatically scan the network and try to login on the switch with the MAC address \fImac\fR. \fImac\fR must be specified as six hexadecimal bytes separated by a colon. . .TP \fB\-p, \-\-password\fI password Set the password to use with automatic login to \fIpassword\fR. Be aware that the password will be part of the command line, which means everybody on the machine can do a "ps" to see it. . .TP \fB\-r, \-\-retries\fI count Set the maximum scan and login attempts in automatic login mode to \fIcount\fR. Defaults to 3 when not specified and 0 means unlimited attempts. . .TP \fB\-t, \-\-timeout\fI value Define the maximum to wait for switch replies in \fIvalue\fR milliseconds. Defaults to 4 seconds when not specified. . . .SH COMMANDS . .TP \fBbitrate set\fR [ all [ inout \fIspeed\fR ] [ in \fIspeed\fR ] \ [ out \fIspeed\fR ] ] [ \fIport\fR [ inout \fIspeed\fR ] [ in \fIspeed\fR ] \ [ out \fIspeed\fR ] ] [...] Set the bitrate limit on several several \fIport\fR. Setting the first port to "all" assigns the same value to all the ports. .br Acceptable \fIspeed\fR values are: nl (no limit), 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M . .TP \fBbitrate show Show bitrate limitation configuration. . .TP \fBcabletest\fI port\fR [...] Perform a cable test on one or several \fIport\fR. . .TP \fBdefaults Reset the switch to the defaults parameters. Automatically delogs from the current switch. . .TP \fBfirmware show Show the current firmware version. . .TP \fBfirmware upgrade\fI file Upgrade the firmware contained in the \fIfile\fR. . .TP \fBhelp Display all the commands. . .TP \fBigmp set \fIenable vlan validate block Set IGMP filtering related options. \fIenable\fR, \fIvalidate\fR and \fIblock\fR must set either to 0 to disable or 1 to enable. \fIvlan\fR must be a VLAN number. .br \fIenable\fR : enable or disable IGMP filtering .br \fIvlan\fR : VLAN number on which the filtering is performed .br \fIvalidate\fR : enable or disable IGMPv3 header validation .br \fIblock\fR : enable or disable blocking of unknown addresses . .TP \fBigmp show Show IGMP filtering configuration. . .TP \fBlist List the detected switches on the network. . .TP \fBlogin \fIid Login on switch with ID \fIid\fR. The \fBlist\fR command shows IDs of detected switches. This command delogs from the current switch, whether the login attempt is successful or not. . .TP \fBloop disable Disable loop detection. . .TP \fBloop enable Enable loop detection. . .TP \fBloop show Show loop detection configuration. . .TP \fBmirror disable Disable port mirroring. . .TP \fBmirror set\fI outport\fR clone\fI port\fR [...] Enable port mirroring, copy data from one or several \fIport\fR and output data on \fIoutport\fR. Obviously, \fIoutport\fR must not be in the source ports list. . .TP \fBmirror show Show port mirroring configuration. . .TP \fBname clear Clear the switch name. . .TP \fBname set\fI name Set the switch name to \fIname\fR. . .TP \fBname show Show the switch name. . .TP \fBnetconf show Show the network configuration. . .TP \fBnetconf set\fR [ dhcp yes|no ] [ ip \fIip\fR ] [ mask\fI mask\fR ] \ [ gw\fI gw\fR ] Set various network related options. \fIip\fR, \fImask\fR and \fIgw\fR must be IPv4 addresses in dotted quad form. .br dhcp : enable or disable DHCP client on the switch .br ip : set the switch IP to \fIip\fR .br mask : set the switch netmask to \fImask\fR .br gw : set the switch gateway to \fIgw\fR . .TP \fBpassword change\fR [ \fIpassword\fR ] Change the switch password to \fIpassword\fR. If not specified, it is asked from user (with terminal echo disabled). . .TP \fBpassword set\fR [ \fIpassword\fR ] Set the password used to connect to \fIpassword\fR. If not specified, it is asked from user (with terminal echo disabled). . .TP \fBports state Show the ports state and speed. . .TP \fBports statistics reset Reset the ports statistics. . .TP \fBports statistics show Show the ports statistics. . .TP \fBqos mode\fR port|802.1p Set QoS mode to either port based or 802.1p based. . .TP \fBqos set\fR all\fI prio In port based mode, set all ports priority to \fIprio\fR. .br Acceptable values for \fIprio\fR are high, medium, normal and low. . .TP \fBqos set \fIport prio\fR [...] In port based mode, set priority of several couples of \fIport\fR to \fIprio\fR. \fIprio\fR is the same format as in the above command. . .TP \fBqos show Show QoS configuration. . .TP \fBquit Exit NgCli. . .TP \fBrestart Restart the switch. . .TP \fBscan Scan the network for switches. . .TP \fBstormfilter enable Enable storm filtering. . .TP \fBstormfilter disable Disable storm filtering. . .TP \fBstormfilter set\fR all\fI speed Set the storm filter bitrate of all ports to \fIspeed\fR. \fIspeed\fR is the same format as in the \fBbitrate set\fR command. . .TP \fBstormfilter set\fI port speed\fR [...] Set the storm filter bitrate of several couples of \fIport\fR to \fIspeed\fR. \fIspeed\fR is the same format as in the \fBbitrate set\fR command. . .TP \fBstormfilter show Show storm filtering configuration. . .TP \fBtree Display all the commands and their subcommands. . .TP \fBvlan 802.1q del\fI vlan Delete 802.1Q VLAN \fIvlan\fR. . .TP \fBvlan 802.1q set\fI vlan\fR [ all unspec|no|untagged|tagged ] \ [ \fIport\fR unspec|no|untagged|tagged ] [...] In 802.1Q based mode, set a particular VLAN membership of several \fIport\fR. \fIvlan\fR is a VLAN number between 1 and 4093 inclusive. Setting the port of the first couple to "all" assigns the same value to all the ports. .br Also do not forget to set the PVID configuration as well with the \fBvlan pvid set\fR command. .br When creating a new VLAN, no port must be in an unspecified state or the VLAN creation will fail. .br Acceptable membership values are: .br unspec : unspecified (default), the configuration of this port is left unchanged .br no : the port is not member of this VLAN .br untagged : the port is member of this VLAN as untagged .br tagged : the port is member of this VLAN as tagged . .TP \fBvlan 802.1q show Show 8021Q based VLAN configuration. . .TP \fBvlan mode set\fI mode Set VLAN mode to \fImode\fR, acceptable values are: .br 0 - disabled .br 1 - basic port based .br 2 - advanced port based .br 3 - basic 802.1Q .br 4 - advanced 802.1Q . .TP \fBvlan mode show Show VLAN mode. . .TP \fBvlan port set\fR [ all\fI vlan\fR ] [ \fIport vlan\fR ] [...] In port based mode, set the VLAN membership of several couples of \fIport\fR to \fIvlan\fR. Setting the port of the first couple to "all" assigns the same VLAN to all the ports. .br \fIvlan\fR is a VLAN number between 1 and 9 inclusive. . .TP \fBvlan port show Show port based VLAN configuration. . .TP \fBvlan pvid set\fI port vlan Set \fIport\fR PVID to \fIvlan\fR. . .TP \fBvlan pvid show Show VLAN PVID configuration. . .SH BUGS . .PP Firmware upgrade is not implemented, because it would require some work in the library and a TFTP client. .br And overvall, it could be dangerous, as it is not sure that the switch checks whatever you send to it, which could lead to a bricked device. . .PP Cabletest is not totally reversed, only raw values are shown. .br Also, you must manually increase timeout to be able to receive results. . .PP Saving and loading whole configuration into/from a file is not implemented. . .SH AUTHOR Written by Hervé Boisse (admin@darkcoven.tk).