LOADS!!! Someone please figure out how to _remove_ a widget from a container in Gtk+/Gtk--. As far as I know, and from my discussion with a certain person, it can't due to a design flaw of Gtk+ people. We need that first to be able to continue. The bug is reproducable when you start the thing, it automatically goes to the top node, i.e. University of Michigan, if you expand the tree a bit, then click on any one of the items available, it'll blow. That's because it needs to remove the contents in the right side of the browser window to be able to insert new things about the current node. And I didn't want to be an idiot and do it by some other means, because, as they've taught me in school, OO programming is meant to be used in a black-box fashion. If all else fails, then we'll start thinking about stupid solutions and their consenquences. No pun intended. All emails to -devel list, and plase make sure you put "GTK-TOOL" in the subject line, so other people who are not interested don't have to read our garbage. Pele pele@openldap.org