/*_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ * * * CHANGES * * * * Function:..A short description of the last modifications of TWEB * * * * * * * * Authors:...Dr. Kurt Spanier & Bernhard Winkler, * * Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung, Bereich Entwicklung * * neuer Dienste, Universitaet Tuebingen, GERMANY * * * * ZZZZZ DDD V V * * Creation date: Z D D V V * * September 14 1995 Z D D V V * * Last modification: Z D D V V * * January 15 1999 ZZZZ DDD V * * * _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/*/ Changes of the web-x.500-gateway TWEB ===================================== Version: tweb-2.3 1998/10/05 Changes to code - dynamic re-sort and re-display based on entries found in the DIT: SORT definitions given by config files can be changed due to local information within a DIT area; that provides for dynamic definitions of sorting groups and/or display of groups with new labels and/or other sorting order; DISPLAY definitions can be replaced or added dynamically, in order to display contents of entries in other than the statically configured way Version: tweb-2.2 1998/3/20 Changes in configuration files (please check!) - INDEX-URL (new): display hrefs below a certain dit showing special parts of the entry-dn in any sequence - DIT-CONFIG (new): get from a specified location the information how to switch to other gateways depending on the given dn. With NOT-BROWSE you can turn of this functionality for browsing. - DISP-SEA-RDN (new): with this option you can make search-results to be displayed only by rdn and not by relative dn to the search-base - TON-URLS (new): hereby you can reference a given organization/alunit by TONS (special numbers for organizational hirarchies) example: T013307 can mean: computing centre, dept. development of new services - INDIRECT-ATTRS (new): attribute-value can be fetched by special keys from other locations and additional be transformed by according functions - ALLOW-STRING DENY-STRING GRANT REFUSE : CHANGE IN BEHAVIOUR!! now regular expressions are used. That means you have shorter config strings. - ALLOW-MSG (new): by this option you can specify a special file located in the ETCDIRectorie containing a message to be displayed in case of an allowed access to TWEB - TABLES (new): triggered by the presence of a special objectclass will be displayed a button in the header of the TWEB-page allowing an eXtended data access such as: a table with names, telephonenumbers and e-mail addresses of the current organization or the access to the electronic telephonebook-data of the university of tuebingen generated by TWEB dynamically Version: tweb-2.0a 1997/1/7 Changes in configuration files (please check!) - PULL-DOWN-MENUS (new): use BUTTONS and PULL-DOWN-MENUS instead of links in order to support: help, language-switch, move-upwards and read-entry functionalities - GRANT (new): allow general access to TWEB for specified locations ( same syntax as ALLOW-STRING ) - REFUSE (new): refuse general access to TWEB for specified locations ( same syntax as DENY-STRING ) - INDIRECT-ATTRS (new): Get specified attribute-values from another location - CACHING-TERMS (new): specify caching-behaviour for browsers and www-caches - CACHE-EXPIRE-DEFAULT (new): set a default caching-time for browsers and www-caches - SHOW-DEFOC (new): Show Default Objectclass - COMREFUSE (new): prevent engine-access - robots.txt (new): supply robots.txt-file functionality with the same behaviour as in www-servers Version: tweb-1.1b 1996/5/7 Changes in configuration files (please check!) - STRICT-BASEDN (new): Access not below basedn is switched to responsible gateway ( -> gw-switch) - ALLOW-PROXY (new): if NO-PROXY is configured access from given domain is allowed Version: tweb-1.1a, 1996/4/25 Changes in configuration files (please check!) - SORT extensions: fourth parameter RELATED DISPLAY-CLASS: relation to according DISPLAY-entry (default is 'default') see DISPLAY changes fifth parameter SORT-ATTRIBUTE: attribute used to sort entries (default is 'sn') - DISPLAY changes: The DISPLAY objectClass entry is replaced by the string that is used as fifth attribute with SORT - NO-PROXY (new): option for access restrictions via PROXY-servers - TWEBHOST (new): option to support a constant tweb-hostname - NO-MODIFY (new): option to prevent entries with named objectclasses from modification - PGPKEY (new): DISPLAY-TYPE for PGPKeys enabling cut&paste Changes to code - conversion from upper to lowercase characters in: make_oc_to_str(), pick_oc(), init_sort(), init_modify(), attrs in display() and all internal comparison-strings!!! - modification with multiline attributes now possible with NETSCAPE - pictures in X.500 are shown (only with NETSCAPE) - display is denied in do_read() in case of missing default-Display - technical entries (gw...) are not shown if using DYNAMIC-GW - the tokens to filter proxy-access with NO_PROXY are extended to: " via " & "Proxy gateway" - the tweb-version and compilation date is now shown with C & K options - many bugfixes Version: tweb-1.0b, 1996/2/29 Changes in configuration files (please check!) - ALLOW/DENY-String moved from tweb.conf.[01] to tweb.rc - tweb.lang.[01]: string 4 TEXT/HTML --> text/html - tweb.rc : optional parameter TWEBHOST (see FEATURE-LIST) Changes to code - better behaviour in modify operations BEWARE: modification of inherited attributes still NOT possible (!) - logging-option (-l) with facultative parameter: LOCAL[0-7] of syslogd -lx --> LOCAL3 (default) - simplified metasyntax of GW-switches: labeledURI= http://:/ (gw[-]) - use 'aliasedObjectName' in HREF of aliases - always print HTML header - many bugfixes Version: tweb-1.0a, 1996/2/7 - base distibution