# # Configuration parameters, can be overridden in config file # LDAPSRC = ../.. CONFIG_DIRECTORY = $(ETCDIR)/whois++ HELP_DIRECTORY = /usr/local/isode/help/whois++ LDAPHOST = "localhost" # # Where to stuff the man page MANDIR = /usr/local/isode/man MANSEC = 8 # # Syslog facility to log queries under, using info serverity level # FACILITY = LOG_LOCAL3 # # Additional system libraries # Under Ultrix I use the 4.3 syslog, hence the additional syslog library # #SYSLIBS = -li -lsyslog # # If you want POSIX international support (format of dates), on ultrix # #INTERNATIONAL = -DINTERNATIONAL # # If you want RFC931 logging you must have log_tcp source available # #RFC931DEF = -DRFC931 #RFC931SRC = /local/src/log_tcp/rfc931.c SRCS = whois++.c command.c config.c describe.c help.c output.c template.c \ util.c version.c $(RFC931SRC) HDRS = whois++.h OBJS = ${SRCS:.c=.o} HOST = `hostname` # This returns a date such as "26 April 1993", unfortunately SunOS doesn't # understand the %B abd %Y macros so you may need to change this. #DATE = `date +'%d %B %Y'` DATE = `date +'%D'` # this gives 4/26/93 format REVISION = 2 DEFINES = -DETCDIR=\"$(ETCDIR)\" -DBUILD="\"$(USER)@$(HOST) on $(DATE)\"" \ -DCONFIG_DIRECTORY=\"$(CONFIG_DIRECTORY)\" -DMAIN \ -DHELP_DIRECTORY=\"$(HELP_DIRECTORY)\" -DREVISION="$(REVISION)" \ -DPROTOCOL="\"[FIRST DRAFT - 15 April 1993]\"" -DRELEASE=\"BETA\" \ -DFACILITY=$(FACILITY) -DDEFAULT_LDAPHOST=\"$(LDAPHOST)\" \ $(INTERNATIONAL) $(RFC931DEF) CFLAGS = -I$(LDAPSRC)/include -I/usr/local/include $(ACFLAGS) LIBS = -L$(LDAPSRC)/libraries/libldap -lldap -L$(LDAPSRC)/libraries/liblber \ -llber $(SYSLIBS) $(KRBLIBFLAG) $(KRBLIBS) all: whois++d whois++d: $(OBJS) $(LDAPSRC)/libraries/libldap/libldap.a $(CC) $(ALDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) whois++.o: whois++.c $(HDRS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c whois++.c install: inst-whois++ inst-whois++: $(ETCDIR)/whois++d -mkdir -p $(CONFIG_DIRECTORY) cp -r templates $(CONFIG_DIRECTORY) -mkdir -p $(HELP_DIRECTORY) cp -r helpfiles/* $(HELP_DIRECTORY) sed -e 's#ETCDIR#$(ETCDIR)#' whois++d.man > $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSEC)/whois++d.$(MANSEC) @echo "Don't forget to modify and install the tailor file" $(ETCDIR)/whois++d: whois++d install -c -m 755 whois++d $(ETCDIR) lint:; lint $(SRCS) 5lint:; /usr/5bin/lint $(SRCS) clean:; rm -f *.o core a.out whois++d depend:; ../mkdep $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS) # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it. # DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY. # IF YOU PUT ANYTHING HERE IT WILL GO AWAY