.TH LDAP_ABANDON 3 "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" $OpenLDAP$ .\" Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .SH NAME ldap_abandon_ext \- Abandon an LDAP operation in progress .SH LIBRARY OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap) .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .BI "int ldap_abandon_ext(LDAP *" ld ", int " msgid "," .RS .BI "LDAPControl *" sctrls "[], LDAPControl *" cctrls "[]);" .RE .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .B ldap_abandon_ext() routine is used to send a abandon request for an LDAP operation in progress. The \fImsgid\fP passed should be the message id of an outstanding LDAP operation, as returned by .BR ldap_search_ext (3), .BR ldap_modify_ext (3), etc. .LP .BR ldap_abandon_ext () checks to see if the result of the operation has already come in. If it has, it deletes it from the queue of pending messages. If not, it sends an LDAP abandon request to the LDAP server. .LP The caller can expect that the result of an abandoned operation will not be returned from a future call to .BR ldap_result (3). .LP .B ldap_abandon_ext() allows server and client controls to be passed in via the .I sctrls and .I cctrls parameters, respectively. .SH ERRORS .B ldap_abandon_ext() directly returns an LDAP error code indicating success or failure of the operation. .LP See .BR ldap_error (3) for details. .SH DEPRECATED INTERFACES The .B ldap_abandon() routine is deprecated in favor of the .B ldap_abandon_ext() routine. .LP .so Deprecated .SH SEE ALSO .BR ldap (3), .BR ldap_result (3), .BR ldap_error (3) .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .so ../Project