.TH LDAP.CONF 5 "29 November 1998" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" $OpenLDAP$ .\" Copyright 1998-2000 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .UC 6 .SH NAME ldap.conf, .ldaprc \- ldap configuration file .SH SYNOPSIS ETCDIR/ldap.conf \fP.ldaprc\fP .SH DESCRIPTION The .I ldap.conf configuration file is used to set system-wide defaults to be applied when running .I ldap clients. If the environment variable \fBLDAPNOINIT\fP is defined, all defaulting is disabled. .LP Each user may specify an optional configuration file, .IR .ldaprc , in his/her home directory which will be used to override the system-wide defaults file. .LP Additional configuration files can be specified using the \fBLDAPCONF\fP and \fBLDAPRC\fP environment variables. \fBLDAPCONF\fP may be set the path of a configuration file. This path can be absolute or relative to current working directory. The \fBLDAPRC\fP, if defined, should be a basename of a file in the current working directory or in the user's home directory. .LP Environmental variables may also be used to augment the file based defaults. The name of the option is the as listed but with a prefix of \fBLDAP\fP. For example, to define \fBBASE\fP via the environment, define the variable \fBLDAPBASE\fP to desired value. .LP Some options are user\-only. Such options are ignored if present in the .IR ldap.conf (or file specified by .BR LDAPCONF ). .SH OPTIONS The different configuration options are: .TP 1i \fBBASE \fP Used to specify the default base DN to use when performing ldap operations. The base must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP format. .TP 1i \fBBINDDN \fP Used to specify the default bind DN to use when performing ldap operations. The bind DN must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP format. This is a user\-only option. .TP 1i \fBHOST \fP Used to specify the name(s) of an LDAP server(s) to which .I ldap library should connect to. Each server's name can be specified as a domain-style name or an IP address and optionally followed a ':' and the port number the ldap server is listening on. A space separated listed of host may be provided. .TP 1i \fBPORT \fP Used to specify the port used with connecting to LDAP servers(s). The port may be specified as a number. .TP 1i \fBSASL_SECPROPS \fP Used to specify Cyrus SASL security properties. .TP 1i \fBSIZELIMIT \fP Used to specify a size limit to use when performing searches. The number should be an non-negative integer. \fISIZELIMIT\fP of zero (0) specifies unlimited search size. .TP 1i \fBTIMELIMIT \fP Used to specify a time limit to use when performing searches. The number should be an non-negative integer. \fITIMELIMIT\fP of zero (0) specifies unlimited search time to be used. .TP 1i \fBDEREF \fP Specify how aliases dereferencing is done. \fIDEREF\fP should be set to one of .B never, .B always, .B search, or .B find to specify that aliases are never dereferenced, always dereferenced, dereferenced when searching, or dereferenced only when locating the base object for the search. The default is to never dereference aliases. .SH FILES .I ETCDIR/ldap.conf .LP .I $HOME/.ldaprc .LP .I $CWD/.ldaprc .SH "SEE ALSO" ldap(3) .SH AUTHOR Kurt Zeilenga, The OpenLDAP Project .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .B OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project (http://www.openldap.org/). .B OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.