.TH SLAPD-LDAP 5 "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" Copyright 1998-2009 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .\" $OpenLDAP$ .SH NAME slapd\-ldap \- LDAP backend to slapd .SH SYNOPSIS ETCDIR/slapd.conf .SH DESCRIPTION The LDAP backend to .BR slapd (8) is not an actual database; instead it acts as a proxy to forward incoming requests to another LDAP server. While processing requests it will also chase referrals, so that referrals are fully processed instead of being returned to the slapd client. Sessions that explicitly Bind to the back-ldap database always create their own private connection to the remote LDAP server. Anonymous sessions will share a single anonymous connection to the remote server. For sessions bound through other mechanisms, all sessions with the same DN will share the same connection. This connection pooling strategy can enhance the proxy's efficiency by reducing the overhead of repeatedly making/breaking multiple connections. The ldap database can also act as an information service, i.e. the identity of locally authenticated clients is asserted to the remote server, possibly in some modified form. For this purpose, the proxy binds to the remote server with some administrative identity, and, if required, authorizes the asserted identity. See the .IR idassert\- * rules below. The administrative identity of the proxy, on the remote server, must be allowed to authorize by means of appropriate .B authzTo rules; see .BR slapd.conf (5) for details. The proxy instance of .BR slapd (8) must contain schema information for the attributes and objectClasses used in filters, request DN and request-related data in general. It should also contain schema information for the data returned by the proxied server. It is the responsibility of the proxy administrator to keep the schema of the proxy lined up with that of the proxied server. .LP Note: When looping back to the same instance of .BR slapd (8), each connection requires a new thread; as a consequence, .BR slapd (8) must be compiled with thread support, and the \fBthreads\fP parameter may need some tuning; in those cases, one may consider using .BR slapd\-relay (5) instead, which performs the relayed operation internally and thus reuses the same connection. .SH CONFIGURATION These .B slapd.conf options apply to the LDAP backend database. That is, they must follow a "database ldap" line and come before any subsequent "backend" or "database" lines. Other database options are described in the .BR slapd.conf (5) manual page. .LP Note: In early versions of back-ldap it was recommended to always set .LP .RS .nf lastmod off .fi .RE .LP for .B ldap and .B meta databases. This was required because operational attributes related to entry creation and modification should not be proxied, as they could be mistakenly written to the target server(s), generating an error. The current implementation automatically sets lastmod to \fBoff\fP, so its use is redundant and should be omitted. .TP .B uri LDAP server to use. Multiple URIs can be set in a single .B ldapurl argument, resulting in the underlying library automatically call the first server of the list that responds, e.g. \fBuri "ldap://host/ ldap://backup\-host/"\fP The URI list is space- or comma-separated. Whenever the server that responds is not the first one in the list, the list is rearranged and the responsive server is moved to the head, so that it will be first contacted the next time a connection needs be created. .HP .hy 0 .B acl\-bind .B bindmethod=simple|sasl [binddn=] [credentials=] .B [saslmech=] [secprops=] [realm=] .B [authcId=] [authzId=] .B [starttls=no|yes|critical] .B [tls_cert=] .B [tls_key=] .B [tls_cacert=] .B [tls_cacertdir=] .B [tls_reqcert=never|allow|try|demand] .B [tls_ciphersuite=] .B [tls_protocol_min=] .B [tls_crlcheck=none|peer|all] .RS Allows to define the parameters of the authentication method that is internally used by the proxy to collect info related to access control, and whenever an operation occurs with the identity of the rootdn of the LDAP proxy database. The identity defined by this directive, according to the properties associated to the authentication method, is supposed to have read access on the target server to attributes used on the proxy for ACL checking. There is no risk of giving away such values; they are only used to check permissions. The default is to use .BR simple bind, with empty \fIbinddn\fP and \fIcredentials\fP, which means that the related operations will be performed anonymously. If not set, and if \fBidassert\-bind\fP is defined, this latter identity is used instead. See \fBidassert\-bind\fP for details. The connection between the proxy database and the remote server associated to this identity is cached regardless of the lifespan of the client-proxy connection that first established it. .B This identity is by no means implicitly used by the proxy .B when the client connects anonymously. The .B idassert\-bind feature, instead, in some cases can be crafted to implement that behavior, which is \fIintrinsically unsafe and should be used with extreme care\fP. This directive obsoletes .BR acl\-authcDN , and .BR acl\-passwd . The TLS settings default to the same as the main slapd TLS settings, except for .B tls_reqcert which defaults to "demand". .RE .TP .B cancel {ABANDON|ignore|exop[\-discover]} Defines how to handle operation cancellation. By default, .B abandon is invoked, so the operation is abandoned immediately. If set to .BR ignore , no action is taken and any further response is ignored; this may result in further response messages to be queued for that connection, so it is recommended that long lasting connections are timed out either by .I idle\-timeout or .IR conn\-ttl , so that resources eventually get released. If set to .BR exop , a .I cancel operation (RFC 3909) is issued, resulting in the cancellation of the current operation; the .I cancel operation waits for remote server response, so its use may not be recommended. If set to .BR exop\-discover , support of the .I cancel extended operation is detected by reading the remote server's root DSE. .TP .B chase\-referrals {YES|no} enable/disable automatic referral chasing, which is delegated to the underlying libldap, with rebinding eventually performed if the \fBrebind\-as\-user\fP directive is used. The default is to chase referrals. .TP .B conn\-ttl