.TH SLAPO-PCACHE 5 "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" Copyright 1998-2004 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See the COPYRIGHT file. .\" Copyright 2001, Pierangelo Masarati, All rights reserved. .\" $OpenLDAP$ .SH NAME slapo-pcache \- proxycache overlay .SH SYNOPSIS ETCDIR/slapd.conf .SH DESCRIPTION The .B pcache overlay to .BR slapd (8) allows caching of LDAP search requests (queries) in a local database. For an incoming query, the proxy cache determines its corresponding \fBtemplate\fP. If the template was specified as cacheable using the \fBproxytemplate\fP directive and the request is contained in a cached request, it is answered from the proxy cache. Otherwise, the search is performed as usual and cacheable search results are saved in the cache for use in future queries. .LP A template is defined by a filter string and an index identifying a set of attributes. The \fBtemplate string\fP for a query can be obtained by removing assertion values from the RFC 2254 representation of its search filter. A query belongs to a template if its template string and set of projected attributes correspond to a cacheable template. Examples of template strings are (mail=), (|(sn=)(cn=)), (&(sn=)(givenName=)). .LP The following cache specific directives can be used to configure the proxy cache: .TP .B overlay proxycache This directive adds the proxycache overlay to the current backend. The proxycache overlay may be used with any backend but is intended for use with the .BR ldap , .BR meta , and .BR sql backends. .TP .B proxycache The directive enables proxy caching in the current backend and sets general cache parameters. A backend will be used internally to maintain the cached entries. The chosen database will need to be configured as well, as shown below. Cache replacement is invoked when the cache size grows to entries and continues till the cache size drops below this size. should be equal to the number of following \fBproxyattrset\fP directives. Queries are cached only if they correspond to a cacheable template (specified by the \fBproxytemplate\fP directive) and the number of entries returned is less than . Consistency check is performed every duration (specified in secs). In each cycle queries with expired "time to live(\fBTTL\fP)" are removed. A sample cache configuration is: .LP .RS proxycache \fBbdb 10000 1 50 100\fP .RE .TP .B proxyattrset Used to associate a set of attributes with an . Each attribute set is associated with an integer from 0 to -1. These indices are used by the \fBproxytemplate\fP directive to define cacheable templates. .TP .B proxytemplate Specifies a cacheable template and "time to live" (in sec) of queries belonging to the template. .LP The following adds a template with filter string (&sn=)(givenName=)) and attributes mail, postaladdress, telephonenumber and a TTL of 1 hour. .LP .RS .nf proxyattrset \fB0 mail postaladdress telephonenumber\fP proxytemplate \fB(&(sn=)(givenName=)) 0 3600\fP .fi .RE .LP Directives for configuring the underlying database must also be given, as shown here: .LP .RS .nf directory /var/tmp/cache cachesize 100 .fi .RE .LP Any valid directives for the chosen database type may be used. .SH FILES .TP ETCDIR/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file .SH SEE ALSO .BR slapd.conf (5), .BR slapd\-ldap (5), .BR slapd\-meta (5), .BR slapd\-sql (5), .BR slapd (8), .BR regex (7). .SH AUTHOR Originally implemented by Apurva Kumar as an extension to back-meta; turned into an overlay by Howard Chu.