.TH GO500 8C "27 November 1994" "U-M LDAP LDVERSION" .SH NAME go500 \- Local Gopher index search to X.500 search gateway .SH SYNOPSIS .B LIBEXECDIR/go500 [\-b searchbase] [\-d level] [\-l] .B [\-x hostname] [\-c rdncount] [\-f filterfile] .B [\-t templatefile] .B [\-p port] [\-I] .SH DESCRIPTION .I go500 is the local gopher index search to X.500 search daemon. It looks like a gopher index server to a gopher client, translating the search criteria it is given into a search of a pre-configured portion of the X.500 directory. It uses LDAP to talk to X.500. By default, it listens on port 5555 for connections from gopher clients. .LP The .B go500 server can be run either from .BR inetd (8) or as stand-alone server. .SH STAND-ALONE OPERATION To start .B go500 as a stand-alone server, simply start it with no arguments .LP .nf .ft tt LIBEXECDIR/go500 .ft .fi .LP If you would like to start it at boot time add some lines like this to the .B etc/rc.local or equivalent file: .LP .nf .ft tt if [ -f LIBEXECDIR/go500 ]; then LIBEXECDIR/go500; echo ' go500' fi .ft .fi .SH OPERATION WITH INETD To arrange to have .B go500 started from .BR inetd (8), the Internet protocol daemon, add a line like the following to your .B /etc/services file, or the equivalent: .LP .nf .ft tt go500 5555/tcp go500 .ft .fi .LP Next, add a line like this to your .B /etc/inetd.conf file, or the equivalent: .LP .nf .ft tt go500 stream tcp nowait nobody LIBEXECDIR/go500 go500 -I .ft .fi .LP For these changes to take effect with inetd, you will probably have to send it it a HUP signal. See .BR inetd (8) for more details. .SH GOPHER CONFIGURATION The next step is to configure your local gopher server to have an entry for .BR go500 . With the standard unix gopher server, this can be done with a .B .link file. A sample .B .link file is given below, with the things you should change given in <>'s: .LP .nf .ft tt Name=