.TH LDIF2LDBM 8C "13 November 1995" "U-M LDAP LDVERSION" .SH NAME ldif2ldbm, ldif2index, ldif2id2entry, ldif2id2children \- LDIF to LDBM database format conversion utilities .SH SYNOPSIS .B ETCDIR/ldif2ldbm .B \-i ldif\-input\-file .B [\-d debug\-level] [\-f slapd\-config\-file] .B [\-j number\-of\-jobs] .LP .B ETCDIR/ldif2index .B \-i ldif\-input\-file .B [\-d debug\-level] [\-f slapd\-config\-file] .B attribute\-name .LP .B ETCDIR/ldif2id2entry .B \-i ldif\-input\-file .B [\-d debug\-level] [\-f slapd\-config\-file] .LP .B ETCDIR/ldif2id2children .B \-i ldif\-input\-file .B [\-d debug\-level] [\-f slapd\-config\-file] .LP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP These programs are used to convert a database in text LDIF LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) to an LDBM database suitable for use by .BR slapd (8). Normally, only .B ldif2ldbm is invoked by you. It will invoke the other programs as necessary. Occasionally, it may be necessary to invoke them by hand. For example, to create a new index file for an existing database, the .B ldif2index program can be invoked. The .BR ldbmcat (8) program is used to do the reverse conversion. .LP See "The SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide" for more details on using these programs. .SH OPTIONS The first three options apply to all four programs. The -j option is only for the .B ldif2ldbm program. .TP .BI \-i " ldif\-input\-file" This option specifies the location of the LDIF input file containing the database to convert. It is required. .TP .BI \-d " debug\-level" Turn on debugging as defined by .B debug\-level. Some general operation and status messages are printed for any value of \fIdebug\-level\fP. \fIdebug\-level\fP is taken as a bit string, with each bit corresponding to a different kind of debugging information. See for details. .TP .BI \-f " slapd\-config\-file" This option Specifies the .B slapd configuration file. The default is .BR ETCDIR/slapd.conf . .TP .BI \-j " number\-of\-jobs" This option only applies to the .B ldif2ldbm program. It specifies the level of parallelism to use when doing the conversion. .B ldif2ldbm invokes several other programs during the conversion process, most notably one invocation of .B ldif2index for each indexed attribute that appears in the LDIF input file. The -j option tells .B ldif2ldbm how many of these other programs it should run in parallel. This can speed up the conversion, but beware of starting too many processes in parallel, all competing for disk, memory, and cpu resources. The default is one. .SH EXAMPLES To convert the file .BR ldif.input into an LDBM database with indexes as described in the .I slapd config file .BR /usr/local/etc/slapd.conf , give the command: .LP .nf .ft tt ETCDIR/ldif2index -i ldif.input -f /usr/local/etc/slapd.conf .ft .fi .LP To do the same, but running two conversion sub-processes at a time, give this command: .LP .nf .ft tt ETCDIR/ldif2index -i ldif.input -f /usr/local/etc/slapd.conf -j 2 .ft .fi .LP .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ldap (3), .BR ldif (5), .BR slapd.conf (5), .BR ldbmcat (8), .BR edb2ldif (8) .LP "The SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide"