.TH RCPT500 8C "22 September 1998" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" $OpenLDAP$ .\" Copyright 1998-2000 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .SH NAME rcpt500 \- mail to X.500 gateway program .SH SYNOPSIS .B LIBEXECDIR/rcpt500 [\-l] [\-h ldaphost] [\-p ldapport] .B [\-b searchbase] [\-a] [\-U] [\-z sizelimit] [\-u dapuser] .B [\-f filterfile] [\-t templatefile] [\-c rdncount] .SH DESCRIPTION .B rcpt500 is a mail-query server that answers X.500 white pages queries. It is designed to be run out of your mail system alias file (or the equivalent). .B rcpt500 accepts the entire contents (including headers) of an RFC 822 message on standard input. The message is parsed, and a search or help command found in the Subject: header of message body is recognized and a reply is sent to the sender. .LP If you are using .BR sendmail (8), you could add the following line to the .BR aliases (5) file .RB ( /etc/aliases ) to have .B rcpt500 invoked whenever mail is sent to the address \fInamelookup\fP on your host: .nf .fi .ft tt namelookup: "|LIBEXECDIR/rcpt500 -l" .ft .fi .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-l Enable logging of requests to the LOG_DAEMON facility. .TP .BI \-h " ldaphost" Specify an alternate host on which the ldap server is running. .TP .BI \-p " ldapport" Specify and alternate TCP port where the ldap server is running. .TP .BI \-b " searchbase" Specify an alternate base for searches. \fIsearchbase\fP should be a string-represented LDAP Distinguished Name. .TP .B \-a Turn off dereferencing of aliases for the LDAP search. .TP .B \-U Use Connectionless LDAP (over UDP). This option is only available when .B rcpt500 is compiled with -DCLDAP. .TP .BI \-z " sizelimit" Limit the maximum number of entries returned to \fIsizelimit\fP entries. .TP .BI \-t " templatefile" Specify an alternate template configuration file for use with the .BR ldap_init_templates (3) facility, used by rcpt500. .TP .BI \-c " rdncount" Specify the number of DN components to show for the names and DN attributes within entries matching the search. .SH NOTES The default values for most of the things you can specify with options are configured at compile time in the .B include/ldapconfig.h.edit include file. Also included there are the pathname of the help file, the name of the command used to send replies, etc. You should configure .B ldapconfig.h.edit for your site. .SH FILES .PD 0 .TP 20 .B DATADIR/rcpt500.help help file .PD .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ldap (3), .BR aliases (5), .BR sendmail (8) .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .B OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project (http://www.openldap.org/). .B OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.